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Clusterin in bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Clusterin mRNA, detected in increased quantities in the cervical spinal cord of cattle with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), was localized mainly in the neuroglia (including astrocytes) of the lateral and ventral areas of white matter. Axonal degeneration was also observed in these areas. The dorsal horns of the spinal cord in which BSE prion protein (PrP(BSE)) was deposited did not exhibit strong clusterin "up-regulation" but showed increased clusterin immunolabelling with a punctate distribution in the neuropil. Labelling of adjacent sections of the grey matter in BSE-affected spinal cord and thalamus demonstrated that the clusterin was deposited in association with extracellular PrP(BSE).  相似文献   

Scrapie, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease belong to the group of disorders called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies or prion diseases. The possibility that some sheep may be infected with the BSE agent is of human and animal health concern. Immunohistochemical methods were used to identify specific prion protein (PrP) peptide sequences in specific cell types of the brain and lymphoreticular system (LRS) of sheep with natural scrapie and Suffolk and Romney sheep infected experimentally with the BSE agent. Clinically affected and some pre-clinical cases of BSE infection could be distinguished from scrapie cases by the lesser amount of labelling of PrP containing the 84-102 amino-acid peptide sequences in phagocytic cells of the LRS and brain. Additionally, BSE-infected sheep had higher degrees of intra-neuronal PrP accumulation in the brain, as detected by labelling for a range of PrP peptide sequences. These results suggest that there is strain-dependent processing of PrP in specific cell types within the nervous system and LRS which can be used to distinguish BSE- and scrapie-infected sheep.  相似文献   

Concerns have been raised about the possibility that the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) agent could have been transmitted to sheep populations via contaminated feedstuffs. The objective of our study was to investigate the suitability of molecular strain typing methods as a surveillance tool for studying scrapie strain variations and for differentiating PrP(Sc) from sheep scrapie, BSE, and sheep BSE. We studied 38 Italian sheep scrapie cases from 13 outbreaks, along with a British scrapie case, an experimental ovine BSE, and 3 BSE cases, by analyzing the glycoform patterns and the apparent molecular masses of the nonglycosylated forms of semipurified, proteinase-treated PrP(Sc). Both criteria were able to clearly differentiate sheep scrapie from BSE and ovine experimental BSE. PrP(Sc) from BSE and sheep BSE showed a higher glycoform ratio and a lower molecular mass of the nonglycosylated form compared to scrapie PrP(Sc). Scrapie cases displayed homogeneous PrP(Sc) features regardless of breed, flock, and geographic origin. The glycoform patterns observed varied with the antibody used, but either a monoclonal antibody (MAb) (F99/97.6.1) or a polyclonal antibody (P7-7) was able to distinguish scrapie from BSE PrP(Sc). While more extensive surveys are needed to further corroborate these findings, our results suggest that large-scale molecular screening of sheep populations for BSE surveillance may be eventually possible.  相似文献   

This study reports the experimental transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) to guinea pigs and describes the cerebellar lesions in these animals. Guinea pigs were inoculated intracerebrally with 10% brain homogenates from BSE-affected cattle. These animals were designated as the first passage. Second and third passages were subsequently performed. All guinea pigs developed infection at each passage. The mean incubation period of the first passage was 370 days post-infection (dpi) and this decreased to 307 dpi and 309 dpi for the second and third passages, respectively. Mild to severe spongiform degeneration and gliosis were observed in the cerebral cortex, thalamus and brainstem. In addition, the affected animals had marked pathological changes in the cerebellum characterized by severe cortical atrophy associated with Bergmann radial gliosis of the molecular layer and reduction in the width of the granular cell layer. Immunohistochemically, intense PrPSc deposition and scattered plaque-like deposits were observed in the molecular and granular cell layers. Cerebellar lesions associated with severe atrophy of the cortex have not been reported in animal prion diseases, including in the experimental transmission of PrPSc to small rodents. These lesions were similar to the lesions of human kuru or the VV2 variant of sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, although typical kuru plaques or florid plaques were not observed in the affected animals.  相似文献   

The evolution of monitoring and surveillance for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) from the phase of passive surveillance that began in the United Kingdom in 1988 until the present is described. Currently, surveillance for BSE in Europe consists of mass testing of cattle slaughtered for human consumption and cattle from certain groups considered to be at higher risk of having clinical or detectable BSE. The results of the ongoing BSE testing in Denmark have been analyzed using two statistical approaches: the "classical" frequentist and the Bayesian that is widely used in quantitative risk analysis. The analyses were intended to provide information for decision-makers, the media and the public as well as to provide inputs for future BSE surveillance models. The results to date suggest that the total number of BSE cases that will be found in Denmark in 2001 will not exceed 16.  相似文献   

Bovine brain tissue samples from 625 UK cattle, clinically suspected as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) cases, were used in a blind analysis to assess a rapid Western immunoblotting technique (Prionics Check; Prionics AG, Zurich), which detects bovine disease-specific protease-resistant prion protein (PrP(Sc)). By means of statutory histopathological examination, 599 of the 625 cattle were confirmed as BSE cases by the demonstration of spongiform encephalopathy, the remaining 26 being classified as negative. Duplicate samples from the same animals were also examined by electron microscopy for the presence of abnormal brain fibrils (scrapie-associated fibrils; SAFs). The Prionics technique showed a high sensitivity, particularly when compared with the fibril detection test; the detection rates were 99.3% and 92.0% respectively, with histopathology being used as the "gold standard". The false negative results by the Prionics test were possibly related to the sampling procedure. Analysis of 50 BSE-positive samples revealed similar glycoprofiles, the majority of PrP(Sc)isoforms being di-glycosylated protein. The Prionics test also detected PrP(Sc)in the four brain samples from the 26 histopathologically negative animals, apparently reducing the specificity of the test to 84.6%; however, confirmatory positive results in these samples were obtained by demonstrating SAF or by immunohistochemical examination, or both. It was concluded that the Prionics test detected PrP(Sc)in a small percentage (0.64%) of clinically suspected BSE cases showing no spongiform change. Since January 2000, the Prionics Western blot test has been introduced as one of the statutory tests for the diagnosis of clinically suspected BSE and scrapie cases in the UK. Copyright Harcourt Publishers Ltd.  相似文献   

Different cellular and neuroanatomical types of disease-specific prion protein (PrP(d)) accumulation in the brain were identified in sheep of different breeds and PrP genotypes exposed to experimental or natural scrapie infection. Immunohistochemical examination of the brains of 43 sheep with clinical signs compatible with scrapie revealed 12 different PrP(d)types, which were subjectively quantified in eight different brain regions. The PrP(d)types were grouped into four PrP(d)patterns, the relative magnitude of which provided the PrP(d)profile of each sheep examined. The analysis of the differences in magnitude and relative proportion of each of these PrP(d)types and patterns indicated (1) an effect of the scrapie strain on the PrP(d)profile, and (2) a possible effect of the host genotype on the magnitude of PrP(d)accumulation in the brain, apparently related to the incubation period. Furthermore, intraneuronal deposition of PrP(d)was the type most closely associated with the development of clinical disease. We conclude that different scrapie strains can be distinguished by PrP immunohistochemical examination of brains of affected animals.  相似文献   

Squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) were infected experimentally with the agent of classical bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Two to four years later, six of the monkeys developed alterations in interactive behaviour and cognition and other neurological signs typical of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE). At necropsy examination, the brains from all of the monkeys showed pathological changes similar to those described in variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) of man, except that the squirrel monkey brains contained no PrP-amyloid plaques typical of that disease. Constant neuropathological features included spongiform degeneration, gliosis, deposition of abnormal prion protein (PrP(TSE)) and many deposits of abnormally phosphorylated tau protein (p-Tau) in several areas of the cerebrum and cerebellum. Western blots showed large amounts of proteinase K-resistant prion protein in the central nervous system. The striking absence of PrP plaques (prominent in brains of cynomolgus macaques [Macaca fascicularis] with experimentally-induced BSE and vCJD and in human patients with vCJD) reinforces the conclusion that the host plays a major role in determining the neuropathology of TSEs. Results of this study suggest that p-Tau, found in the brains of all BSE-infected monkeys, might play a role in the pathogenesis of TSEs. Whether p-Tau contributes to development of disease or appears as a secondary change late in the course of illness remains to be determined.  相似文献   

European regulations for the control of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) decree destruction of the intestines from slaughtered cattle, therefore producers have been obliged to import beef casings from countries with a negligible BSE risk. This study applies immunohistochemical and biochemical approaches to investigate the occurrence and distribution of disease-associated prion protein (PrP(Sc)) in the duodenum, jejunum and ileum of cattle orally exposed to a 1 g or 100 g dose of a titrated BSE brainstem homogenate. Samples were derived from animals at various times post exposure. Lymphoid follicles were counted and the frequency of affected follicles recorded. No PrP(Sc) was detected in the duodenum or jejunum of animals exposed to a 1 g dose or in the duodenum of animals receiving a 100 g dose. PrP(Sc) was detected in the lymphoid tissue of the ileum of 1/98 (1.0%) animals receiving the 1 g dose and in the jejunum and ileum of 8/58 (13.8%) and 45/99 (45.5%), respectively, of animals receiving the 100 g dose. The frequency of PrP(Sc)- positive follicles was less than 1.5% per case and biochemical tests appeared less sensitive than immunohistochemistry. The probability of detecting lymphoid follicles in the ileum declined with age and for the 100 g exposure the proportion of positive follicles increased, while the proportion of positive animals decreased with age. Detection of PrP(Sc) in intestinal neural tissue was rare. The results suggest that the jejunum and duodenum of BSE-infected cattle contain considerably less BSE infectivity than the ileum, irrespective of exposure dose. In animals receiving the low exposure dose, as in most natural cases of BSE, the rarity of PrP(Sc) detection compared with high-dose exposure, suggests a very low BSE risk from food products containing the jejunum and duodenum of cattle slaughtered for human consumption.  相似文献   

Circulating nucleic acids (CNA) are known to be enriched in repetitive DNA sequences in humans. Here, bovine sera CNA were analyzed to determine if cell stress-related short interspersed nucleotide elements (SINEs) could be detected in sera from cattle associated with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Nucleic acids were extracted, amplified, cloned, and sequenced from the sera of protease-resistant prion protein (PrP(res))-positive cattle (n = 2) and sera from BSE-cohort cows (n = 6); 150 out of 163 clones revealed the presence of, on average, an 80-bp sequence from the 3' region of Bov-tA SINE. A PCR protocol was developed that differentially identified SINE-associated CNA in BSE-exposed versus normal cattle. CNA were extracted from a serum vesicular fraction after controlled blood collection and processing procedures. Sera from four confirmed cases of BSE, 137 BSE-exposed cohort animals associated with eight confirmed BSE cases, and 845 healthy, PrP(res)-negative control cows were tested. All four sera from confirmed BSE cases were repeatedly reactive in the assay. BSE-exposed cohorts had a 100-fold higher occurrence of repeatedly reactive individuals per cohort (average = 63%; range = 33% to 91%), compared to healthy controls (average = 0.6%; P < 0.001). This study shows that BSE-confirmed and cohort animals possess a unique profile of SINE-associated serum CNA that can be utilized as a marker that highly correlates to BSE exposure.  相似文献   

A retrospective epidemiological study (n = 7,875) of neurologically expressed disorders (NED) in ruminants before the onset of the bovine spongiform encephalopathy epidemic (years studied, 1980 to 1997) was carried out in Belgium. The archives of all veterinary laboratories and rabies and transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) epidemiosurveillance networks were consulted. For all species, a significantly higher number of NED with virological causes (rabies) was reported south of the Sambre-Meuse Valley. During the period 1992 to 1997, for which the data were complete, (i) the predicted annual incidence of NED varied significantly as a function of species and area (higher numbers in areas where rabies was present) but was always above 100 cases per million, and (ii) the mean incidence of suspected TSE cases and, among them, those investigated by histopathological examination varied significantly as a function of species and area. The positive predictive value of a presumptive clinical diagnosis of NED ranged from 0.13 (game) to 0.63 (sheep). Knowledge of the positive predictive value permits the definition of a reference point before certain actions (e.g., awareness and training campaigns) are undertaken. It also shows the usefulness of a systematic necropsy or complementary laboratory tests to establish an etiological diagnosis. TSE analysis of a small, targeted historical sampling (n = 48) permitted the confirmation of one case and uncovered another case of scrapie. The results of the present study help to develop and maintain the quality of the worldwide clinical epidemiological networks for TSE, especially in countries that in the past imported live animals, animal products, and feedstuffs from countries with TSE cases.  相似文献   

Summary Macerates of bovine brain infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) agent, and rodent brain infected with the 263K or ME7 strains of scrapie agent, were subjected to porous-load autoclaving at temperatures between 134 and 138 °C for 60 min. Bioassay in rodents showed that none of the regimes produced complete inactivation. Homogenates of BSE-infected bovine brain were exposed for 120 min to solutions of sodium hypochlorite or sodium dichloroisocyanurate containing 16,500 ppm available chlorine. There was no detectable survival of infectivity after the hypochlorite treatments but none of the dichloroisocyanurate solutions produced complete inactivation. Homogenates of BSE-infected bovine brain, and rodent brain infected with the 263K and ME7 strains of scrapie agent, were exposed for 120 min to 1M or 2M sodium hydroxide but no procedure produced complete inactivation of all agents tested.  相似文献   

In the epizootic of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in Great Britain, the cattle in which a positive diagnosis was made numbered almost 180 000, but strain characterization was performed on only a very small sample of these cases. This report describes the results of BSE transmission to Prnp(a) mice from 150 transmission experiments at the Veterinary Laboratories Agency (VLA) over the last decade. These data, derived from a large sample of BSE-affected cattle, confirmed previous reports that show no evidence for diversity in BSE isolates. The agent was readily transmitted to mice, with a mean incubation period of 408 days in the RIII strain. Because the incubation period was related to the titre of the inoculum, it is not a reliable characteristic of strain type on primary isolation. Consistent neuropathological changes associated with infection by the BSE agent in RIII and C57Bl mice included focal vacuolation in the dorsal cochlear nuclei, vacuolation of the granule cell layer of the cerebellum, absence of lesions in the hippocampus and in the molecular layer of the cerebellum, and a fine particulate distribution of disease-specific PrP (demonstrated immunohistochemically), with few or no amyloid plaques. These features, together with the conventional lesion profile, will be of use in distinguishing the agents of BSE and scrapie in sheep.  相似文献   

Scrapie is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) or prion disease, which naturally affects sheep and goats. Immunohistochemical epitope mapping of abnormal PrP accumulations (PrP(d)) in brain can help in characterizing sheep TSE sources or strains and in identifying potential bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) infections of sheep. Natural and experimental TSE infections of goats were examined to determine whether the epitope mapping approach could also be applied to aid recognition of BSE infection in goats. Goats experimentally infected with the SSBP/1 or CH1641 sheep scrapie strains or with cattle BSE, together with four field cases of natural TSE in goats, were examined immunohistochemically with six different antibodies. CH1641 and SSBP/1 infections in goats, as in sheep, showed PrP(d) accumulations which were mainly intracellular. Some differences in targeting, particularly of Purkinje cells, was evident in inter-species comparisons of CH1641 and SSBP/1. PrP(d) labelling of goat BSE experimental cases showed extensive intracellular and extracellular accumulations, also similar to those in sheep BSE. Intra-neuronal PrP(d) in both goat and sheep BSE was labelled only by antibodies recognizing epitopes located C-terminally of residue His99, whereas in natural sheep TSE sources, and in sheep and goat SSBP/1, PrP(d) was also detected by antibodies to epitopes located between residues Trp93 and His99. Testing of four natural goat TSE samples showed one case in which epitope mapping characteristics and the overall patterns of PrP(d) accumulation was identical with those of experimental goat BSE. The four natural goat scrapie cases examined showed some degree of immunohistochemical phenotype variability, suggesting that multiple strains exist within the relatively small UK goat population.  相似文献   

Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are characterized by the accumulation of an abnormal, disease-associated prion protein (PrP(d)). Expression of its normal cellular counterpart (PrP(c)) by the host is a pre-requisite for the spread of infection to the central nervous system and the development of disease. Moreover, cells expressing PrP(c) at specific sites such as the gastrointestinal tract might be regarded as the initial point of PrP(c)-PrP(d) conversion after infection by the oral route. In this study, inbred mice of the I/M strain were infected orally with the 301V murine strain of the bovine spongiform encephalopathy agent. The expression of PrP(c) and the accumulation of PrP(d) in the intestine was then investigated immunohistochemically, together with the variations in immunoreactivity that resulted from different pretreatments of the tissue. After proteinase K (PK) pretreatment, abnormal PrP was still detectable only in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) of clinically affected mice and, to a much more limited degree, in the enteric nervous system (ENS). Cellular PrP that disappeared after PK treatment was particularly conspicuous in the ENS and present to a lesser extent in the GALT of all mice examined after inoculation with 301V or with normal brain homogenates, as well as in uninoculated controls. These findings suggested that not all PrP found in infected mice was PrP(d) and that part of the PrP(d) was sensitive to PK treatment. Reactivity to PrP antibody 1A8 was consistently found in the absorptive epithelium of the intestinal villi, with or without PK pretreatment. However, epithelial immunolabelling was comparable in inoculated and uninoculated mice and was also consistently seen in PrP "knockout" mice used as controls. It is therefore concluded that immunohistochemically detectable accumulation of PrP(d) in the gut of mice is a relatively late event in the pathogenesis of experimental infection in this model and that the immunoreactivity observed in the intestinal epithelium does not correspond to PrP expression. While enterocytes may still play a role in the uptake of infection from the intestinal lumen, the results do not suggest that these cells are a site of initial accumulation of PrP(d).  相似文献   

A procedure for discrimination between scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in sheep is of importance for establishing whether BSE has entered the sheep population. Since BSE has not yet been found in sheep at the farm level, such discrimination procedures can be developed only with experimental sheep BSE. Two distinctive molecular features of the prion protein (PrP)-molecular size and glycosylation profile-in proteinase K digests of brain stem tissue from sheep were used here; upon Western blotting, these features led to an unequivocal discrimination among natural scrapie, experimental scrapie, and experimental BSE. The higher electrophoretic mobility of PrP in sheep BSE could be best observed after deglycosylation treatment with N-glycosidase F. A simpler method for confirmation of this size difference involved comparison of the ratios for the binding of two monoclonal antibodies: P4 and 66.94b4. Based on epitope mapping studies with P4 and peptides, it appeared that N-terminal amino acid sequence WGQGGSH was intact only in sheep scrapie digests. Another feature typical for PrP in sheep BSE was the large fraction of diglycosylated PrP (70% or more). These data were obtained for a large group of positive sheep, consisting of 7 sheep with experimental BSE infection (genotypes: six ARQ/ARQ and one AHQ/AHQ), 48 sheep naturally infected with scrapie (six different genotypes), and 3 sheep with primary experimental scrapie infection. Routine tests of slaughter material serve well for the initial detection of both BSE and scrapie. With Western blotting as a rapid follow-up test, a 66.94b4/P4 antibody binding ratio above 1.5 is a practical indicator for serious suspicion of BSE infection in sheep.  相似文献   

The prion protein (PrP), is found only in the brain of animals infected with TSE. It is a modified form of a normal protein (PrPn) produced from the genome of the animal. The modification prevents breakdown by proteinases and hence its total chemical or physical structure is unknown. The finding of fibre-like structures in microglia and neurones that cross-react with antibodies produced against PrP and the rapid turnover of PrPn may mean that normal biochemical pathway PrPn forms can join a crystal seed of PrP to produce these fibres. This hypothesis, that the modification of PrP is physical rather than chemical, avoids the major problems with theories of PrP as the infective agent.  相似文献   

Tonsillar biopsies (single or multiple) or necropsies, or both, were performed on sheep taken from a Suffolk flock in which frequent cases of scrapie had occurred over a period of several years. Clinically affected sheep of the susceptible PrP(AQ/AQ)genotype had widespread disease-specific PrP accumulation in the central nervous system (CNS), lymphoreticular system and peripheral ganglia. In nine healthy PrP(AQ/AQ)Suffolk sheep between 4 and 7 years of age, PrP could not be demonstrated post mortem in any of the lymphoreticular tissues, or in the peripheral ganglia or CNS. Tonsillar biopsies taken from animals of the resistant PrP(AR/AR)and PrP(AR/AQ)genotypes at age 3, 8, 14, 20 or 26 months did not show PrP accumulation. Disease- specific PrP accumulation in tonsillar biopsies from PrP(AQ/AQ)sheep was not seen in 20 animals aged 3 months, but was found in two of 10 animals at age 8 months and in eight of 10 animals at age 20 months. The numbers of PrP-positive tonsillar biopsies obtained from sheep previously biopsied on more than one occasion was greater than the number of positive tonsils obtained from other susceptible sheep of comparable ages. The earliest disease-specific PrP accumulation seen was in tingible body macrophages within germinal centres and only later was it detected in cells resembling follicular dendritic cells. Fourteen PrP(AQ/AQ)sheep examined post mortem at up to 17 months of age and which had not previously been biopsied or were biopsied only once had no CNS or tonsillar PrP accumulations. Two of these sheep subjected to necropsy at 14 months had PrP accumulation in lymphoreticular tissue, where it was confined to the mesenteric lymph nodes. In susceptible sheep, only low levels of immunohistochemically detectable PrP were present in a minority of follicles from tonsillar biopsies of young lambs, but by 14 months of age widespread PrP accumulation, affecting many or even all follicles, was present. Although clinical cases had widespread PrP accumulations in viscera, susceptible survivors had no such accumulations in tissues of the lymphoreticular system, peripheral nervous system or CNS, suggesting that some animals were not exposed to infection or were exposed to a non-infectious dose. Copyright Harcourt Publishers Ltd.  相似文献   

In a murine scrapie model, three different methods (immunohistochemistry, Western blotting and histoblotting) for determining disease-specific PrP accumulation were compared. The incubation period of ME7 scrapie in the F1 cross of C57 BL and VM/Dk mice is about 230 days. Mice show hippocampal neuronal loss from 160-180 days post-inoculation (dpi), CA1 neuron dendritic spine atrophy at 126 dpi, and axon terminal degeneration and synaptic loss from 84-98 dpi. Infectivity titres of at least 100 are present from 40 dpi. PrP was detected immunohistochemically at 60 dpi in the hippocampus and in the thalamus. Thus, PrP accumulation in the hippocampus precedes even the earliest neurodegenerative changes. Low amounts of PrP immunolabelling were found between 60 dpi and 126 dpi, after which the intensity increased markedly. The histoblot method detected PrPres in one of four mice at 100 dpi. Western blotting of whole brains first identified the PrPres at 80 dpi. Thus, in our hands, the most sensitive method for detecting disease-specific accumulations of PrP was immunohistochemical examination. However, immunohistochemical methods are unable to distinguish the normal and abnormal isoforms of PrP. It is therefore possible that the initial accumulation of PrP takes place as PrPsen and that the translation of PrPsen to PrPres does not take place until the later stages of the disease process. The accumulation of disease-specific PrP lags behind the development of infectivity titres. The relative rates of increase of infectivity titre and PrP accumulation are different, suggesting that these parameters may be measures of different biological events.  相似文献   

In sheep infected experimentally with the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) agent, amplification of infectivity in peripheral organs during early preclinical stages is thought to contribute to high titres of the agent being detected in blood, with subsequent haematogenous neuroinvasion through the circumventricular organs (CVOs). In contrast, little disease-associated prion protein (PrP(d)) or infectivity is detected in the peripheral tissues of cattle during the preclinical and clinical stages of BSE. The aim of this study was to investigate immunohistochemically the role of haematogenous neuroinvasion in cattle with spontaneously arising and experimentally induced BSE. There was almost complete absence of PrP(d) in the peripheral organs of BSE infected cattle. Additionally, there was minimal involvement of the CVOs during preclinical disease and there was progressive caudorostral accumulation of PrP(d) in the brain. These findings do not support haematogenous neuroinvasion in the bovine disease.  相似文献   

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