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The rate and extent of dermal absorption are important in the analysis of risk from dermal exposure to toxic chemicals and for the development of topically applied drugs, barriers, insect repellents, and cosmetics. In vitro flow-through cells offer a convenient method for the study of dermal absorption that is relevant to the initial processes of dermal absorption. This study describes a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model developed to simulate the absorption of organophosphate pesticides, such as parathion, fenthion, and methyl parathion through porcine skin with flow-through cells. Parameters related to the structure of the stratum corneum and solvent evaporation rates were independently estimated. Three parameters were optimized based on experimental dermal absorption data, including solvent evaporation rate, diffusivity, and a mass transfer factor. Diffusion cell studies were conducted to validate the model under a variety of conditions, including different dose ranges (6.3-106.9 microg/cm2 for parathion; 0.8-23.6 microg/cm2 for fenthion; 1.6-39.3 microg/cm2 for methyl parathion), different solvents (ethanol, 2-propanol and acetone), different solvent volumes (5-120 microl for ethanol; 20-80 microl for 2-propanol and acetone), occlusion versus open to atmosphere dosing, and corneocyte removal by tape-stripping. The study demonstrated the utility of PBPK models for studying dermal absorption, which can be useful as explanatory and predictive tools that may be used for in silico hypotheses generation and limited hypotheses testing. The similarity between the overall shapes of the experimental and model-predicted flux/time curves and the successful simulation of altered system conditions for this series of small, lipophilic compounds indicated that the absorption processes that were described in the model successfully simulated important aspects of dermal absorption in flow-through cells. These data have direct relevance to topical organophosphate pesticide risk assessments.  相似文献   

Despite the plethora of studies discussing the benefits of vitamin D on physiological functioning, few mathematical models of vitamin D predict the response of the body on low‐concentration supplementation of vitamin D under sunlight‐restricted conditions. This study developed a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model utilizing published human data on the metabolic cascade of orally derived, low‐concentration (placebo, 5 μg and 10 μg) supplementation of vitamin D over the course of 28 days in the absence of sunlight. Vitamin D and its metabolites are highly lipophilic and binding assays of these compounds in serum may not account for binding by lipids and additional proteins. To compensate for the additional bound amounts, this study allowed the effective adipose–plasma partition coefficient to vary dynamically with the concentration of each compound in serum utilizing the Hill equation for binding. Through incorporating the optimized parameters with the adipose partition coefficient adaptation to the PBPK model, this study was able to fit serum concentration data for circulating vitamin D at all three supplementation concentrations within confidence intervals of the data. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models have been developed describing the disposition kinetics of nicotine and its major metabolite, cotinine, in man. Separate 9-compartment, flow-limited PBPK models were initially created for nicotine and cotinine. The physiological basis for compartment designation and parameter selection has been provided; chemical-specific tissue-to-blood partition coefficients and elimination rates were derived from published human and animal data. The individual models were tested through simulations of published studies of nicotine and cotinine infusions in man using similar dosing protocols to those reported. Each model adequately predicted the time course of nicotine or cotinine concentrations in the blood and urine following the administration of nicotine or cotinine. These individual models were then linked through the liver compartments to form a nicotine-cotinine model capable of predicting the metabolic production and disposition of cotinine from administered nicotine. The potential for integrating this functional PBPK model with an appropriate pharmacodynamic model for the characterization of nicotine's physiological effects is discussed.  相似文献   

D.J. Paustenbach et al. (1986, Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 6, 484-497) have described the pharmacokinetics of inhaled, radiolabeled carbon tetrachloride (14CCl4) in male Sprague-Dawley rats exposed for 8 or 11.5 hr/day for 1- or 2-week periods. These studies provided time-course information for exhaled 14CCl4, the exhaled 14CO2 metabolite, and 14C radioactivity eliminated in the feces and urine. A physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PB-PK) model which incorporated partition characteristics of CCl4 (blood:air and tissue:blood partition coefficients), anatomical and physiological parameters of the test species (body weight, organ weights, ventilation rates, blood flows, etc.), and biochemical constants (Vmax and Km) for CCl4 metabolism was developed to describe these results. The PB-PK model accurately predicted the behavior of CCl4 and its metabolites, both the exhaled CCl4 and 14CO2 and the elimination of radioactivity in urine and feces. The metabolism of CCl4, determined by gas uptake studies, was adequately described by a single saturable pathway. Metabolites were partitioned in the model to three compartments; the amounts to be excreted in the breath (as 14CO2), urine, and feces. Of total CCl4 metabolism, 6.5, 9.5, and 84.0% were formed via the degradative pathways leading to CO2, urinary, and fecal metabolites, respectively. The simplest kinetic explanation of the metabolite time course is that 4% of the initially metabolized CCl4 is directly converted to CO2 (probably via a chloroform intermediate) and the remainder of metabolized CCl4 binds to biological substrates. These adducts appear to be slowly degraded with an average half-life of 24 hr. The breakdown products subsequently appear in the feces and urine (the rate constant for elimination by these two routes is similar) and a small portion is converted all the way to CO2. The PB-PK model successfully described the elimination by all four routes for all four exposure scenarios using a single set of parameters. Vmax and Km were, respectively, 0.65 mg/kg/hr and 0.25 mg/liter. There was no evidence for loss of Vmax with repeated exposure, as would be expected if there was enzyme destruction at these concentrations of CCl4. The model was scaled-up to predict the expected behavior of parent CCl4 in monkeys and humans and the resulting simulations compared very favorably with data collected by McCollister et al. (1951) and Stewart et al. (1961). On the basis of this model and the published data on the rat at 100 ppm about 60% of the inhaled CCl4 is metabolized and the resulting blood levels are already in excess of saturation for the metabolizing enzymes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model for trichloroethylene (TCE) in the male Long-Evans (LE) rat was needed to aid in evaluation of neurotoxicity data collected in this rodent stock. The purpose of this study was to develop such a model with the greatest possible specificity for the LE rat. The PBPK model consisted of 5 compartments: brain, fat, slowly perfused tissue, rapidly perfused viscera, and liver. Partition coefficients (blood, fat, muscle, brain, liver) were determined for LE rats. The volumes of the brain, liver, and fat compartments were estimated for each rat, with tissue-specific regression equations developed from measurements made in LE rats. Vapor uptake data from LE rats were used for estimation of Vmaxc. As blood flow values for LE rats were not available, values from Sprague-Dawley (SD) and Fischer-344 (F344) rats were used in separate simulations. The resulting values of Vmaxc were used to simulate tissue (blood, liver, brain, fat) TCE concentrations, which were measured during (5, 20, 60 min) and after (60 min of TCE followed by 60 min of air) flow-through inhalation exposures of LE rats to 200, 2000, or 4000 ppm TCE. Simulation of the experimental data was improved by use of F-344 blood-flow values and the corresponding Vmaxc (8.68 mg/h/kg) compared to use of SD flows and the associated Vmaxc (7.34 mg/h/kg). Sensitivity analysis was used to determine those input parameters with the greatest influence on TCE tissue concentrations. Alveolar ventilation consistently (across exposure concentration, exposure duration, and target tissue) had the greatest impact on TCE tissue concentration. The PBPK model described here is being used to explore the relationship between measures of internal dose of TCE and neurotoxic outcome.  相似文献   

Widespread exposure to the volatile aromatic hydrocarbons, ortho-, meta-, and para-xylene occurs in many industries including the manufacture of plastics, pharmaceuticals, and synthetic fibers. This paper describes the development of a physiologically based toxicokinetic model using biomonitoring data to quantify the kinetics of ortho-, meta-, and para-xylenes. Serial blood concentrations of deuterium-labeled xylene isomers were obtained over 4 days after 37 controlled, 2h inhalation exposures to different concentrations of the isomers. Peak toxicant concentrations in blood occurred in all subjects at the termination of exposure. Systemic clearance averaged 116 L/h+/-34 L/h, 117 L/h+/-23 L/h, and 129 L/h+/-33 L/h for ortho-, para-, and meta-xylene, respectively. The half-life of each toxicant in the terminal phase (>90 h post-exposure) was fit by the model, yielding values of 30.3+/-10.2 h for para-xylene, 33.0+/-11.7 h for meta-xylene and 38.5+/-18.2 h for ortho-xylene. Significant isomeric differences were found (p<0.05) for toxicant half-life, clearance and extrahepatic metabolism. Inter-individual variability seen in this study suggests that airborne concentration guidelines may not protect all workers. A Biological Exposure Index is preferred for this purpose since it is integrative and reflective of inter-individual kinetic variability.  相似文献   

A model of the growing small animal skeleton has been developed. The model accurately reproduces a variety of different kinds of measurements made at different ages in different species, as well as reproducing a precise and detailed series of measurements in the growing guinea pig. Of the multiple mechanisms responsible for transfer of bone-seeking elements from blood to bone and back again, several are quantitatively insignificant on a skeletal scale. Surface (rapid) exchange, diffuse (slow) exchange, and secretion of new bone during growth are the principal determinants of skeletal metabolism. Bone blood flow can probably by satisfactorily modeled as a combination of a basal flow rate plus an increment that is directly proportional to formation rate of new bone.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to exemplify an approach capable of obtaining a new insight into bioequivalence (BE) assessment, by the use of a physiologically motivated model.Data from an oral BE study of two piroxicam (PXM) products was used as an example. The BE study was carried out with 24 healthy European subjects according to a two-sequence crossover-randomized design. The test and reference formulations were a PXM generic formulation (LaborMed Pharma, Romania) and Feldene® (Pfizer, USA), respectively. Plasma concentrations of PXM were monitored by a validated high-performance liquid chromatography over a period of 144 h after administration. After the structure of the optimal model was selected, parameters that characterized the whole-body disposition behavior of PXM in the subjects were derived. The paired Student's t-test and Wilkoxon's test were performed on the derived parameters.The null hypothesis of no differences in the parameters of the whole-body disposition behavior of PXM related to the test and reference product was not rejected at 5% level of significance. This result suggested that the compared products were bioequivalent and could be used interchangeably in clinical setting. The presented approach might show a new way, worth incorporating in future BE guidelines.  相似文献   

Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models have been developed describing the disposition kinetics of nicotine and its major metabolite, cotinine, in man. Separate 9-compartment, flow-limited PBPK models were initially created for nicotine and cotinine. The physiological basis for compartment designation and parameter selection has been provided;chemical-specific tissue-to-blood partition coefficients and elimination rates were derived from published human and animal data. The individual models were tested through simulations of published studies of nicotine and cotinine infusions in man using similar dosing protocols to those reported. Each model adequately predicted the time course of nicotine or cotinine concentrations in the blood and urine following the administration of nicotine or cotinine. These individual models were then linked through the liver compartments to form a nicotine-cotinine model capable of predicting the metabolic production and disposition of cotinine from administered nicotine. The potential for integrating this functional PBPK model with an appropriate pharmacodynamic model for the characterization of nicotine's physiological effects is discussed.  相似文献   

The physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling (PBPK) approach can predict drug pharmacokinetics (PK) by combining changes in blood flow and pathophysiological alterations for developing drug-disease models. Cefepime hydrochloride is a parenteral cephalosporin that is used to treat pneumonia, sepsis, and febrile neutropenia, among other things. The current study sought to identify the factors that impact cefepime pharmacokinetics (PK) following dosing in healthy, diseased (CKD and obese), and pediatric populations. For model construction and simulation, the modeling tool PK-SIM was utilized. Estimating cefepime PK following intravenous (IV) application in healthy subjects served as the primary step in the model-building procedure. The prediction of cefepime PK in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and obese populations were performed after the integration of the relevant pathophysiological changes. Visual predictive checks and a comparison of the observed and predicted values of the PK parameters were used to verify the developed model. The results of the PK parameters were consistent with the reported clinical data in healthy subjects. The developed PBPK model successfully predicted cefepime PK as observed from the ratio of the observed and predicted PK parameters as they were within a two-fold error range.  相似文献   

目的:建立阿托伐他汀在健康人群中的生理药动学模型,预测其在人体内的组织分布及特征,为优化阿托伐他汀的治疗方案提供依据。方法:文献中获取关于阿托伐他汀理化参数及体外酶促动力学参数及数值。结合药物理化参数得到组织-血浆分配平衡系数(Kp),应用GastroPlus软件,建立阿托伐他汀的生理药动学模型, 验证模型有效性, 预测各器官组织中阿托伐他汀的经时变化,并运用模型预测阿托伐他汀在儿童及老年人群体内各器官组织中药物的经时变化,为个体化用药提供依据。结果:经验证,模型的有效性良好。阿托伐他汀在14个组织室均有分布,其中在血液、皮肤、肺中分布较高,Cmax分别为6.04,1.70,1.32 ng·ml-1;在脂肪和脑中分布较低,Cmax分别为0.31,0.33 ng·ml-1。儿童及老年人群体各器官组织阿托伐他汀的经时变化模型预测发现,儿童血液、皮肤、肺分布较高,Cmax分别为12.49,3.52,2.73 ng·ml-1;脑分布最低,Cmax为0.69 ng·ml-1;老年血液、皮肤、肺分布较高,Cmax分别为8.97,2.53,1.96 ng·ml-1;肌肉分布最低,Cmax为0.63 ng·ml-1。结论:儿童及老年体内阿托伐他汀不同组织分布的Cmax为青年健康人群的两倍,显示年龄影响阿托伐他汀在体内的分布,儿童和老年人应用阿托伐他汀,存在较高发生不良反应的风险,应根据生理生化指标调整剂量,避免不良反应的发生。  相似文献   

A physiologically based toxicokinetic (PB-TK) model for fish, incorporating chemical exchange at the gill and accumulation in five tissue compartments, was parameterized and evaluated for lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). Individual-based model parameterization was used to examine the effect of natural variability in physiological, morphological, and physico-chemical parameters on model predictions. The PB-TK model was used to predict uptake of organic chemicals across the gill and accumulation in blood and tissues in lake trout. To evaluate the accuracy of the model, a total of 13 adult lake trout were exposed to waterborne 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (TCE), pentachloroethane (PCE), and hexachloroethane (HCE), concurrently, for periods of 6, 12, 24 or 48 h. The measured and predicted concentrations of TCE, PCE and HCE in expired water, dorsal aortic blood and tissues were generally within a factor of two, and in most instances much closer. Variability noted in model predictions, based on the individual-based model parameterization used in this study, reproduced variability observed in measured concentrations. The inference is made that parameters influencing variability in measured blood and tissue concentrations of xenobiotics are included and accurately represented in the model. This model contributes to a better understanding of the fundamental processes that regulate the uptake and disposition of xenobiotic chemicals in the lake trout. This information is crucial to developing a better understanding of the dynamic relationships between contaminant exposure and hazard to the lake trout.  相似文献   

Endosulfan, an organochlorine (OC) insecticide belonging to the cyclodiene group, is one of the most commonly used pesticides to control pests in vegetables, cotton, and fruits. To date, no physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model has been located for endosulfan in animal species and humans. The estimation by a mathematical model is essential since information on humans can scarcely be obtained experimentally. The PBPK model was constructed based on the pharmacokinetic data of our experiment following single oral administration of (14)C-Endosulfan to male Sprague-Dawley rats. The model was parameterized by using reference physiological parameter values and partition coefficients that were determined in the experiment and optimized by manual adjustment until the best visual fit of the simulations with the experimental data were observed. The model was verified by simulating the disposition of (14)C-Endosulfan in vivo after single and multiple oral dosages and comparing simulated results with experimental results. The model was further verified by using experimental data retrieved from the literature. The present model could reasonably predict target tissue dosimetries in rats. Simulation with three-time repeated administration of (14)C-Endosulfan and experimental data retrieved from the literature by the constructed model fitted fairly well with the experimental results; thus suggesting that the newly developed PBPK model was developed. Sensitivity analyses were used to determine those input parameters with the greatest influence on endosulfan tissue concentrations.  相似文献   

This paper presents a physiologically-based mathematical model which describes the disposition of timolol in the rabbit eye. In vitro uptake experiments were utilized to obtain estimates for the various transport and equilibrium tissue distribution coefficients. Two approaches were used to evaluate the uptake data. Initially, the ocular tissues and incubation medium were considered as well-stirred compartments. Alternatively, the iris and lens were viewed as geometric membranes, where the uptake of timolol was governed by simple passive diffusion of drug through the entire tissue. The results clearly indicate that the compartmental treatment of the lens is inappropriate. Consequently, the characterization of ocular drug distribution in the lens should involve a consideration of diffusion through the entire structure. No discernable differences, however, were observed for the iris using either approach, suggesting that the compartmental view may be a valid approximation in this case. In vivo concentration-time profiles were constructed for the cornea, iris, lens, aqueous and vitreous humors following topical dosing with a solution of timolol. Good agreement between the model-predicted and experimental data is observed for both the iris and aqueous humor. However, the magnitude of the iridal transport parameter, estimated from the uptake studies, was not sufficient to account for the early peak concentration observed for the iris. In this and most other ocular models, drug is assumed to enter the iris predominantly by exchange with the aqueous humor. To explain the relatively early peak time, an alternate route for drug entry is proposed. The existence of such a pathway is consistent with other reports in the literature, as well as the rapid peak levels observed here for both the vitreous humor and lens.  相似文献   

Carbofuran (2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-7-benzofuranyl-N-methylcarbamate), a broad spectrum N-methyl carbamate insecticide, and its metabolite, 3-hydroxycarbofuran, exert their toxicity by reversibly inhibiting acetylcholinesterase (AChE). To characterize AChE inhibition from carbofuran exposure, a physiologically based pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PBPK/PD) model was developed in the Exposure-Related Dose Estimating Model (ERDEM) platform for the Sprague-Dawley (SD) rat. Experimental estimates of physiological, biochemical, and physicochemical model parameters were obtained or based on data from the open literature. The PBPK/PD model structure included carbofuran metabolism in the liver to 16 known metabolites, enterohepatic circulation of glucuronic acid conjugates, and excretion in urine and feces. Bolus doses by ingestion of 50 microg/kg and 0.5 mg/kg carbofuran were simulated for the blood and brain AChE activity. The carbofuran ERDEM simulated a half-life of 5.2 h for urinary clearance, and the experimental AChE activity data were reproduced for the blood and brain. Thirty model parameters were found influential to the model outputs and were chosen for perturbation in Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate the impact of their variability on the model predictions. Results of the simulation runs indicated that the minimum AChE activity in the blood ranged from 29.3 to 79.0% (as 5th and 95th percentiles) of the control level with a mean of 55.9% (standard deviation = 15.1%) compared to an experimental value of 63%. The constructed PBPK/PD model for carbofuran in the SD rat provides a foundation for extrapolating to a human model that can be used for future risk assessment.  相似文献   

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