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The corticopontine projections of the cingulate cortices were investigated in the rhesus monkey with the use of autoradiography. A well-organized topography of projections was observed with anterior cingulate cortex projecting to the medial part of the pontine gray matter and posterior cingulate cortex projecting to the lateral part. Together these projections form a circle of termination around the periphery of the pontine gray matter.  相似文献   

Amygdala interconnections with the cingulate motor cortices were investigated in the rhesus monkey. Using multiple tracing approaches, we found a robust projection from the lateral basal nucleus of the amygdala to Layers II, IIIa, and V of the rostral cingulate motor cortex (M3). A smaller source of amygdala input arose from the accessory basal, cortical, and lateral nuclei, which targeted only the rostral region of M3. We also found a light projection from the lateral basal nucleus to the same layers of the caudal cingulate motor cortex (M4). Experiments examining this projection to cingulate somatotopy using combined neural tracing strategies and stereology to estimate the total number of terminal-like immunoreactive particles demonstrated that the amygdala projection terminates heavily in the face representation of M3 and moderately in its arm representation. Fewer terminal profiles were found in the leg representation of M3 and the face, arm, and leg representations of M4. Anterograde tracers placed directly into M3 and M4 revealed the amygdala connection to be reciprocal and documented corticofugal projections to the facial nucleus, surrounding pontine reticular formation, and spinal cord. Clinically, such pathways would be in a position to contribute to mediating movements in the face, neck, and upper extremity accompanying medial temporal lobe seizures that have historically characterized this syndrome. Alterations within or disruption of the amygdalo-cingulate projection to the rostral part of M3 may also have an adverse effect on facial expression in patients presenting with neurological or neuropsychiatric abnormalities of medial temporal lobe involvement. Finally, the prominent amygdala projection to the face region of M3 may significantly influence the outcome of higher-order facial expressions associated with social communication and emotional constructs such as fear, anger, happiness, and sadness.  相似文献   

Although the structure and function of primate prefrontal cortex undergo substantial modifications during postnatal development, relatively little is known about the maturation of neurotransmitter systems in these cortical regions. In the primate brain, cholecystokinin is present in the greatest concentrations in prefrontal regions. Thus, in this study, we used immunohistochemical techniques to investigate the postnatal development of the cholecystokinin innervation of monkey prefrontal cortex. In animals aged 4 days through adult, cholecystokinin immunoreactivity was present in nonpyramidal neurons that appeared to represent at least two distinct cell types. The most common type was a vertically oval bitufted neuron, located in layers II-superficial III, which typically had a radially descending axon that gave rise to short collaterals in layer IV. Another frequently observed cell type was a larger multipolar neuron located in the superficial half of layer III. The axon of these neurons branched locally in the vicinity of the cell body. The greatest density of cholecystokinin-containing neurons and processes was present in monkeys less than 1 month of age. The density of immunoreactive structures in every prefrontal region then progressively declined with increasing age, with the most marked changes occurring during the first postnatal year. As a result, the density of labeled neurons in adult monkeys was less than one-third of that in neonatal monkeys. However, labeled structures were significantly more dense in some ventromedial and orbital regions than in dorsal regions of the prefrontal cortex in neonatal, but not in older animals. In all animals, cholecystokinin-containing neurons were present in highest density in layers II-superficial III, and labeled terminal fields were observed in layers II, IV, and VI. In animals less than 1 month of age, fascicles of radial fibers traversed through layers III and V, whereas in animals 1 to 3 months of age, individual radial fibers rather than fiber bundles were present in layers III and V. In addition, immunoreactive pericellular arrays, which appeared to surround unlabeled nonpyramidal cells, were present in layers V and VI and the subcortical white matter in the youngest monkeys. Although many aspects of the cholecystokinin innervation of monkey prefrontal cortex remain constant during postnatal life, the distinct developmental changes in the cholecystokinin innervation of these regions suggest that it may play an important role in the maturation of the cortical circuitry that mediates the acquisition of certain cognitive abilities. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An investigation of the architectonic organization and intrinsic connections of the prefrontal cortex was conducted in rhesus monkeys. Cytoarchitectonic analysis indicates that in the prefrontal cortex there are two trends of gradual change in laminar characteristics that can be traced from limbic periallocortex towards isocortical areas. The stepwise change in laminar features is characterized by the emergence and gradual increase in the width of granular layer IV, by an increase in the size of pyramidal cells in layers III and V, and by a higher cell-packing density in the supragranular layers. Myeloarchitectonic analysis reveals that the limbic areas are poorly myelinated, adjacent areas have a diffuse myelin content confined to the deep layers, and in isocortices the myelinated fibers are distributed in organized horizontal bands (of Baillarger) and a vertical plexus. Using the above architectonic criteria, we observed that one of the architectonic trends takes a radial basoventral course from the periallocortex in the caudal orbitofrontal region to the adjacent proisocortex and then to area 13. The next stage of architectonic regions includes orbital areas 12, 11, and 14, which is followed by area 10, lateral area 12, and the rostral part of ventral area 46. The last group includes the caudal part of ventral area 46 and ventral area 8. The other trend takes a mediodorsal course from the periallocortex around the rostral portion of the corpus callosum to the adjacent proisocortical areas 24, 25, and 32 and then to the medially situated isocortical areas 9, 10, and 14. The next stage includes lateral areas 10 and 9 and the rostral part of dorsal area 46. The last group includes the caudal part of dorsal area 46 and dorsal area 8. The interconnections of subdivisions of the basoventral and mediodorsal cortices were studied with the aid of anterograde and retrograde tracers. Within each trend a given area projects in two directions: to adjoining regions belonging to succeeding architectonic stages on the one hand, and to nearby regions from the preceding architectonic stage on the other. In each direction there is more than one region involved in this projection system, paralleling the radial nature of architectonic change. Periallo- and proisocortices have widespread intrinsic connections, whereas isocortices situated at a distance from limbic areas, such as area 8, have restricted connections. Most interconnections are limited to areas within the same architectonic trend. However, there are links between cortices from the two trends, and these seem to occur between areas that are at a similar stage of architectonic differentiation. The results suggest that there are two architectonically, and perhaps functionally, distinct axes within the prefrontal cortex. The earliest stages within each axis, which have widespread connections, may have a global role in neural processing. On the other hand, the latest stages, which have restricted connections, may have a more specific role in processes associated with the frontal lobe.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of the anterior cingulate cortex yields vocalization in the monkey. The elicited vocalizations seem to represent primary stimulus responses. Monkeys are not able to perform a vocal conditioning task after ablation of the anterior cingulate cortex. However, they can carry out a lever-pressing conditioning task following destruction of this area. It is hypothesized that the anterior cingulate cortex exerts the volitional control of species-specific vocalizations in monkey. The non-verbal emotional vocal utterances are considered to be the human homologue of monkey's vocalizations. Therefore, bilateral lesion of the anterior cingulate cortex in man should hamper the volitional control of emotional vocal utterances in man as it does in monkeys. One personal observation is reported where after a bilateral infarction of the anterior cingulate cortex the patient's voice showed a permanent lack of emotional expression. The anterior cingulate cortex seems to play the decisive role in the volitional verbalization of emotions.  相似文献   

Projections of the basal forebrain magnocellular complex to the limbic telencephalon of the primate were studied by combining double-retrograde tracing with immunocytochemistry. Tracers were injected into anterior cingulate cortex and hippocampus or into hippocampus and amygdala. Retrogradely labeled populations of neurons were topographically arranged but intermingled peripherally. Double-labeled neurons, found only after amygdala-hippocampus injections, were very rare. Approximately 30% of hippocampopetal, 50-70% of amygdalopetal, and 50-90% of cingulopetal neurons were cholinergic; percentages varied among different regions of basal forebrain. These findings further support the concept of a system with a highly organized efferent circuitry.  相似文献   

The use of PAP immunohistochemistry in combination with HRP retrograde transport is described, allowing the transmitter characterization of identified projection neurons. To assess the validity of this procedure the dorsal raphe nucleus has been studied. It has been possible in single sections to stain for 5-HT immunoreactivity cells which have been retrogradely labeled following injection of HRP into the striatum. The presence of such neurons and their distribution in the dorsal raphe demonstrated with this dual staining technique agrees very well with previous results obtained from separately performed retrograde labeling and histochemical or immunohistochemical staining. The procedure described has some advantages over other traditional and recently described methods and in addition should be applicable to electron microscopic studies.  相似文献   

Diverse thalamic projections to the prefrontal cortex in the rhesus monkey.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
We studied the sources of thalamic projections to prefrontal areas of nine rhesus monkeys with the aid of retrograde tracers (horseradish peroxidase or fluorescent dyes). Our goal was to determine the proportion of labeled neurons contributing to this projection system by the mediodorsal (MD) nucleus compared to those distributed in other thalamic nuclei, and to investigate the relationship of thalamic projections to specific architectonic areas of the prefrontal cortex. We selected areas for study within both the basoventral (areas 11, 12, and ventral 46) and the mediodorsal (areas 32, 14, 46, and 8) prefrontal sectors. This choice was based on our previous studies, which indicate differences in cortical projections to these two distinct architectonic sectors (Barbas, '88; Barbas and Pandya, '89). In addition, for each sector we included areas with different architectonic profiles, which is also relevant to the connectional patterns of the prefrontal cortices. The results showed that MD included a clear majority (over 80%) of all thalamic neurons directed to some prefrontal cortices (areas 11, 46, and 8); it contributed just over half to some others (areas 12 and 32), and less than a third to area 14. Clusters of neurons directed to basoventral and mediodorsal prefrontal areas were largely segregated within MD: the former were found ventrally, the latter dorsally. However, the most striking findings establish a relationship between thalamic origin and laminar definition of the prefrontal target areas. Most thalamic neurons directed to lateral prefrontal cortices, which are characterized by a high degree of laminar definition (areas 46 and 8), originated in the parvicellular and multiform subdivisions of MD, and only a few were found in other nuclei. In contrast, orbital and medial cortices, which have a low degree of laminar differentiation, were targeted by the magnocellular subdivision of MD and by numerous other limbic thalamic nuclei, including the midline and the anterior. Thus topographic specificity in the origin of thalamic projections increased as the laminar definition of the target area increased. Moreover, the rostrocaudal distribution of labeled neurons in MD and the medial pulvinar also differed depending on the degree of the laminar definition of the prefrontal target areas. The rostral parts of MD and the medial pulvinar projected to the eulaminate lateral prefrontal cortices, whereas their caudal parts projected to orbital and medial limbic cortices. Selective destruction of caudal MD is known to disrupt mnemonic processes in both humans and monkeys, suggesting that this thalamic-limbic prefrontal loop may constitute an important pathway for memory.  相似文献   

Contributions of different limbic cortical areas to mediation of behavioural flexibility were examined using repeated acquisition of three-choice discrimination in operant chambers. Rats were trained on a series of positional discrimination tasks with three levers, where position of the correct lever remained the same within a task but shifted across tasks. Ibotenic acid lesions of the medial prefrontal cortex impaired acquisition of each discrimination task by increasing errors specifically in the early phase of each task. These errors were characterised by perseveration to the previously correct lever. By contrast, lesions of the anterior cingulate cortex resulted in the impairment of discrimination in general without inducing perseveration; the impairment was instead characterised by disruption of general error-correction processes. Hippocampal lesions severely impaired learning by increasing perseverative tendencies that were present throughout the learning stages in each task. These results extend our understanding of the contributions of the different nodes of the limbic cortico-striatal circuit to different aspects of behavioural flexibility.  相似文献   

Orbital and dorsolateral prefrontal lesions were performed on a series of rhesus monkeys at 2, 6, or 24 months of age. The consequent degeneration in the efferent pathways from these cortical regions to the caudate nucleus, the dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus and adjacent structures was studied at 5- and 15-day survival times by a modification of the Nauta-Gygax method for tracing degenerating fibers. Following dorsolateral lesions, considerable numbers of black-impregnated degenerating fibers were found in the parvocellular division of the dorsomedial nucleus and in the fiber bundles of the internal capsule and the subcallosal fasciculus at all ages. In contrast, the degree of Nauta-Gygax degeneration in the anterodorsal sector of the head of the caudate nucleus was age-dependent: degenerating fibers were found in increasing numbers from two months of age, when virtually none could be detected, to 24 months of age, when they appeared in relatively dense concentration. Similar results were obtained following orbital prefrontal lesions at the same three ages: degeneration in the magnocellular division of the dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus and in the internal capsule were not related to age, but anterograde degeneration in the ventral and lateral capsular region of the caudate increased substantially with advancing age. Negative results with the Nauta-Gygax technique in very young animals may not signify an actual absence of the connection in question, but our findings, together with those of other studies employing silver degeneration methods, at least suggest that in the primate, certain cortical efferents undergo maturational changes during postnatal life, a fact which may be related to the differential behavioral consequences of cortical injuries at different stages of development.  相似文献   

Many complex tasks require us to flexibly switch between behavioral rules, associations, and strategies. The prefrontal cerebral cortex is thought to be critical to the performance of such behaviors, although the relative contribution of different components of this structure and associated subcortical regions are not fully understood. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure brain activity during a simple task which required repeated reversals of a rule linking a colored cue and a left/right motor response. Each trial comprised three discrete events separated by variable delay periods. A colored cue instructed which response was to be executed, followed by a go signal which told the subject to execute the response and a feedback instruction which indicated whether to "hold" or "flip" the rule linking the colored cue and response. The design allowed us to determine which brain regions were recruited by the specific demands of preparing a rule contingent motor response, executing such a response, evaluating the significance of the feedback, and reconfiguring stimulus-response (SR) associations. The results indicate that an increase in neural activity occurs within the anterior cingulate gyrus under conditions in which SR associations are labile. In contrast, lateral frontal regions are activated by unlikely/unexpected perceptual events regardless of their significance for behavior. A network of subcortical structures, including the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus and striatum were the only regions showing activity that was exclusively correlated with the neurocognitive demands of reversing SR associations. We conclude that lateral frontal regions act to evaluate the behavioral significance of perceptual events, whereas medial frontal-thalamic circuits are involved in monitoring and reconfiguring SR associations when necessary.  相似文献   

Prefrontal cortices have been implicated in autonomic function, but their role in this activity is not well understood. Orbital and medial prefrontal cortices receive input from cortical and subcortical structures associated with emotions. Thus, the prefrontal cortex may be an essential link for autonomic responses driven by emotions. Classic studies have demonstrated the existence of projections between prefrontal cortex and the hypothalamus, a central autonomic structure, but the topographic organization of these connections in the monkey has not been clearly established. We investigated the organization of bidirectional connections between these areas in the rhesus monkey by using tracer injections in orbital, medial, and lateral prefrontal areas. All prefrontal areas investigated received projections from the hypothalamus, originating mainly in the posterior hypothalamus. Differences in the topography of hypothalamic projection neurons were related to both the location and type of the target cortical area. Injections in lateral eulaminate prefrontal areas primarily labeled neurons in the posterior hypothalamus that were equally distributed in the lateral and medial hypothalamus. In contrast, injections in orbitofrontal and medial limbic cortices labeled neurons in the anterior and tuberal regions of the hypothalamus and in the posterior region. Projection neurons targeting orbital limbic cortices were more prevalent in the lateral part of the hypothalamus, whereas those targeting medial limbic cortices were more prevalent in the medial hypothalamus. In comparison to the ascending projections, descending projections from prefrontal cortex to the hypothalamus were highly specific, originating mostly from orbital and medial prefrontal cortices. The ascending and descending connections overlapped in the hypothalamus in areas that have autonomic functions. These results suggest that specific orbitofrontal and medial prefrontal areas exert a direct influence on the hypothalamus and may be important for the autonomic responses evoked by complex emotional situations. J. Comp. Neurol. 398:393–419, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine has been implicated in the regulation of a number of cortical functions, yet relatively little is known about the anatomical organization of noradrenergic axons in the expanded and highly differentiated prefrontal cortex of primates. In this study, the distribution of fibers containing dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH), the enzyme that converts dopamine to norepinephrine, was characterized immunohistochemically in the prefrontal cortical regions of Old World cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) and New World squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus). In both species, differences in the density of DBH-labeled fibers were detected both across and within many prefrontal cytoarchitectonic regions. In cynomolgus monkeys, area 8B had the greatest density of DBH-immunoreactive fibers; within this region, the medial surface had a greater density of labeled processes than the dorsal surface. Areas 9 and 24 also had a high density of DBH-labeled fibers, areas 11, 12, 13 and 25 were of intermediate density, and portions of areas 10 and 46 had the lowest density of immunoreactive fibers. Regional differences in the density of DBH-immunoreactive fibers were also present in squirrel monkey prefrontal cortex. Despite the regional variations in the density of DBH-immunoreactive fibers, the laminar distribution of these fibers was very similar across cytoarchitectonic areas of cynomolgus prefrontal cortex. Layer I contained a low density of labeled fibers which were primarily tangential in orientation. The predominantly radially oriented fibers in layers II-IV were slightly higher in density. The density of both radially and tangentially oriented immunoreactive fibers increased substantially in layer V. Fiber density decreased in layer VI; a band of tangentially oriented fibers was present in the deep portion of this layer. With a few exceptions, the laminar distribution of DBH-immunoreactive fibers in the prefrontal regions of squirrel monkey cortex was similar to that of cynomolgus monkey. Since other data suggest that anti-DBH selectively labels noradrenergic axons in monkey neocortex, the distinctive innervation patterns exhibited by DBH-immunoreactive fibers reveal the regions and layers that may be the principal sites of action of norepinephrine in exerting its effects on prefrontal cortical function.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the circuitry of chemically identified systems in primate prefrontal cortex is limited. Although cholecystokinin is very abundant in prefrontal cortex (Geola et al.: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 53(2):270-275, 1981; Taquet et al.: Neuroscience 27(3):871-883, 1988), the organization of cholecystokinin-containing structures in primate prefrontal cortex has not been investigated. Using immunohistochemical and retrograde transport techniques, we characterized the cholecystokinin innervation of prefrontal cortex in macaque monkeys. The use of two antibodies directed against different portions of the cholecystokinin molecule revealed that distinct forms of the molecule were differentially localized in the same cortical neurons. These small, nonpyramidal cholecystokinin-positive neurons had a variety of somal morphologies and the density of labeled cells did not differ among cytoarchitectonic regions. Labeled neurons had a distinctive laminar distribution with the greatest density of cells present in layers II-superficial III. Labeled fibers also had a distinctive laminar pattern of distribution that differed from that of the immunoreactive neurons. In granular prefrontal cortex, terminal fields were evident in layers II, IV, and VI, with the greatest density in layer VI. Agranular area 24 exhibited a bilaminar pattern of immunoreactivity with a band in layer II and a very dense terminal field in layers V-VI. A high density of cholecystokinin-binding sites has been found in layers III-IV of prefrontal cortex and other association areas in the monkey; this finding has been attributed to possible cholecystokinin-containing afferents from the thalamus (Kritzer et al.: Journal of Comparative Neurology 263:418-435, 1987). The mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus is known to be a source of afferents which terminate in layer IV of prefrontal cortex. However, combined retrograde transport and immunohistochemical techniques failed to reveal the presence of cholecystokinin-positive neurons in the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus that project to prefrontal cortex. These findings, and other observations, suggest that the terminal field in layer IV is formed by descending axons that arise from cholecystokinin-containing neurons in layers II and superficial III. This study demonstrates that the cholecystokinin innervation of prefrontal cortex has a laminar specific organization that is preserved across cytoarchitectonic regions. This distribution of immunoreactive structures suggests a distinctive role of cholecystokinin in cortical circuitry that is common to every region of prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

Thalamic afferents to Macaque prefrontal cortex from the mediodorsal nucleus were examined by techniques specific for anterograde degeneration and axoplasmic transport. The sampling procedure employed permits establishing the extent of topographic projections to cortex from subcortical foci for the same brain which was surveyed subsequently in tracing specific neuronal connections by electron microscopy. Topographic and general laminar distribution of thalamic terminals are presented in terms of 3 subareas of prefrontal cortex.The dorsolateral and ventral (orbital) surfaces of prefrontal cortex receive respectively projections from the lateral and medial subdivision of the mediodorsal nucleus. In addition, the medial wall of the frontal lobe, including the dorsomedial part of the lateral convexity, heretofore regarded as athalamic, receives input from the caudal-dorsomedial aspect of the mediodorsal nucleus. Preliminary evidence suggests that axons from the mediodorsal nucleus terminate in the head of caudate nucleus, as Sachs81 described 65 years ago in the first orthograde study of thalamo-prefrontal cortex connections.  相似文献   

The present study addresses the question of whether prefrontal neurons that exhibit spatially selective patterns of discharge during the delay period in spatial delayed-response tasks code a mnemonic event. To examine this question, rhesus monkeys were trained to perform two variants of the classical spatial delayed-response task in both of which a delay intervened between cue presentation and response and the discriminative stimulus had to be recalled at the moment of response. They were also trained to perform two control tasks in which memory was not required since cues present throughout the delay informed the monkey of the correct response. Extracellular recordings were obtained from 192 neurons located in and around the principal sulcus of the frontal lobe during performance of both control and delay tasks. Comparison of the same neuron's activity across the 4 task conditions revealed a class of neuron that displayed spatially discriminative activity in the delay period only during delayed-response tasks and not during the same period of the control tasks. These neurons are candidates for units engaged in a central mnemonic process. Other neurons either exhibited similar activity in the delay period of control and delayed-response tasks or stronger discriminative behavior during this period in control tasks than in delayed response tasks. We conclude that delay-related spatially discriminative neurons found in the prefrontal association cortex are diversified and that certain of them play a specific role in mnemonic coding.  相似文献   

The cytoarchitecture and cortical connections of the anterior cingulate, medial and dorsal premotor, and precentral region are investigated using the Nissl and NeuN staining methods and the fluorescent retrograde tract tracing technique. There is a gradual stepwise laminar change in the cytoarchitectonic organization from the proisocortical anterior cingulate region, through the lower and upper banks of the cingulate sulcus, to the dorsolateral isocortical premotor and precentral motor regions of the frontal lobe. These changes are characterized by a gradational emphasis on the lower stratum layers (V and VI) in the proisocortical cingulate region to the upper stratum layers (II and III) in the premotor and precentral motor region. This is accompanied by a progressive widening of layers III and VI, a poorly delineated border between layers III and V and a sequential increase in the size of layer V neurons culminating in the presence of giant Betz cells in the precentral motor region. The overall patterns of corticocortical connections paralleled the sequential changes in cytoarchitectonic organization. The proisocortical areas have connections with cingulate motor, supplementary motor, premotor and precentral motor areas on the one hand and have widespread connections with the frontal, parietal, temporal and multimodal association cortex and limbic regions on the other. The dorsal premotor areas have connections with the proisocortical areas including cingulate motor areas and supplementary motor area on the one hand, and premotor and precentral motor cortex on the other. Additionally, this region has significant connections with posterior parietal cortex and limited connections with prefrontal, limbic and multimodal regions. The precentral motor cortex also has connections with the proisocortical areas and premotor areas. Its other connections are limited to the somatosensory regions of the parietal lobe. Since the isocortical motor areas on the dorsal convexity mediate voluntary motor function, their close connectional relationship with the cingulate areas form a pivotal limbic-motor interface that could provide critical sources of cognitive, emotional and motivational influence on complex motor function.  相似文献   

The medial nucleus of the pulvinar complex (PM) has widespread connections with association cortex. We investigated the connections of the PM with the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in macaque monkeys, with tracers placed into the PM and the PFC, respectively. Injections of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) placed into the PM resulted in widespread anterograde terminal labeling in layers III and IV, and retrograde cellular labeling in layer VI of the PFC. Injections of tracers centered on the central/lateral PM resulted in labeling of dorsolateral and orbital regions, whereas injections centered on caudal, medial PM resulted in labeling of dorsomedial and medial PFC. Since injections of the PM included neighboring thalamic nuclei, retrograde tracers were placed into distinct cytoarchitectonic regions of the PFC and retrogradely labeled cells in the posterior thalamus were charted. The results of this series of tracer injections confirmed the results of the thalamic injections. Injections placed into areas 8a, 12 (lateral and orbital), 45, 46 and 11, retrogradely labeled neurons in the central/lateral PM, while tracer injections placed into areas 9, 12 (lateral), 10 and 24, labeled medial PM. The connections of the PM with temporal, parietal, insular, and cingulate cortices were also examined. The central/lateral PM has reciprocal connections with posterior parietal areas 7a, 7ip, and 7b, insular cortex, caudal superior temporal sulcus (STS), caudal superior temporal gyrus (STG), and posterior cingulate, whereas medial PM is connected mainly with the anterior STS and STG, as well as the cingulate cortex and the amygdala. These connectional studies suggest that the central/lateral and medial PM have divergent connections which may be the substrate for distinct functional circuits. J. Comp. Neurol. 379:313–332, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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