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The integration of data from multiple global assays is essential to understanding dynamic spatiotemporal interactions within cells. In a companion paper, we reported a data integration methodology, designated Pointillist, that can handle multiple data types from technologies with different noise characteristics. Here we demonstrate its application to the integration of 18 data sets relating to galactose utilization in yeast. These data include global changes in mRNA and protein abundance, genome-wide protein-DNA interaction data, database information, and computational predictions of protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions. We divided the integration task to determine three network components: key system elements (genes and proteins), protein-protein interactions, and protein-DNA interactions. Results indicate that the reconstructed network efficiently focuses on and recapitulates the known biology of galactose utilization. It also provided new insights, some of which were verified experimentally. The methodology described here, addresses a critical need across all domains of molecular and cell biology, to effectively integrate large and disparate data sets.  相似文献   

Mathematical models of natural systems are abstractions of much more complicated processes. Developing informative and realistic models of such systems typically involves suitable statistical inference methods, domain expertise, and a modicum of luck. Except for cases where physical principles provide sufficient guidance, it will also be generally possible to come up with a large number of potential models that are compatible with a given natural system and any finite amount of data generated from experiments on that system. Here we develop a computational framework to systematically evaluate potentially vast sets of candidate differential equation models in light of experimental and prior knowledge about biological systems. This topological sensitivity analysis enables us to evaluate quantitatively the dependence of model inferences and predictions on the assumed model structures. Failure to consider the impact of structural uncertainty introduces biases into the analysis and potentially gives rise to misleading conclusions.Using simple models to study complex systems has become standard practice in different fields, including systems biology, ecology, and economics. Although we know and accept that such models do not fully capture the complexity of the underlying systems, they can nevertheless provide meaningful predictions and insights (1). A successful model is one that captures the key features of the system while omitting extraneous details that hinder interpretation and understanding. Constructing such a model is usually a nontrivial task involving stages of refinement and improvement.When dealing with models that are (necessarily and by design) gross oversimplifications of the reality they represent, it is important that we are aware of their limitations and do not seek to overinterpret them. This is particularly true when modeling complex systems for which there are only limited or incomplete observations. In such cases, we expect there to be numerous models that would be supported by the observed data, many (perhaps most) of which we may not yet have identified. The literature is awash with papers in which a single model is proposed and fitted to a dataset, and conclusions drawn without any consideration of (i) possible alternative models that might describe the observed behavior and known facts equally well (or even better); or (ii) whether the conclusions drawn from different models (still consistent with current observations) would agree with one another.We propose an approach to assess the impact of uncertainty in model structure on our conclusions. Our approach is distinct from—and complementary to—existing methods designed to address structural uncertainty, including model selection, model averaging, and ensemble modeling (29). Analogous to parametric sensitivity analysis (PSA), which assesses the sensitivity of a model’s behavior to changes in parameter values, we consider the sensitivity of a model’s output to changes in its inherent structural assumptions. PSA techniques can usually be classified as (i) local analyses, in which we identify a single “optimal” vector of parameter values, and then quantify the degree to which small perturbations to these values change our conclusions or predictions; or (ii) global analyses, where we consider an ensemble of parameter vectors (e.g., samples from the posterior distribution in the Bayesian formalism) and quantify the corresponding variability in the model’s output. Although several approaches fall within these categories (1012), all implicitly condition on a particular model architecture. Here we present a method for performing sensitivity analyses for ordinary differential equation (ODE) models where the architecture of these models is not perfectly known, which is likely to be the case for all realistic complex systems. We do this by considering network representations of our models, and assessing the sensitivity of our inferences to the network topology. We refer to our approach as topological sensitivity analysis (TSA).Here we illustrate TSA in the context of parameter inference, but we could also apply our method to study other conclusions drawn from ODE models (e.g., model forecasts or steady-state analyses). When we use experimental data to infer parameters associated with a specific model it is critical to assess the uncertainty associated with our parameter estimates (13), particularly if we wish to relate model parameters to physical (e.g., reaction rate) constants in the real world. Too often this uncertainty is estimated only by considering the variation in a parameter estimate conditional on a particular model, while ignoring the component of uncertainty that stems from potential model misspecification. The latter can, in principle, be considered within model selection or averaging frameworks, where several distinct models are proposed and weighted according to their ability to fit the observed data (25). However, the models tend to be limited to a small, often diverse, group that act as exemplars for each competing hypothesis but ignore similar model structures that could represent the same hypotheses. Moreover, we know that model selection results can be sensitive to the particular experiments performed (14).We assume that an initial model, together with parameters or plausible parameter ranges, has been proposed to describe the dynamics of a given system. This model may have been constructed based on expert knowledge of the system, selected from previous studies, or (particularly in the case of large systems) proposed automatically using network inference algorithms (1519), for example. Using TSA, we aim to identify how reliant any conclusions and inferences are on the particular set of structural assumptions made in this initial candidate model. We do this by identifying alterations to model topology that maintain consistency with the observed dynamics and test how these changes impact the conclusions we draw (Fig. 1). Analogous to PSA we may perform local or global analyses—by testing a small set of “close” models with minor structural changes, or performing large-scale searches of diverse model topologies, respectively. To do this we require efficient techniques for exploring the space of network topologies and, for each topology, inferring the parameters of the corresponding ODE models.Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Overview of TSA applied to parameter inference. (A) Model space includes our initial candidate model and a series of altered topologies that are consistent with our chosen rules (e.g., all two-edge, three-node networks, where nodes indicate species and directed edges show interactions). One topology may correspond to one or several ODE models depending on the parametric forms we choose to represent interactions. (B) We test each ODE model to see whether it can generate dynamics consistent with our candidate model and the available experimental data. For TSA, we select a group of these compatible models and compare the conclusions we would draw using each of them. (C) Associated with each model m is a parameter space Θm (gray); using Bayesian methods we can infer the joint posterior parameter distribution (dashed contours) for a particular model and dataset. (D) In some cases, equivalent parameters will be present in several selected models (e.g., θ1, which is associated with the same interaction in models a–c). We can compare the marginal posterior distribution inferred using each model for a common parameter to test whether our inferences are robust to topological changes, or rely on one specific set of model assumptions (i.e., sensitive). Different models may result in marginal distributions that differ in position and/or shape for equivalent parameters, but we cannot tell from this alone which model better represents reality—this requires model selection approaches (24).Even for networks with relatively few nodes (corresponding to ODE models involving few interacting entities), the number of possible topologies can be enormous. Searching this “model space” presents formidable computational challenges. We use here a gradient-matching parameter inference approach that exploits the fact that the nth node, xn, in our network representation is conditionally independent of all other nodes given its regulating parents, Pa(xn) (2026). The exploration of network topologies is then reduced to the much simpler problem of considering, independently for each n, the possible parent sets of xn in an approach that is straightforwardly parallelized.We use biological examples to illustrate local and global searches of model spaces to identify alternative model structures that are consistent with available data. In some cases we find that even minor structural uncertainty in model topology can render our conclusions—here parameter inferences—unreliable and make PSA results positively misleading. However, other inferences are robust across diverse compatible model structures, allowing us to be more confident in assigning scientific meaning to the inferred parameter values.  相似文献   

To apply user-friendly, easily operated and accessible tools to handle missing data resulting from an auto-stored medical information system, these tools are applied to satisfy general users from different disciplines (i.e. statistics and machine-learning), followed by medical information system development. This study attempts to develop a new logic separation inference method applied to a database with a format like most real-world medical records containing many missing data and miscellaneous variables. It is expected that this method should have better performance than currently accessible methods. The newly developed logic separation inference method shows a classification power of 0.997 (elimination method is 1), which is better than the simple replacing method (replaced by mode shows 0.974). Both inference methods (mode and mean) have superior classification power to the simple replacing method. The missing data treatment processes introduced in this study can be completed on a MS Excel spreadsheet without any complicated calculation; therefore, they can satisfy general users. This new missing data treatment method is only applied up to 60% of the missing data (missing at random). However, when there is large amount of data, it is expected that this method also can be applied to a database missing more than 60%.  相似文献   

Animals are capable of navigation even in the absence of prominent landmark cues. This behavioral demonstration of path integration is supported by the discovery of place cells and other neurons that show path-invariant response properties even in the dark. That is, under suitable conditions, the activity of these neurons depends primarily on the spatial location of the animal regardless of which trajectory it followed to reach that position. Although many models of path integration have been proposed, no known single theoretical framework can formally accommodate their diverse computational mechanisms. Here we derive a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for a general class of systems that performs exact path integration. These conditions include multiplicative modulation by velocity inputs and a path-invariance condition that limits the structure of connections in the underlying neural network. In particular, for a linear system to satisfy the path-invariance condition, the effective synaptic weight matrices under different velocities must commute. Our theory subsumes several existing exact path integration models as special cases. We use entorhinal grid cells as an example to demonstrate that our framework can provide useful guidance for finding unexpected solutions to the path integration problem. This framework may help constrain future experimental and modeling studies pertaining to a broad class of neural integration systems.  相似文献   

Among the pathogenesis and risk factors of alcoholic liver disease (ALD) are the source of dietary fat, obesity, insulin resistance, adipokines and acetaldehyde. Translocation of Gram‐negative bacteria from the gut, the subsequent effects mediated by endotoxin, and the increased production of matricellular proteins, cytokines, chemokines and growth factors, actively participate in the progression of liver injury. In addition, generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and the activation of non‐parenchymal cells also contribute to the pathophysiology of ALD. A key event leading to liver damage is the transition of quiescent hepatic stellate cells into activated myofibroblasts, with the consequent deposition of fibrillar collagen I resulting in significant scarring. Thus, it is becoming clearer that matricellular proteins are critical players in the pathophysiology of liver disease; however, additional mechanistic insight is needed to understand the signalling pathways involved in the up‐regulation of collagen I protein. At present, systems biology approaches are helping to answer the many unresolved questions in this field and are allowing to more comprehensively identify protein networks regulating pathological collagen I deposition in hopes of determining how to prevent the onset of liver fibrosis and/or to slow disease progression. Thus, this review article provides a snapshot on current efforts for identifying pathological protein regulatory networks in the liver using systems biology tools. These approaches hold great promise for future research in liver disease.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. The recurrence of HCC after curative treatments is currently a major hurdle. Identification of subsets of patients with distinct prognosis provides an opportunity to tailor therapeutic approaches as well as to select the patients with specific sub-phenotypes for targeted therapy. Thus, the development of gene expression profiles to improve the prediction of HCC prognosis is important for HCC management. Although several gene signatures have been evaluated for the prediction of HCC prognosis, there is no consensus on the predictive power of these signatures. Using systematic approaches to evaluate these signatures and combine them with clinicopathologic information may provide more accurate prediction of HCC prognosis. Recently, Villanueva et al developed a composite prognostic model incorporating gene expression patterns in both tumor and adjacent tissues to predict HCC recurrence. In this commentary, we summarize the current progress in using gene signatures to predict HCC prognosis, and discuss the importance, existing issues and future research directions in this field.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy(HE) is unclear. However gut flora changes, inflammation and neuro-glial injury have been implicated. The aim was to evaluate factors that were associated with HE recurrence after lactulose withdrawal by analyzing the clinical phenotype, stool microbiome and systemic metabolome longitudinally. HE patients on a standard diet who were adherent on lactulose underwent characterization of their phenotype [cognition, inflammatory cytokines, in-vivo brain MR spectroscopy(MRS)], gut microbiome (stool Multitag Pyrosequencing) and metabolome (urine/serum ex-vivo MRS) analysis while on lactulose and on days 2, 14 and 30 post-withdrawal. Patients whose HE recurred post-withdrawal were compared to those without recurrence. We included seven men (53 ± 8 years) who were adherent on lactulose after a precipitated HE episode were included. HE recurred in three men 32 ± 6 days post-withdrawal. In-vivo brain MRS showed increased glutamine+glutamate (Glx) and decreased myoinositol with a reduction in stool Faecalibacterium spp., post-withdrawal. HE recurrence was predicted by poor baseline inhibitory control and block design performance and was associated with a shift of choline metabolism from tri-methylamine oxide formation towards the development of di-methylglycine, glycine and creatinine. This was accompanied by a mixed effect on the immune response (suppressed IL-10 and Th1/Th2/Th17 response). The correlation network showed Prevotella to be linked to improved cognition and decreased inflammation in patients without HE recurrence. We conclude that lactulose withdrawal results in worsening cognition, mixed inflammatory response effect, lowered stool Faecalibacterium and increase in MR-measurable brain Glx. HE recurrence post-lactulose withdrawal can be predicted by baseline cognitive performance and is accompanied by disrupted choline metabolism.  相似文献   

The combination of high-throughput methods of molecular biology with advanced mathematical and computational techniques has propelled the emergent field of systems biology into a position of prominence. Unthinkable a decade ago, it has become possible to screen and analyze the expression of entire genomes, simultaneously assess large numbers of proteins and their prevalence, and characterize in detail the metabolic state of a cell population. Although very important, the focus on comprehensive networks of biological components is only one side of systems biology. Complementing large-scale assessments, and sometimes at the risk of being forgotten, are more subtle analyses that rationalize the design and functioning of biological modules in exquisite detail. This intricate side of systems biology aims at identifying the specific roles of processes and signals in smaller, fully regulated systems by computing what would happen if these signals were lacking or organized in a different fashion. We exemplify this type of approach with a detailed analysis of the regulation of glucose utilization in Lactococcus lactis. This organism is exposed to alternating periods of glucose availability and starvation. During starvation, it accumulates an intermediate of glycolysis, which allows it to take up glucose immediately upon availability. This notable accumulation poses a nontrivial control task that is solved with an unusual, yet ingeniously designed and timed feedforward activation system. The elucidation of this control system required high-precision, dynamic in vivo metabolite data, combined with methods of nonlinear systems analysis, and may serve as a paradigm for multidisciplinary approaches to fine-scaled systems biology.  相似文献   

Cellular biology of the renin-angiotensin systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The renin-angiotensin system is a major determinant of arterial pressure and intravascular volume in human beings. Recent evidence, however, suggests that renin can be synthesized at local tissue sites and that these local renin-angiotensin systems subserve important physiologic functions. In addition, it appears that there exist intracellular renin-angiotensin "systems" capable of generating angiotensin II intracellularly.  相似文献   

The cardiac system has been a major target for intensive studies in the multi-scale modeling field for many years. Reproduction of the action potential and the ionic currents of single cardiomyocytes, as well as the construction of a whole organ model is well established. Still, there are major hurdles to overcome in creating a realistic and predictive functional cardiac model due to the lack of a profound understanding of the complex molecular interactions and their outcomes controlling both normal and pathological cardiophysiology. The recent advent of systems biology offers the conceptual and practical frameworks to tackle such biological complexities. This review provides an overview of major themes in the developing field of cardiac systems biology, summarizing some of the high-throughput experiments and strategies used to integrate the datasets, and various types of computational approaches used for developing useful quantitative models capable of predicting complex biological behavior.  相似文献   

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