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The electroencephalograms (EEGs) of 127 subjects with intellectual disability were analysed with regarding to their correlation to intellectual functions in order to further understand the relationships between EEG and intelligence. The EEG frequency spectrum was subdivided into 15, 2‐Hz‐wide bands and was recorded from electrodes F1, Fpz, Fp2, F7, F3, Fz, F4, F8, T3, C3, Cz, C4, T4, T5, P3, Pz, P4, T6, O1, Oz and O2. Patterns of acorrelation showed several similarities when compared to other analogous studies with normal subjects. However, the typical finding in the present study was a high number of correlations involving the frontal lobes, mainly the prefrontal portions, which is at variance with the patterns of normal subjects. Frontal lobes, especially the prefrontal regions, seem to be affected, regardless of its aetiology, in subjects with intellectual disability.  相似文献   

The anatomy, pathophysiology, and clinical evaluation of radiculopathies are discussed. Defining whether root injury is present and which roots are involved can be difficult but critical for patient management. In conjunction with clinical and radiological information, studies that establish physiological abnormalities of roots should be helpful and important. Clinical neurophysiological studies for radiculopathies are performed frequently but have yet to achieve a universally accepted role in the evaluation of these patients. Electrophysiological techniques for the evaluation of radiculopathies are reviewed. Needle electromyography is the best established of these procedures but has the disadvantage of requiring injury to motor fibers of both a certain degree and distribution. Nerve conduction studies may rarely be abnormal in radiculopathies but are needed to be certain other conditions that may produce similar symptoms and signs are not present. H reflexes and F waves probably have roles in the evaluation of radiculopathies but published reports about F waves in radiculopathies have been marred by inadequate methodology. There is evidence based on large series of patients that somatosensory evoked potentials can be helpful for evaluating patients with multilevel injury such as spinal stenosis, patients where electrophysiological studies may have their greatest clinical utility. Further work using either electrical stimulation with needles or magnetic stimulation of roots seems warranted. The demonstration of meaningful electrophysiological changes with activities that reproduce radicular symptoms may be a promising experimental approach. Available information does not necessarily answer critical questions about the role of electrophysiology in patients with radiculopathies. This cannot be done using analyses based on current ideas about evidence based medicine given the absence of a 'gold standard' for defining radiculopathies as well the absence of blinded studies. The available information provides strong arguments for further investigations evaluating different clinical neurophysiological techniques in the same patient, and for evaluating the value of these techniques by concentrating on their clinical import.  相似文献   

We continuously act on objects, on other individuals, and on ourselves, and actions represent the only way we have to manifest our own desires and goals. In the last two decades, electrophysiological experiments have demonstrated that actions are stored in the brain according to a goal-related organization. The authors review a series of experimental data showing that this "vocabulary of motor schemata" could also be used for non-strictly motor purposes. In the first section, they present data from monkey experiments describing the functional properties of inferior premotor cortex and, in more detail, the properties of visuomotor neurons responding to objects and others' actions observation (mirror neurons). In the second section, human data are reviewed, with particular regard to electrophysiological experiments aiming to investigate how action representations are stored and addressed. The specific facilitatory effect of motor imagery, action/object observation, and speech listening on motor excitability shown by these experiments provides strong evidence that the motor system is constantly involved whenever the idea of an action is evoked.  相似文献   


The electrophysiology of the frontal lobe appears to be unimpressive when the view is limited to the routine EEG recording of a healthy waking adult. There is usually low voltage fast activity, which becomes more pronounced when recorded with depth leads. Three special EEG patterns of marginal to slightly abnormal character are discussed: a) rhythmical midfrontal 6-7/sec activity of juveniles, b) rhythmical midfrontal sharp 4-6/sec activity of infancy and early childhood with arousal from sleep, and c) frontal intermittent rhythmical delta activity (FIRDA) in waking adults with frontopolar maximum, possibly related to thought processes under abnormal conditions. With extension of the frequency range, ultraslow (DC-like) as well as fast beta (gamma, 40-80/sec) and ultrafast activity (80-1000/sec) are found particularly over the frontal lobes. Ultraslow baseline shifts are arousal-related and mixed with overlying ultrafast waves. Attention control and the "working memory" involve chiefly the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, investigated with P300 responses and likely to show ultrafast spectra. Perception-related 40-80/sec gamma activity has been thought to be associated with the entrance into consciousness. Initiation and design of motor activity spreads from prefrontal to the frontomotor cortex, associated with powerful event-related potentials: contingent negative variation (CNV) and "Bereitschafts potential" ("readiness potential," RP). Neuroscientific research of the highest frontal lobe functions has become a very active domain of neuroimaging. With the use of the extended frequency range, EEG and also evoked potential studies could add further information with acquisition in real time. Ultrafast frequency ranges presented in computerized frequency analysis and mapping might show impressive correlates of highest frontal lobe functions.  相似文献   

Adult normothermic monkeys were submitted to 1 h of total cerebral ischemia, followed by blood recirculation for 1.5-24 h. During ischemia EEG and evoked potentials were suppressed within 12 s and 3 min, respectively. Upon recirculation, high-voltage EEG bursts began to reappear after 82-125 min, followed by gradual return of continuous background activity and near normalization of EEG frequency pattern within 24 h. Somatically evoked potentials, in contrast, exhibited only partial recovery, and consciousness did not return during the observation period. At the end of the experiments, tissue contents of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium were measured in the gray and white matter of parietal lobe by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Gray matter sodium content gradually increased by approximately 50% from 41.0 to 59.8 mumol/g wet wt during 24 h of recirculation. The other electrolytes including calcium did not change during the observation period. Postischemic recovery reported in this and the accompanying article is attributed to careful control of postischemic general physiological state and prevention or treatment of postischemic complicating side effects such as postischemic brain edema, hypotension, acidosis, pulmonary distress, and anuria. No specific drug treatment such as application of calcium antagonists or metabolic inhibitors was necessary to achieve this effect.  相似文献   

B. E. Swartz 《Epilepsia》1994,35(2):264-274
Summary: To determine the localizing value and electrophysiology of bimanual-bipedal automatisms (BBAs), we studied these behaviors in 54 seizures of 8 patients with temporal or frontal lobe seizure onset. BBAs occurred with a frequency of 27% in frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE) and of 7% in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). The distribution of electrode sites showing ictal activity during these automatisms was significantly different in the two patient groups (0.0001 Chi-square). Mesioand/or laterotemporal plus orbital frontal areas were involved areas when the behaviors appeared in patients with TLE; dorsolateral and mesiofrontal regions were the most commonly involved when the behaviors occurred during the course of frontal lobe seizures. We concluded that BBAs represent activation of frontal lobe circuitry but are not unique to seizures of frontal lobe origin. Eyelid flutter and repetitive body movements in either the axial or sagittal plane were significantly associated with the frontal lobe group whereas oral-alimentary automatisms were associated with the temporal lobe group. Thus, these associated behaviors may help indicate whether a frontal or temporal lobe seizure onset has occurred when BBAs are observed. A new concept of ictal expression is proposed to conform with the results as well as with other apparently disparate ictal behaviors that may have localizing value.  相似文献   

Demyelinating neuropathies are disorders of the peripheral nervous system in which the myelin sheath of axons is affected by immune-mediated or genetically determined processes. In single axons, demyelination yields conduction block due to extinction of action potentials or conduction slowing. Motor nerve conduction studies assess these phenomena in nerves, which consist of many axons. It is important to distinguish demyelinating from axonal polyneuropathies as this allows accurate diagnosis and institution of appropriate treatment. Immunological treatment in acquired demyelinating polyneuropathies is often successful. Criteria were developed for motor conduction velocity slowing and for conduction block, which assume demyelination if the findings cannot be explained by axon loss. Criteria-sets for the diagnosis of specific polyneuropathies require that several variables are consistent with demyelination in several nerves. However, these sets are based on expert opinion and have a low sensitivity such that treatable neuropathies may be underdiagnosed. Evidence-based sets are currently being developed. Axon loss is the main determinant of the clinical deficit in demyelinating neuropathies and, if its mechanisms are further elucidated, it may be prevented by pharmacological treatment. Excitability testing, which assesses axonal membrane potential and ion-channel activities, may reveal some of these mechanisms.  相似文献   

Fisher syndrome (FS), a variant of Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), is characterized by the clinical triad of ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, and areflexia. The lesion sites for these unique clinical features include the oculomotor nerves and group 1a neurons in the dorsal root ganglion, and the presence of FS is determined by the expression of ganglioside GQ1b in the human nervous system. Neurophysiological findings suggest that ataxia and areflexia are due to an impaired proprioceptive afferent system. Typically, the soleus H-reflex is absent and a body-sway analysis using posturography shows a 1-Hz peak, which indicates proprioception dysfunction. Sensory nerve action potentials and somatosensory-evoked potentials are abnormal in approximately 30% of FS patients, indicating the occasional involvement of cutaneous (group 2) afferents. During the disease course, approximately 15% of FS patients suffer an overlap of axonal GBS with nerve conduction abnormalities that reflect axonal dysfunction. This review summarizes electrophysiological abnormalities and their clinical significance in FS.  相似文献   

The development of the extrastriate visual system relative to the striate system was estimated indirectly by measuring the volumes of the lateral posteriorpulvinar complex and lateral geniculate nucleus in six varieties of mammals selected on the basis of their propinquity with Anthropoidea [oppossums, hedgehogs, rats, squirrels, tree shrews and bushbabies]. The same animals were tested on two related behavioral tasks [spatial and visual reversal learning] whose successful achievement requires a simple sort of abstraction. The results show that the ability to learn visual reversal, but not spatial reversal, corresponds closely to the relative degree of development of the extrastriate system. Since the variation in both these behavioral and morphological characteristics also parallels the phylogenetic dimension, the recency of common ancestry to anthropoids, the evolutionary origin of the anthropoid capacity for visual abstraction is suggested.  相似文献   

Electrophysiology of GABAA and GABAB receptor subtypes   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Recent studies regarding the effects of above average intelligence and neuropsychological performance have been mixed with Dodrill (1977) suggesting that above-average performances on neuropsychological test scores should not be expected when intellectual abilities are above average and Tremont, Hoffman, Scott and Adams (in press) clearly suggesting better neuropsychological skills in the higher IQ group. This paper described a reanalysis of a previously presented Canadian data-set assembled by Pauker (1980) of three hundred and sixty-three persons (152 males, 211 females) who were administered the core tests of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery (HRNTB) and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). The results were that subjects with higher intelligence had better neuropsychological test score performances except for the Finger Tapping with the dominant hand test.  相似文献   

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