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Radiographic manifestations of congenital anomalies of the skull   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Congenital anomalies of the pediatric skull are caused by a diverse group of disorders. For the purposes of this discussion, these entities can be classified according to the radiographic appearance of the skull, which may be similar in a variety of different diseases. Enlarged parietal foramina, sinus pericranii, aplasia cutis congenita, anterior fontanelle dermoid, cephaloceles, and craniolacunia are all examples of loceles, and craniolacunia are all examples of calvarial defects. Although there are numerous causes for wormian bones (Table 1), OI, cleidocranial dysplasia, congenital hypothyroidism, and hypophosphatasia are disorders that are commonly associated with defective ossification and the appearance of wormian bones. Osteopetrosis is an important example of rare bony dysplasias that cause sclerosis and hyperostosis of the skull. A partial list of other disorders causing similar radiographic findings is found in Table 2. Craniosynostosis results in an abnormality of skull shape. The suture(s) involved may be predicted by the deformed calvarial configuration. Knowledge of the growth and development of the skull and an understanding of the varied causes of congenital skull anomalies can enable the radiologist to provide the diagnosis or an informed differential diagnosis when confronted with a specific radiographic finding.  相似文献   

Although the foregoing review of embryologic development and congenital anomalies of the spine in infants and children is necessarily brief, the most commonly encountered abnormalities have been reviewed, and when possible, an attempt has been made to cite the stage of embryologic development at which the various abnormalities originate. As noted, congenital abnormalities of the spine are relatively uncommon but may be of profound clinical significance. During the past decade, the most significant developments in the diagnosis and treatment of these abnormalities have been ultrasonography, CT scanning, and MR imaging. In the neonate, the spinal cord and neural outflow can be evaluated by ultrasonography until the osseous elements begin to fuse. Thereafter, MR imaging is the procedure of choice because it permits evaluation of the spine and spinal cord in all planes of imaging and provides detailed evaluation of the effect of osseous abnormalities on neural structures. Finally, plain radiographs of the spine for evaluation of neonates who have any of a spectrum of sacral dimples are rarely helpful, and in the presence of significant cutaneous or subcutaneous abnormalities, ultrasonography is the preferred modality for evaluation.  相似文献   

Congenital anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract can pose serious threats to the health of newborn infants and children. Perhaps nowhere has pediatric surgery had as dramatic an impact as in the care and treatment of these conditions. The pediatric radiologist works closely with the surgeon in evaluating these anomalies in young children. Plain radiographic films and contrast studies have been and remain the first step in studying these anomalies. Newer imaging modalities, however, also have made contributions to the continuing importance of the role of the radiologist in the diagnosis and care of children with these anomalies.  相似文献   

Congenital anomalies of the airway are generally uncommon, but a vast array of possibilities exists. Some present life-threatening emergencies at birth, and others go undiagnosed for years. Clinical symptoms are often nonspecific, and radiographic evaluation is frequently requested to localize and characterize the lesion before endoscopy, surgery, or medical management. The most common intrinsic congenital anomalies causing airway compromise in infants include choanal atresia, mandibular hypoplasia, laryngomalacia, vocal cord paralysis, and congenital subglottic stenosis. The radiologist must be on the alert for unsuspected additional anomalies involving the airway, lungs, and esophagus, which occur with relative frequency. Numerous extrinsic congenital masses of the head, neck, and mediastinum may compromise the airway. Hemangiomas, lymphangiomas, and teratomas are more likely to be noted at birth, whereas branchial cleft cysts, thyroglossal duct anomalies, and dermoid cysts frequently present later. Mass location and radiographic characteristics usually allow accurate preoperative diagnosis. Intracranial involvement by nasal or nasopharyngeal masses, intrathoracic involvement by lower neck mass, and intraspinal involvement by posterior neck mass must always be sought for radiographically. Persistence of respiratory symptoms after removal of such masses is not uncommon because tracheal deformity and laxity may take months or years to resolve. Recent advances in cine CT and MR imaging promise to improve imaging of the airway in general and in the pediatric population in particular. Significant limitations in imaging of the pediatric larynx remain. As a result, endoscopy continues to be the primary diagnostic tool for airway anomalies of this region.  相似文献   

Radiographic manifestations of congenital anomalies of the aortic arch   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article discusses congenital anomalies of the aortic arch. Many malformations of a left, right, or double aortic arch produce tracheal, bronchial, and esophageal compression and can be recognized on chest radiographs or esophagrams and confirmed by angiography, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging. Other congenital lesions of the aortic arch are characterized by aortic obstruction and include supravalvular aortic stenosis, aortic arch interruption or atresia, and coarctation.  相似文献   

Radiographic manifestations of renal anomalies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intrauterine sonography has revolutionized the detection of renal anomalies. Previously unavailable demonstrations of abnormalities pose a new challenge to those responsible for the care of these patients. Optimal management is dependent on knowledge of the natural history of the demonstrated abnormality, the sequelae, and also the results and the complications of the various forms of available treatment.  相似文献   

Congenital nonvascular anomalies of the lung can be subdivided into those affecting the bronchial tree and those affecting parenchymal abnormalities. Embryologic development of the lung is briefly reviewed to facilitate an understanding of developmental pulmonary anomalies. Clinical, radiographic, and therapeutic aspects of these anomalies are discussed.  相似文献   

Radiographic manifestations of anomalies of the brain   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Congenital brain anomalies are classified as developmental anomalies, effects of teratogens, errors of histogenesis, or sequelae of infections. The imaging options for delineation of these anomalies are many; a basic understanding of the disorder is central to the effective choice of imaging modality. This review begins with a brief overview of embryogenesis then reviews the common congenital brain anomalies encountered in infants.  相似文献   

Limb anomalies and their commonly associated organ malformations are increasingly recognized in fetal life because of the use of high resolution real-time sonography. In most instances plain radiography establishes the diagnosis of limb anomalies shortly after birth. In some neonates the diagnosis is tentative until full skeletal maturity is attained. When evaluation of the soft tissues and unmineralized cartilage or ossification center is a prerequisite to early definitive therapy, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are the procedures of choice.  相似文献   

Congenital anomalies of the thoracic wall in children as isolated findings are not particularly common. Indeed, some are so uncommon or peculiar that they become very puzzling to the observer. This article deals with many of these conditions and also with the thoracic wall as it might be used for the identification of various syndromes and dwarfing entities.  相似文献   

肾动态功能显像在儿童先天性泌尿系统畸形的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 对儿童泌尿系统各种先天性畸形的肾动态显像特征作总结并评价其临床意义。方法 51例泌尿先天性畸形患儿按病因分为4组,进行99^Tc-DTPA肾动态显像,其中8例患儿加作了速尿介入试验。结果 肾动态显像可以:(1)从形态上识别各种畸形并了解分肾功能;(2)确定尿路梗阻部位。输尿管近端梗阻表现为肾盂积水较重,输尿管无积水,远端输尿管梗阻则肾盂积水较轻,输尿管积水;下尿路梗阻常为双侧积水。利尿肾图有  相似文献   

Improvements in the preoperative evaluation, surgical treatment, and postoperative care of patients with congenital cardiac disease have allowed a large patient population with congenital cardiac abnormalities to reach adolescence and adulthood. Noninvasive diagnostic imaging procedures (e.g., plain film radiography, echocardiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging) are playing an increasingly important role in the evaluation and management of adults with both treated and untreated congenital cardiac disease. The role of plain film radiology is emphasized.  相似文献   

According to literature and to our experiences sonography should be the first investigation of the lower urinary tract in children, if there is suspicion of obstruction or malformation. In many cases the localisation of obstruction or the diagnosis of malformation can be found. Furthermore by sonographic follow-up studies of ureter obstructions by tumors, by concrements or after surgery, the normal radiographic investigations like urography or retrograde pyelography can be reduced. Sonography is a valuable enrichment for investigations of functional and morphological changes of the urinary bladder, especially for the classification of bladder tumors: whereas the diagnosis of urethral diseases still is found by clinical investigations and conventional radiological procedures.  相似文献   

Any child with urinary tract infection needs a radiologic work-up to determine his or her potential risk for sustaining renal damage. VCUG, either fluoroscopic or isotopic, should always be performed. If the infection responds to treatment and the VCUG is normal, ultrasonography should be performed. However, when the VCUG demonstrates reflux, radionuclide scan or, less preferably, excretory urography is indicated to assess renal parenchymal damage and function. When a urinary tract infection does not respond to treatment, ultrasonography or CT scan should be obtained to check for renal or perirenal abscess. If the findings are normal, medical treatment to control the infection is indicated. Further evaluation of the urinary tract may be temporarily delayed. In an infant with urinary tract infection and sepsis, renal ultrasonography is indicated. If the sonogram is normal, VCUG can be delayed until the infant responds to medical treatment. If ultrasonography is abnormal, VCUG and radionuclide scan such as 99mtechnetium DTPA with furosemide to evaluate gross morphology and function should be obtained. Complicated medical problems, such as urinary tract infection in combination with a history of intravenous drug abuse or with findings of fever and a mass, deserve immediate evaluation with ultrasonography or CT scan. A patient with fever of unknown origin and normal urine culture should have a radionuclide scan using gallium67 citrate or indium111-tagged leukocytes, both of which can demonstrate an extrarenal or unsuspected intrarenal site of infection. A variety of imaging modalities are available today for investigating urinary tract infections in the pediatric patient. Used intelligently, singly or in combination, these examinations provide information for the clinical evaluation as well as short-and long-term management of infections, their causes and complication, and their effect on renal function.  相似文献   

Radio-urodynamic examination of the lower urinary tract is the best method to study the complex functional problems involving those structures. It will very often provide a correct diagnostic orientation in a single session. The main indications are (1) urinary incontinence when symptoms are unclear, or recurring after surgical correction, (2) neurogenic bladder dysfunction, (3) incipient obstructive uropathy and (4) when it is necessary to ascertain that micturition is normal. The necessary investment in personnel, time and material is considerable, and the indications are therefore to be limited to complex problems and to certain centers that have a special clinical and research interest in urodynamics. It is nevertheless highly justified by the improvement in therapeutic results engendered by a correct and precise diagnosis.  相似文献   

Techniques of radiology of use in the study of traumatic lesions of the urinary apparatus are discussed and 14 cases are reported in detail.  相似文献   

目的探讨女性下尿路症状(LUTS)的治疗措施及效果。方法总结39例女性下尿路症状患者,病因包括:腺性膀胱炎12例、间质性膀胱炎6例、膀胱黏膜鳞状化生1例、放射性膀胱炎1例、不明原因4例、尿道口狭窄15例。分别采用药物治疗、膀胱黏膜电灼、膀胱灌注、尿道扩张等方法治疗。评价其临床治疗效果。结果治愈34例,好转3例,有效率94.8%(37/39)。无效2例。结论女性LUTS原因复杂多样,需要综合治疗,个体化治疗。  相似文献   

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