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正患者女性,78岁,因"胸痛3h"于2015年11月7日入成都中医药大学附属医院胸痛中心,急诊心电图示V1~V3导联ST段弓背向上抬高,考虑为"急性前间壁心肌梗死",床旁快速检测示肌钙蛋白1.15(参考值0.01)μg/L,血生化示:肝功能、电解质未见异常,肌酐86(参考值59~104)μmol/L。查体示血压110/65mm Hg(1mm Hg=0.133kPa),双下肺少许湿啰音,心率85次/min,心界向左侧扩大,心律齐,各瓣膜  相似文献   

正2018年第6期(截稿日期2018年5月1日)患者,女,48岁,既往体健,因"突发胸闷、呼吸困难4h"于2015年6月入成都中医药大学附属医院(我院)胸痛中心;急诊科快速床旁检验示心肌酶及心肌损伤标志物阴性,D-二聚体10(参考值0.5)mg/L;动脉血气分析示pH 7.084,二氧化碳分压(PCO2)41.5mm Hg(1mm Hg=0.133kPa),氧分压(PO2)63.5mm Hg,  相似文献   

1临床资料患者男,72岁,因"突发心前区疼痛、憋喘12 h余"入院。查体:血压134/74 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 k Pa),心率70次/min,双下肺可闻及湿性啰音,余无其他阳性体征。心电图示:Ⅰ、a VL、V3~V6导联T波倒置。超敏肌钙蛋白2.65μg/L(正常值<0.11μg/L)。诊断:冠心病,急性心肌  相似文献   

正患者女性,78岁,因"胸痛3h"于2015年11月7日入成都中医药大学附属医院(我院)胸痛中心,急诊心电图示V_1~V_3导联ST段弓背向上抬高,考虑为"急性前间壁心肌梗死",床旁快速检测示肌钙蛋白1.15(参考值0.01)μg/L,血生化示:肝功能、电解质未见异常,肌酐86(参考值59~104)μmol/L。查体示血压110/65mm Hg(1mm Hg=0.133kPa),双下肺少许湿啰音,心率85次/min,心界向左侧扩大,心律齐,各瓣膜区未闻及杂音。床旁超声心动图未见夹层  相似文献   

心脏介入术后急性肺栓塞抢救成功两例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
病例1:患者男性,56岁,主因发作性心悸10年,加重3个月,以"心律失常,预激综合征"入院。查体:BP150/90mm Hg(1mm Hg=0.133kPa),呼吸18次/min,双肺检查(-);心界大,心率72次/min,余未见异常。入院心电图(ECG)示:  相似文献   

正1临床资料27岁男性患者,发现肌部室间隔缺损(室缺)1个月入院。查体:心率72次/min,血压120/71mm Hg(1mm Hg=0.133k Pa),无紫绀,胸骨左缘第3~4肋间5/6级的收缩期喷射样杂音。心电图示窦性心率,CT示:室间隔肌部室缺。  相似文献   

吴亚文  杨震 《心脏杂志》2019,30(1):122-123
正1临床资料患者,男性,69岁,退休人员,主因"发作性心悸3年余"于2017年3月9日在我院住院治疗,2017-03-10静息心电图示:心房颤动(房颤)。反复多次复查静息心电图仍示心颤。患者自诉确诊房颤3年余,院外规律口服华法林抗凝治疗。既往有高血压病史10年,最高血压150/80mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0. 133 k Pa),口服坎地沙坦酯片(每晚8 mg),平时血压控制在140/80 mm Hg,否认冠心病及糖尿病  相似文献   

<正>2020年第1期(截稿日期2019年10月1日)患者,女,57岁,以"发现血压高23年,心慌10d"为主诉入院。现病史:23年前体检发现血压高,最高达180/100mm Hg(1mm Hg=0.133kPa),间断服用硝苯地平缓释片20mg 1次/d,特拉唑嗪2mg 1次/d,血压波动在130~150/90~100mm Hg。无特殊不适,未系统诊治。10d前心慌、乏力,就诊当地医院,心电图示心房纤颤,生化示血钾2.5mmol/L,给予补钾、控制心率药物,症状减轻,仍血钾低,血压偏高(150/95mm Hg  相似文献   

正患者,女,48岁,既往体健,因"突发胸闷、呼吸困难4h"于2015年6月入成都中医药大学附属医院(我院)胸痛中心;急诊科快速床旁检验示心肌酶及心肌损伤标志物阴性,D-二聚体10(参考值0.5)mg/L;动脉血气分析示pH 7.084,二氧化碳分压(partial pressure of carbon dioxide,PCO_2)41.5 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133kPa),氧分压(partial pressure of oxygen,PO_2)  相似文献   

患者男,58岁。既往体健,无哮喘史,无吸烟史,于2004-04因咳喘半个月,加重4d住院治疗。当时查体:血压140/90mm Hg(1mm Hg=0·133kPa),双肺满布哮鸣音,肺底可闻及湿性啰音脑嗖食咀笫沂嬲殴?能减退,收缩功能正常,肺动脉压增高。肺功能检查示通气功能重度减退,混合性通气障碍。心电图示心肌缺血。痰培养示臭鼻型肺炎克雷伯菌生长。血常规化验示血红蛋白200g/L,白细胞14·1×109/L,血小板353×109/L,红细胞比容0·572。血气分析:pH值7·39,动脉血CO2分压42mm Hg,动脉血氧分压79·2mm Hg,HCO3-25·5mmol/L,剩余碱0。诊断为支气管哮喘,肺…  相似文献   

Transcatheter closure of atrial septal defect is an accepted alternative to surgical closure. It was attempted in 63 patients (age range 1.5-55 years) using self-expandable Amplatzer septal occluder (AGA Med. Co., USA). The atrial septal anatomy was evaluated by transthoracic and multiplane transoesophageal echocardiography with special reference to septal margins and adjacent structures. The size of atrial septal defect on echocardiographic evaluation varied from 9-28 (17.5 +/- 4.7) mm. Fifty (79.4%) patients had adequate septal margins of 5 mm or larger, while remaining 13 (20.6%) had insufficient anterosuperior margin. Cardiac catheterisation revealed Qp/Qs ranging from 1.5 to 5.3 and balloon-stretched atrial septal defect diameter of 10-32 (20.3 +/- 5.3) mm. The procedure was overall successful in 62 (98.4%) patients and in all patients with insufficient anterosuperior margin. Embolisation of the device occurred in one (1.6%) patient within five minutes of the device release, which could not be retrieved non-surgically. Size of the device used was either same or preferably 1-3 mm more than the balloon-stretched atrial septal defect diameter. Total procedure time was 40-90 (59 +/- 12.4) minutes and the fluoroscopy time was 12-30 (17.3 +/- 4.2) minutes. Immediate post-procedure and pre-discharge echocardiography in patients with successful deployment of the device revealed complete abolition of shunt in 61 (98.4%) and trivial residual shunt in one (1.6%) patient. No patient developed atrioventricular valve regurgitation or cardiac arrhythmias. Thus, atrial septal defect closure using self-expandable septal occluder is a safe and efficacious procedure requiring a short procedural time. There is full control in the system for proper positioning or repositioning of the device with excellent technical success rate even in cases with insufficient anterosuperior septal margin.  相似文献   

Percutaneous closure of ventricular septal defects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Surgical closure of ventricular septal defects has been performed for many years, and is considered as the gold standard for treatment. It remains associated with morbidity and mortality. Transcatheter techniques have been developed in the last 10 years as a possible alternative to conventional surgery. METHODS: The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia, and with continuous fluoroscopic and transesophageal echocardiographic guidance. Devices of the Amplatzer family, two in particular, have achieved a large popularity in clinical practice, and are currently the devices most commonly used to close muscular and perimembranous ventricular septal defect percutaneously. RESULTS: Data from literature show that successful closure of muscular defects is obtained in around 96% of patients, with a rate of major complication of around 2%. Pooling data from the literature shows that successful closure of perimembranous defects is also obtained in 96% of patients, again with major acute complications in around 2%. The major problem is the occurrence of complete atrioventricular block, reported in 1.7% of subjects. Acquired defects can occur as residual leaks after surgical closure, or as consequence of myocardial infarction. There are very few data concerning percutaneous closure of postoperative residual defects. As for the surgical approach, in patients with post-myocardial defects the success rate of percutaneous closure is around 88%, with a mortality of 22%. CONCLUSIONS: Nowadays, in experienced hands, percutaneous closure is a safe and effective procedure. In selected patients, closure of congenital or acquired muscular and perimembranous ventricular septal defects can be considered a real alternative to the standard surgical approach, with the advantage of a significantly reduced rate of mortality and complications.  相似文献   

Following the pioneering work of King, Rashkind and their associates in the mid 1970s, a number of devices have been designed and tested in animal models and human subjects. Some devices have been discontinued and others were modified followed by further clinical trials. At the time of this writing, only one device, ASO, was approved by the FDA for general clinical use to occlude atrial defects. There are a number of other devices which are in clinical trials, including the CardioSeal/StarFlex, COD buttoned, Helex and transcatheter patch devices. The preceding paper reports on the utility of ASO in occluding atrial defects in adult patients: the results appear good with extremely rare major complication and little need re-intervention during follow-up. It is envisioned that several other devices will be approved by the regulatory authorities in the foreseeable future so that an appropriate device for a given type of atrial septal defect may be selected by the practicing interventional cardiologist.  相似文献   

The first transcatheter closure of an atrial septal defect (ASD) was performed by King and Mills in 1976. The Lock Clamshell occluder and the buttoned device are the latest devices to undergo clinical trials. Successful transcatheter closure has been possible with minimal morbidity and mortality. Small residual shunts may remain, however, in up to 20% of patients 1 year after the procedure. The clinical significance and natural history of these small residual atrial communications remains to be determined. This article reviews the history and development of the current ASD closure techniques, with emphasis on the experience with the Lock Clamshell occluder and the buttoned device.  相似文献   

Functional closure of atrial septal defects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three patients with left to right shunts at the atrial level and clinical findings of atrial septal defect were studied at 8 months to 2 years of age. The subsequent clinical course of these children indicated that the atrial defect had closed. The second heart sound became normal although systolic ejection murmurs remained. Hemodynamic studies confirmed the functional closure of the atrial septal defect although probe patency of the foramen ovale was still present in 2 patients. Although functional closure of atrial septal defects may not be a common occurrence, the possibility should be kept in mind and elective surgery should not be undertaken during the first few years of life.  相似文献   

Transcatheter closure of ventricular septal defects   总被引:78,自引:0,他引:78  
Between January and October, 1987, we attempted percutaneous transcatheter closure of seven ventricular septal defects (VSD) in six patients; none of the patients was a candidate for operative management. Patients' ages ranged from 8 months to 82 years (6.0-70 kg); diagnoses included postinfarction VSD (n = 4), congenital VSD (n = 1), and postoperative congenital VSD (n = 2). Indications for VSD closure were shock or respiratory failure (n = 5) or multiple episodes of endocarditis (n = 1). Closure was attempted with a Rashkind double umbrella: VSDs were crossed via the left ventricle and a guide wire was advanced to the right heart, snared with a venous catheter, and used to direct a long sheath (and ultimately the double umbrella) across the VSD. We crossed the VSD in all seven attempts, and a 17-mm double umbrella was successfully placed in each VSD. In the first (postinfarction) patient with the largest (12 mm) VSD, the umbrella embolized after 20 seconds to the pulmonary artery (without reducing flow). The other six umbrellas remained in position, either diminishing or abolishing the left-to-right shunts. Postinfarction patients had increasing VSD shunting over the next several days and died; at postmortem, the umbrellas remained well positioned in the septum, with other VSDs present. All three congenital VSDs had absent or diminished shunts after umbrella closure. These preliminary data indicate that transcatheter VSD closure is feasible in selected cases.  相似文献   

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