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BACKGROUND: Posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were assessed in young adult survivors of childhood cancer, including the role of four sets of variables in understanding PTSD in this population: demographic characteristics, disease and treatment factors, psychosocial and functional outcomes, and cancer-related beliefs. PROCEDURE: One hundred eighty-two survivors of pediatric malignancies, ages 18-37 years old completed a psychiatric interview and self-report measures. Survivors were >or=5 years from diagnosis and >or=2 years from the completion of cancer treatment for a variety of cancers. RESULTS: Nearly 16% of the sample had PTSD. Most survivors reported re-experiencing symptoms. There were no significant differences between survivors with and without PTSD on demographic or disease and treatment variables. Survivors with PTSD reported more psychological problems and negative beliefs about their illness and health status than those without PTSD. A logistic regression model predicted 50% of the variance in PTSD. CONCLUSIONS: PTSD affects a subset of young adult cancer survivors. These survivors experience more psychological problems in general. Beliefs about the cancer experience are more potent predictors of PTSD than demographic or disease and treatment factors. Screening for PTSS and PTSD in cancer survivors is recommended.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in parents of children with cancer. Five questionnaires were administered to 104 parents, including a sociodemographic questionnaire, a traumatic events check list, the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV PTSD and Major Depressive Disorder modules, and the self-rating instrument General Health Questionnaire-12. The prevalence of PTSD was 34.6%. The statistically significant tendency to develop PTSD were found in the female gender, better educational status, death of a loved one, previous history of psychiatric disorder, having a child with poorer prognosis, and the presence of radiotherapy in child's treatment. The vulnerable parents must receive psychosocial support.  相似文献   

Important advances in understanding traumatic stress reactions in children and young people have been made in recent years. The aim of this review was to synthesise selected recent research findings, with a focus on their relevance to clinical practice. We therefore address: findings on the epidemiology of trauma exposure and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD); recent changes to diagnostic classification; implications for screening and assessment of traumatic stress reactions; and treatment outcome studies including interventions for acute and chronic PTSD, dissemination of effective treatments into community settings, and early interventions. We conclude with recommendations for clinical practice and suggestions for future areas of research.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is an inequality gap between the outcome of childhood cancer in resource, rich and limited countries. Abandonment of treatment is one of the reasons for this. PROCEDURE: We searched the medical literature for evidence on abandonment, its causes, and any preventative interventions. RESULTS: Abandonment is a very real problem all across the developing world. Cancers associated with poorer prognosis seem to have higher abandonment rates. It is also related to the socio-economic and educational status of parents, travel time to treatment centers, and affordable, locally available treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Twinning between institutions, which includes several preventative interventions, has clearly been shown to work.  相似文献   

Children with cancer are at risk of malnutrition, which can impair critical childhood processes of growth and development and contribute to poor health outcomes. Enteral nutrition can effectively ameliorate malnutrition or weight loss in children with cancer; however, published nutrition support algorithms contain minimal specific information on gastrostomy tube use, and current literature is limited. Decisions about gastrostomy tube insertion in children with cancer can be challenging. Consideration of gastrostomy tube insertion is only appropriate in children with long‐term dependence on enteral nutrition, particularly when nasogastric tube insertion is predicted or proven to be problematic. Specific indications for patient selection are unclear, and referring clinicians may be unaware of important absolute and relative contraindications. Complications are predominantly minor in nature; however, reported rates are high. Morbidity must be weighed carefully against the need and anticipated duration of enteral nutrition support, and further research in this area is needed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The study was conducted to compare moderate sedation (MS) with general anesthesia (GA) in the management of frequently performed lumbar puncture or bone marrow aspiration (BMA) during the treatment of childhood cancer. PROCEDURE: The MS (14 patients for 30 procedures) was managed by non-anesthesiologists (combined nitrous oxide-midazolam +/- non-pharmacological techniques). The GA was managed by anesthesiologists (17 patients for 30 procedures). A neutral observer recorded side effects, use of sedative antagonists, recovery time, oncologist's evaluation, procedure behaviors check list (PBCL); subjective perceptions during the procedure with a questionnaire administered to children (>6 years) and their parents; drugs costs and professional resources. P-values <0.05 were considered significant. RESULTS: We had two inadequate sedations in MS (6.6%) versus 0 in GA. We had no significant differences in side effects (7.10% MS vs. 8.6% in GA), use of antagonists (2.90% GA vs. 0 MS), PBCL, oncologist evaluation and questionnaire data or drugs costs. We observed significant differences in recovery times (MS, mean 43 +/- SD min vs. GA, mean 117 +/- SD min) and professional resources costs. The effects of non-pharmacological techniques on anxiety were perceived very positively by both children and parents (on 0-4 scale, mean scores 3.57 for the children; 3.53 for the parents). CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that MS compared favorably to GA with respect to both safety and efficacy. When performed by non-anesthesiologists, MS may be associated with better compliance and cost-effectiveness as it relies on the contribution of non-pharmacological techniques.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to characterize the clinical aspects and the treatment of mild to severe pain in Brazilian children and adolescents with cancer. We evaluated the importance of classifying patients according to the phase of cancer treatment (diagnosis, treatment, recurrence, and end-of-life palliative care) and the opioid-related side effects. METHODS: An institutional prospective study of 184 episodes of pain in children and adolescents with cancer was conducted. Pain was classified according to its cause, physiopathology and intensity. Treatment was based on the WHO guidelines for cancer pain relief. RESULTS: Pain scales were completed by 77% of the patients. Numerical scales were used by 49% of them. Morphine was given in 111 episodes for 2,758 patient days. Morphine doses had to be escalated when it was given to patients during end-of-life palliative care. Opioids were well tolerated with no severe side effects. Psychological dependence on morphine was found in 2% (2/111) of the cases. Pain control was satisfactory in 97% of the episodes. CONCLUSIONS: The WHO guidelines for cancer pain relief were effective in controlling pain in children and adolescents with cancer. Despite their low socioeconomic level, patients were able to quantify their pain using rating scales.  相似文献   

Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is used to treat children with various hematologic, oncologic, and metabolic diseases. Although the treatment can be lifesaving, it is also physically and psychologically demanding for both the child and caregivers. In previous studies, BMT is found to be related with anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and psychosocial problems both in children and parents. The aim of this study was to investigate PTSD in pediatric BMT survivors and their mothers compared with the healthy controls. Twenty-seven BMT survivors and their mothers and 28 healthy peers and their mothers were recruited as the study group and as the comparison group, respectively. All children were interviewed using Child Posttraumatic Stress Disorder—Reaction Index (CPTSD-RI) for assessing posttraumatic stress responses. As for mothers, Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) was used. In healthy children and mothers, instead of BMT, the most important traumatic event reported by them was included. All data were analyzed by a neutral statistician from the Department of Biostatistics of the university. The BMT group, both children and mothers, obtained significantly higher PTSD rates than the control group (66.5% and 17.8%, respectively, in children; 57.6% and 7%, respectively, in mothers). However, there was a weak correlation between survivors' and mothers' posttraumatic stress responses. These findings suggest that BMT is a significant stressor for both children and mothers. Clinicians should be aware of psychiatric symptoms of children who underwent such a life-threatening condition. Combination of medical treatment with psychosocial support is imperative.  相似文献   

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