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There is extensive international evidence that people with severe mental illness have a lower standard of physical health than the general population. This leads to higher morbidity and mortality rates. Many of the causes for this poor physical health are modifiable. Yet the physical needs of this consumer group are neglected by healthcare systems in Australia, and elsewhere. While medical specialists are clearly integral to remedying this, nurses are well placed to play a key role in focused prevention and early intervention in the physical well-being of consumers with mental health problems. This paper outlines the specifics on how mental health nurses can be sensitized, prepared and empowered to help turn this serious health issue around. In particular, mental health nurses could be trained in and then utilize a new physical health check and response system in the UK (called the Health Improvement Profile) if adapted for use within Australia. This profile will be briefly introduced, and then its value to improving health care discussed.  相似文献   

Health care for people with severe mental illness is often divided into physical health care and mental health care despite the importance of a holistic approach to caring for the whole person. Mental health nurses have an important role not only in preventing ill health, but also in promoting health, to improve the overall health among people with severe mental illness and to develop a more person‐centred, integrated physical and mental health care. Thus, the aim of this study was to describe mental health nurses’ experiences of facilitating aspects that promote physical health and support a healthy lifestyle for people with severe mental illness. Interviews were conducted with mental health nurses (n = 15), and a qualitative content analysis was used to capture the nurse’s experiences. Analysis of the interviews generated three categories: (i) to have a health promotion focus in every encounter, (ii) to support with each person’s unique prerequisites in mind and (iii) to take responsibility for health promotion in every level of the organization. The results show the importance of a health promotion focus that permeates the entire organization of mental health care. Shared responsibility for health and health promotion activities should exist at all levels: in the person‐centred care in the relation with the patient, embedded in a joint vision within the working unit, and in decisions at management level.  相似文献   

The physical health of outpatients with severe mental illness (SMI) can be improved by changes in the health‐care system. Analysis of current practice is necessary to develop these strategies. We compared the number of somatic health problems of outpatients with SMI with the frequency of consulting a general practitioner (GP). This was a cross‐sectional study based on interviews, and records from the GP and the pharmacy. We checked whether Dutch community pharmacies had complete and correct information about the patients' medication. We observed that all patients (n = 118) had somatic problems in need of clinical attention. Patients who visited their GP less than once a year (35%, n = 42), had a mean of 2.8 somatic health problems. This was less than patients who consulted their GP more than once a year (P ≤ 0.01). In 37% of cases, the pharmacy did not have adequate information on the drug use. Many patients with SMI seemed to have insufficient contact with their GP for their somatic health problems. Insufficient information about the patients' medication suggested that the pharmacist and GP should increase exchange of information. Mental health nurses can take a lead in coordinating the care to improve somatic health for their patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Successive governments have urged mental health service providers to target their attentions on people with severe and enduring mental illness (SEMI). However, community mental health teams (CMHTs) in general, and community mental health nurses (CMHNs) in particular, have been criticized for failing to meet this requirement. This paper reports selected findings from a wider study that assessed the impact of an initiative designed to facilitate service targeting: the establishment of registers of patients with SEMI in general practices throughout an English health district. The paper describes changes in the nature of community mental health nursing contacts with a sample of patients on these registers. METHODS: Six general practices were randomly selected from the 65 practices in the district and comparisons made between patients on the six mental health registers who either had, or did not have, community mental health nursing contact. These comparisons related to the year before the establishment of the registers, the year during which they were being established and the year following this. RESULTS: A total of 274 patients were included on the sample registers, with practices varying considerably in relation to proportions of mental health registered patients with community mental health nursing contact. Overall, the number of patients in contact with CMHNs was found to have decreased over time, except for those on level 2 of the Care Programme Approach. CONCLUSIONS: No evidence was found to support the hypothesis that the establishment of the registers had improved CMHN targeting of patients with SEMI. However, findings were inconclusive because shortages of CMHNs and the disruption associated with widespread service reorganization meant the registers were never fully implemented in practices during the study period.  相似文献   

Title.  Mental health nurses' attitudes towards severe perinatal mental illness.
Aim.  This paper reports on a study exploring the experiences and attitudes of generic mental health nurses towards care of women with severe mental illness during the perinatal period.
Background.  Severe mental disorder in the perinatal period is a global public health concern. However, there are concerns that mental health nurses other than dedicated perinatal mental health teams may lack knowledge, skills and experience in caring for such disorders, because of their low prevalence.
Methods.  Sixteen generic Registered Mental Nurses working in public adult mental health services participated in three focus groups during 2007.
Findings.  Participants did not perceive any difference between symptoms during perinatal and non-perinatal periods. There were mixed attitudes towards caring for women with severe mental illness in the perinatal period. Fear and anxiety was expressed by the nurses when caring or feeling responsible for the babies of clients. Lack of communication between professional groups and decreased clinical decision-making following the introduction of the Edinburgh Post Natal Depression Scale caused frustration. Confidence was displayed when working with known and trusted colleagues.
Conclusion.  Generic mental health nurses would benefit from more education on perinatal mental health and there may be a need for them to be supported by specialist perinatal mental health practitioners.  相似文献   

There is compelling evidence that the physical health of people with severe mental illness is poor. Health‐promotion guidelines have been recommended as a mechanism for improving the physical health of this population. However, there are significant barriers to the adoption of evidence‐based guidelines in practice. The purpose of this research was to apply existing implementation theories to examine the capability of the health system to integrate physical health promotion into mental health service delivery. Data were collected within a regional city in Queensland, Australia. Fifty participants were interviewed. The core theme that emerged from the data was that of ‘care boundaries’ that influenced the likelihood of guidelines being implemented. Boundaries existed around the illness, care provision processes, sectors, the health‐care system, and society. These multilevel boundaries, combined with participants' ways of responding to them, impacted on capability (i.e. the ability to integrate physical health promotion into existing practices). Participants who were able to identify strategies to mediate these boundaries were better positioned to engage with physical health‐promotion practice. Thus, the implementation of evidence‐based guidelines depended heavily on the capability of the workforce to develop and adopt boundary‐mediating strategies.  相似文献   

Although the prevalence of post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is high among those with severe mental illness, little is known about the use of interventions to lessen the burden of PTSD in this population. Currently, there are limited data about safe and effective interventions to treat these individuals. This systematic published work review presents the scientific published work reporting studies of psychological treatment approaches for individuals with comorbid PTSD and severe mental illness. A secondary aim of this study was to identify the specific models implemented and tested, and their impact upon patient outcomes. A review of the published work from January 2001 through January 2012 of English‐language publications retrieved from the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), MEDLINE, and the American Psychological Association generated abstracts (PsycINFO) databases was conducted. Six studies met the inclusion criteria for the review. The treatment programs described were cognitive–behavioural therapy, psychoeducation, exposure‐based cognitive–behavioural therapy, and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. Evidence of the effectiveness of these programs is examined. Data to support the use of these interventions are limited, indicating the need for further research and efficacy trials. Future areas of research and implications for nursing are discussed.  相似文献   

Reducing social exclusion and improving mental health are key themes within the government's modernization programme. Despite this, little is known about the social exclusion experienced by people with severe and enduring mental illness living in specific communities, apart from their over-representation amongst various socially excluded groups. This paper describes a 3-year research study that focused on the impact of introducing mental health registers into general practices in an English health district. The registers were expected to facilitate improvements in linking patients with appropriate services and so improve the healthcare they received. The overall result should have been reductions in the levels of social exclusion experienced by these patients; however, findings revealed a lack of change in unmet needs and quality of life, even amongst those in contact with a community mental health nurse.  相似文献   

It is well known that people with severe mental illness have a reduced life expectancy and a greater risk of being affected by preventable physical illnesses such as metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. There are still, however, only a few published studies focusing on what enables healthy living for this group. This study thus aimed to describe what enables healthy living among people with severe mental illness in psychiatric outpatient services. The data were collected in qualitative interviews (n = 16) and content analysis was used to analyze the data. The interviews resulted in an overall theme “Being regarded as a whole human being by self and others”, which showed the multidimensional nature of health and the issues that enable healthy living among people with severe mental illness. Three categories emerged: (i) everyday structure (ii), motivating life events and (iii) support from significant others. The results indicate that a person with severe mental illness needs to be encountered as a whole person if healthy living is to be enabled. Attaining healthy living requires collaboration between the providers of care, help and support. Health care organizations need to work together to develop and provide interventions to enable healthy living and to reduce poor physical health among people with severe mental illness.  相似文献   

The high prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in people with a mental illness has been reported recently in the literature. Gaps have emerged in the widespread use of systematic screening methods that identify this collection of critical risk factors for cardiac and metabolic disorders in people with severe mental illness. A sample (n = 103) of consumers with severe mental illness was screened for MetS using the Metabolic Syndrome Screening Tool and compared to a sample (n = 72) of consumers who were not receiving a systematic approach to screening for MetS. The results demonstrated ad hoc screening of consumers for MetS in the comparison group, potentially leaving patients at risk of cardiac and metabolic disorders being untreated. Mental health nurses are well placed to show leadership in the screening, treatment, and ongoing management of MetS in people with severe mental illness. A potential new speciality role entitled the ‘cardiometabolic mental health nurse’ is proposed as a means leading to improved outcomes for consumers who have both the complication of physical health problems and a severe mental illness.  相似文献   

Mental health stigma has serious ramifications on people with a severe mental illness (SMI). Stigma damages self‐esteem, recovery outcomes, family relationships, socialization abilities, access to housing, and career prospects. The cultural tendencies of Chinese people have been shown to be associated with particularly high levels of stigmatization. These cultural tenets can result in high levels of self‐stigma due to experiencing shame and a perceived need to keep mental illness a secret. Although there is a lack of existing evidence, it is possible that such experiences present unique challenges to Chinese mothers diagnosed with SMI when they parent their children. Therefore, this qualitative study explored the experiences of parenting and self‐stigmatization of Chinese mothers with SMI. Individual semi‐structured interviews were conducted with 15 mothers who were direct carers of their children aged under 18 and who were receiving community‐based care in Hong Kong. Manual inductive thematic analysis was used to analyse the interview data. Three main themes related to self‐stigmatization emerged from the interviews: (i) distancing and being distanced; (ii) doubting myself; and (iii) struggling for control. The experiences of self‐stigmatization appeared to damage these mothers’ self‐efficacy, which may negatively affect their parenting self‐esteem, tendency to seek professional help, and ability to manage their own mental health. Strategies to improve self‐efficacy, including psychoeducation, and additional childcare support/resources are required for mothers with SMI so they can better manage and balance the demands of motherhood and their mental healthcare needs.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to establish the feasibility of conducting a full‐scale trial and to estimate the preliminary effect of a Chinese Health Improvement Profile (CHIP) intervention on self‐reported physical well‐being of people with severe mental illness (SMI). The study used a parallel‐group, open‐label, cluster‐randomized, controlled trial (RCT) design. Twelve community psychiatric nurses (CPN) and their corresponding 137 patients with SMI were randomized into the CHIP or treatment‐as‐usual (TAU) groups. After training, the CPN completed the CHIP at baseline and 12 months, and the findings were used to devise an individualized care plan to promote health behaviour change. Patients were assessed at baseline and 6 and 12 months after starting the intervention. There was an observed positive trend of improvement on the physical component subscale of SF12v2 in the CHIP group compared to the TAU group after 12 months, but the difference did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.138). The mental component subscale showed a similar positive trend (P = 0.077). CHIP participants were more satisfied with their physical health care than TAU patients (P = 0.009), and the CPN were positive about the usefulness/acceptability of the intervention. There were significant within‐group improvements in the total numbers of physical health risks, as indicated by the CHIP items (P = 0.005). The findings suggest that it is feasible to conduct a full‐scale RCT of the CHIP in future. The CHIP is an intervention that can be used within routine CPN practice, and could result in small–modest improvements in the physical well‐being of people with SMI.  相似文献   

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