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目的:开发基于ARM9嵌入式处理器的心理测评系统。方法:采用网线实现为手持设备供电,并解决数据传输的问题:通过客户\服务器模式实现客户端的心理测评系统和服务器端的监控系统。结果:既能独立地对单个用户进行现场人格和能力的测评,又可对多个用户使用不同的测验进行不同的测评。结论:该系统克服了以往需用手持设备供电,以及由于个人速度而影响所有人答题进度的问题,使用效果良好,值得推广。  相似文献   

基于ManagedITK、VTK.NET与C#的医学图像处理系统实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:开发可用于图像分割,配准以及可视化的图像处理系统。方法:在C#环境中应用ManagedITK、VTK.NET进行联合开发。结果:以一组头部CT数据为例,应用该系统将头部CT数据读入并显示,然后对数据进行体分割,最后对分割结果进行了三维重建以及重建结果的三视图显示。结论:该图像处理系统包含了大量分割、配准以及可视化算法,可以胜任常见图像处理需求。  相似文献   

基于RF无线数据传输技术的近红外血氧监测仪的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对血氧的无损测量,开发了一种无绳便携式近红外血氧监测系统。采用RF无线数据传输、单片机控制、PC机串日通讯技术.可进行一定范围内的数据信息采集、显示和储存,并实现了微型化和便携化。利用该系统对专业运动员进行了有氧负荷递增测试,得到运动过程中肌肉血氧相对浓度的变化趋势。结果表明该系统具有灵敏度高、抗干扰能力强、监测范围大的特点,有望用于对运动员训练效果和运动水平的评定。  相似文献   

目的:改进DXC系列心理测评仪及配套软件。方法:使用nRF905无线射频芯片及STC89LE516AD单片机设计答题系统。结果:改进了DXC-5型心理测评仪质量大、连线多、首次测试需一定的展开时间等缺点。结论:该系统可用于飞行人员和航天员心理选拔,也可广泛用于其他特殊职业人员心理选拔。  相似文献   

目的:设计一种机动卫勤分队战伤救护一体化模拟训练系统,以实现战时批量伤员救治能力的训练。方法:该系统采用UE4虚幻引擎结合Vue.js框架开发可视化界面场景,通过3D建模搭建战争模拟场景,采用Java编程语言编写后台逻辑代码,通过MySQL数据库实现数据记录。整个系统主要包括微课堂、自我评测、游戏模拟和记录查询4个功能模块。结果:采用该系统可实现“上课—实操—测试—复习”一体化集成培训,能提升战伤救治训练效果。结论:该系统为机动卫勤分队提供了一种科学有效的训练手段,有利于提升机动卫勤分队的战伤救治能力。  相似文献   

目的方便调查人员对在校青少年学生进行网络成隐的调查,收集调查数据用于后期统计分析研究。方法用vb.net与SQLServer 2000开发C/S模式系统,系统含自动的逻辑控制。系统引用了网络成瘾测评量表、抑郁量表、焦虑量表和行为类型量表。结果系统管理员可对填写数据进行处理,系统可判断被调查者是否网络成瘾,并将调查结果存入数据库。结论该系统可用于群体调查和学生网络成瘾自测,有利于及时掌握在校学生的网络成瘾状况。  相似文献   

目的:为了实现武警部队卫生应急救援力量能力评价的数字化、信息化,设计一款武警部队卫生应急救援队伍能力评价系统.方法:借助现代信息技术,针对武警部队卫生应急救援队伍能力指标评价体系提出设计需求,使用Microsoft Visual Studi0 2010开发用户界面程序,以Access 2013作为后台数据库,以Visual C为开发语言进行软件系统开发.结果:该系统安装快捷、运行顺畅,基本实现了预期目标.结论:该系统为应急救援队伍的现场测评提供了可靠、便捷、实用、易操作的数字化工具,可以推广应用.  相似文献   

戚红军 《医疗卫生装备》2009,30(9):64-65,85
目的:设计开发一套卫勤训练保障网络管理信息系统,用于院校和部队的卫勤训练保障管理。方法:采用Visual Stutio.Net 2005、C#语言和SQL Server2005数据库,基于组件技术并结合AJAX技术进行系统的优化设计,实现对训练设备、物资器材、训练教材、训练经费、训练测评的网络化管理和Web应用。结果:该系统满足了卫勤训练保障过程中设备、器材、经费的环节管理与过程控制,实现了精细化管理。结论:该系统能有效促进卫勤训练保障管理模式的转变,达到科学化、规范化、网络化的管理目标,为院校和部队的卫勤训练保障管理现代化提供了一种有效手段。  相似文献   

目的:为了能够更加全面而准确地反映产妇分娩过程中产力的状况,设计一套基于ARM硬件架构的便携式监护仪。方法:该系统采用主从式结构设计,主机采用ARM9处理器并嵌WinCE系统达到多任务的设计目标,从机采用51系列单片机以实现数据的实时采集。结果:经实验测试,体表子宫肌电(EHG)数据采集系统为产程监护提供了较为有力的研究工具,且方便可靠,人机界面友好。结论:该系统的研究也为相关数据采集仪器的开发提供了一种值得借鉴的研究方法。  相似文献   

目的:开发基于ZigBee的无线传输电子血压计系统,为在"基于几何信息学的健康状况和疾病风险评估理论与方法的研究"中提供无创血压的采集方法和实验数据。方法:该电子血压计的主控单片机采用C8051F06X实现,系统的无线传输芯片采用TI公司的CC2430实现。结果:系统可实现基于示波法的无创血压的测量,以及将血压值无线传输到上位机,实现显示和存储。结论:经用血压标准器测试,此血压计得到的测试结果均在允许误差内;无线通信运行良好,可满足使用需求,测量结果可在上位机显示并实现TXT存储。  相似文献   

Centralized testing demands costly laboratories, which are inefficient and may provide poor services. Recent advances make it feasible to move clinical testing nearer to patients and the requesting physicians, thus reducing the time to treatment. Internet technologies can be used to create a virtual laboratory information system in a distributed health-care environment. This allows clinical testing to be transferred to a cooperative scheme of several point-of-care testing (POCT) nodes. Two pilot virtual laboratories were established, one in Italy (AUSL Modena) and one in Greece (Athens Medical Centre). They were constructed on a three-layer model to allow both technical and clinical verification. Different POCT devices were connected. The pilot sites produced good preliminary results in relation to user acceptance, efficiency, convenience and costs. Decentralized laboratories can be expected to become cost-effective.  相似文献   

Gyarmathy VA  Rácz J 《Orvosi hetilap》2011,152(4):124-130
In Hungary, there is a need for widely accessible HIV and HCV testing and counseling for injecting drug users. Theoretically, free and confidential rapid HIV and HCV testing would be the most suitable for this purpose. Low threshold agencies, such as needle and syringe programs, would provide ideal premises for such a testing system, Here, participants would be able to undergo regular testing every six months. Making rapid testing widely available raises the following three main issues: 1. validity of the testing results (or: the verification of positive rapid test results), 2. circumstances of taking blood (or: legislation regarding drawing blood), and 3. cost effectiveness (or: how important is it to prevent an HIV epidemic). The authors propose the establishment of a system that offers screening using rapid tests and which would be an expansion of a currently existing system of HIV and HCV testing based on finger prick blood. The current system would thus serve as a means to verify the results of the rapid tests. At the same time, there is a need to obtain permission from a public health body to enable in needle and syringe programs the provision of rapid testing and testing of blood using finger pricks. In many countries, test results are given to injecting drug users not by doctors but by trained social workers - such a system could also be established in Hungary. If preventing an HIV epidemic in Hungary is a priority, then wide access to rapid HIV testing is justified. Widely accessible free and confidential rapid HIV and HCV testing and counseling - combined with screening and verification using finger prick blood - may function not only as a testing and counseling service but also as a good quality public health monitoring system. Such a system, however, requires regular financial support from the government.  相似文献   

目的:研制并介绍一种新型体液生物信息光纤动态检测系统.方法:采用光纤传感探头结构,通过留置于人体内或体外的较薄皮肤进行微血管内血液的参数或其他体液参数的采集、检测,得到光谱信息,并与预先储存的标准光谱信息参数进行比较,从而得出异于标准的体液成分.结果:该系统应用于临床,可对人体体液(包括血液)进行检测,获取患者体液较为全面的信息;同时,适用于微血管内血液参数的检测,了解患者产生病变的过程.结论:采用该系统可实时了解人体的病理、生理状态,对指导糖尿病等疾病的早期诊治提供重要信息.  相似文献   

介绍一种组合式智能化视听功能测试系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍一种以FD-355SⅠ及FD-35DⅡ单片机为主的计算机测试系统,可测定三种人体行为功能,即闪烁融合频率、异音辨别及视反应时,共50种组合。作者运用这一测试系统对铅、有机锡接触工人,以及脑力紧张作业人员进行了测试,并以变异系数(C.V.)验证测试结果的稳定性。结果提示,测试系统功能稳定(C.V.多波动于10%左右),与同类单机相比,具有精确度高、体积小和便于携带的优点,可用于对接触有害因素人群的现场调查。  相似文献   

本文重点对日立7600及7180两种型号生化分析仪的光源性能的变化进行了研究。通过对不同检测项目质控数据的统计比较,找到与光源性能变化相一致和敏感度很好的检测项目——载脂蛋白B。同时与ALT及载脂蛋白A作了相应的对比,证明了其特有的敏感性。同时,我们也认识到,质控和定标值对检验仪器的某些部件(电极)性能变化的相关性。  相似文献   

The prevalence of HIV-1 among women of reproductive age is currently estimated at the time they give birth. We assessed HIV-1 prevalence at the end of pregnancy, whether they delivered or had an induced or spontaneous abortion. Women admitted at the end of pregnancy to hospitals in the Lazio Region, Italy, were tested for antibodies to HIV-1. Consent for testing was granted by 97.1% of 218,357 subjects; women who did not consent were tested anonymously. The prevalences of infection were 0.34% in 1989, 0.38% in 1990, 0.28% in 1991, 0.23% in 1992, 0.28% in 1993, and 0.24% in 1994. Significantly higher prevalences of infection were associated with induced abortion (0.49%) than with delivery (0.18%; OR: 2.72; 95% CI: 2.29–3.22) and among women who refused (0.85%) than among those who consented to testing (0.27%; OR: 3.14; 95% CI: 2.35–4.19). A significant temporal reduction in prevalence was observed only among women who delivered (0.15% in 1993 and 1994; 0.26% in 1989 and 1990). The prevalence of HIV-1 infection is thus higher among women undergoing induced abortions than among those who deliver and higher among women who refuse testing than among those who consent. Studies confined to neonatal testing or to voluntary testing of pregnant women would thus underestimate the prevalence of HIV-1 among women of reproductive age.  相似文献   

危急值提醒医疗安全警示系统的创新研究与应用实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:应用现代信息技术管理临床检验危急值,提高患者的安全管理水平,降低医疗风险。方法:研发和应用危急值提醒医疗安全警示系统,系统核心是仪器结果的警示提醒和检验危急值的短信警示提醒。结果:通过使用该系统,保证临床及时、准确、全面地获得检验危急值信息,缩短了临床检验危急值的通知时间,扩大了通知范围,实现了危急值分级管理。结论:该系统的应用加强了危急值的管理,保障了患者的安全,提高了临床医疗质量.提升了医院的管理水平,成为信息化创造价值的又一例证。  相似文献   

目的评价培训演练等干预后基层卫生监督机构应急体系人员应对突发公共卫生事件应急能力的提高效果。方法通过突发事件应急处置体系建设、体系文件的宣传贯彻、培训、学习及实践演练,比较分析应急体系人员的应急能力测试结果。结果通过干预,卫生监督员专业技能水平有了明显提高,平均得分从51.81分提高到82.24分,差异具有统计学意义;不同性别、工龄、学历、专业类别的能力测试结果无统计学差异,而一线调查人员的测试结果显著高于后勤保障人员(P<0.05)。结论通过培训演练等干预手段提高基层应急体系人员应对突发事件应急能力的模式和方法效果显著。  相似文献   

目的基于C/S/D结构研制中心服务器模式的医学网络考试系统。方法利用Java语言以及MySQL数据库开发技术,采用稳定的通信协议(SOAP,Web服务等)和Http短连接。结果实现了系统随机出题、随机分配备选项、人机交互式答题、答题时间限制、成绩自动评改、开放式题库管理、自动组卷等项功能。结论该考试系统具有高自动化、安全性、客观性、公正性、可扩展性、稳定性及高效性等特点,较好的满足了医学网络考试的要求。  相似文献   

In this article we describe the development of an information system for environmental childhood cancer surveillance. The Wisconsin Cancer Registry annually receives more than 25,000 incident case reports. Approximately 269 cases per year involve children. Over time, there has been considerable community interest in understanding the role the environment plays as a cause of these cancer cases. Wisconsin's Public Health Information Network (WI-PHIN) is a robust web portal integrating both Health Alert Network and National Electronic Disease Surveillance System components. WI-PHIN is the information technology platform for all public health surveillance programs. Functions include the secure, automated exchange of cancer case data between public health-based and hospital-based cancer registrars; web-based supplemental data entry for environmental exposure confirmation and hypothesis testing; automated data analysis, visualization, and exposure-outcome record linkage; directories of public health and clinical personnel for role-based access control of sensitive surveillance information; public health information dissemination and alerting; and information technology security and critical infrastructure protection. For hypothesis generation, cancer case data are sent electronically to WI-PHIN and populate the integrated data repository. Environmental data are linked and the exposure-disease relationships are explored using statistical tools for ecologic exposure risk assessment. For hypothesis testing, case-control interviews collect exposure histories, including parental employment and residential histories. This information technology approach can thus serve as the basis for building a comprehensive system to assess environmental cancer etiology.  相似文献   

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