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大学生性行为问题与教育对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
大学生的年龄一般在 1 7~ 2 3岁之间 ,是性生理、性心理发育成熟的阶段 ,是建立世界观、价值观以及行为模式的关键阶段 ,也是性教育的最佳时期。在一些已能体验到强烈的性冲动的大学生中。由于性知识的贫乏 ,社会伦理评判标准的不够健全 ,产生的心理矛盾冲突或不正当的性行为方式 ,严重影响着他们的身心健康和正常的学习与生活 ,因此对大学生开展科学的性教育势在必行。大学生的性行为问题大学生中存在如下的性行为问题。1 婚前性行为 据调查 ,有 1 4 1 %的大学生已发生婚前性行为[1 ] 。同济大学的研究者分别于 1 989年和 1 995年对大学…  相似文献   

青少年的生殖健康问题以及性健康教育正处在一个关键时期,它不仅影响青少年生理、心理的健康成长,影响艾滋病等性传播疾病的传播,同时还关系到社会稳定和社会的发展。本文就我国近年来青少年性行为和性态度的现状、重要相关因素、青少年性健康教育等问题进行阐述。  相似文献   

青少年的性行为,在生殖健康领域,近年也算是个热门话题了。谈到这个,必然涉及到性教育的问题。现在上海普遍的性教育观点,应该说,还是支持婚前禁欲的。但我们必须问,这种理想有没有可能实现,有没有现实的意义?  相似文献   

目的 利用全国第六次卫生服务统计调查数据,对18岁以下儿童青少年相关健康问题的现状进行描述分析,为进一步预防和干预提供数据支持.方法 采用问卷调查的形式,利用x2检验和趋势x2检验分析儿童贫血、急性呼吸道疾病、腹泻、营养不良,以及超重和肥胖的年龄、性别、城乡差异.结果 本研究共纳入50 515名研究对象,其中6岁以下儿...  相似文献   

青少年性生殖健康现状与展望   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
WHO把“青春期 (adolescence)”和“年轻人 (youngpeople)”的定义分别为 10 - 19岁和 10~ 2 4岁年龄组人群。目前全球 10~ 19岁青少年有 12亿 ,10~ 2 4岁年轻人有 17亿 ,占全球人口的 1/ 4以上 ,其中约 14亿年轻人生活在发展中国家。作为一个快速增长的人群 ,他们有着特殊的生殖健康需求 ,也面临着特殊的健康问题的威胁。1994年国际人口与发展大会第一次明确了青少年的性与生殖健康需求不同于成年人 ,把青少年的生殖健康确定为优先关注的领域之一 ,要求各国致力于去除法律、法规及社会的障碍 ,为青少年提供生殖健康的信息和服务。 199…  相似文献   

健康教育及健康促进为保证我军官兵健康和提高部队战斗力发挥了重要作用。目前健康教育及健康促进存在业务工作未形成系统、各部门协调不利、健康教育内容相对陈旧、缺乏有效的监督激励机制等问题。对此提出针对性改进措施和对策,以促进部队健康教育工作的深入发展,更好地为增强文明卫生素养和提高部队战斗力服务。  相似文献   

青少年生殖健康问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
青少年时期是指10岁~19岁的人生阶段(WHO定义)。目前,全世界10岁~19青少年已超过10亿,占世界人口的40%以上。青少年是未来世界的主宰,其健康关系到未来世界的兴旺与发达。然而,自本世纪70年代以来,青少年生殖健康问题却日益严重,目前已成为一个全球性的问题。本文将就有关青少年生殖健康问题的调查及研究情况做一综述,旨在提请全社会对此予以充分重视。  相似文献   

青少年艾滋病相关知识态度行为现状与健康教育对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青少年是艾滋病病毒传播的重点人群,2004年底,我国累计报告的艾滋病病毒感染者中,有82%是20~39岁的青壮年,70%分布在农村地区[1]。随着社会的发展和人们生活方式的变化(包括性观念和性行为的变化),青少年性发育提前,初次性行为趋向低龄化;结婚年龄延后,性等待期延长,婚前性行为  相似文献   

目的:通过对福建省青少年婚前性行为进行调查,从而提出切实可行的干预对策,为青少年提供有针对性的保健服务。方法:于2007年3~9月以福建省各设区市的学校为研究现场,按地区、性别及青春期年龄分布进行随机整群抽样调查。结果:调查在校学生4 067人,其中男性1 931人占47.5%,女性2 136人占52.5%;年龄10~21岁。男性53.81%认为婚前性行为无所谓、9.58%赞成婚前性行为,女性33.52%认为无所谓、2.43%赞成婚前性行为。有婚前性行为的占5.2%,其中男性为6.8%、女性为3.2%。有过人工流产的青春期女性为17人(0.8%)。性知识主要来源于学校有关课程,为39.3%。结论:吸纳国外经验,结合本国社会与文化背景开展青春期保健门诊服务;利用青春期保健门诊对青少年进行性教育;为青少年提供适时、适量、适度的性知识是当务之急。  相似文献   

随着社会开放程度的加升,青少年越来越早地开始性行为,意外妊娠、人工流产、性传播疾病发生率不断上升,不安全性行为已成为全球青少年面临的重要危险之一,也增加了青少年性和生殖的不良后果[1-4].  相似文献   

PurposeSexual health refers a state of lifespan well-being related to sexuality. Among young people, sexual health has multiple dimensions, including the positive developmental contributions of sexuality, as well as the acquisition of skills pertinent to avoiding adverse sexual outcomes such as unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Existing efforts to understand sexual health, however, have yet to empirically operationalize a multi-dimensional model of sexual health and to evaluate its association to different sexual/prevention behaviors.MethodsSexual health dimensions and sexual/prevention behaviors were drawn from a larger longitudinal cohort study of sexual relationships among adolescent women (N = 387, 14–17 years). Second order latent variable modeling (AMOS/19.0) evaluated the relationship between sexual health and dimensions and analyzed the effect of sexual health to sexual/prevention outcomes.ResultsAll first order latent variables were significant indicators of sexual health (β: 0.192 – 0.874, all p < .001). Greater sexual health was significantly associated with sexual abstinence, as well as with more frequent non-coital and vaginal sex, condom use at last sex, a higher proportion of condom-protected events, use of hormonal or other methods of pregnancy control and absence of STI. All models showed good fit.ConclusionsSexual health is an empirically coherent structure, in which the totality of its dimensions is significantly linked to a wide range of outcomes, including sexual abstinence, condom use and absence of STI. This means that, regardless of a young person's experiences, sexual health is an important construct for promoting positive sexual development and for primary prevention.  相似文献   

家庭因素对青少年婚前性行为及危险性行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探索家庭因素对未婚青少年首次性行为以及危险性行为的影响。方法:采用多阶段抽样方法抽取上海市15~24岁青少年进行匿名电子问卷调查。结果:调查的6023名未婚青少年中12.7%有过性行为(男16.8%、女8.7%),其中首次性行为发生在≤18岁、首次性行为未使用安全措施、有过商业性行为、与陌生人、与吸毒人员发生过性行为的比例分别为29.9%、55.2%、4.3%、12.2%和0.5%;多因素分析结果显示,出生年代越早、与父母同住、青春期早期家庭支持评分较高及父母反对婚前性行为的青少年发生婚前性行为的可能性和危险性行为评分均较低;家庭因素对性行为的影响存在性别差异,女性性行为的发生受家庭因素的影响比较大,而男性更多地受人口学特征的影响。结论:青少年婚前性行为的发生趋于年轻化。家庭因素可能影响青少年的婚前性行为及危险性行为的发生,并且这种影响作用存在性别差异。  相似文献   

PurposeThis study examines whether comprehensive sexual health education that provides information on clinical services can change adolescents’ perceptions of barriers, facilitators, and intention to use services and whether changes in perceptions differ by participant characteristics.MethodsAdolescent participants in a statewide sexual health education program in California were surveyed at baseline and at exit about their perceptions of barriers, facilitators, and intention to use clinical services. Linked baseline and exit surveys (n = 7,460) assessed change in perceptions after program completion. Logistic regression analyses that accounted for the clustered data structure assessed associations between participant characteristics and improvement in perceptions.ResultsAfter the program, there were significant reductions in two perceived barriers (worry about cost and judgment by staff), but there were also small but significant increases in perceptions of two barriers (worry about confidentiality of services and test results). There were significant increases in all three perceived facilitators and intention to use sexual and reproductive health services, which rose from 90.6% at baseline to 96.2% at exit. Younger youth were more likely than older youth to show improvement in all perceived facilitators and intentions. Girls and Black youth were more likely than boys and Hispanic youth to show improvement in two facilitators (knowing what to expect and access). No sociodemographic characteristics were consistently associated with reductions in perceived barriers.DiscussionComprehensive sexual health education that addresses adolescents’ questions and concerns regarding clinical services can help to reduce perceived barriers, increase facilitators, and increase intention to use services if needed.  相似文献   

It is encouraging that after years of focusing attention on the female's ability and responsibility to manage her reproductive behavior, the male is finally beginning to receive notice and attention. Ironically, before the widespread use of the Pill and the IUD, men and male birth control methods played an important role in family planning. Even today, reliance on vasectomies, the condom and withdrawal account for 25% of the contraceptive use among couples and trend statistics point to an increased interest among selected populations in the use of barrier methods that require partner cooperation for effective use. Yet, most small scale and nationwide knowledge, attitudes and practice (KAP) studies focus on the female, particularly the teen-age female. With the exception of fragmentary survey data, pertinent information about male adolescent sexual activity is virtually nonexistent. The growing consensus among researchers and planners is that it is now crucial to research the forgotten partner--the adolescent male.  相似文献   

职业健康教育的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶海燕 《中国健康教育》2004,20(12):1158-1158
“预防为主 ,防治结合”是《职业病防治法》明确提出的职业病防治工作方针。职业病危害因素的前期预防、劳动过程中的防护与管理都是防治职业病的根本措施 ,而职业健康教育更是一种不可替代、事半功倍的手段。本文通过长治市企业开展职业健康教育方面存在的问题 ,提出了职业健康教育应采取的对策。职业健康教育存在的问题《职业病防治法》 2 0 0 2年 5月 1日正式实施以来 ,山西省长治市连续 3年在每年的 4月 2 5日至 5月 1日 ,采取多种形式 ,利用各种方式开展了声势浩大的宣传周活动。同时 ,每年都举办各种类型、不同层次的职业卫生培训班 ,…  相似文献   

CONTEXT: There is a need for community-based, culturally sensitive, cognitive-behavioral interventions to reduce sexual risk behavior among minority adolescents. Studies of adolescent risk and protective behaviors have focused on identifying modifiable psychosocial variables that predict differential outcomes for subsequent intervention efforts. Research has been scarce in studies of rural minority adolescent women. PURPOSE: To examine the protective and risk behaviors of these rural Mexican-American adolescent women and their relationship to physical or sexual abuse. METHODS: Mexican-American adolescent women aged 14-19 years were recruited through a rural health clinic and administered a self-report assessment for protective and risk behavior and sexual, physical, and psychological abuse. FINDINGS: Rural minority adolescent women endured high levels of psychological distress and many risk behaviors yet experienced few protective behaviors. Barriers to health care included access and confidentiality. Physically or sexually abused adolescents endured relatively greater risk and fewer protective behaviors than nonabused. CONCLUSIONS: Rural Mexican-American adolescent women may benefit from confidential identification and assessment of abuse history and risk and protective behaviors so that appropriate psychological treatment can accompany accessible medical treatment. The prevalence of risk behaviors and abuse among these women presents a need for development of behavioral interventions for risk reduction and promotion of health protective behaviors.  相似文献   



Using data from a statewide relationship education (RE) program targeting a diverse adolescent sample, this study examined RE implementation in classroom environments.


The purpose of this study was to explore (1) whether there is a beneficial RE program effect for change in individual attitudes toward sexual delay, (2) whether individual factors—student gender and sexual activity—predict change in attitudes toward sexual delay for students experiencing the intervention, and (3) whether classmate characteristics influence individual change in attitudes toward sexual delay.


This study utilized multilevel modeling procedures to examine both individual- and classroom-level predictors of change in attitudes toward sexual delay.


At the individual level, results indicated that females demonstrated more change in attitudes toward sexual delay than males and students who were sexually active demonstrated less change toward sexual delay compared with students who were not sexually active. At the classroom level, both racial composition and the proportion of sexually active classmates influenced individual attitude change. Although students in classrooms with higher proportions of African American peers demonstrated less attitude change toward sexual delay, the proportion of sexually active peers in the classroom appeared to be a more salient aspect of classmate composition.


Overall, this study supports the importance of considering both individual characteristics as well as social context when assessing program experience and effectiveness. Implications for future research and practice are offered.

长春市青少年青春期性教育现况   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的 了解我国青少年青春期性教育现况,探讨青春期性健康教育的有效方法。方法 以长春市社区为基础,采用3阶段抽样法,按人口比例大小确定抽样概率,抽取了l253名15~24岁的青少年。采取匿名自填问卷方式进行调查,调查数据用SPS软件进行分析。结果 大多数青少年认为谈与性相关的事情,包括生殖保健,是一件非常敏感且难堪的话题。多数青少年的青春期性知识十分缺乏,了解青春期性知识的途径也很局限。结论 应加强青少年青春期性教育,使青少年健康成长。  相似文献   

The demographics of fertility-related behavior of youth ages 10-18 are reviewed. Data were collected from U.S. vital statistics, and birth rates, contraceptive use, sexual behavior, number and types of sexual partners, patterns of sexual initiation and sexual intercourse, and sexually transmitted diseases were examined. Despite data limitations, the demographic profile of adolescent sexual intercourse is striking. Age clearly is the single most important predictor of sexual debut.  相似文献   

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