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目的:为了解新沂市高中住校学生膳食营养与健康情况,让社会、家长、学校能认识存在的问题,进而采取有效措施。方法运用1个月计帐法膳食调查、身体质量指数和生化检测等研究方法,对新沂市区4所高中2846名住校学生膳食营养与健康状况进行调查,并针对调查结果进行分析讨论。结果①奶类、鱼虾类、水果供给量不足,谷类、蔬菜类、蛋类、畜禽肉类供应量均略高于参考量的上限值。油、盐供给量超高。②能量、蛋白质、铁、Vit B1、Vit C的摄入量均达到RNI标准;视黄醇当量、Vit B2的摄入量不足,钙摄入量严重不足。生热营养素供能比例比较适宜。③身体质量指数结果:偏瘦占0.6%;过重占13.3%;肥胖占7.1%;血红蛋白测定结果:贫血总患病率8.66%,其中女生占11.65%,男生占7.06%,男女生之间患贫血情况存在显著性差异。结论调查学生生长发育状况良好,但仍然存在营养素摄入不合理所致的营养缺乏性疾病以及超重、肥胖问题,应进一步加强学校食堂膳食营养的监督指导和青少年合理饮食的健康教育。  相似文献   

目的了解新疆伊犁地区孕妇孕期膳食摄入状况和膳食模式,为进一步改善和提高孕妇膳食营养状况提供原始资料。方法采用24 h回顾调查法结合称重法、记账法、收集被调查者连续7 d的膳食摄人情况;然后将调查内容输入由北京医网中心提供的孕期饮食营养分析与指导系统进行评价计算。结果 1.调查对象膳食结构以谷薯类为主,早、中、晚期杂粮各占谷薯类食物4.2%、9.5%、9.1%.奶类、水果类、蔬菜、豆类食物的日平均摄入量均高于全国水平,蛋类日平均摄入量低于全国水平,早、中、晚期肉类食物摄入量均低于全国水平[1],以早期更为明显。谷薯类、奶制品、肉类中中期与早晚期相比较有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2.碳水化合物供能比相对偏低。油脂的摄入量过高,约为推荐摄入量的3倍。碘及叶酸缺乏较为严重,约90%以上的孕妇未及推荐摄入量。中晚期钙、铁、锌、维生素A摄人量未达到AI或者RNI者,所占比例较大。3.三大产能营养素供能及一日三餐能量分配不合理。结论 1应增加伊犁地区城市孕妇在中晚期海产品、水果、瘦肉、豆类的摄入量,提高优质蛋白质、钙、铁、锌、维生素A的含量,适当减少饱和脂肪酸的摄入。  相似文献   

对成都市一所幼儿园161名学龄前健康儿童进行一周膳食调查,并结合体格发育、血红蛋白、血钙及微量元素测定结果分析表明:该园儿童平均热能、蛋白质、脂肪及碳水化合物摄入量均达到供给量标准的90%以上。蛋白质比值恰当,分配合理。第二次晚餐致热能及脂肪摄入过多,8.7%儿童超重或肥胖,同时有8.7%儿童体重在中下水平,5.9%儿童身高在中下及下水平。对这部分儿童应纳入重点管理。铁摄入量达供给量标准的144.42%,仍有12.2%儿童患轻度贫血。血钙及血锌低于正常参考值人数占受检人数的22.99%及18.09%。合理调配及平衡膳食十分必要。  相似文献   

对成都市一所幼儿园161名学龄前健康儿童进行一周膳食调查,并结合体格发育、血红蛋白、血钙及微量元素测定结果分析表明;该园儿童热能、蛋白质、脂肪及碳水化合物摄入量均达到供给量标准的90%以上,蛋白南比值恰当,第二次晚餐致热能及脂肪摄入过多,8.7%儿童超重或肥胖,同时有8.7%儿童体重在中下水平,5.9%儿童身高在中下及下水平。对这部分儿童应纳入重点管理。铁摄入量达供给量标准的144.42%,仍有1  相似文献   

为掌握成都市幼儿园膳食情况,了解集体儿童营养状况,于1988年6月对36所幼儿园的10078名儿童进行了膳食调查。结果蛋白质摄入量达供给量标准89.75%,但热能供给不足,仅为供给量标准74.79%。三大营养素供热比例蛋白质为14%,脂肪38%,  相似文献   

目的了解该地区维吾尔族妊娠期妇女膳食结构和营养摄入水平。方法以257名维吾尔族孕妇为调查对象,采用问卷调查法对其进行基本情况调查,采用24 h回顾法进行膳食营养状况调查。结果孕妇膳食三大产热营养素的热能供给比例适宜,维生素A摄入低于推荐量较为严重;钙、铁和锌的摄入量高于推荐摄入量;维生素D、维生素B12、叶酸的摄入量低于RNI30%,严重不足。结论叶酸、维生素A、维生素D、维生素B12为孕妇易缺乏的维生素;建议早期开展宣传工作,加强对孕妇的营养指导。  相似文献   

维持儿童良好的生长发育可以认为是儿童营养适宜的表现。特别是其与热能的关系。因为热能摄入过多与过少都会对生长有明显的影响。因此,我们用记帐法,逐月调查代表两种常见膳食营养水平的住宿制托儿所(2~3岁)儿童的各类食物及营养素的摄入量,及其占供给量标准的百分数。同时每  相似文献   

1982年在天津市调查了产后2~6月城市乳母33人,农村乳母40人的营养状况与乳汁成分。膳食调查表明:除铁及硫胺素外,主要营养素含量稍低于供给量标准。热能摄入为供给量标准的82.7%(城)、与77.3%(乡),蛋白质摄入为供给量标准的80.6%(城)与73.1%(乡),核黄素摄入分别为96.7%与41.1%,钙摄入分别为21.9%与25.2%。城、乡比较,城市乳母动物蛋白质、脂肪摄入量与脂肪热比显著高于农村组。城,乡乳母乳汁中蛋白质、脂肪、  相似文献   

朝阳地区孕妇和乳母营养状况的调查   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了解辽宁省西部山区-朝阳地区孕妇和乳母的营养状况及其与胎儿生长发育的相互关系,作者等合作于1989-1990年对朝阳地区孕妇、乳母的营养素摄入量、血清锌及发锌的含量和有关锌生化指标、乳母乳汁中的微量元素以及羊水、母婴血清中锌含量与新生儿体重的关系进行了调查与分析。从调查结果可看出除热能和铁以外,大多数营养素仍不程度低于供给量标准。从膳食调查中发现膳食结构不够合理,从锌的摄入来源来看,植物性食品占85%,而动物性食品仅占9%,血清锌随孕周的增加而呈下降趋势,新生儿脐血锌水平高于产妇组。随孕周增加,羊水锌含量逐渐增加,母体血清锌水平略有下降、产妇组血清锌水平与婴儿出生体重呈正相关,表明与胎儿生长发育和代谢活动增加有关。  相似文献   

唇腭裂家庭环境及膳食营养状况调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨唇腭裂发生的影响因素,我们采用成组病例对照的方法,对71个有唇腭裂患者的病例家庭及35个对照家庭环境及膳食营养状况进行调查。调查显示,唇腭裂病例组家庭环境较差,户均年收入924元,父母文化程度较低,父亲文盲的占25.4%,母亲文盲的占47.9%。家庭营养较缺乏,膳食中摄入含优质蛋白质食品大豆、肉、禽蛋、鱼及食用油脂、水果、坚果的比例均低于对照组家庭,蛋白质、维生素A、维生素B2、维生素C及钙、铁、锌等多种对人体健康极为重要的营养素摄入普遍不足,低于中国营养学会制定的供给量标准。我们人为营养不良是唇腭裂发生的重要影响因素,加强孕期营养对预防出生缺陷极为重要。  相似文献   

目的 探讨前白蛋白(prealbumin,PA)、视黄醇结合蛋白(retinol-binding protein,RBP)水平与学龄前儿童营养状况的相关性.方法 选取普洱市幼儿园188名3~6岁学龄前儿童为研究对象,以WHO/NCHS标准为参照,按照身高别体重的不同分为三组,即营养不良组、营养中下组及营养正常组,分别为40名、50名、98名.抽取三组清晨空腹静脉血,应用免疫透射比浊法测定PA、RBP水平并进行比较分析.结果 营养不良组体重、胸围、血清PA、RBP水平明显低于营养中下组及营养正常组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);营养中下组体重、胸围、血清PA、RBP水平明显低于营养正常组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);经Pearson相关系数分析,血清PA、RBP水平均与营养不良呈负相关(P<0.05);在判断营养不良时,PA的灵敏度、特异性分别为79.02%、75.44%,RBP的灵敏度、特异性分别为100.00%、96.85%;不同性别儿童血清PA、RBP水平相比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 血清PA、RBP水平与学龄前儿童营养状况具有一定相关性,对于营养状况的评估具有重要价值,临床应根据学龄前儿童的血清PA、RBP水平评估其营养状况进行适量营养补充.  相似文献   

目的了解黄石市学龄前儿童血铅水平及与微量元素状况。方法用石墨炉原子吸收光谱仪检测1645名学龄前儿童进行血铅和血钙、铁、锌、镁、铜5种微量元素。结果 1645名学龄前儿童血铅中毒率为29.3%,学龄前血铅中毒儿童的钙、铁、锌均低于学龄前正常儿童的值,且具有显著性意义。结论黄石市学龄前儿童血铅中毒和钙、铁、锌缺乏有相当高的比率,镁和铜缺乏比率较低。  相似文献   

The dietary pattern and energy and nutrient intake as basic indicators of nutritional deficiencies were assessed in 408 preschoolers by three 24-hour recalls and food frequency questionnaire. Socioeconomic status (Graffar/Méndez-Castellano) and nutritional status by corporal dimensions were assessed. Student t test, ANOVA and Chi2 were applied. 95% of the children were living in poverty (62% relative and 32% critical). Nutritional deficit was present in 14% of children, being more prevalent in the group from 4 to 6.99 years of age (p < 0.01). Protein adequacy was significantly higher and iron adequacy was significantly lower in children aged 1 to 3.99 years (p < 0.005), probably related to a higher milk intake, while children aged 4 to 6.99 consumed a larger variety of foods, including corn flour fortified with iron and Vit. A. There was a deficient intake of energy and iron in 52.5%, of Vit. A in 31% and zinc in 88.6% of the children. 90% of the studied population consumed an excessive amount of proteins. The risk of deficiency was low for protein intake in all social classes and high for Vit. A, iron and zinc intake, with a higher risk for children of low socioeconomic level. The food pattern intake was based on 10 food items, suggesting a monotonous alimentation. Cereals and legumes were the main source of proteins, vit A, iron and zinc. Due to a deficient intake of calories and micronutrients, a situation of "hidden hunger" must be considered.  相似文献   

To determine the contribution of breakfast-eating behavior to dietary adequacy among low-income African-American children, 1151 children attending grades two through five at four elementary schools in East Orange, New Jersey were studied. Results of a 4-day eating behavior survey and a 24-hour dietary recall reveal that on any given day, 12% to 26% of children attend school without having eaten anything. Thirty-six percent of the children were obese, which did not vary with breakfast-eating behavior. A significantly greater proportion of the children who skipped breakfast compared to those who ate breakfast failed to achieve dietary adequacy for nearly every nutrient studied. More than one third of breakfast skippers consumed < 50% of the recommended dietary allowance for vitamins A, E, B6, and folacin, and nearly one fourth consumed < 50% of the recommended dietary allowance for calories, vitamin C, calcium, and iron. Not eating breakfast results in substantial deficits in dietary intake of a variety of essential nutrients among low-income African-American school children. Efforts to improve the nutritional status of children should include nutrition education to promote breakfast.  相似文献   



The prevalence of allergic diseases has risen over the last few decades. Many factors, including environmental factors such as those related to diet, have been considered. Among dietary factors, intake of antioxidant-related nutrients has been associated with the risk of allergic disease. We investigated the association of antioxidant nutritional status with allergic rhinitis (AR) in Korean schoolchildren aged 6-12 years.


Subjects were 4,554 children in Seoul, Korea. The risk of allergic disease was measured using the Korean version of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, and dietary intake was measured by a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Intake of vitamins A (including retinol and β-carotene), C, and E was used in the analysis.


Vitamin C intake was negatively associated with an increased risk of current symptoms (adjusted odds ratio, 0.886; 95% confidence interval, 0.806-0.973). There was no association between AR and intake of vitamin A, retinol, β-carotene, or vitamin E. Total serum IgE level and sensitization to allergen did not differ according to nutrient intake.


The group of children with increased vitamin C consumption had fewer AR symptoms, despite the lack of a difference in total serum IgE level or allergen sensitization. These findings suggest that nutrient intake, especially that of vitamin C, influences AR symptoms.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings of a cross-sectional study of the growth and nutrition of children living in rural Ontario, Canada. The objectives of the research were threefold: (1) to obtain data on obesity prevalence and nutrient intake in a sample of rural Canadian schoolchildren, (2) to compare findings with rural and national-level data on obesity prevalence and nutrient intake, and (3) to provide data to school board and public health agencies planning and implementing nutrition policy and programs to this population. Measures of height and weight were obtained for 504 children ages 7-13 years. Height for age and body mass index scores were calculated and compared with 2000 data from the Centers for Disease Control (Kuczmarski et al. [2002]: Vital Health Stat 246:1-190). Weekday 24-h dietary recall was conducted on a subsample of 352 children and the results compared with Canada's Food Guide (Health Canada,1997) and dietary reference data from the US Institute of Medicine (2000). Prevalence of overweight and obesity were high in this sample, with 17.7% of children classified as overweight and 10.9% of children classified as obese. Fifteen percent of boys were classified as obese, compared to 6.8% of girls. Boys consumed significantly more servings from the grain and meat food groups than girls. While mean daily intake of fiber and micronutrients was significantly low for both boys and girls, there were significant gender differences in nutrient intake, with boys consuming greater energy, protein, carbohydrate, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and sodium than girls. A number of limitations are discussed, in particular issues arising from the use of Dietary Reference Intakes.  相似文献   

This study deals with the dietary intakes of a representative sample of Cork city area, school-going children, aged 15-17 years (n=125). Dietary intake was assessed by diet history with published food portion sizes to estimate size. Background data and information on lifestyle were collected by means of a questionnaire. Results indicate that, in general, the study group was reasonably well nourished. However, fat consumption (40%) was higher than the target of <35% for energy intake, for both males and females, and saturated fat intake (15%) was also above the 10% of energy guideline. The percentage of energy derived from carbohydrate (45%) was below the guideline value of 50% for energy intake for males and females. Relatively low iron, calcium and folate intakes were found for females. Smoking was more prevalent among females than males. Alcohol consumption among females was higher than among males. Even though all students participated in some physical activity, less females participated in high activity sport. Based on these results, some concern about the dietary habits and the related health consequences in Cork adolescents appears justified.  相似文献   

Quantifying dietary behavior is difficult and can be intrusive. Calcium, an essential mineral for skeletal development during childhood, is difficult to assess. Few studies have examined the use of food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) for assessing calcium intake in school‐age children. This study evaluated the validity and reliability of the Calcium Counts!© FFQ (CCFFQ) for estimating calcium intake in school children in the US. Healthy children, aged 7–10 years (n = 139) completed the CCFFQ and 7‐day weighed food records. A subset of subjects completed a second CCFFQ within 3.6 months. Concurrent validity was determined using Pearson correlations between the CCFFQ and food record estimates of calcium intake, and the relationship between quintiles for the two measures. Predictive validity was determined using generalized linear regression models to explore the effects of age, race, and gender. Inter‐ and intra‐individual variability in calcium intake was high (>300 mg/day). Calcium intake was ~300 mg/day higher by CCFFQ compared to food records. Concurrent validity was moderate (r = 0.61) for the entire cohort and higher for selected subgroups. Predictive validity estimates yielded significant relationships between CCFFQ and food record estimates of calcium intake alone and in the presence of such potential effect modifiers as age group, race, and gender. Test–retest reliability was high (r = 0.74). Although calcium intake estimated by the CCFFQ was greater than that measured by food records, the CCFFQ provides valid and reliable estimates of calcium intake in children. The CCFFQ is especially well‐suited as a tool to identify children with low calcium intakes. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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