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Summary The cardiovascular responses to breath-holding (BH) during short-lasting supramaximal exercise (415 W) on a cycle ergometer were investigated in 15 healthy male subjects. The arterial oxygen saturation, heart rate (HR), endtidal PO2 and PCO2 were continuously monitored. Firstly, 15 subjects performed exercise during BH, preceded by air breathing (air-BH test), and secondly, exercise without BH. Then 9 of the subjects performed the same procedure as in the air-BH test, except that all subjects breathed 100% O2 for 1 min before apnoea (O2-BH test). In 2 of these subjects, the systemic arterial blood pressure was continuously measured via a catheter in the radial artery and plasma catecholamine concentration [CA] was also measured both during the air-BH and the O2-BH tests. In the later period of the air-BH test, the high HR level became progressively depressed. This response, however, was absent in the O2-BH test. There was a late increase in the arterial blood pressure in both tests, and both tests produced hypercapnia. Only the air-BH test resulted in hypoxia, substantial hypertension and HR-depression. The increase in plasma CA was similar in both tests. The marked HR-depression demonstrated here is ascribed mainly to activation of the peripheral arterial chemoreceptors by asphyxia, and partially to baroreceptor activity due to elevated blood pressure.  相似文献   

The correlation between the behaviour of the heart rate/work performance (f c W) curve and blood lactate ([la]b) and plasma adrenaline/noradrenaline concentrations ([A]/[NA]) during incremental cycle ergometer exercise was investigated. A group of 21 male sports students was divided into two groups: group I, with a clear deflection of thef c W curve; group II, without or with an inverse deflection of thef c W curve. The aerobic threshold (Thaer) and the lactate turn point (LTP) were defined. Between Thaer and maximal work performance (f c W max) the behaviour of thef c W curve as well as the behaviour of [la]b and [A]. [NA] were described mathematically. Thef c, systolic blood pressure (BPS),W, [la]b, [A] and [NA] at rest, Thaer, LTP,f c W max, after 3 and 6 min of recovery (Re3/Re6) were calculated. A significant difference between the two groups could only be detected forf c at LTP, Re3 and Re6 (P < 0.05). No significant, correlation could be found between individualf c W-behaviour and individual time course of [la]b, [A] and [NA]. However, a significant correlation was visible between [la/W-behaviour and individual catecholamine response. These results and the fact that the different flattening at the top of thef c W curve was related to diminished stress-dependent myocardial function led us to the conclusion that it is possible that sympathetic drive is not directly involved in mechanisms of regulation between load dependentf c and myocardial function. In addition, individualf c W behaviour was independent of BPS andW max, or individual conditions of energy supply.  相似文献   

Heart rate during exercise in patients with atrial fibrillation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Summary To investigate the effect of hyperthyroidism on the pattern and time course of O2 uptake ( O2) following the transition from rest to exercise, six patients and six healthy subjects performed cycle exercise at an average work rate (WR) of 18 and 20 W respectively. Cardiorespiratory variables were measured breath-by-breath. The patients also performed a progressively increasing WR test (1-min increments) to the limit of tolerance. Two patients repeated the studies when euthyroid. Resting and exercise steady-state (SS) O2 (ml·kg–1·min–1) were higher in the patients than control (5.8, SD 0.9 vs 4.0, SD 0.3 and 12.1, SD 1.5 vs 10.2, SD 1.0 respectively). The increase in O2 during the first 20 s exercise (phase I) was lower in the patients (mean 89 ml·min, SD 30) compared to the control (265 ml·min–1, SD 90), while the difference in half time of the subsequent (phase 11) increase to the SS O2 (patient 26 s, SD 8; controls 17 s, SD 8) were not significant (P = 0.06). The OZ cost per WR increment ( O2/WR) in ml·min–1·–1, measured during the incremental period (mean 10.9; range 8.3–12.2), was always within two standard deviations of the normal value (10.3, SD 1). In the two patients who repeated the tests, both the increment of O2 from rest to SS during constant WR exercise and the O2/WRs during the progressive exercise were higher in the hyperthyroid state than during the euthyroid state. While both resting and exercise O2 are increased in the hyperthyroid patients, the O2 cost of a given increment of WR is within the normal range. However, a small reduction in the O2 requirement to perform exercise following treatment of the hyperthyroid state suggests a subtle change O2 cost of muscle work in this disease.  相似文献   

Summary The oxygen deficit and debt have conventionally been determined during exercise at constant work rates. During this study these were calculated during and after exercise at progressively incremented work rates. Five men performed two successive incremental exercise tests to exhaustion on an electronically braked cycle ergometer. The two tests were separated by a 5 min rest period. The oxygen deficit was defined as the sum of the minute differences between the measured oxygen uptake and the oxygen uptake occurring during steady state work at that same rate. The oxygen deficit was quantified for the work periods before and after the anaerobic threshold (AT) as determined from respiratory gas analysis (ATR). The measured deficit for the period before the ATR was smaller than the deficit measured in the same subjects during steady state work at low intensity (below the ATR) and was also less than the rapid component of the oxygen repayment as determined after the second incremental test. It was concluded that this test could be used for the determination of anaerobic capacity as represented by the total oxygen deficit (within motivational limits), but that the lactacid and alactacid components of the deficit could not be differentiated. A considerable portion of the alactacid component of the deficit was incurred after the onset of the ATR.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of a progressively increasing work rate (15 W·min–1) up to exhaustion on the time course of O2 uptake ( ), ventilation ( ) and heart rate (HR) has been studied in weight lifters (WL) in comparison to endurance cyclists (Cycl) and sedentary controls (Sed). and were measured as average value of 30-s intervals by a semiautomatic open circuit method. was 2.55±0.33; 4.29±0.53 and 2.86±0.19·min–1 in WL, Cycl and Sed respectively. With time and work rate, while and HR increased linearly, changed its slope at two levels. The 1st change occured at a work load corresponding to a mean (± SD) of 1.50±0.26; 1.93±0.34; and 1.23±0.14 l·min–1 in WL, Cycl, and Sed respectively. values corresponding to the second change of slope were 2.18±0.32 in WL; 3.48±0.53 in Cycl and 2.17±0.28 l·min–1 in Sed. The first change of slope might be the consequence of the different readjustment of on-response and hence of early lactate in the different subjects. The second change seems to be comparable to the conventional anaerobic threshold and is achieved in all subjects when vs time slope is 7–10 l·min–1/min of exercise.This work has been supported in part by a grant from the Italian National Research Council (CNR)  相似文献   

Summary This study examined the effect of acute exposure of the whole body to cold on blood lactate response during incremental exercise. Eight subjects were tested with a cycle ergometer in a climatic chamber, room temperature being controlled either at 24° C (MT) or at –2° C (CT). The protocol consisted of a step increment in exercise intensity of 30 W every 2 min until exhaustion. Oxygen consumption ( ) was measured at rest and during the last minute of each exercise intensity. Blood samples were collected at rest and at exhaustion for estimations of plasma norepinephrine (NE), epinephrine (E), free fatty acid (FFA) and glucose concentrations, during the last 15 s of each exercise step and also during the 1st, 4th, 7th, and the 10th min following exercise for the determination of blood lactate (LA) concentration. The , was higher during CT than during MT at rest and during nearly every exercise intensity. At CT, lactate anaerobic threshold (LAT), determined from a marked increase of LA above resting level, increased significantly by 49% expressed as absolute , and 27% expressed as exercise intensity as compared with MT. The LA tended to be higher for light exercise intensities and lower for heavy exercise intensities during CT than during MT. The E and NE concentrations increased during exercise, regardless of ambient temperature. Furthermore, at rest and at exhaustion E concentrations did not differ between both conditions, while NE concentrations were greater during CT than during MT. Moreover, an increase of FFA was found only during CT. The difference in FFA level suggests that alterations in fat metabolism, possibly initiated by an enhanced secretion of NE, may have contributed to a decrease in lactate production.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were: first, to assess the interindividual variations of a spontaneously chosen crank rate (SCCR) in relation to the power developed during an incremental upper body exercise on an arm ergometer set at a constant power regime, and second, to compare heart rate (HR) responses, expired minute ventilation ( E) and oxygen consumption (O2) when the pedal rates were chosen spontaneously (TSCCR) or set at ±10% of the freely chosen rates (T+10% and T?10%, respectively). The mean pedal rate values were linearly related (P?r?=?0.96), although large variations of pedalling rate strategies were observed between subjects. Maximal power (MP) and time to exhaustion values were significantly higher (P?SCCR than during T+10% and T?10%. Peak O2 values were significantly higher (P?+10% than in TSCCR and T?10%. The increase in HR, E, and O2 mean values, in relation to the increase in the power developed, was significantly higher (P?±10%) than in the two other conditions. The findings of the present study suggest that the use of an electromagnetically braked ergometer, which automatically adjusts the resistance component to maintain a constant work rate, should be used in order to achieve the highest MP values during an incremental upper body exercise. A 10% increase of the SCCR should be used in order to provide the highest peak O2 value.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in kinetics of CO2 output (VCO2) during incremental exercise in sprinters (S), middle (MD), and long distance runners (LD). In the steady state exercise, the VCO2 was linearly related to the O2 uptake (VO2). In the incremental exercise below anaerobic threshold (AT), the VCO2 was also linearly related to the VO2. The difference between the VCO2 estimates from the regression lines obtained in steady state and incremental exercise was added from the start of exercise up to a given time. The added values were defined as CO2 stores. The CO2 stores per body weight were significantly related to mixed venous CO2 pressure (PVCO2) determined by the CO2 rebreathing method. The slopes of the regression lines between PVCO2 and CO2 stores per body weight were not different among three groups. If VCO2 above AT is estimated from the VO2 using the regression line obtained in incremental exercise below AT, the estimated VCO2 is lower than the measured VCO2. The sum of the differences in VCO2 up to a given time was defined as CO2 excess. The CO2 excess per body weight was significantly related to delta LA (the difference between blood lactates at 5 min after exercise and at rest). The ratios of CO2 excess per body weight to delta LA were 3.30 +/- 1.49, 4.16 +/- 2.33, and 5.55 +/- 2.05 for sprinters, middle, and long distance runners, respectively. This ratio obtained in sprinters was significantly lower than that in long distance runners (p less than 0.01).  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the problem of regulating the heart rate response along a predetermined reference profile, for cycle-ergometer exercises designed for training or cardio-respiratory rehabilitation. The controller designed in this study is a non-conventional, non-model-based, proportional, integral and derivative (PID) controller. The PID controller commands can be transmitted as biofeedback auditory commands, which can be heard and interpreted by the exercising subject to increase or reduce exercise intensity. However, in such a case, for the purposes of effectively communicating to the exercising subject a change in the required exercise intensity, the timing of this feedback signal relative to the position of the pedals becomes critical. A feedback signal delivered when the pedals are not in a suitable position to efficiently exert force may be ineffective and this may, in turn, lead to the cognitive disengagement of the user from the feedback controller. This note examines a novel form of control system which has been expressly designed for this project. The system is called an “actuator-based event-driven control system”. The proposed control system was experimentally verified using 24 healthy male subjects who were randomly divided into two separate groups, along with cross-validation scheme. A statistical analysis was employed to test the generalisation of the PID tunes, derived based on the average transfer functions of the two groups, and it revealed that there were no significant differences between the mean values of root mean square of the tracking error of two groups (3.9 vs. 3.7 bpm, \(p = 0.65\)). Furthermore, the results of a second statistical hypothesis test showed that the proposed PID controller with novel synchronised biofeedback mechanism has better performance compared to a conventional PID controller with a fixed-rate biofeedback mechanism (Group 1: 3.9 vs. 5.0 bpm, Group 2: 3.7 vs. 4.4 bpm, \(p <0.05\)).  相似文献   

Left ventricular function in elite runners and controls was compared by means of nuclear angiocardiography. Fifteen middle- or long-distance runners and a control group of 10 sedentary to moderately physically active subjects were studied at rest and during semi-sitting incremental exercise. Ejection fraction was higher in the runners than the controls both at rest and during exercise. At the transition from rest to exercise left ventricular end-diastolic volume initially increased similarly in runners and controls by an average of 14 and 12%, respectively, with an increase in stroke volume by ≈25 and 23%. The parallel increase in stroke volume and left ventricular end-diastolic volume could a least partly be because of the 10 –Starling mechanism. With increasing workloads, left ventricular end-diastolic volume and ejection fraction remained fairly constant, resulting in an unchanged stroke volume from the lowest to the highest exercise intensity. This was in the runners?accomplished by a 41% increase in peak filling rate and a 38% increase in peak emptying rate with similar changes observed in the controls. This has to be due to increased myocardial contractility paralleling the systolic shortening with increasing heart rate. We conclude that endurance-trained athletes have a better systolic function expressed as higher ejection fraction both at rest and during exercise than untrained subjects reflecting an enhanced myocardial contractility contributing to the maintenance of a large stroke volume during exercise. The regulatory mechanisms however, appear to be similar for athletes and healthy controls.  相似文献   

Cardiorespiratory response to treadmill and bicycle exercise in runners   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Maximal aerobic power and related variables during submaximal work were determined on the bicycle ergometer and on the treadmill in nine long-distance runners and in nine control subjects.During submaximal work, heart rate and pulmonary ventilation were similar with the two exercise procedures in each group, but the runners had lower values than the control subjects.During maximal exercise, oxygen uptake and pulmonary ventilation reached higher levels on the treadmill than on the bicycle ergometer. The difference in max was not significant in the control subjects (4.4%), but was more pronounced (12.8%) and highly significant (p<0.01) in the runners. The intergroup differences for max between runners and controls were more marked during treadmill running (17.3%) than during bicycle exercise (8.5%).It is concluded that the differences between the max values obtained on the bicycle ergometer and on the treadmill are influenced by the training conditions of the subjects and that bicycle ergometry leads to a marked underestimation of maximal oxygen uptake in runners.  相似文献   

The deflection point (DP) of the heart rate in relation to the work rate (WR) of 8 male endurance-trained paraplegics and 11 male physically active sports students was investigated during nonsteady-state incremental arm cranking ergometry (IT) and compared to the 4 mmol?·?l?1 blood lactate concentration threshold and to blood lactate concentration in steady-state exercise (SST). Heart rate, and lactate concentration from capillary blood, were determined at rest, during IT and SST. The DP was calculated by linear regression analysis of the heart rate during IT. The SST consisted of three consecutive exercise intensities over a period of 8?min at exercise intensities of 10?W below, and at 10?W above the work rate at deflection point (WRDP). No difference was found between the paraplegics and non-handicapped subjects regarding heart rate and blood lactate concentration at rest and during exercise. A DP was established in all the paraplegics and in 72.7% of the non-handicapped subjects, but lactate accumulation was observed in 75% of the paraplegics and in 62.5% of the non-handicapped subjects at the lowest intensity of SST. In summary, endurance-trained paraplegics with an injury level below T5 showed heart rate and blood lactate concentration values comparable to non-handicapped subjects during IT. A linear increase at moderate exercise intensities and a levelling-off at higher to maximal intensities could be identified in all the paraplegics and in 72.7% of non-handicapped subjects. The determination of the anaerobic threshold by DP should be applied with caution, since no causal relationship of DP and the anaerobic threshold was found and the WRDP tended to overestimate threshold values.  相似文献   

Heart rate variability during dynamic exercise in elderly males and females   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
It has been proposed that cardiac control is altered in the elderly. Power spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) was performed on 12 male and 11 female elderly subjects (mean age 74 years) while at rest in supine and sitting positions, and at steady states during 5 min of exercise (35–95% peak oxygen consumption, O2peak). There were no differences in power, measured as a percentage of the total of the high frequency peak (HF, centred at about 0.25 Hz; 13% in males vs 12% in females), low frequency peak (LF, centred at 0.09 Hz; 25% in males and 22% in females), and very low frequency component (VLF, at 0.03 Hz; 66% in males and 69% in females) between body positions at rest. There was no difference in spectral power between male and female subjects. Total power decreased as a function of oxygen consumption during exercise, LF% did not change up to about 14 ml · kg−1 · min−1 (40% and 80% O2peak in males and females, respectively), then decreased towards minimal values in both genders. HF% power and central frequency increased linearly with metabolic demand, reaching higher values in male subjects than in female subjects at O2peak, while VLF% remained unchanged. Thus, the power spectra components of HRV did not reflect the changes in autonomic activity that occur at increasing exercise intensities, confirming previous findings in young subjects, and indicated similar responses in both genders. Accepted: 30 November 1999  相似文献   

Summary Four top-class runners who regularly performed marathon and long-distance races participated in this study. They performed a graded field test on an artificial running track within a few weeks of a competitive marathon. The test consisted of five separate bouts of running. Each period lasted 6 min with an intervening 2-min rest bout during which arterialized capillary blood samples were taken. Blood was analysed for pH, partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide (P02 and PCO2) and lactate concentration ([la]b). The values of base excess (BE) and bicarbonate concentration ([HCO3 ]) were calculated. The exercise intensity during the test was regulated by the runners themselves. The subjects were asked to perform the first bout of running at a constant heart rate f c which was 50 beats · min–1 below their own maximal f c. Every subsequent bout, each of which lasted 6 min, was performed with an increment of 10 beats · min–1 as the target f c. Thus the last, the fifth run, was planned to be performed with fc amounting to 10 beats · min–1 less than their maximal f c. The results from these runners showed that the blood pH changed very little in the bouts performed at a running speed below 100% of mean marathon velocity ( m). However, once mwas exceeded, there were marked changes in acid-base status. In the bouts performed at a velocity above the mthere was a marked increase in [la]b and a significant decrease in pH, [HCO3 ], BE and PCO2. The average marathon velocity ( m) was 18.46 (SD 0.32) km·h–1. The [la]b at a mean running velocity of 97.1 (SD 0.8) % of mwas 2.33 (SD 1.33) mmol ·l–1 which, compared with a value at rest of 1.50 (SD 0.60) mmol·l–1, was not significantly higher. However, when running velocity exceeded the vm by only 3.6 (SD 1.9) %, the [la]b increased to 6.94 (SD 2.48) mmol·l-1 (P<0.05 vs rest). We concluded from our study that the highest running velocity at which the blood pH still remained constant in relation to the value at rest and the speed of the run at which [la]b began to increase significantly above the value at rest is a sensitive indicator of capacity for marathon running.  相似文献   



The exercise test is a powerful non-invasive tool for risk stratifying patients with or suspected of having cardiovascular disease (CVD). Heart rate (HR) response during and following exercise has been extensively studied. However, the clinical utility of HR response at the onset of exercise is less understood. Furthermore, conflicting reports exist regarding whether a faster vs. slower HR acceleration represents a CVD risk marker. The primary study purpose was to describe HR acceleration early in exercise in apparently healthy individuals.


Retrospective analyses were performed in a sample (N = 947) representing a range of age and fitness (11–78 years; VO2peak 17–49 mL kg?1 min?1). HR response was defined over the initial 7 min of the protocol. Associations between HR acceleration and CVD risk factors were also assessed.


Mean increases in HR were 18 ± 9 and 23 ± 11 beats at minute one, for men and women, respectively (p < 0.05). After adjusting for gender and pre-exercise HR, only modest associations were observed between the change in HR at minute one and body mass index, resting blood pressure, cigarette smoking, physical activity, HR reserve, and cardiorespiratory fitness.


There was wide variability in HR acceleration at the onset of exercise in this apparently healthy cohort. A lower increase in HR during the first minute of exercise was associated with a better CVD risk profile, including higher cardiorespiratory fitness, in apparently healthy individuals. These data suggest a greater parasympathetic influence at the onset of exercise may be protective in an asymptomatic population.  相似文献   

The relationship of ventilation response (VE) to arterial potassium concentration (K+) during ramp incremental exercise was assessed in nine patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and in 10 healthy subjects. For COPD patients the maximum oxygen uptake (VOmax) was 19.6 +/- 3.8 ml kg-1 min-1 (+/- SD), and percentage of forced expired volume at 1 s (% FEV1) was 47.8 +/- 10.4%. In healthy subjects, VO2max was 44.4 +/- 7.0 ml kg-1 min-1 and FEV1 was 89.7 +/- 7.4%. Breath-by-breath determinations for VE, oxygen uptake (VO2) and carbon dioxide output (VCO2), as well as determinations for K+, partial pressure of oxygen (PO2), partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2), pH and lactate in arterial blood were performed during a workout on an exercise bicycle at a ramp function work rate of 20 W min-1, preceded by a 40 min warm-up period. The major findings in the present study are: (1) that there is a linear relation between ventilation and arterial K+ concentration during ramp exercise in both healthy subjects and COPD patients; (2) that the slope of the VE-K+ relationship is significantly lower in COPD patients (16.2 +/- 7.3 l min-1 mM-1) than in normal subjects (37.4 +/- 6.9 l min-1 mM-1, P less than 0.01); and, (3) that the slope of the VE-K+ relationship is significantly related to the ability to ventilate during maximal exercise in both healthy subjects and COPD patients (P less than 0.05). It is thought that the significantly reduced slope of the VE-K+ relationship in the COPD patients could be interpreted as a reduced sensitivity to the stimulus and/or as a mechanical impairment of the ventilation.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of age on breathing pattern, mouth occlusion pressure, the ratio of mouth occlusion pressure to mean inspiratory flow, and venous blood lactate kinetics during incremental exercise. Mouth occlusion pressure was used as an index of inspiratory neuromuscular activity, and its ratio to mean inspiratory flow was used as an index of the “effective impedance” of the respiratory system. Nine elderly male subjects [mean (SD) age: 68.1 (4.8) years] and nine young male subjects [mean (SD) age: 23.4 (1.3) years] performed an incremental exercise test on a bicycle ergometer. After a warm-up at 30 W, the power was increased by 30 W every 1.5 min until exhaustion. Our results showed that at maximal exercise, power output, breathing pattern, and respiratory exchange values, with the exception of tidal volume and the “effective impedance” of the respiratory system, were significantly higher in the young subjects. The power output and oxygen consumption values at the anaerobic threshold were also significantly higher in the young men. At the same power output, the elderly subjects showed significantly higher values for minute ventilation, respiratory equivalents for oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide output (CO2), mean inspiratory flow, occlusion pressure and lactate concentration than the young subjects. At the same CO2 below the anaerobic threshold (0.5, 0.75, 1.00 and 1.25 l · min−1), minute ventilation and lactate concentration were also significantly higher in the elderly subjects. We observed a significantly higher minute ventilation at CO2 values of 0.5, 0.75, 1.00 (P < 0.001) and 1.25 l · min−1 (P < 0.05) in the elderly men, and a significantly higher lactate concentration at CO2 values of 1.00 (P < 0.05) and 1.25 l · min−1 (P < 0.01). In conclusion, the ventilatory response in elderly subjects is elevated in comparison with that in young subjects, both below and above the anaerobic threshold. This study demonstrates for the first time that this ventilatory increase, both below and above the threshold, is partly due to an increased lactate concentration. Received: 30 March 1999 / Accepted: 24 June 1999  相似文献   

Muscle carnitine metabolism during incremental dynamic exercise in humans   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The changes in muscle content of carnitine and acetylcarnitine have been studied during incremental dynamic exercise. Six subjects exercised for 10 min on an ergometer at 40 and 75% of their maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and to fatigue at 100% of VO2 max (about 4 min). Muscle samples were taken from the quadriceps femoris muscle at rest and after exercise. Muscle content of free carnitine was (means +/- SE) 15.9 +/- 1.7 mmol kg-1 d.wt (dry weight) at rest and remained unchanged after exercise at low intensity but decreased to 5.9 +/- 0.6 and 4.6 +/- 0.5 mmol kg-1 d.wt after exercise at 75 and 100% of VO2 max respectively. Acetylcarnine content at rest was 6.9 +/- 1.9 mmol kg-1 d.wt and increased during exercise in correspondence with the decrease in free carnitine. Muscle content of pyruvate and lactate was unchanged after exercise at 40% of VO2 max but increased at the higher intensities. The parallel increases in acetylcarnitine, pyruvate and lactate indicate that formation of acetylcarnitine is augmented when the availability of glycolytic three-carbon metabolites is high and is consistent with the idea that acetylcarnitine provides a sink for pyruvate and acetyl CoA. This could be of importance for the maintenance of an adequate level of CoA and thus function of the tricarboxylic acid cycle.  相似文献   

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