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Krypton-81m, an inert, radioactive gas with a physical half-life of 13 seconds was used to evaluate regional lung ventilation in 25 pediatric patients. The results suggest that Kr-81m has several advantages over previous methods employing xenon-133. These include: more favorable physical characteristics for imaging with present scintillation cameras; ease of performance of the examinations; improved resolution and multiple views with better detection and localization of abnormalities; and a much lower dose to the patient.  相似文献   

Spirometry and krypton-81m lung scans were performed in 17 patients before lobectomy was carried out for bronchogenic carcinoma to determine whether post-operative spirometric values could have been predicted from the pre-operative data. The patients were followed up at 3, 6 and 12 months post-operatively for lung function testing. It emerged from this study that good post-operative spirometric values could be predicted for VC (r = 0.80), and for FEV1 (r = 0.88), and to a much lesser degree for the TLC (r = 0.51) at 6 months after surgery. With time TLC and VC tended to increase, whilst the FEV1 remained at the same level.  相似文献   

A non-invasive method has been developed for measuring spleen perfusion in man. This involves recording the gamma-ray energy spectra over the spleen following the localisation of Rubidium-81 within the organ by injecting intravenously labelled heat denatured red cells. The spectra are analysed to provide the ratio of Rubidium-81 to its radioactive decay product Krypton-81 m. This ratio is dependent on the rate of perfusion through the organ. The difficulties encountered in applying this steady state method for monitoring tissue perfusion are illustrated and practical means for their solution presented. The results of applying this method to patients with various splenic disorders are presented and compared with those obtained by other workers using different monitoring techniques.  相似文献   

Krypton-79m emits 130-keV gamma rays in 27 +/- 1% of its disintegrations and decays with a half-life of 50 +/- 3 sec. It is generated readily by bombarding nearly saturated aqueous solutions of bromide salts, or bromoform, with 14-MeV protons. The 79mKr is swept out continuously as it is produced by bubbling helium upward through the liquids. Up to 200 mCi per I are obtained of the resulting mixture of gases. The 79mKr + helium is mixed with about five volumes of air and then driven continuously through a small-bore tube to an Anger scintillation camera located approximately 200 yards away. The rate of flow is adjusted so that the amounts of 13-sec 81mKr and of 35-hr 79Kr are inconsequential at the time and point of use. When the gases are inhaled, good images of the lungs are obtained with an Anger scintillation camera. The trachea and bronchi commonly are revealed also.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The rubidium 81/krypton 81m method was suggested for assessment of myocardial blood flow (MBF) three decades ago. This study investigates the novel concept of using 81Rb-/81mKr-labeled coronary guide wires with wire-attached 81Rb activity and diffusable 81mKr gas for assessment of lesion-specific impairment of MBF by evaluation of the 81Rb/81mKr activity ratio. The feasibility of wire production is tested, and application of the method is investigated in the canine model. METHODS AND RESULTS: Conventional coronary guide wires for angioplasty (0.014 in) were labeled with radioactive 81Rb/81mKr by ion bombardment of the wire tip. A total of 16 of the 18 wires labeled in series showed successful 81Rb fixation in combination with free 81mKr gas diffusability during quality control measurements. The suitability of the wires to assess MBF in combination with an external gamma ray detector was investigated in open-chested dogs. Electromagnetic measurement of coronary blood flow (CBF) was used as reference, providing a signal that is directly linked to volumetric MBF. The 81Rb/81mKr ratio tracked changes in CBF reliably in all 6 dogs. The found linear dependence of measured 81Rb/81mKr count rates on measured CBF supports the modeling assumptions made to apply the theoretic basis of the 81Rb/81mKr technique to 81Rb-labeled coronary guide wires. CONCLUSION: 81Rb-/81mKr-labeled coronary guide wires provide a signal that indicates volumetric MBF directly. This unique capability may qualify the technique as a valuable tool for research purposes and as an attractive method for invasive cardiology at centers where the logistic arrangements for short-lived isotope supply are provided.  相似文献   

Radioaerosol inhalation lung cine-scintigraphy and lung function tests were performed on ten patients with bronchial asthma in remission before and after inhalation of salbutamol following intravenously administered aminophylline. Radioaerosol inhalation lung cine-scintigraphy was very useful in revealing the changes not only in the deposition patterns of inhaled aerosol in the lungs but also in the dynamic transport of mucus on the airways. The bronchodilating effect of the combined treatment was significant; the inhaled aerosol deposited more homogeneously and less centrally in the lungs, the "penetration index" and the alveolar deposition ratio (ALDR) increased from 31 +/- 3 to 49 +/- 7%, and from 29 +/- 2% to 39 +/- 1%, respectively, while the airway deposition ratio (ADR) decreased from 72 +/- 2 to 61 +/- 1% immediately after the treatment. Lung function data including FVC, FEV 1.0, FEV 1.0%, MMF, V50 and Vp significantly improved after the treatment. There was, however, little visual or quantitative improvement in mucociliary clearance after the treatment.  相似文献   

We performed a blind prospective analysis of the shoulders of 20 asymptomatic volunteers, aged 25 to 55 years, to determine the frequency of magnetic resonance (MR) findings considered abnormal in symptomatic patients. Twenty symptomatic patients were used as controls. With regard to the asymptomatic shoulders, all 20 had intact rotator cuff tendons, although six (30%) of the tendons had abnormal internal signal, and one (5%) had abnormal morphology. Subdeltoid and subacromial fat planes were intact in 20 (100%) and 19 (95%) shoulders respectively. Subdeltoid or subacromial fluid was not present in any shoulder. Acromioclavicular osteophytes and supraspinatus depression were seen in seven (35%) and six (30%) respectively. The glenoid labrum was intact in all volunteers, although it had abnormal internal signal in 10 (50%). MR findings of abnormal signal in the glenoid labrum, and of abnormal signal and morphology of the rotator cuff tendons, supraspinatus depression, and acromioclavicular osteophytes have been reported as signs of instability, tendinitis, and impingement. Similar findings were seen in asymptomatic volunteers, indicating that these findings may not be a sign of clinically significant pathology.  相似文献   

Krypton-81m gas, by virtue of its imaging characteristics, is often considered the "gold standard" for ventilation scintigraphy but its use is restricted by its high cost and limited availability. The new radiopharmaceutical 99Tcm-Technegas, a suspension of ultrafine technetium-99m labelled carbon particles, produces high-quality images of ventilation and has the advantage of continuous availability. As part of our evaluation of Technegas the two were compared in 40 patients with a variety of established respiratory diseases. Disparities were seen in five patients in five diagnostic groups and may be a consequence of the differing physical properties of the two agents and the different inhalation techniques used. In addition two interesting features were noted on the Technegas images. (1) Hot spots were seen in 50% of patients, particularly in those with a degree of airways obstruction; (2) preferential basal deposition of activity was seen in 30%, particularly in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Both features were significantly associated with parameters of pulmonary function indicating obstructive lung disease in the former case and restrictive lung disease in the latter.  相似文献   

The purpose was to evaluate the inter-visit, inter-observer and intra-observer variation of quantitative and qualitative tendon examinations in vivo for a cohort of asymptomatic volunteers. Eleven healthy male subjects were recruited. The following tendons were assessed by ultrasonography: Achilles tendon, patellar tendon, triceps tendon, extensor pollicis longus, flexor carpi radialis and supraspinatus. For each tendon a quantitative measurement of tendon size was made at a predefined anatomical location. Two experienced sonologists, blind to one anothers findings, evaluated each of the tendons independently. Each tendon was evaluated on two occasions 1 week apart. No difference was found to be attributed to variation in tendon size between visits. Inter-observer variation was a source of error with intra-subject, inter-visit measurements proving more reproducible. There was some significant variation between observers. This variation was more marked with some tendon measures than others. Inter-observer variation for triceps, flexor carpi radialis and supraspinatus was most marked. Minimum detectable change in tendons varied from 13 to 57% depending on the plane of scanning and the tendon being examined. Good reproducibility of quantitative tendon measurements can be achieved within a study using two observers by following a defined scanning protocol. However, it is recommended that the same observer perform serial assessments. The data allow minimal detectable changes in tendon size to be calculated.  相似文献   

The results of Kr-81m/Tc-99m ventilation-perfusion (VP) lung scintigraphy were correlated with the results of pulmonary angiography for 74 patients suspected of having pulmonary embolism (PE). Among patients having a diagnostic scan, the sensitivity and specificity of scintigraphy were 91% and 94%, respectively. Also, 157 consecutive cases of Kr-81m/Tc-99m VP lung scintigraphy were reviewed, and the frequency of an indeterminate scan was found to be 22%. A similar frequency was found for VP scintigraphy with xenon-133. Of eight patients who had indeterminate scans due to the presence of a single VP mismatch, four were demonstrated to have PE by angiography. Kr-81m is an excellent agent for VP scanning in cases of suspected PE, offering accuracy in diagnosis as well as favorable physical properties.  相似文献   

In this article we describe a computer program to demonstrate ventilation-perfusion relationships in the lungs, using 99mTc-MAA and 81mKr, with the patients sitting upright, the normal physiological situation. The ventilation and perfusion scans are performed simultaneously with both gamma camera and computer adjusted for dual isotope mode. Steady state images are acquired in the frontal, dorsal, and left and right posterior oblique positions. Additionally, in the dorsal and frontal projections, a sequence of 12 washout images (5 s) is registered, after closing the Krypton supply. After normalization and further computer processing, the following parameters are calculated in the frontal and dorsal projections, in the whole lung and in four horizontal subregions: washout values, ventilation-perfusion ratios, left to right ratios of ventilation and perfusion, and left to right ratios of the average pixel values for ventilation and perfusion. Results in a group of eight healthy volunteers are described and discussed.  相似文献   

In this article we describe a computer program to demonstrate ventilation-perfusion relationships in the lungs, using 99mTc-MAA and 81mKr, with the patients sitting upright, the normal physiological situation. The ventilation and perfusion scans are performed simultaneously with both gamma camera and computer adjusted for dual isotope mode. Steady state images are acquired in frontal, dorsal, and left and right posterior oblique positions. Additionally, in the dorsal and frontal projections, a sequence of 12 washout images (5 s) is registered, after closing the Krypton supply. After normalization and further computer processing, the following parameters are calculated in the frontal and dorsal projections, in the whole lung and in four horizontal subregions: washout values, ventilation-perfusion ratios, left to right ratios of ventilation and perfusion, and left to right ratios of the everage pixel values for ventilation and perfusion. Results in a group of eight healthy volunteers are described and discussed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the dynamic modifications of the thoracic outlet in asymptomatic volunteers and symptomatic patients and assess the presence and location of vasculonervous compressions in these two populations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-five healthy volunteers and 54 patients with clinical symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) underwent magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the thoracic outlets with their arms alongside their bodies and after a postural maneuver. Measurements were obtained at the interscalene triangle (thickness of anterior scalene muscle, interscalene angle), at the costoclavicular space (minimum costoclavicular distance, distance between inferior border of subclavius muscle and the anterior chest wall, maximum thickness of subclavius muscle, angle between first rib shaft and horizontal), and at the retropectoralis minor space (distance between posterior border of pectoralis minor muscle and posterior lining of axilla at the passage of the axillary vessels, thickness of pectoralis minor muscle). The presence and location of vasculonervous compressions were also assessed. Group data were analyzed with the Student t test. RESULTS: Patients with TOS had a smaller costoclavicular distance after the postural maneuver (P <.001), a thicker subclavius muscle in both arm positions (P <.001), and a wider retropectoralis minor space after the postural maneuver (P <.001) than did volunteers. Venous compressions after the postural maneuver were observed in 47% of volunteers and 63% of patients at the prescalene space, in 54% of volunteers and 61% of patients at the costoclavicular space, and in 27% of volunteers and 30% of patients at the retropectoralis minor space. Arterial and nervous compressions, respectively, were seen in 72% and 7% of patients. No arterial or nervous compression was seen in volunteers. Except for venous thrombosis, vasculonervous compressions were demonstrated only with arm elevation. Only three thoracic outlet measurements differed significantly in both populations. CONCLUSION: MR imaging appeared helpful in demonstrating the location and cause of arterial or nervous compressions.  相似文献   

A non-invasive method has been developed for measuring spleen perfusion in man. This involves recording the -ray energy spectra over the spleen following the localisation of Rubidium-81 within the organ by injecting intravenously labelled heat denatured red cells. The spectra are analysed to provide the ratio of Rubidium-81 to its radioactive decay product Krypton-81m. This ratio is dependant on the rate of perfusion through the organ. The difficulties encountered in applying this steady state method for monitoring tissue perfusion are illustrated and practical means for their solution presented. The results of applying this method to patients with various splenic disorders are presented and compared with those obtained by other workers using different monitoring techniques.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of Kr-81m and Xe-127 in evaluating nonembolic pulmonary disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relative sensitivities of Kr-81m and Xe-127 in detecting lung ventilation defects was evaluated in 80 patients with nonembolic pulmonary diseases. Krypton-81m ventilation images (500,000 count) were interdigitated with Tc-99m MAA perfusion images; both were compared with Xe-127 images. The distributions of the two gases were also compared on the basis of point-by-point computer analyses. Xenon-127 was found to be more sensitive than Kr-81m in clinical evaluations of scintiphotos--although they were equivalent by computer analyses--in indicating regions of impaired ventilation in patients with obstructive airways disease.  相似文献   

Radioaerosol lung imaging may result in (a) microbiological contamination of nebulizer circuits (a potential hazard to patients if the circuit is re-used), and (b) radioaerosol contamination of the atmosphere (a hazard to staff, particularly if inhaled, ingested or both). Altogether, 138 circuits were assessed for bacteriological contamination, 93 of which had been used for ventilation perfusion studies and 45 for lung permeability studies in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive patients. The circuits used for ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) studies were re-used over a period of 1-5 days. The mouthpiece and Y-piece were changed between patients. The circuits used for permeability studies were changed in toto for each patient. Organisms belonging to normal respiratory flora were isolated from the Y-piece, mouthpiece or both in 9 of 138 cases. An additional case (from one of the HIV-positive patients) demonstrated a growth of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus. We also demonstrated bacteriological growth, most likely of patient origin, in circuit tubing in 11 cases at the end of the first day's use and 9 cases by day 5. None of the circuits used for HIV-positive cases were culture-positive. Airborne radioactive contamination was assessed during radioaerosol inhalation with and without an air extractor device (Nederman) during 40 ventilation studies. The 20 studies with air extraction showed a large decrease in room air contamination. Nebulizer circuits can, and occasionally do, become contaminated with patients' organisms; this represents a potential infection control hazard and therefore re-use is contraindicated. The use of an air extractor will significantly reduce airborne radioaerosol contamination.  相似文献   

Right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) calculated from ECG-gated steady-state 81mKr angiocardiography and from 99mTc first-pass studies were compared in 30 patients using a digital, single crystal, gamma-camera. Despite the two entirely different approaches RVEF values obtained by the two methods were comparable (r = 0.97): the mean absolute difference between the two techniques was 2.5% +/- 1.5% and the largest observed absolute difference was 5%. In the absence of an accepted reference method for measuring RVEF, this close correlation provides indirect validation of both techniques. The choice of method will therefore depend on several factors, including radiotracer availability, the characteristics of the gamma-camera and the protocol of clinical investigation.  相似文献   

Right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) calculated from ECG-gated steady-state 81mKr angiocardiography and from 99mTc first-pass studies were compared in 30 patients using a digital, single crystal, gamma-camera. Despite the two entirely different approaches RVEF values obtained by the two methods were comparable (r=0.97): the mean absolute difference between the two techniques was 2.5%+/-1.5% and the largest observed absolute difference was 5%. In the absence of an accepted reference method for measuring RVEF, this close correlation provides indirect validation of both techniques. The choice of method will therefore depend on several factors, including radiotracer availability, the characteristics of the gammacamera and the protocol of clinical investigation.  相似文献   

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