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Neural tube defects (NTDs) are birth defects that can be disabling or lethal and are second in their prevalence after cardiac defects among major human congenital malformations. Spina bifida is a NTD where the spinal cord is dysplastic, and the overlying spinal column is absent. At present, the molecular mechanisms underlying the spinal bifida development are largely unknown. In this study, we present a Fkbp8 mouse mutant that has an isolated and completely penetrant spina bifida, which is folate- and inositol-resistant. Fkbp8 mutants are not embryo lethal, but they display striking features of human spina bifida, including a dysplastic spinal cord, open neural canal and disability. The loss of Fkbp8 leads to increased apoptosis in the posterior neural tube, demonstrating that in vivo FKBP8 inhibits cell death. Gene expression analysis of Fkbp8 mutants revealed a perturbation of expression of neural tube patterning genes, suggesting that endogenous FKBP8 activity establishes dorso-ventral patterning of the neural tube. These studies demonstrate that Fkbp8 is not important for embryo survival, but is essential for spinal neural tube patterning, and to block apoptosis, in the developing neural tube. The mutant Fkbp8 allele is a new experimental model which will be useful in dissecting the pathogenesis of spinal NTDs, and enhance our understanding of the etiology of human NTDs.  相似文献   

Hair follicle (HF) formation is initiated when epithelial stem cells receive cues from specialized mesenchymal dermal papilla (DP) cells. In culture, DP cells lose their HF-inducing properties, but during hair growth in vivo, they reside within the HF bulb and instruct surrounding epithelial progenitors to orchestrate the complex hair differentiation program. To gain insights into the molecular program that maintains DP cell fate, we previously purified DP cells and four neighboring populations and defined their cell-type-specific molecular signatures. Here, we exploit this information to show that the bulb microenvironment is rich in bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) that act on DP cells to maintain key signature features in vitro and hair-inducing activity in vivo. By employing a novel in vitro/in vivo hybrid knockout assay, we ablate BMP receptor 1a in purified DP cells. When DPs cannot receive BMP signals, they lose signature characteristics in vitro and fail to generate HFs when engrafted with epithelial stem cells in vivo. These results reveal that BMP signaling, in addition to its key role in epithelial stem cell maintenance and progenitor cell differentiation, is essential for DP cell function, and suggest that it is a critical feature of the complex epithelial-mesenchymal cross-talk necessary to make hair.  相似文献   

BMPs have been shown to play a role in neural tube development particularly as dorsalizing factors. To explore the possibility that BMP2 could play a role in the developing neural tube (NT) beyond the lethality of Bmp2 null embryos, we created Bmp2 chimeras from Bmp2 null ES cells and WT blastocysts. Analysis of Bmp2 chimeras reveals NT defects at day 9.5 (E9.5). We found that exclusion of Bmp2 null ES cells from the dorsal NT did not always prevent defects. For further comparison, we used a Bmp2 mutant line in a mixed background. Phenotypes observed were similar to chimeras including open NT defects, postneurulation defects, and abnormal neural ectoderm in heterozygous and homozygous null embryos demonstrating a pattern of dose‐dependent signaling. Our data exposes BMP2 as a unique player in the developing NT for dorsal patterning and identity, and normal cephalic neural tube closure in a dose‐dependent manner. Developmental Dynamics 238:110–122, 2009. Published 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Intestinal growth, morphogenesis, differentiation, and homeostasis are regulated by reciprocal interactions between the epithelium and the underlying mesenchymal stroma. The identification of BMPR1A mutations in patients with Juvenile Polyposis implicates Bmp signaling as an important mediator of these interactions. To test this hypothesis, we inhibited Bmp signaling in the mouse proximal intestine by transgenic misexpression of the BMP antagonist, noggin, using regulatory elements of the fatty acid binding protein (Fabp1) gene. This leads to abnormal villus morphogenesis, stromal and epithelial hyperplasia, and ectopic crypt formation. The resulting intestinal histopathology resembles that seen in human Juvenile Polyposis. Misexpression of noggin in the large intestine gives a similar abnormal phenotype in this region of the gut. Analysis of gene expression in the transgenic small intestine raises the possibility that Hedgehog and Pdgf signaling play a role in the development of the Juvenile Polyposis-like phenotype.  相似文献   

Background : In most vertebrates, the segmentation of the paraxial mesoderm involves the formation of metameric units called somites through a mesenchymal‐epithelial transition. However, this process is different in Xenopus laevis because it does not form an epithelial somite. Xenopus somitogenesis is characterized by a complex cells rearrangement that requires the coordinated regulation of cell shape, adhesion, and motility. The molecular mechanisms that control these cell behaviors underlying somite formation are little known. Although the Paraxis has been implicated in the epithelialization of somite in chick and mouse, its role in Xenopus somite morphogenesis has not been determined. Results : Using a morpholino and hormone‐inducible construction approaches, we showed that both gain and loss of function of paraxis affect somite elongation, rotation and alignment, causing a severe disorganization of somitic tissue. We further found that depletion or overexpression of paraxis in the somite led to the downregulation or upregulation, respectively, of cell adhesion expression markers. Finally, we demonstrated that paraxis is necessary for the proper expression of myotomal and sclerotomal differentiation markers. Conclusions : Our results demonstrate that paraxis regulates the cell rearrangements that take place during the somitogenesis of Xenopus by regulating cell adhesion. Furthermore, paraxis is also required for somite differentiation. Developmental Dynamics 244:973–987, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Establishment of primary mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) as continuously growing cell lines is normally accompanied by loss of the p53 or p19ARF tumor suppressors, which act in a common biochemical pathway. myc rapidly activates ARF and p53 gene expression in primary MEFs and triggers replicative crisis by inducing apoptosis. MEFs that survive myc overexpression sustain p53 mutation or ARF loss during the process of establishment and become immortal. MEFs lacking ARF or p53 exhibit an attenuated apoptotic response to myc ab initio and rapidly give rise to cell lines that proliferate in chemically defined medium lacking serum. Therefore, ARF regulates a p53-dependent checkpoint that safeguards cells against hyperproliferative, oncogenic signals.  相似文献   

Facial abnormalities in human SHH mutants have implicated the Hedgehog (Hh) pathway in craniofacial development, but early defects in mouse Shh mutants have precluded the experimental analysis of this phenotype. Here, we removed Hh-responsiveness specifically in neural crest cells (NCCs), the multipotent cell type that gives rise to much of the skeleton and connective tissue of the head. In these mutants, many of the NCC-derived skeletal and nonskeletal components are missing, but the NCC-derived neuronal cell types are unaffected. Although the initial formation of branchial arches (BAs) is normal, expression of several Fox genes, specific targets of Hh signaling in cranial NCCs, is lost in the mutant. The spatially restricted expression of Fox genes suggests that they may play an important role in BA patterning. Removing Hh signaling in NCCs also leads to increased apoptosis and decreased cell proliferation in the BAs, which results in facial truncation that is evident by embryonic day 11.5 (E11.5). Together, our results demonstrate that Hh signaling in NCCs is essential for normal patterning and growth of the face. Further, our analysis of Shh-Fox gene regulatory interactions leads us to propose that Fox genes mediate the action of Shh in facial development.  相似文献   

Primary segmentation in vertebrates is considered to be an intrinsic property of the presomitic paraxial mesoderm controlled by a number of interconnected oscillating signals. Re-segmentation, in contrast, has been shown to depend on signals from the axial structures. Here we report the requirement of the neural tube for maintenance but not formation of primary segmentation in chick embryos. Unilateral removal of the neural tube, next to the anterior presomitic mesoderm, caused disturbed development of the neural arches and the spinous processes. But already 24 h postsurgery, the sclerotome showed loss of primary segmentation in the craniocaudal axis. Cells strongly expressing twist and not showing any segmentation were located dorsomedially between the remaining left half of the neural tube and the right side dermomyotome, which frequently was truncated medially.  相似文献   

Autotaxin (ATX) is a lysophospholipid‐generating exoenzyme expressed in embryonic and adult neural tissues. We previously showed that ATX is expressed in the neural organizing centers, anterior head process, and midbrain‐hindbrain boundary (MHB). To elucidate the role of ATX during neural development, here we examined the neural phenotypes of ATX‐deficient mice. Expression analysis of neural marker genes revealed that lateral expansion of the rostral forebrain is reduced and establishment of the MHB is compromised as early as the late headfold stage in ATX mutant embryos. Moreover, ATX mutant embryos fail to complete cranial neural tube closure. These results indicate that ATX is essential for cranial neurulation and MHB establishment. Developmental Dynamics 240:413–421, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In mammals, retinal ganglion cell (RGC) projections initially intermingle and then segregate into a stereotyped pattern of eye-specific layers in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN). Here we found that in mice deficient for ephrin-A2, ephrin-A3 and ephrin-A5, eye-specific inputs segregated but the shape and location of eye-specific layers were profoundly disrupted. In contrast, mice that lacked correlated retinal activity did not segregate eye-specific inputs. Inhibition of correlated neural activity in ephrin mutants led to overlapping retinal projections that were located in inappropriate regions of the dLGN. Thus, ephrin-As and neural activity act together to control patterning of eye-specific retinogeniculate layers.  相似文献   

《Journal of anatomy》2017,230(4):567-574
The development of the enteric nervous system (ENS) and intestinal smooth muscle occurs in a spatially and temporally correlated manner, but how they influence each other is unknown. In the developing mid‐gut of the chick embryo, we find that α‐smooth muscle actin expression, indicating early muscle differentiation, occurs after the arrival of migrating enteric neural crest‐derived cells (ENCCs). In contrast, hindgut smooth muscle develops prior to ENCC arrival. Smooth muscle development is normal in experimentally aganglionic hindguts, suggesting that proper development and patterning of the muscle layers does not rely on the ENS. However, inhibiting early smooth muscle development severely disrupts ENS patterning without affecting ENCC proliferation or apoptosis. Our results demonstrate that early intestinal smooth muscle differentiation is required for patterning the developing ENS.  相似文献   

Background: A major step in eye morphogenesis is the transition from optic vesicle to optic cup, which occurs as a ventral groove forms along the base of the optic vesicle. A ventral gap in the eye, or coloboma, results when this groove fails to close. Extrinsic signals, such as fibroblast growth factors (Fgfs), play a critical role in the development and morphogenesis of the vertebrate eye. Whether these extrinsic signals are required throughout eye development, or within a defined critical period remains an unanswered question. Results: Here we show that an early Fgf signal, required as the eye field is first emerging, drives eye morphogenesis. In addition to triggering coloboma, inhibition of this early Fgf signal results in defects in dorsal‐ventral patterning of the neural retina, particularly in the nasal retina, and development of the periocular mesenchyme (POM). These processes are unaffected by inhibition of Fgfr signaling at later time points. Conclusions: We propose that Fgfs act within an early critical period as the eye field forms to promote development of the neural retina and POM, which subsequently drive eye morphogenesis. Developmental Dynamics 243:663–675, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The myb proto-oncogenes are thought to have a role in the cell division cycle. We have examined this possibility by genetic analysis in Drosophila melanogaster, which possesses a single myb gene. We have described previously two temperature-sensitive, recessive lethal mutants in Drosophila myb (Dm myb). The phenotypes of these mutants revealed a requirement for myb in diverse cellular lineages throughout the course of Drosophila development. We now report a cellular explanation for these findings by showing that Dm myb is required for both mitosis and prevention of endoreduplication in wing cells. Myb apparently acts at or near the time of the G2/M transition. The two mutant alleles of Dm myb produce the same cellular phenotype, although the responsible mutations are located in different functional domains of the gene product. The mutant phenotype can be partially suppressed by ectopic expression of either cdc2 or string, two genes that are known to promote the transition from G2 to M. We conclude that Dm myb is required for completion of cell division and may serve two independent functions: promotion of mitosis, on the one hand, and prevention of endoreduplication when cells are arrested in G2, on the other.  相似文献   

FKBP38 (also known as FKBP8) is a transmembrane chaperone protein that inhibits apoptosis by recruiting the anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL to mitochondria. We have now generated mice harboring a loss-of-function mutation in Fkbp38 . The Fkbp38 −/– mice die soon after birth manifesting defects in neural tube closure in the thoraco-lumbar-sacral region (spina bifida) as well as skeletal defects including scoliosis, rib deformities, club foot and curled tail. The neuroepithelium is disorganized and that formation of dorsal root ganglia is defective in Fkbp38 −/– embryos, likely as a result of an increased frequency of apoptosis and aberrant migration of neuronal cells. Furthermore, the extension of nerve fibers in the spinal cord is abnormal in the mutant embryos. To explore the mechanisms underlying these characteristics, we screened for proteins that interact with FKBP38 in the yeast two-hybrid system and thereby identified protrudin, a protein that promotes process formation by regulating membrane trafficking. Protrudin was found to be hyperphosphorylated in the brain of Fkbp38 −/– mice, suggesting that FKBP38 regulates protrudin-dependent membrane recycling and neurite outgrowth. Together, our findings suggest that FKBP38 is required for neuroectodermal organization during neural tube formation as a result of its anti-apoptotic activity and regulation of neurite extension.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of somites in Xenopus laevis is characterized by a complex process of cell turning that requires coordinated regulation of cell shape, adhesion, and motility. The integrin alpha5 subunit has been implicated in the formation of somite boundaries in organisms utilizing epithelialization to create morphologically distinct somites, but its function has not been examined in Xenopus. We used a splice-blocking morpholino to knock down expression of integrin alpha5 during somite formation. Loss of integrin alpha5 delayed somite turning and accumulation of integrin beta1 at somite boundaries, and disrupted the fibronectin matrix surrounding developing somites. Irregular somite boundaries with a sparse and discontinuous fibronectin matrix formed upon eventual completion of somite turning. Recovery of somite morphology was improved, but still incomplete in far posterior somites. These data demonstrate that the role of integrin alpha5 in somite boundary formation is conserved in a species using a unique mechanism of somitogenesis.  相似文献   

The decapentaplegic gene (dpp), which encodes a growth factor-like protein (Padgett et al. 1987), is implicated in several morphogenetic events in Drosophila melanogaster. We define here a novel embryonic function encoded by dppHin+ alleles of the dpp gene. dppHin null homozygotes die as ventralized embryos. dppHin activity is not required in the maternal germ line since lack of dppHin function during oogenesis has no effect on the zygotic phenotype. Since dppHin null embryos are already abnormal early in gastrulation, the dppHin product is an early-acting, strictly zygotic function involved in establishing the embryonic dorsal-ventral pattern. Several maternally acting dorsalizing genes are thought to be required for the establishment of a dorsal-ventral morphogenetic gradient (Anderson et al. 1985b). We have examined the interactions of dppHin mutations with three of these genes. Embryos null for dppHin and derived from a mother homozygous for a dorsalizing mutation exhibit a lateralized phenotype, indicating that the dorsal-ventral identity of the epidermis in part derives from the direct or indirect regulation of dppHin activity by these genes.  相似文献   

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