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Experiments were conducted to investigate the abortifacient potential of aqueous extract of Carica papaya (Linn) seeds in female Sprague-Dawley rats. Oral doses of 100 and 800 mg/kg body weight were administered once a day on days 1-10 post-coitum. No significant differences in total body weight were found in foetuses exposed to these regimes. However, in the group treated with 100 mg/kg body weight, there was a significant increase (p < 0.05) in the implantation sites and foetal weight was significantly decreased (p < 0.05) compared to the controls. No dead or malformed foetuses were found. However, in the group treated with 800 mg/kg body weight, there was obvious vaginal bleeding but no treatment related increase in implantation sites compared with control. There was however, complete resorption of about 30% of the foetuses. The surviving foetuses were stunted when compared with the control but were without any external malformations. The results of the present investigations lead to the clear conclusion that low dose aqueous crude extract of Carica papaya (Linn) seeds does not adversely affect prenatal development. The altered toxicological profile indicates that the abortifacient property is a high dose side effect. The results indicate that Carica papaya toxicity can adversely affect the foetus.  相似文献   

The contraceptive potential of an aqueous crude extract of the bark of Carica papaya administered orally is reported at the dose regime of 5 and 10 ml/animal/day for 4 weeks. Although the body weight or the weights of reproductive organs, kidneys, adrenals remained unaltered during the course of treatment, there was significant alteration in the histology of the testis and semen analysis when compared to the intact control group. The seminiferous tubules of rats treated with low doses of Carica papaya for 4 weeks showed no significant histological changes compared with the control. At the high dose concentration of the extract there was disorganisation in some of the seminiferous tubules with arrest of spermatogenesis beyond the level of spermatocytes. There was also widening of the lumen of the tubules. Seminal analysis showed some of the motile spermatozoa with abnormal feature in all the experimental groups. There was a dose-dependent suppression of sperm progressive forward motility which coincided with a decrease in sperm count, viability and a dose-dependent increase in percentage abnormal spermatozoa during the 14-28 days experimental period. Taken together, the present experiment showed that complete loss of fertility is attributed to decline in sperm motility and alteration in their morphology and suggest that the aqueous extracts of Carica papaya bark is safe and could serve as an effective male contraceptive in animals.  相似文献   

目的:研究番木瓜籽油抗氧化和降血脂的药理活性。方法:以超氧化物歧化酶活力做为评价抗氧化的指标;通过喂食高脂饲料的方法建立高血脂症小鼠模型,将受试样品分别以高、中、低三个浓度剂量给高血脂小鼠灌胃,空白组和高血脂模型组灌胃蒸馏水,连续灌胃30d后,摘眼球取血,进行总胆固醇浓度的测定。结果:木瓜籽油具有显著的抗氧化作用,且浓度在试验范围内与抗氧化性呈正相关;木瓜籽油对小鼠的体重增加无明显影响;与高脂模型组比较,木瓜籽油能够显著降低高血脂小鼠血清总胆固醇的含量,高剂量组作用尤其明显(P<0.05)。结论:木瓜籽乙醇提取物有明显的抗氧化、降血脂作用。  相似文献   



To investigate the in vitro antioxidant potential of Carica papaya (C. papaya) leaf extract and its effect on hydrogen peroxide-induced erythrocyte damage assessed by haemolysis and lipid peroxidation.


Hydroxyl radical scavenging activities, hydrogen ion scavenging activity, metal chelating activity, and the ferrous ion reducing ability were assessed as antioxidant indices. In the other experiment, human erythrocytes were treated with hydrogen peroxide to induce erythrocyte damage. The extract (at various concentrations) was subsequently incubated with the erythrocytes and later analysed for haemolysis and lipid peroxidation as indices for erythrocyte damage.


Preliminary investigation of the extract showed that the leaf possessed significant antioxidant and free radical scavenging abilities using in vitro models in a concentration dependent manner (P<0.05). The extract also reduced hydrogen peroxide induced erythrocyte haemolysis and lipid peroxidation significantly when compared with ascorbic acid (P<0.05). The IC50 values were 7.33 mg/mL and 1.58 mg/mL for inhibition of haemolysis and lipid peroxidation, respectively. In all cases, ascorbic acid (the reference antioxidant) possessed higher activity than the extract.


The findings show that C. papaya leaves possess significant bioactive potential which is attributed to the phytochemicals which act in synergy. Thus, the leaves can be exploited for pharmaceutical and nutritional purposes.  相似文献   



Following the high rate of consumption of Cola nitida (cola nut) among the male population in Nigeria, this study seeks to determine the effects of consumption of Cola nitida on serum reproductive hormones and sperm count, which are major determinants of male fertility.

Materials and Methods:

Thirty-two male albino wistar rats weighing 180-220 g were used for this study and were divided into 4 groups of eight animals each. Group 1 served as control, group 2 received 2 mg/kg Cola nitida extract (Test 1), group 3 received 6 mg/kg Cola nitida extract (Test 2) and group 4 received 10 mg/kg Cola nitida extract (Test 3). After 6 weeks of treatment, reproductive hormonal assay was carried out using the rat serum. Epididymal spermatozoa were collected and sperm count determined.


Serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone were significantly (P < 0.05) reduced in test 2 and 3, compared with control. Sperm count was significantly lower in test group 1 (P < 0.05), 2 (P < 0.001) and 3 (P < 0.001) compared with control, with test 3 significantly (P < 0.05) lower compared with test 1. There was no significant difference in testicular and epididymis weight in the different experimental groups studied.


Aqueous seed extract of Cola nitida rubra resulted in reduced serum reproductive hormone concentrations and sperm count in male wistar rats, and may therefore be detrimental to reproductive health, hence the need for regulation of its consumption.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate antibacterial activity of ripe and unripe Carica papaya on selected micro-organisms. Cultures of micro-organisms were routinely maintained in nutrient agar slants at 4 degrees C. Extracts of immature, mature and ripe Carica papaya fruit were obtained by separately grinding factions of the epicarp, endocarp and seeds and filtering them through gauze. Sensitivity tests were conducted by adding 0.06 ml of extract to agar wells (6 mm diameter) prepared from 20 ml agar seeded with 10(6) cells/ml suspension of one of the eight organisms per plate. The inoculated plates were allowed to equilibrate at 4 degrees C for 1 hour, incubated at 37 degrees C for 24 hours, and zones of inhibition measured in millimetres. Anti-bacterial activity was expressed in terms of the radius of zone of inhibition. Seed extracts from the fruit showed inhibition in the following order: B cereus > E coli > S faecalis > S aureus > P vulgaris > S flexneri. No significant difference was found in bacterial sensitivity between immature, mature and ripe fruits. No inhibition zone was produced by epicarp and endocarp extracts. Carica papaya seeds contain anti-bacterial activity that inhibits growth of gram-positive and gram-negative organisms. Observed activity was independent of stage of fruit maturity. Carica papaya has antibacterial effects that could be useful in treating chronic skin ulcers to promote healing.  相似文献   

目的 探讨无花果水提取液的抗疲劳作用及其对一氧化氮合酶活性的影响.方法 80只小鼠随机分成4组:对照组,无花果水提取液低剂量组(0.22g/kg)、中剂量组(0.67g/kg)、高剂量组(2.0g/kg),连续灌胃5周后观察不同剂量的无花果水提取液灌胃的各组小鼠游泳时间,判断无花果水提取液的抗疲劳作用.同时测量小鼠游泳30 min后的血中各种类型的一氧化氮合酶(NOS)的活性.结果 在游泳实验中,中、高剂量组的小鼠的游泳时间分别为(138.70±28.79)min和(56.55±16.64)min,明显高于对照组[(21.00±7.36)min](P<0.05),低剂量组的游泳时间为(23.43±3.90)min,高于对照组,但差异无显著性.在总NOS(tNOS)方面,低、中、高各剂量组的活性分别为(38.94±10.74)U/L、(31.04±9.14)U/L、(65.34±14.00)U/L,高于对照组的(18.35±4.82)U/L(P<0.05);在结构型NOS(cNOS)方面,中、高各剂量组的活性分别为(21.04±6.15)U/L和(21.91±6.67)U/L,与对照组的(5.94±1.72)U/L比差异有显著性(P<0.05),低剂量组的活性为(6.41±1.13)U/L与对照组比差异无显著性;而在诱导型的NOS(iNOS)方面低、中、高各剂量组的活性分别为(32.56±11.39)U/L、(10.51±3.03)U/L和(36.44±15.10)U/L与对照组的(12.78±2.92)U/L比较差异无显著性.结论 无花果水提取液具有一定的抗疲劳作用,该作用可能是通过提高血中的tNOS、cNOS的活性来实现的.  相似文献   

目的探讨褪黑素对消炎痛所致胃溃疡小鼠的影响及其作用机制。 方法将40只BALB/c小鼠随机均分为对照组、溃疡组、低剂量褪黑素(1 mg/kg)组和高剂量褪黑素(5 mg/kg)组。采用ELISA方法测定各组小鼠胃组织总抗氧化态(TAS)、总氧化态(TOS)及炎症细胞因子水平;采用HE染色对各组小鼠胃黏膜损伤进行组织病理学分析;采用免疫印迹方法检测各组小鼠胃组织核因子-κB(NF-κB)和Caspase-3表达水平。 结果与对照组比较,溃疡组小鼠TAS、TOS、氧化应激指数及胃组织肿瘤坏死因子-α、白细胞介素(IL)-1β、IL-6、IL-10水平、NF-κB和Caspase-3蛋白表达水平升高(P<0.05)。与溃疡组比较,低剂量和高剂量褪黑素组小鼠上述指标均有改善,且高剂量褪黑素组尤为显著(P<0.05)。 结论褪黑素对消炎痛诱导小鼠胃溃疡具有保护作用,可能与NF-κB调节炎症细胞因子和细胞凋亡有关。  相似文献   

目的:观察青蒿水提物对雄性小鼠生殖能力的影响.方法:采用一般生殖毒性实验,80只雄性昆明小鼠随机分为生理盐水组、青蒿水提物低剂最组(20mg/kg)、中剂量(100mg/kg)和高剂量组(500mg/kg).雄鼠连续腹腔给药60d,然后按雌雄比例2:1合笼喂养交配、处死,检测青蒿水提物对各组雄鼠的交配率、睾丸、精子数量、活动精子百分率和畸形率的影响以及睾丸组织病理学变化.结果:500mg/kg青蒿水提物对前述所检测的生育指标无明显影响.结论:青蒿水提物对雄鼠的生殖功能无明显毒性作用.  相似文献   

目的探讨无花果水提取液的抗疲劳作用及其对一氧化氮合酶活性的影响。方法80只小鼠随机分成4组对照组,无花果水提取液低剂量组(0.22g/kg)、中剂量组(0.67g/kg)、高剂量组(2.0g/kg),连续灌胃5周后观察不同剂量的无花果水提取液灌胃的各组小鼠游泳时间,判断无花果水提取液的抗疲劳作用。同时测量小鼠游泳30min后的血中各种类型的一氧化氮合酶(NOS)的活性。结果在游泳实验中,中、高剂量组的小鼠的游泳时间分别为(138.70±28.79)min和(56.55±16.64)min,明显高于对照组[(21.00±7.36)min](P<0.05),低剂量组的游泳时间为(23.43±3.90)min,高于对照组,但差异无显著性。在总NOS(tNOS)方面,低、中、高各剂量组的活性分别为(38.94±10.74)U/L、(31.04±9.14)U/L、(65.34±14.00)U/L,高于对照组的(18.35±4.82)U/L(P<0.05);在结构型NOS(cNOS)方面,中、高各剂量组的活性分别为(21.04±6.15)U/L和(21.91±6.67)U/L,与对照组的(5.94±1.72)U/L比差异有显著性(P<0.05),低剂量组的活性为(6.41±1.13)U/L与对照组比差异无显著性;而在诱导型的NOS(iNOS)方面低、中、高各剂量组的活性分别为(32.56±11.39)U/L、(10.51±3.03)U/L和(36.44±15.10)U/L与对照组的(12.78±2.92)U/L比较差异无显著性。结论无花果水提取液具有一定的抗疲劳作用,该作用可能是通过提高血中的tNOS、cNOS的活性来实现的。  相似文献   



To investigate the effects of smoking of dried leaves of Carica papaya (pawpaw) based on ethnopharmacological information which indicated that smoking of papaya leaves could influence motor performance and learning.


Twenty-four rats were used for the study, and were grouped into four groups. Groups 1 served as the control (not exposed to papaya leaves smoke), while Groups 2, 3 and 4 were exposed to smoke from 6.25 g, 12.50 g and 18.75 g of dry pawpaw leaves respectively in a smoking chamber twice daily for 21 d with each exposure lasting for 3 min. Lastly, hippocampus was harvested in each group for histological study.


The results showed that there were significant (P<0.05) increases in mean of recall latencies of long-term spatial memory in the animal administered the high dose while the other groups had significantly (P<0.05) lower frequencies. Histological investigation showed signs of mild neural degeneration in high dose group and hypochromic appearance of the Nissl substance in all treated groups.


In conclusion, the findings from this study has demonstrated that smoking of papaya leaves has the ability to maintain an intact long-term spatial memory at all doses but retrieving such memory is faster with the low and medium dosages.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty-eight patients with active peptic ulcer were treated with Xilei powder for 4 weeks, their PGE2 levels in both serum and gastro-duodenal mucosa were significantly higher than those before treatment (P<0.01). The rate of negative conversion of Helicobacter pylori (HP) showed in 63.3% of cases. The distributed density of HP significantly reduced (P<0.01). These results indicated that Xilei powder could heal ulcer probably owing to the increasing of the PGE2 level in gastro-duodenal mucose, and inhibiting the growth and reproduction of HP so that to eliminate the HP, but did not owing to inhibit the gastric acid secretion and the release of gastrin.  相似文献   

[目的]观察昆布提取物对链脲佐菌素诱导的糖尿病大鼠肾组织醛糖还原酶活性及丙二醛含量的影响.[方法]采用链脲佐菌素诱导制作大鼠糖尿病模型,灌胃给予昆布提取物,检测大鼠肾组织醛糖还原酶活性及丙二醛含量.[结果]昆布提取物可抑制糖尿病大鼠肾组织醛糖还原酶活性,降低丙二醛含量.[结论]昆布提取物可改善机体内多元醇代谢,具有抗脂质过氧化作用.  相似文献   

目的 评价楹树提取物对大鼠急性胃溃疡的影响并研究其与H+,K+-ATP酶(质子泵)相关的作用机制.方法 采用水浸拘束和腹腔注射吲哚美辛建立大鼠急性胃溃疡模型,造模前30 min灌胃给予楹树提取物,以溃疡数和溃疡抑制率评价楹树提取物对急性胃溃疡的药效;HE染色观察楹树提取物对胃溃疡组织病理学变化的影响;生化法检测楹树提取物对大鼠离体胃壁细胞H+,K+-ATP酶活性的影响;细胞免疫荧光实验法观察楹树提取物对离体胃壁细胞H+,K+-ATP酶转位的影响.结果 楹树提取物300 mg/kg灌胃对水浸拘束和吲哚美辛致大鼠急性胃溃疡的抑制率分别为70.0%和75.4%.楹树提取物(15、30、60、120、240和480 mg/L)对胃壁细胞H+,K+-ATP酶活性的抑制率分别为21.5%、29.4%、44.1%、51.9%、57.7%和62.9%,较空白对照组均具显著差异(均P<0.01),ID50为130 mg/L.但楹树提取物对H+,K+-ATP酶的转位无明显影响.结论 楹树提取物300 mg/kg对急性胃溃疡有保护作用,抑制H+,K+-ATP酶的活性是其作用机制之一.  相似文献   

目的研究决明子水提物对高血压大鼠血压及与肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统(RAAS系统)相关指标的影响,解释决明子对RAAS系统作用的机制。方法 40只SD大鼠,随机取出8只作为正常组,剩余的32只建立高血压大鼠模型,将造模成功的大鼠随机分为3组,每组8只,连续给药3周后ELISA法测定各鼠血清中醛固酮(ALD)、肾素(Renin)和血管紧张素Ⅱ(Ang Ⅱ)的含量。结果造模3周后,与正常组对比,造模大鼠体质量明显下降(P 0. 01)、收缩压(SBP)明显上升(P 0. 05),差异有统计学意义。给药干预3周后,与模型组比较,卡托普利组和决明子水提物组的大鼠精神恢复,体质量明显增加(P 0. 01),SBP下降(P 0. 05),ALD、Renin和Ang II浓度降低(P 0. 05),差异有统计学意义。结论决明子水提物通过降低大鼠血清的Renin、AngⅡ和ALD的含量来调控RAAS系统。  相似文献   

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