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目的 讨论X线透视用于高校学生体检的合理性.方法 对笔者所在学校2010年全校本科生及硕博生进行胸部X线透视检查.结果 全年健康体检总数13 439人次,共检出阳性病例41例,阳性率0.31%,其中肺结核32例,检出率0.24%.结论 发现胸部透视体检中阳性检出率很低,99%以上的大学生不能从中得到收益,反而增加了辐射的潜在危险,应淘汰或者改用更加合理的检查方法.  相似文献   

张辉 《医学理论与实践》2012,25(20):2542-2543
目的:探讨X线平片加透视在一甲医院(卫生院)肠梗阻诊断中的价值。方法:把20例确诊的肠梗阻的X线资料回顾分析,总结其X线表现特点。所有患者均摄立、卧位平片。结果:小肠梗阻14例,因梗阻的原因不同,平片表现有所不同,但均可见节段性的液气平或积气,还可见牵拉征、咖啡豆征、弹簧圈征、鸟嘴征等征象,结肠梗阻6例,表现为近侧小肠的扩张。结论:X线平片是一甲医院肠梗阻重要的诊断方法,结合临床能提高诊断率。利用X线拍片与透视结合起来,对肠梗阻诊断的准确性较高,对无CT设备的一甲医院有着不可缺省的价值。  相似文献   

胸部创伤102例X线分析鲁少田湖北长江光电仪器厂职工医院(430011)胸部创伤近年来发生率有所上升。我院1984~1994年收治胸部创伤102例,现就其胸部X线正侧位片及胸部透视等资料作一分析。1临床资料102例中,男87例,女15例,年龄20~7...  相似文献   

目的:提高小肺癌X线早期诊断率.方法:收集37例诊断为周围型小肺癌病例资料做回顾性分析.结果:初诊漏诊30例,仅7例提示肺癌.复习以往原始片,首次胸部X线片中有若干异常阴影出现.结论:X线片中胸部微小病变很容易被忽视而被遗漏,诊断很难.注意总结和辨认小肺癌诊断的注意点,有助于提高X线对周围型小肺癌的早期诊断率.  相似文献   

目的探讨青少年人群肺部X线检查可能存在的疾患,提高医务人员、青少年及家长对某些症状较隐匿的肺部疾患的认知,尽可能做到早发现、早诊断、早治疗。方法对7932例参加高考和阳泉煤业集团技术职业学校考试的学生行常规胸部X线透视检查。结果7932例检查者中发现阳性病例21例,阳性率为2.6‰。结论青少年的健康会因多方面因素而受到忽视,看似健康的青少年人群中,某些可能是患病者,因此重视青少年的健康体检很有必要。  相似文献   

目的 了解沙漠戈壁地区人群体检胸部X线透视的表现及临床应用价值.方法 采用日本岛津XUD-150L-F X光机和国产万东F52-8C X线机,对8215例体检者行常规胸部透视,并统计阳性率.结果 发现胸透异常78例,阳性检出率为0.95%.结论 某些阳性结果如主动脉迂曲增宽、肺纹理增强等,与年龄或吸烟等因素有关,与地区分布无明显关系.并对胸透的临床应用价值进行了评价.  相似文献   

目的了解、分析胸部X线摄片在临床上对Ⅱ型肺结核的诊断可靠性。方法收集我院6年间经胸部X线片确诊的Ⅱ型肺结核98例,分析在其诊断中X线摄片的重要价值。结果从胸部X线片上表现出不同的发病特点,诊断Ⅱ型肺结核肯定,且该检查具有安全、无创、快速、简便、易于操作的特点,在临床诊断中具有其它辅助检查不可替代的重要位置,提高了Ⅱ型肺结核在临床上的诊疗效果。  相似文献   

目的了解、分析胸部X线摄片在临床上对Ⅱ型肺结核的诊断可靠性。方法收集我院6年间经胸部X线片确诊的Ⅱ型肺结核98例,分析在其诊断中X线摄片的重要价值。结果从胸部X线片上表现出不同的发病特点,诊断Ⅱ型肺结核肯定,且该检查具有安全、无创、快速、简便、易于操作的特点,在临床诊断中具有其它辅助检查不可替代的重要位置,提高了Ⅱ型肺结核在临床上的诊疗效果。  相似文献   

直接数字化成像在胸部X线检查中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨直接数字化X线成像(DR)技术的应用价值。方法 1000例胸部直接数字化X线摄影,应用层次和锐化的处理技术分别调整图像的密度和对比度并实施影像细节的增强。结果 胸部DR能清楚显示病变,显示小病灶。全面保证照片质量,优片率为95%,废片率为0。结论 DR胸部数字化成像弥补了常规X线片的不足,照片质量明显提高,有很大的临床应用价值和广泛前景。  相似文献   

目的:提高婴幼儿胸部X线摄片质量。方法:通过两组(甲组、乙组)婴幼儿240例不同时机曝光的X线胸片质量对比分析,其中甲组(120例)采用婴幼儿啼哭时在吸气末短暂的停息时间曝光;乙组(120例)采用随机曝光。结果:甲组的甲级片率(87.50%)远远大于乙组甲级片率(31.67%)。结论:在婴幼儿胸部摄片中,曝光时机选择是影响胸片质量的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

目的了解大学毕业生考研前的心理健康状况。方法采用心理卫生自评量表(SCL-90)、焦虑量表(SAS)、抑郁量表(SDS),对105名考研学生在考研前一个半月进行调查。结果考研学生SCL-90阳性项目数及精神病性因子明显高于全国常模(t值分别为4.94,3.68,P<0.001),其强迫、焦虑因子分与全国常模相比较有显著性差异(£值分别为2.76,2.76,P<0.01)。专升本学生的人际关系敏感、抑郁、敌对因子分与本科五年制学生相比较有显著性差异。考研大学生心理问题发生率为56.8%。SAS、SDS评分:中度以上焦虑者为3.88%,中度以上抑郁者为6.79%。结论考研大学生群体有比较明显的心理问题,应进行重视及进行相应的干预。  相似文献   

目的了解军医院校学员对卫勤保障海训的适应能力及心理健康状况,指导院校开展有针对性的心理健康教育工作。方法采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)在训练前和演习前对参练学员心理健康状况进行2次测定。结果第二次测定与第一次测定相比,除强迫因子、人际关系因子外,其他因子的分值都有不同程度增加(P<0.01,P<0.05)。第二次测定各因子阳性症状的发生率比第一次高。结论军校平时心理健康教育的重点应放在学员心理调控能力的培养上,积极疏导不良情绪,增强心理素质;在重大军事活动前心理指导重点应放在树立学员的自信心、提高环境适应能力和克服恐惧心理上。  相似文献   

通过对考生选材、阶段计划、练习方法与手段、考前调整和指导、文化课学习等五个方面的实践经验的总结,探索能使报考体育专业学生在短期内获得理想的训练效果,提高高考成功率的方法。  相似文献   

史友国 《蚌埠医学院学报》2012,37(6):717-718,721
目的:调查大学生轮滑运动损伤情况,并提出预防措施。方法:采用问卷调查法、文献资料法和数理统计法,对蚌埠医学院200名大学生轮滑运动损伤情况进行研究。结果:轮滑运动损伤发生率较高,其中膝部、腕部和臀部损伤率分别为42%、28%、8%,轮滑选修班、轮滑协会、轮滑表演队的学生各种损伤中,膝部、腕部、臀部、肘关节、股骨、大腿、脚踝损伤差异均有统计学意义(P0.05~P0.01),其余损伤差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:轮滑运动损伤主要是因为不重视、准备活动不充分和技术不成熟等,损伤的时间多集中在课外时间尤其是晚上。  相似文献   

卫勤保障海训中参练学员心理健康状况研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the adaptability and psychological health status of the students from the military medical universities enrolled in the medical support service for military training on the sea, so as to provide more pertinent and specific psychological advice for students in military medical universities. METHODS: The psychological health status of 139 students were assessed by issuing a self-rating symptom scale (SCL-90) before the training and later before the maneuvers commenced, respectively. RESULTS: Except for obsessive-compulsive and interpersonal sensitivity factors, significant increases were recorded in the scores for other factors immediately before the maneuvers as compared with those recorded before the training (P<0.01, P<0.05). The positive symptom rates of various factors measured before the maneuvers were also higher. CONCLUSIONS: It is the essential task for daily psychological health education to help the students foster psychological self-regulation ability and cope with stresses to strengthen their psychological well-being. Building self-confidence, improving the adaptability and conquering fears should be the primary concern of the psychological advisors before military actions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the extent to which selected entry point factors predicted success in a Sri Lankan medical school. METHODS: The study sample consisted of all students in two consecutive entry cohorts. Marks obtained at the national university entrance examination in physics, chemistry, botany and zoology; the aggregate marks of these four subjects (the only academic criterion used in selection); the district of entry (the other, non-academic criterion); and gender, were identified as entry point variables. Success in a medical school was measured in five ways, including whether a student had passed all examinations in the medical faculty at first attempt or not. Multiple logistic regression was used to assess the extent to which the selected entry point factors could predict variability in outcome measures. RESULTS: Of 331 students, 6.6% were merit quota admissions, and 19.4% were from 'underprivileged' districts; 46.8% were women. Of the entry point factors, being female and obtaining an aggregate of > or =280 (of a possible 400) were the only independent predictors of success in all outcome measures. Obtaining at least grade B in zoology was also an independent predictor of passing all examinations at first attempt. The aggregate score alone accounted for only 2-5% of variance in a medical school performance. There was no association between admission from an underprivileged district and any of the outcome measures. CONCLUSIONS: The one and only measure of academic performance used for selection of students admitted to our medical schools, is a very weak predictor of success in a medical school.  相似文献   

In the spring of 1986, medical school admissions personnel were surveyed on their institutions' admissions practices and the use of Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) data in student selection. The admissions officers listed sources of information considered in processing applications. The variables accorded high importance were: overall and science undergraduate grade-point averages, quality of degree-granting institutions, letters of evaluation, interview ratings, MCAT scores, extracurricular activities, work in areas related to health care, breadth and/or difficulty of course work, and state of legal residence. Variables judged of medium importance were: nonscience grade-point average, graduate study, narratives supplied through the American Medical College Application Service or supplemental narratives, demographic factors, and undergraduate research. The respondents divided the 15-point MCAT scale into exemplary, acceptable, and unacceptable ranges of performance. These responses varied widely among institutions. The mean response for the bottom of the acceptable range was a score of seven, and the mean for the beginning of the exemplary range was 11. In considering individual MCAT subtest scores, 34 percent of the admissions officers regarded the six scores individually and equally, 51 percent weighted the areas in ways related to their curricula, and 43 percent summed or averaged scores with equal weights at some point. Thirty-one percent used MCAT scores to adjust grade-point averages across undergraduate institutions.  相似文献   

加强研究生复试工作提高研究生招生质量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,研究生招生制度和体制方面的一系列改革使得高校研究生招生工作的重点逐渐向复试工作转移,本文藉由北京大学医学部的研究生招生复试工作探索复试内容与方法的科学性。复试主要考查学生的专业素质、培养潜能和心理素质三个方面,以全面、准确地反映考生的综合素质。在具体的方法上,应当将笔试与面试相结合,定性评分与定量评分相结合。本文还提出应当通过维护复试工作的权威性、严格复试工作的程序和完善复试工作的监督机制三个环节来保证复试的公平与公正。  相似文献   

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