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Inhalation studies were conducted to determine the potential toxicity and/or potential neurotoxicity of cyclohexane. Groups of rats and mice were exposed to 0, 500, 2000, or 7000 ppm concentrations of cyclohexane vapor 6 hr/day, 5 days/week for 14 weeks. Subgroups of rats and mice were further observed during a 1-month recovery period. Functional observational battery (FOB) and motor activity (MA) behavioral tests were conducted on rats. These tests were conducted prior to the exposure series and during weeks 4, 8, and 13 on non-exposure days. Clinical pathology evaluations were conducted after approximately 7, 13, and 18 weeks. Approximately 14 and 18 weeks after study initiation, tissues from rats and mice were histologically processed and evaluated by light microscopy. During exposure to 2000 or 7000 ppm, rats and mice had a diminished response or an absent response to delivery of a punctate auditory alerting stimulus. Immediately following removal of rats from the inhalation chambers, 7000 ppm males and females and 2000 ppm females displayed a compound-related increase in the incidence of wet and/or stained fur (which occurred in the areas of the mouth, chin, and/or perineum). These signs were transient, were not observed during exposure or prior to exposure the following day, and were not associated with any behavioral or morphological changes. During exposure sessions, mice exposed to 7000 ppm exhibited clinical signs of toxicity which included hyperactivity, circling, jumping/hopping, excessive grooming, kicking of rear legs, standing on front legs, and occasional flipping behavior. Clinical signs of toxicity observed in 7000 ppm mice immediately after exposure included hyperactivity, hyperreactivity, ruffled fur (females only), gait abnormalities, spasms in both rear legs, and excessive grooming (males only). The clinical signs observed in mice during and immediately after exposure were transient, and were not present prior to the subsequent exposure. A few mice exposed to 2000 ppm appeared hyperactive during exposure in the latter portion of the study. There were no compound-related changes in mean body weights, body weight gains, food consumption, food efficiency, or mortality; and there were no ophthalmological abnormalities in rats or mice. In addition, there were no compound-related effects on 37 different behavioral parameters assessed during the FOB or during motor activity tests in rats. Male and female mice exposed to 7000 ppm had slight increases in measures of circulating erythrocyte mass (red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit) and plasma protein concentration (males only). Male rats and male and female mice exposed to 7000 ppm had significantly increased relative liver weights, and 7000 ppm male mice also had significantly increased absolute liver weights at the end of the exposure period. At the end of the 1-month recovery period, absolute and relative liver weights of male and female mice were similar to control. However, relative liver weights of 7000 ppm male rats continued to be significantly higher at the end of the recovery period. Male and female rats exposed to 7000 ppm had a significantly increased incidence of hepatic centrilobular hypertrophy at the end of the exposure period, which was not observed at the conclusion of the 1-month recovery period. No microscopic changes were observed in mice. In rats, the no-observed-effect level (NOEL) for acute, transient effects was 500 ppm based on a diminished/absent response to an auditory alerting stimulus at 2000 ppm and above. The NOEL for subchronic toxicity in rats was 7000 ppm based on the lack of adverse effects on body weight, clinical chemistry, tissue morphology, and neurobehavioral parameters. In mice, the NOEL for acute, transient effects was 500 ppm based on behavioral changes during exposure at 2000 ppm and above. The NOEL for subchronic toxicity in mice is 2000 ppm based on hematological changes at 7000 ppm.  相似文献   

The reproductive and developmental toxicity of cyclohexane was assessed in a two-generation reproduction study with Crl:CD BR rats and in developmental toxicity studies with Crl:CD BR rats and Hra:(NZW)SPF rabbits. The animals were exposed whole-body to atmospheric concentrations of 0, 500, 2000, or 7000 ppm cyclohexane. In the two-generation reproduction study, parental effects included statistically significantly lower mean body weight, overall mean body weight gain, and overall mean food efficiency for P1 and F1 females of the 7000 ppm level and statistically significantly lower mean body weight for F1 males of that level. Adult rats exposed to 2000 ppm cyclohexane and above exhibited a transient diminished or absent response to a sound stimulus while in the chambers during exposure. Mean pup weight was statistically significantly lower than control from lactation day 7 throughout the remainder of the 25-day lactation period for both F1 and F2 7000 ppm litters. Changes observed at 500 ppm were either considered not to be compound related or not adverse. Therefore, the systemic-toxicity no-observed-effect level (NOEL) was 500 ppm and the reproductive NOEL was 2000 ppm. The reproductive NOEL was based solely on the decreased pup weights in both the F1 and F2 generations observed at 7000 ppm. In the developmental toxicity studies, only the rats showed evidence of maternal toxicity. For rats in the 7000 ppm group, statistically significant reductions were observed in overall maternal body weight gain and overall maternal food consumption for the treatment period. Rats exposed to 2000 ppm cyclohexane and above again exhibited a transient diminished or absent response to a sound stimulus while in the chambers during exposure. Therefore, for rats, the maternal no-observed-effect level (NOEL) was 500 ppm. In the rabbit developmental toxicity study, no compound-related maternal effects were observed at concentration levels of 7000 ppm and below. Therefore, the maternal NOEL for rabbits was 7000 ppm. No compound-related evidence of developmental toxicity was observed at any test concentration in either species. Therefore, the developmental NOEL for both species was 7000 ppm, the highest concentration tested.  相似文献   

The reproductive and developmental toxicity of cyclohexane was assessed in a two-generation reproduction study with Crl:CD® BR rats and in developmental toxicity studies with Crl:CD®BR rats and Hra:(NZW)SPF rabbits. The animals were exposed whole-body to atmospheric concentrations of 0, 500, 2000, or 7000 ppm cyclohexane. In the two-generation reproduction study, parental effects included statistically significantly lower mean body weight, overall mean body weight gain, and overall mean food efficiency for P1 and F1 females of the 7000 ppm level and statistically significantly lower mean body weight for F1 males of that level. Adult rats exposed to 2000 ppm cyclohexane and above exhibited a transient diminished or absent response to a sound stimulus while in the chambers during exposure. Mean pup weight was statistically significantly lower than control from lactation day 7 throughout the remainder of the 25-day lactation period for both F1 and F2 7000 ppm litters. Changes observed at 500 ppm were either considered not to be compound related or not adverse. Therefore, the systemic-toxicity no-observed-effect level (NOEL) was 500 ppm and the reproductive NOEL was 2000 ppm. The reproductive NOEL was based solely on the decreased pup weights in both the F1 and F2 generations observed at 7000 ppm. In the developmental toxicity studies, only the rats showed evidence of maternal toxicity. For rats in the 7000 ppm group, statistically significant reductions were observed in overall maternal body weight gain and overall maternal food consumption for the treatment period. Rats exposed to 2000 ppm cyclohexane and above again exhibited a transient diminished or absent response to a sound stimulus while in the chambers during exposure. Therefore, for rats, the maternal no-observed-effect level (NOEL) was 500 ppm. In the rabbit developmental toxicity study, no compound-related maternal effects were observed at concentration levels of 7000 ppm and below. Therefore, the maternal NOEL for rabbits was 7000 ppm. No compound-related evidence of developmental toxicity was observed at any test concentration in either species. Therefore, the developmental NOEL for both species was 7000 ppm, the highest concentration tested.  相似文献   

Inhalation studies were conducted to determine the potential subchronic toxicity of a mixture of trans -1,2-dichloroethylene (70%), cis -1,2-dichloroethylene (5%), and perfluorobutylethylene (25%). Groups of rats were exposed to 0, 400, 2000, or 8000 ppm concentrations of the mixture vapor 6 h/day, 5 days/wk, for a total of 20 exposures. Subgroups of rats were further observed during a 1-mo recovery period. Functional observational battery (FOB) and motor activity (MA) behavioral tests were conducted prior to initiation of the exposures, during exposure wk 4, and after a 1-mo postexposure recovery period. Clinical pathology evaluations were conducted at the end of the exposure period and after a 1-mo recovery period. At the end of the 4-wk exposure period, tissues from rats were collected, histologically processed, and evaluated by light microscopy. Test substance-related, biologically significant decreased body weights and body weight gains occurred in male and female rats exposed to 8000 ppm. In addition, test substance-related, statistically significant decreases in food consumption and/or food efficiency were observed in male rats exposed to 8000 ppm. During exposures to 8000 ppm, some rats exhibited tremors and ataxia. Usually tremors and ataxia were observed within 1 h after initiation of the daily exposure period and were observed during each exposure day. Tremors were also observed during 1 exposure day in the 2000 ppm animals. In addition to the tremors and ataxia, rats exposed to 2000 ppm or 8000 ppm had a diminished and/or no alerting response to a sharp, sound stimulus during each of the daily exposure periods. These effects were transient since no clinical observations of compromised neurological function were detected when the rats were evaluated upon return to the animal room following exposure. Daily reoccurrence of this apparently acute effect in the 8000 ppm group did not produce enduring neurological changes since there were no test substance-related effects on FOB parameters or on MA conducted the day following the last exposure or during the recovery period. In addition, there were no toxicologically significant changes in hematology, clinical chemistry, or urinalysis parameters in either males or females for any exposure concentration; and there were no test substance-related gross or microscopic morphological changes in males or females administered any exposure concentration. Under the conditions of the study, the no-observed-effect level (NOEL) was 400 ppm in males and females based on clinical signs of toxicity during exposure to 2000 or 8000 ppm.  相似文献   

Inhalation studies were conducted to determine the potential subchronic toxicity of a mixture of trans-1,2-dichloroethylene (70%), cis-1,2-dichloroethylene (5%), and perfluorobutylethylene (25%). Groups of rats were exposed to 0, 400, 2000, or 8000 ppm concentrations of the mixture vapor 6 h/day, 5 days/wk, for a total of 20 exposures. Subgroups of rats were further observed during a 1-mo recovery period. Functional observational battery (FOB) and motor activity (MA) behavioral tests were conducted prior to initiation of the exposures, during exposure wk 4, and after a 1-mo postexposure recovery period. Clinical pathology evaluations were conducted at the end of the exposure period and after a 1-mo recovery period. At the end of the 4-wk exposure period, tissues from rats were collected, histologically processed, and evaluated by light microscopy. Test substance-related, biologically significant decreased body weights and body weight gains occurred in male and female rats exposed to 8000 ppm. In addition, test substance-related, statistically significant decreases in food consumption and/or food efficiency were observed in male rats exposed to 8000 ppm. During exposures to 8000 ppm, some rats exhibited tremors and ataxia. Usually tremors and ataxia were observed within 1 h after initiation of the daily exposure period and were observed during each exposure day. Tremors were also observed during 1 exposure day in the 2000 ppm animals. In addition to the tremors and ataxia, rats exposed to 2000 ppm or 8000 ppm had a diminished and/or no alerting response to a sharp, sound stimulus during each of the daily exposure periods. These effects were transient since no clinical observations of compromised neurological function were detected when the rats were evaluated upon return to the animal room following exposure. Daily reoccurrence of this apparently acute effect in the 8000 ppm group did not produce enduring neurological changes since there were no test substance-related effects on FOB parameters or on MA conducted the day following the last exposure or during the recovery period. In addition, there were no toxicologically significant changes in hematology, clinical chemistry, or urinalysis parameters in either males or females for any exposure concentration; and there were no test substance-related gross or microscopic morphological changes in males or females administered any exposure concentration. Under the conditions of the study, the no-observed-effect level (NOEL) was 400 ppm in males and females based on clinical signs of toxicity during exposure to 2000 or 8000 ppm.  相似文献   

The potential chronic toxicity and oncogenicity of dimethylacetamide(DMAC) was evaluated by exposing male and female rats and miceto 0, 25, 100, or 350 ppm DMAC for 6 hr/day, 5 days/week for18 months (mice) or 2 years (rats). Clinical pathology was evaluatedat 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 (rats only) months. An interim euthanizationfor rats occurred at 12 months and hepatic cell proliferationin rats and mice was examined at 2 weeks and 3 and 12 months.No compound-related effects on survival were observed. Ratsexposed to 350 ppm had lower body weight and/or body weightgain. There were no compound-related effects on body weightor weight gain in mice at any concentration. There were no compound-relatedadverse effects on the incidence of clinical signs of toxicityin rats or mice. No hematologic changes were observed in eitherspecies. Serum sorbitol dehydrogenase activity was increasedin rats exposed to 350 ppm. Serum cholesterol and glucose concentrationswere significantly higher in 100 and 350 ppm female rats. Compound-relatedmorphological changes were observed in the liver. In rats, exposureto 100 or 350 ppm produced increased absolute and/or relativeliver weights, hepatic focal cystic degeneration, hepatic peliosis,biliary hyperplasia (350 ppm only), and lipofuscin/hemosiderinaccumulation in Kupffer cells. In mice, exposure to 100 or 350ppm produced increased absolute and relative liver weights (350ppm females only), accumulation of lipofuscin/hemosiderin inKupifer cells, and centrilobular single cell necrosis. Malerats exposed to 350 ppm also had significantly higher absoluteand relative kidney weights which correlated with the grossand microscopic changes resulting from a compound-related increasein severity of chronic progressive nephropathy. Female miceexposed to 350 ppm had an increased incidence of bilateral,diffuse retinal atrophy. No increase in hepatic cell proliferationwas seen in mice or rats at any exposure concentration. DMACwas not oncogenic under these experimental conditions in eitherthe rat or mouse. The NOAEL for male and female rats and miceis 25 ppm.  相似文献   

The potential maternal and developmental toxicity of cyclododecatriene (CDDT) was assessed in rats. Groups of 22 time-mated female Crl:CD (SD) BR rats were exposed by inhalation (whole-body, 6 h/day) to either 0 (control), 10, 25, or 67 ppm CDDT over days 6-20 of gestation (days 6-20 G); the day of copulation plug detection was designated day 0 G. The dams were euthanized on day 21 G, and their abdominal and thoracic viscera were examined grossly. The fetuses were weighed, sexed, and examined for external, visceral, and skeletal alterations. Evidence of maternal toxicity was seen at 25 and 67 ppm. There were compound-related reductions in maternal body weight and food consumption parameters as well as increased occurrences of wet and stained fur at these exposure levels. Developmental toxicity evident as reduced mean fetal weight and delayed skeletal ossification was seen only at 67 ppm. There was no evidence of either maternal or developmental toxicity at 10 ppm. Thus, the no-observed-effect level (NOEL) for maternal toxicity was 10 ppm, and the NOEL for developmental toxicity was 25 ppm. Because developmental toxicity was observed only after exposures that also produced signs of maternal toxicity, CDDT was not considered to be a selective developmental toxicant in the rat.  相似文献   

Chromium picolinate monohydrate (CPM) is a synthetic compound heavily marketed to consumers in the United States for use as a dietary supplement for muscle building and weight loss. The National Toxicology Program (NTP) tested the toxicity of this compound based on the potential for widespread consumer exposure and lack of information about its toxicity. Groups of 10 male and 10 female F344/N rats and B6C3F(1) mice were exposed to 0, 80, 240, 2000, 10,000, or 50,000 ppm CPM in feed for 13 weeks. CPM administration produced no effect on body weight gain or survival of rats or mice. Organ weights and organ/body weight ratios in exposed animals were generally unaffected by CPM. No compound-related changes in hematology and clinical chemistry parameters were observed. There were no histopathological lesions attributed to CPM in rats or mice.  相似文献   


The potential maternal and developmental toxicity of cyclododecatriene (CDDT) was assessed in rats. Groups of 22 time-mated female Crl:CD® (SD) BR rats were exposed by inhalation (whole-body, 6 h/day) to either 0 (control), 10, 25, or 67 ppm CDDT over days 6–20 of gestation (days 6–20 G); the day of copulation plug detection was designated day 0 G. The dams were euthanized on day 21 G, and their abdominal and thoracic viscera were examined grossly. The fetuses were weighed, sexed, and examined for external, visceral, and skeletal alterations. Evidence of maternal toxicity was seen at 25 and 67 ppm. There were compound-related reductions in maternal body weight and food consumption parameters as well as increased occurrences of wet and stained fur at these exposure levels. Developmental toxicity evident as reduced mean fetal weight and delayed skeletal ossification was seen only at 67 ppm. There was no evidence of either maternal or developmental toxicity at 10 ppm. Thus, the no-observed-effect level (NOEL) for maternal toxicity was 10 ppm, and the NOEL for developmental toxicity was 25 ppm. Because developmental toxicity was observed only after exposures that also produced signs of maternal toxicity, CDDT was not considered to be a selective developmental toxicant in the rat.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the subchronic toxicityof 4-vinylcyclohexene (VCH). Male and female Sprague–Dawleyrats and B6C3F1 mice were exposed by inhalation to VCH 6 hr/day, 5 days/week for 13 weeks. Rats were exposed to 0, 250,1000, or 1500 ppm, and mice were exposed to 0, 50, 250, or 1000ppm. In addition, another group of rats and mice was exposedto 1000 ppm butadiene so that a comparison could be made betweenthe two compounds. Exposure to 1000 ppm VCH resulted in deathsof all male mice and 5/10 female mice on Test Days 11 or 12.Three additional female mice exposed to 1000 ppm VCH died priorto study completion. The most notable compound-related clinicalsign was lethargy observed in the 1500 ppm VCH-exposed ratsand 1000 ppm VCH-exposed mice. Male rats exposed to 1500 ppmVCH had significantly lower body weights compared to controls,and male and female rats in the 1500 ppm group had signifi cantlylower body weight gains. None of the VCH-exposed animals orbutadiene-exposed rats showed any compound-related hemato logicaleffects. However, mice exposed to 1000 ppm butadiene exhibitedmild macrocytic anemia. Clinical chemistry evaluation and urinalysisshowed no compound-related effects in rats exposed to eitherVCH or butadiene. Male and female rats exposed to 1000 or 1500ppm VCH or 1000 ppm butadiene had increased absolute and/orrelative liver weights, and male rats in these same exposuregroups had increased relative kidney weights. Microscopically,in creased accumulation of hyaline droplets was observed inthe kid neys of male rats from all VCH exposure groups. Althoughcompound–related, the droplets were not accompanied bycytotoxicity. In mice, the most notable adverse histopathologicaleffect was ovarian atrophy in females exposed to 1000 ppm VCHor 1000 ppm butadiene. The atrophy was slightly more severein the VCH exposed females than in the butadiene–exposedfemales. There were no other compound–related pathologicaleffects in male or female mice exposed to VCH. Additionally,butadiene–exposed male mice had decreased testicular weights,accompanied by slight testicular degeneration and atrophy. ForVCH exposure, the no–observed-adverse–effect–levelis 1000 ppm for rats based on leth argy and lowered body weightsand 250 ppm for mice based on mortality and ovarian atrophy.  相似文献   

Pentane (CAS No. 109-66-0) is a chemical being used as a co-solvent in a polymer production facility with potential for inhalation exposure in humans. To assess the toxicity of pentane, groups of 10 male rats each were exposed by inhalation, 6 hr/day, 5 days/week for 2 weeks to either 0 (control), 1,000, 3,000 or 10,000 ppm. Five rats per group were killed following the 10th exposure; the remaining 5/group were killed after a 14-day post-exposure recovery period. Parameters investigated were clinical signs of toxicity, functional behavior, body weights, clinical pathology, and gross and microscopic pathology including organ weights. No unusual clinical observations were seen in the pentane-treated rats, and body weights were not altered. Test rats generally exhibited normal behavioral responses in the functional observational battery. Increases in serum calcium and phosphorus concentrations were seen in rats exposed to either 3,000 or 10,000 ppm. These were reversible during the 2-week recovery period. No other clinical pathology changes were observed and no pentane-related tissue pathology was seen in any of the groups. The no-observed-adverse-effect level was 1,000 ppm with reversible clinical pathology changes produced at 3,000 and 10,000 ppm.  相似文献   

Pentane (CAS No. 109-66-0) is a chemical being used as a co-solvent in a polymer production facility with potential for inhalation exposure in humans. To assess the toxicity of pentane, groups of 10 male rats each were exposed by inhalation, 6 hr/day, 5 days/week for 2 weeks to either 0 (control), 1,000, 3,000 or 10,000 ppm. Five rats per group were killed following the 10th exposure; the remaining 5/group were killed after a 14-day post-exposure recovery period. Parameters investigated were clinical signs of toxicity, functional behavior, body weights, clinical pathology, and gross and microscopic pathology including organ weights. No unusual clinical observations were seen in the pentane-treated rats, and body weights were not altered. Test rats generally exhibited normal behavioral responses in the functional observational battery. Increases in serum calcium and phosphorus concentrations were seen in rats exposed to either 3,000 or 10,000 ppm. These were reversible during the 2-week recovery period. No other clinical pathology changes were observed and no pentane-related tissue pathology was seen in any of the groups. The no-observed-adverse-effect level was 1,000 ppm with reversible clinical pathology changes produced at 3,000 and 10,000 ppm.  相似文献   

The potential chronic toxicity and oncogenicity of dimethylformamide(DMF) was evaluated by exposing male and female rats and miceto 0, 25, 100, or 400 ppm DMF for 6 hr/day, 5 days/week for18 months (mice) or 2 years (rats). Clinical pathology was evaluatedat 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 (rats only) months. An interim euthanasiafor rats occurred at 12 months and hepatic cell proliferationin rats and mice was examined at 2 weeks, 3 months, and 12 months.No compound-related effects on clinical observations or survivalwere observed. Body weights of rats exposed to 100 (males only)and 400 ppm were reduced. Conversely, body weights were increasedin 400 ppm mice. No hematologic changes were observed in eitherspecies. Serum sorbitol dehydrogenase activity was increasedin rats exposed to 100 or 400 ppm. There were no compound-relatedeffects on the estrous cycle of rats or mice at any concentration.Compound-related morphological changes were observed only inthe liver. In rats, exposure to 100 and 400 ppm produced increasedrelative liver weights, centrilobular hepatocellular hypertrophy,lipofuscin/hemosiderin accumulation in Kupifer cells, and centrilobularsingle cell necrosis (400 ppm only). In mice, increased liverweights (100 ppm males, 400 ppm both sexes), centrilobular hepatocellularhypertrophy, accumulation of lipofuscin/hemosiderin in Kupffercells, and centrilobular single cell necrosis were observedin all exposure groups. These observations occurred in a dose-responsefashion and were minimal at 25 ppm. No increase in hepatic cellproliferation was seen in mice or female rats. Slightly higherproliferation was seen in male rats exposed to 400 ppm at 2weeks and 3 months but not at 12 months. Dimethylformamide wasnot oncogenic under these experimental conditions in eitherthe rat or mouse.  相似文献   

Cyclododecatriene (CDDT, CAS No. 4904-61-4) was tested for its inhalation toxicity in rats following repeated exposures. Male rats were exposed nose-only to CDDT for 6 hr/day, 5 days/wk for a total of 9 exposures over 2 weeks. Particular attention was paid to neurotoxicologic endpoints. Concentrations of 0 (control), 5, 50, and 260 ppm were studied. The 260 ppm chamber contained both vapor and aerosol while the 5 and 50 ppm chambers were vapor only. Four groups of 10 rats each were used to measure standard clinical signs and growth, clinical pathology (including hematology, biochemistries, and urine analysis), and tissue pathology. Another 4 groups of similar size were used for neurotoxicity testing. In the standard toxicity groups, 1/2 of the rats were sacrificed 1 day following the 9th exposure; the other half underwent a 2-week recovery period prior to being sacrificed (recovery group). During the exposures rats inhaling 260 ppm had a diminished or absent response to an alerting stimulus. Irregular respiration and lethargy were observed in these rats immediately following exposure. These signs were rapidly reversible and were not seen prior to the subsequent exposure. Body weights in rats exposed to either 50 or 260 ppm were significantly lower than the corresponding controls. No compound-related clinical pathology changes were seen in any of the test groups and tissue pathology effects only occurred in the nasal tissue. In rats exposed to 260 ppm, minimal degeneration/necrosis of nasal olfactory epithelium was observed in rats examined immediately following the exposure period. This change was not seen in the recovery rats. Functional observational battery (FOB) assessments and motor activity (MA) evaluations conducted after the 4th and 9th exposures on rats from all test groups, and specific neuropathologic evaluation on perfused brain, spinal cord, and skeletal muscle from rats exposed to 260 ppm failed to demonstrate any specific neurotoxicity. Outward signs of sedation were seen at the top level tested. Under the conditions of this test, the no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) was determined to be 5 ppm based upon a reduced rate of body weight gain in the 50 ppm group. No specific neurotoxicity was detected and the histopathologic response was limited to reversible changes in the nasal epithelia in rats exposed to 260 ppm.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of 1-hexene following repeated inhalation exposures in male and female Fischer 344 rats. Groups of 40 male and 40 female rats were exposed for 6 hours per day, 5 days per week, over a 13-week period. Treatment groups consisted of air-exposed control (0 ppm) and three test groups of 300, 1000, and 3000 ppm 1-hexene. During the treatment period, the rats were observed daily for clinical signs of toxicity; body weights and neuromuscular coordination [females only] were measured at 7-day intervals. After 7 weeks of exposure and at the end of the treatment period, the rats were subject to macroscopic and microscopic pathology, clinical chemistry, hematology, urinalysis, and sperm counts. No mortalities were observed during the course of the study. No clinical signs of toxicity attributable to 1-hexene exposure were observed. Female rats exposed to 3000 ppm had significantly lower body weights compared to control rats from exposure day 5 persisting throughout the treatment period. Male rats exposed to 3000 ppm had slightly but not statistically significant lower body weights in comparison to controls. Male rats exhibited slightly increased absolute and relative testicular weights, and female rats had slightly decreased absolute [but not relative] liver and kidney weights, at 3000 ppm. There were no gross or microscopic morphological findings attributed to treatment. Exposure to 1-hexene did not affect neuromuscular coordination in females as determined using the Rotarod, nor sperm counts in male rats. Several statistically significant effects in hematology, clinical chemistry, and urinalysis evaluations were observed, but were either of small magnitude or did not correlate with histopathological findings, and thus did not appear to be of biological significance. In summary, the no-adverse-effect-level for this study was determined to be 1000 ppm, based on decreased weight gain in female rats, and on slight organ weight changes in both sexes at 3000 ppm.  相似文献   


Cyclododecatriene (CDDT, CAS No. 4904-61-4) was tested for its inhalation toxicity in rats following repeated exposures. Male rats were exposed nose-only to CDDT for 6 hr/day, 5 days/wk for a total of 9 exposures over 2 weeks. Particular attention was paid to neurotoxicologic endpoints. Concentrations of 0 (control), 5, 50, and 260 ppm were studied. The 260 ppm chamber contained both vapor and aerosol while the 5 and 50 ppm chambers were vapor only. Four groups of 10 rats each were used to measure standard clinical signs and growth, clinical pathology (including hematology, biochemistries, and urine analysis), and tissue pathology. Another 4 groups of similar size were used for neurotoxicity testing. In the standard toxicity groups, 1/2 of the rats were sacrificed 1 day following the 9th exposure; the other half underwent a 2-week recovery period prior to being sacrificed (recovery group). During the exposures rats inhaling 260 ppm had a diminished or absent response to an alerting stimulus. Irregular respiration and lethargy were observed in these rats immediately following exposure. These signs were rapidly reversible and were not seen prior to the subsequent exposure. Body weights in rats exposed to either 50 or 260 ppm were significantly lower than the corresponding controls. No compound-related clinical pathology changes were seen in any of the test groups and tissue pathology effects only occurred in the nasal tissue. In rats exposed to 260 ppm, minimal degeneration/necrosis of nasal olfactory epithelium was observed in rats examined immediately following the exposure period. This change was not seen in the recovery rats. Functional observational battery (FOB) assessments and motor activity (MA) evaluations conducted after the 4th and 9th exposures on rats from all test groups, and specific neuropathologic evaluation on perfused brain, spinal cord, and skeletal muscle from rats exposed to 260 ppm failed to demonstrate any specific neurotoxicity. Outward signs of sedation were seen at the top level tested. Under the conditions of this test, the no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) was determined to be 5 ppm based upon a reduced rate of body weight gain in the 50 ppm group. No specific neurotoxicity was detected and the histopathologic response was limited to reversible changes in the nasal epithelia in rats exposed to 260 ppm.  相似文献   

The developmental toxicity of tetramethylurea (TMU) was assessed in rats by inhalation exposure of the test material over days 6-20 of gestation. Groups of 25 mated female Crl:CD BR rats were exposed whole-body for 6 hours/day to concentrations of either 0, 2, 20 or 100 ppm TMU. The dams were euthanized on day 21 and the offspring were weighted, sexed, and examined for external, visceral, and skeletal alterations. Maternal toxicity was demonstrated at both 20 and 100 ppm. Maternal body weights, weight changes, and food consumption were statistically significantly reduced at these concentrations; effects were more pronounced at 100 ppm. There was evidence of developmental toxicity only at 100 ppm. The only finding was a decrease in mean fetal weight. No fetal malformations or variations occurred in fetuses derived from rats exposed to all 3 test concentrations (up to 100 ppm). The maternal no-observed-effect-level (NOEL) was 2 ppm, the fetal NOEL was 20 ppm. Thus, TMU was not considered to be uniquely toxic to the rat conceptus.  相似文献   

The developmental toxicity of tetramethylurea (TMU) was assessed in rats by inhalation exposure of the test material over days 6–20 of gestation. Groups of 25 mated female Crl:CD®BR rats were exposed whole-body for 6 hours/day to concentrations of either 0, 2, 20 or 100 ppm TMU. The dams were euthanized on day 21 and the offspring were weighed, sexed, and examined for external, visceral, and skeletal alterations. Maternal toxicity was demonstrated at both 20 and 100 ppm. Maternal body weights, weight changes, and food consumption were statistically significantly reduced at these concentrations; effects were more pronounced at 100 ppm. There was evidence of developmental toxicity only at 100 ppm. The only finding was a decrease in mean fetal weight. No fetal malformations or variations occurred in fetuses derived from rats exposed to all 3 test concentrations (up to 100 ppm). The maternal no-observed-effect-level (NOEL) was 2 ppm, the fetal NOEL was 20 ppm. Thus, TMU was not considered to be uniquely toxic to the rat conceptus.  相似文献   

To evaluate whether methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) affects reproductive performance, a two-generation reproduction study was conducted. MIBK was administered to 30 Sprague-Dawley rats/sex/group via whole-body inhalation at concentrations of 0, 500, 1000, or 2000 ppm, 6 h daily, for 70 days prior to mating. F(0) and F(1) females were exposed from mating through gestation day 20 and from postnatal day 5; F(2) litters were maintained through postnatal day 21. No treatment-related mortality of adult animals occurred. There was a dose-related increase in adult animals with no or a decreased response to a sound stimulus at 1000 and 2000 ppm; however, no adverse clinical signs occurred 1 h after exposure, suggesting this was a transient sedative effect. Clinical signs of central nervous system (CNS) depression in the pups were observed and one F(1) pup died after initial exposure to 2000 ppm on postnatal day 22; subsequently exposure was delayed until postnatal day 28. Decreased body weight gain and slight decreased food consumption were observed during the first 2 weeks of exposure in both generations at 2000 ppm. There were no adverse effects on male and female reproductive function or landmarks of sexual maturation. Increased F(0) and F(1) liver weights with associated centrilobular hypertrophy occurred in rats at 2000 ppm, indicative of an adaptive response. Increased male kidney weights at all exposure concentrations, associated with hyaline droplets, were indicative of male rat-specific nephropathy. Other than acute sedative effects, the no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) for parental systemic effects (excluding male rat kidney) was 1000 ppm, based on transient decreased body weight and food consumption; for reproductive effects, 2000 ppm, the highest concentration tested; and for neonatal toxicity, 1000 ppm (based on acute CNS depressive effects).  相似文献   

A 13-wk inhalation study was conducted with Sprague-Dawley CD rats ( 12/sex/ group) were exposed by inhalation for 13 weeks to a light alkylate naphtha distillate (LAND-2, C-C ; average molecular weight 89.2) at actual average concentrations of 0 (room 4 10 air), 668, 2220, or 6646 ppm, 6 h/d, 5 d/wk; 12 additional rats/sex in the control and high dose groups were held after final exposure for a 4-wk recovery period. The highest exposure concentration was 75% of the lower explosive limit. Standard parameters of subchronic toxicity were measured throughout the study; at necropsy, organs were weighed and tissues processed for microscopic evaluation. Neurotoxicity evaluations consisted of motor activity (MA) and a functional operational battery (FOB) measured pretest, during 5, 9, and 14 wk of the study, and after the 4-wk recovery period. Wholebody perfusion and microscopic examination of selected organs and nervous tissue from the control and high dose rats were conducted at the end of exposure. No testrelated mortality or effects on physical signs, body weight, or food consumption were observed. Statistically significant increases in absolute and relative kidney weights in high-exposure males correlated with microscopically observed hyaline droplet formation and renal nephropathy, effects in male rats that are not toxicologically significant for humans. Increased liver weights in both sexes at the highest dose had no microscopic correlate and appeared reversible after the 4-wk recovery period. Exposure to LAND-2 at any dose did not produce neurotoxicity measured by MA, FOB, or neuropathology. The no-observed-effects level (NOEL) for LAND-2 was 2220 ppm for subchronic toxicity and 6646 ppm for neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

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