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李杨 《职业与健康》2007,23(24):2316-2318
目的了解某汽车改装厂职业病危害控制效果情况。方法对工作场所进行现场职业卫生学调查,确定生产过程中产生和存在的职业危害因素并进行浓度(强度)检测。结果工作场所中粉尘、苯、甲苯、二甲苯、汽油检测结果均符合要求,噪声合格率为48.28%,照明合格率为78.6%。结论该项目粉尘及化学毒物职业病危害控制效果较好,其主要职业病危害因素为噪声,接触噪声的工人应配戴防噪声耳罩或耳塞。  相似文献   

目的了解汽车维修企业的职业病危害现状,为汽车维修企业职业病危害防控提供依据。方法对杭州市8家汽车4S店和4家汽修连锁店的维修车间进行现场调查、职业病危害因素检测和防护设施测评,采用MES法评估各岗位的职业危害风险。结果汽车维修企业的打磨岗位职业病危害因素浓度或强度符合要求,喷漆岗位正常作业时化学危害因素浓度均合格,但通风系统关闭时部分企业二甲苯和乙酸丁酯浓度超标,钣金岗位有噪声强度超标现象。喷烤漆房通风系统和干磨机除尘器的防护有效。打磨和喷漆岗位的职业病危害风险评估结果为稍有危险,钣金岗位为一般危险。结论汽车维修企业的职业病危害因素较复杂,钣金岗位噪声危害相对突出。  相似文献   

目的 了解某汽车企业喷漆工对苯、甲苯、二甲苯和乙苯的接触情况,并对其开展职业危害风险评估。方法 2022年对该汽车企业的职业病危害因素展开现场调查和检测,并采用新加坡半定量风险评估和EPA吸入风险评估分别判定苯、甲苯、二甲苯和乙苯的职业健康风险水平。结果 工作场所苯、甲苯、二甲苯和乙苯的检测浓度合格率为100%。新加坡半定量评估模型结果:苯、甲苯、二甲苯、乙苯均为低风险;EPA吸入风险评估模型结果:二甲苯对人体健康产生的危害风险高,不可接受。结论 该企业喷漆工接触二甲苯浓度虽低于职业接触限值,但仍存在较大职业健康风险,应引起关注。  相似文献   

目的通过对大连市某汽车4S店钣喷线职业病危害因素的调查,了解其产生的职业病危害因素及危害程度,提出相应的防护对策和措施,预防、控制职业病发生。方法采用现场职业卫生学调查和工作场所职业病危害因素检测相结合的方法进行分析评价。结果该汽车4S店生产期间钣喷线存在的主要职业病危害因素有电焊烟尘、其他粉尘、锰及其无机化合物、苯、甲苯、二甲苯等化学有害因素,紫外辐射、噪声、手传振动等物理因素。该项目化学有害因素浓度均符合接触限值的要求,合格率100%。其中调漆和喷漆岗位均未检出苯,喷漆岗位甲苯短时间接触浓度(CSTEL)最高值为0.6 mg/m3,调漆、喷漆岗位二甲苯浓度CSTEL最高值为0.6和3.0 mg/m3;钣金工接触的手传振动测量值为37.4m/s2,超出国家规定的职业接触限值;噪声、紫外辐射测量结果符合职业接触限值要求。结论该汽车4S店钣喷线采取的职业病危害防护措施较好,基本能达到国家有关法律、规范和标准的要求。职业病危害关键控制点为调漆和喷漆岗位,该项目应注意喷漆工序低浓度苯系物的职业病危害;为钣金工配备防振手套,为其他岗位配备相应的个人防护用品;按要求对不同工种工人进行上岗前、在岗期间和离岗前的职业健康检查,完善职业健康监护档案。  相似文献   

目的了解家具厂的职业病危害因素,为制定防护措施提供依据。方法依照国家职业卫生标准和规范,通过职业病卫生学调查,对家具厂的职业病危害因素进行检测和评价。结果该家具厂在生产过程中可能产生的职业病危害因素主要有木粉尘、苯、甲苯、二甲苯、噪声。结论该家具厂多个作业场所中的职业病危害因素存在超标现象,应合理改善作业环境,加强个人防护,防止职业病发生。  相似文献   

为了解某市渔具制造行业职业病危害现状,我们对38个渔具制造企业进行了作业环境卫生学调查、作业场所采样,应用气象色谱法检测苯、甲苯、二甲苯的浓度,并对362名作业人员进行职业性健康检查。结果显示,作业场所苯和二甲苯浓度超标率分别为11.8%、32.3%,作业人员体检阳性检出率为11.6%。提示,该作业苯及化合物、铅等职业病危害因素值得重视,应加强监督力度,改善作业环境,加强职业卫生健康监护和个人防护措施。  相似文献   

目的对某制造企业职业危害因素现状进行调查,评价职业病防护措施及其效果,提出相应的职业病控制措施。方法依据国家相关标准,采用职业卫生现场调查和职业危害因素检测等方法对该企业存在的职业病危害现状做出综合评价。结果该企业存在的职业病危害因素为其他粉尘、电焊烟尘、氧化铝粉尘、一氧化氮、二氧化氮、二氧化锰、苯、甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯、苯乙烯和噪声。本次检测中有5个二甲苯、2个乙苯检测点浓度超标,超标率为23.3%; 11个噪声检测点强度超标,超标率为52.4%;其他毒物、粉尘、噪声检测数据均未超标。结论该企业在生产过程中职业病危害现状较差,存在很多危害因素。应加强对该企业的监督管理,改进作业场所的防护措施,提高工人的自我保护和防护意识。  相似文献   

目的了解某企业高频变压器制作生产线存在的主要职业危害因素,为制定职业病的预防措施提供依据。方法采用职业卫生学调查、工作场所职业病危害因素现场监测进行综合评价。结果该生产线主要存在苯、甲苯、二甲苯、噪声等,职业病危害因素的浓度(强度)符合国家职业卫生标准。结论该项目职业病危害的防护措施可行、有效。但由于存在苯,建议使用无苯材料进行替代,以保护易感职业人群身体健康。  相似文献   

目的 了解集整车销售、零配件、售后服务、信息反馈“四位一体”服务(4S)的销售店及汽车修理店的职业病危害程度,为职业病防治工作提供依据.方法 用现场职业卫生学调查方法进行调查,按《工作场所空气中有害物质监测的采样规范》采样、监测并用《工作场所有害因素职业接触限值》进行评价.结果 喷漆工作场所苯、甲苯、二甲苯质量浓度较高,但均未超过国家职业卫生标准;板金车间噪声强度、电焊烟尘质量浓度全部符合国家职业卫生标准,但均无有效防护措施;接触职业病危害因素劳动者职业健康检查率为30.0%;企业申报职业病危害项目率为30.0%.结论 汽车修理行业的职业病危害不容忽视,应加强职业卫生监管力度.  相似文献   

目的评价某新建汽车生产线作业场所存在的职业病危害种类和控制效果。方法对该汽车生产线作业场所进行职业卫生学调查,对其主要职业病危害因素进行检测,结合相应的职业卫生工程防护设施进行评价。结果粉尘、化学性有毒气体和噪声是汽车生产线主要职业病危害因素,除个别作业点有毒物质浓度超过国家卫生标准外,其余作业点粉尘和化学性有毒气体浓度符合国家卫生标准,噪声作业点合格率84.8%。结论该生产线职业病危害因素的防护措施可行、有效。应加强抽风排毒系统的维护和管理,加强防噪声的综合措施。  相似文献   

This paper examines the consequences of a new emphasis on lifestyle in the production, marketing and consumption of pharmaceuticals. Over the past decade, a range of medicines have become available that address aspects of lifestyle, while others have been the subject of lifestyle marketing. We argue, with recourse to a broad literature from the social sciences, economics and health services research and from our study of pharmaceutical consumption, that two processes can be discerned. First, there is a domestication of pharmaceutical consumption, with drugs available via home computers, and marketing of pharmaceuticals that focuses upon private or personal conditions and addresses domestic activities such as sex and cooking. Secondly, there is a pharmaceuticalisation of everyday life as the pharmaceutical industry introduces profitable medicines for a range of daily activities and pharmaceuticals come to be seen by consumers as a 'magic bullet' to resolve problems of daily life. We suggest that the pharmaceuticalisation of daily life links the economics and politics of pharmaceutical production to the private lives of citizens.  相似文献   

Selection of controls in case-control studies. I. Principles.   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
A synthesis of classical and recent thinking on the issues involved in selecting controls for case-control studies is presented in this and two companion papers (S. Wacholder et al. Am J Epidemiol 1992;135:1029-50). In this paper, a theoretical framework for selecting controls in case-control studies is developed. Three principles of comparability are described: 1) study base, that all comparisons be made within the study base; 2) deconfounding, that comparisons of the effects of the levels of exposure on disease risk not be distorted by the effects of other factors; and 3) comparable accuracy, that any errors in measurement of exposure be nondifferential between cases and controls. These principles, if adhered to in a study, can reduce selection, confounding, and information bias, respectively. The principles, however, are constrained by an additional efficiency principle regarding resources and time. Most problems and controversies in control selection reflect trade-offs among these four principles.  相似文献   

An estimated 2.8 million people in Africa have dual infections with tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Because of the increasing numbers of cases of tuberculosis as a consequence of the HIV epidemic, chemoprophylaxis may become a cost effective tuberculosis control measure in high prevalence countries. Although isoniazid (INH) is the only drug evaluated in controlled trials of preventive tuberculosis therapy, studies are now under way to determine the efficacy of INH and other drugs, including rifampicin and pyrazinamide, in preventing tuberculosis reactivation in persons with HIV infection. If chemoprophylaxis is effective in persons with dual infection, further studies will be required to determine whether chemoprophylaxis is cost effective for tuberculosis prevention and control and whether it is feasible to introduce it as a community control measure.  相似文献   

Although the prevalence of overweight as estimated from nationally representative cross-sectional studies is well documented, much less is known about the incidence of overweight and major weight gain in United States adults. I review results from the First National Health Examination Follow-Up Study involving 9862 people aged 25-74 yr who were first weighed between 1971 and 1975 and reweighed 10 yr later between 1982 and 1984.  相似文献   

Between November 1990 and February 1991 101 gull faecal samples, collected in central Scotland, and 50 cloacal lavages, from gulls captured at two refuse tips near Durham, England were examined for the presence of Cryptosporidium sp. oocysts. Five of 101 (c 5%) of faecal samples and 11 of 50 (22%) of cloacal lavages contained oocysts, of which 64% and 83%, respectively were considered viable when examined with propidium iodide and 4''-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. Since there is insufficient evidence to ascribe these oocysts to a recognized species they are therefore referred to as Cryptosporidium sp. oocysts. There were significant differences in the occurrence of oocysts between gulls captured at the different refuse tips (P < or = 0.01), but no significant difference between the distribution of oocysts in two species of gull, Larus argentatus (Herring Gull) and L. ridibundus (Black-head Gull). The differences may be explained by different food sources and feeding habits. The contribution of gulls to environmental contamination with Cryptosporidium sp. oocysts is probably generally small, but may be more significant when large numbers roost on surface waters.  相似文献   

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