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目的报道9例起源于冠状静脉窦口附近的房性心动过速(简称房速)。方法回顾分析2005年11月至2009年1月行射频消融治疗的59例房速患者,发现9例起源于冠状静脉窦口。其定义为标测的最早激动点位于冠状静脉窦口周1 cm范围以内的区域并在此消融成功。结果9例靶点局部A波激动时间领先体表P波起点39±12(30~53)m s。房速体表P波具有以下特点:Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联P波呈负向波,I导联呈等电位线或低幅正向波,aVL导联呈正向波,多数病例V1导联P波前半部分为等电位线,后半部分为正向波,胸前导联P波由右向左在V3~V6导联逐渐移行为负向。结论冠状静脉窦口是右房房速的一个重要起源点,其体表心电图有明确特征。  相似文献   

Introduction: This study sought to investigate electrophysiologic characteristics and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in patients with focal atrial tachycardia (AT) arising from the left atrial appendage (LAA).
Methods: This study included seven patients undergoing RFA with focal AT. Activation mapping was performed during tachycardia to identify an earlier activation in the left atria and the LAA. The atrial appendage angiography was performed to identify the origin in the LAA before and after RFA.
Results: AT occurred spontaneously or was induced by isoproterenol infusion rather than programmed extrastimulation and burst atrial pacing in any patient. The tachycardia demonstrated a characteristic P-wave morphology and endocardial activation pattern. The P wave was highly positive in inferior leads in all patients. Lead V1 showed upright or biphasic (±) component in all patients. Lead V2–V6 showed an isoelectric component in five patients or an upright component with low amplitude (<0.1 mV) in two patients. Earliest endocardial activity occurred at the distal coronary sinus (CS) ahead of P wave in all seven patients. Mean tachycardia cycle length was 381 ± 34 msec and the earliest endocardial activation at the successful RFA site occurred 42.3 ± 9.6 msec before the onset of P wave. RFA was acutely successful in all seven patients. Long-term success was achieved in seven of the seven over a mean follow-up of 24 ± 5 months.
Conclusions: The LAA is an uncommon site of origin for focal AT (3%). There were consistent P-wave morphology and endocardial activation associated with this type of AT. The LAA focal ablation is safe and effective. Long-term success was achieved with focal ablation in all patients.  相似文献   

目的进一步分析起源于主动脉无冠窦房性心律失常的心电生理特征及射频消融治疗。方法11例患者经心内电生理检查和射频消融证实的起源于主动脉无冠窦局灶性房速,对其临床特征,心电生理特点及射频消融进行分析。结果无冠窦房速大多为女性,表现为阵发性,为心房或心室程序刺激诱发和终止。所有患者房速心电图P波窄而低幅,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,aVF和v,导联P波负正双向,Ⅰ,aVL导联直立,V2~V6导联P波负向。心内最早激动位于希氏束远端,并领先于体表P波起始(15±3)ms。无冠窦内标测最早激动等于或早于希氏束远端,局部电位特征为大A小V(或大V),无希氏束电位,11例患者无冠窦内放电均在8秒内终止心动过速,均无并发症,无抗心律失常药物随访12±5月所有患者均无心动过速复发。结论主动脉无冠窦房速有独特的临床特征,心电图特征及心房内激动顺序,长期随访这类房速射频消融有良好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We sought to investigate electrophysiological characteristics and catheter ablation in patients with focal atrial tachycardia (AT) originating from the non-coronary aortic sinus (AS). BACKGROUND: In patients with failed ablation of focal AT near the His bundle (HB) region, an origin from the non-coronary AS should be considered because of the close anatomical relationship. METHODS: This study included 9 patients with focal AT, in 6 of whom attempted radiofrequency (RF) ablation had previously failed. Activation mapping was performed during tachycardia to identify an earliest activation in the atria and the AS. The aortic root angiography was performed to identify the origin in the AS before RF ablation. RESULTS: Focal AT was reproducibly induced by atrial pacing. Mapping in atria demonstrated that the earliest atrial activation was located at the HB region, whereas mapping in the non-coronary AS demonstrated that an earliest atrial activation preceded the atrial activation at the HB by 12.2 +/- 6.9 ms and was anatomically located superoposterior to the HB in all 9 patients. Also, His potentials were not found at the successful site in the non-coronary AS in all 9 patients. The focal AT was terminated in <8 s in all 9 patients. Junctional beats and PR prolongation did not occur during RF application in all 9 patients. No complications occurred in any of the nine patients. All 9 patients were free of arrhythmias without antiarrhythmic drugs during a follow-up of 9 +/- 3 months. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with focal AT near the HB region, mapping in the non-coronary AS can improve clinical outcome.  相似文献   

The case of a 13-year-old child with an unusually localized "focal" permanent atrial tachycardia is reported. Electrophysiologic study showed that the earliest atrial activation occurred in the distal coronary sinus and preceded the atrial depolarization recorded along the endocardial side of the lateral part of the mitral annulus. Distal coronary sinus mapping revealed a fragmented, polyphasic atrial electrogram. Radiofrequency current delivery to the site permanently stopped the tachycardia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We sought to describe the electrophysiological features and long-term outcome after radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) of atrial tachycardia (AT) arising from the coronary sinus (CS) musculature. BACKGROUND: Atrial tachycardia requiring RFCA deep within the CS has been described in isolated case reports. However, the mechanism and exact site of origin of this tachycardia have not been well elucidated. METHODS: The study included 8 patients (5 men) of a consecutive series of 283 patients undergoing RFCA for focal AT. RESULTS: In sinus rhythm, a discrete potential (P) was noted after the CS atrial electrogram and during tachycardia, the CS (P) preceded the surface P-wave by 30 to 50 ms. The CS (P) always preceded the earliest electrogram in the left atrium (LA). Three-dimensional electroanatomical mapping was available in four patients, and in one case it showed earliest activation in the CS with rapid spread to the proximal CS and then to the LA. Ablation of the AT initially attempted from the earliest site in the LA in three patients was unsuccessful. In all patients the tachycardia was safely and successfully ablated at a site 3.6 cm within the CS. There has been no recurrence over a follow-up of 37 +/- 13 months. CONCLUSIONS: Focal AT emanating deep within the CS musculature can be recognized by a discrete potential associated with the CS atrial signal both during sinus rhythm and tachycardia. Long-term success without complications can be accomplished by ablating within the CS in close proximity to the CS (P).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The study was done to characterize the electrocardiographic and electrophysiologic features of focal atrial tachycardia originating at the mitral annulus (MA). BACKGROUND: Though the majority of left atrial tachycardias originate around the ostia of the pulmonary veins, only isolated reports have described focal tachycardia originating from the MA. METHODS: Seven patients of a consecutive series of 172 patients undergoing radiofrequency ablation for focal atrial tachycardia are reported. Electrophysiologic study involved catheters positioned along the coronary sinus (CS), crista terminalis (CT), His bundle, and a mapping/ablation catheter. RESULTS: All seven patients had tachycardia foci originating from the superior region of the MA in close proximity to the left fibrous trigone and mitral-aortic continuity. These foci demonstrated a characteristic P-wave morphology and endocardial activation pattern. The P-wave morphology in the precordial leads typically showed a biphasic pattern, with an inverted component followed by an upright component. The P-wave was consistently of low amplitude in the limb leads. Earliest endocardial activity occurred at the His bundle region in all seven patients. In general, CS activation was proximal to distal, and mid-CT activation was earlier than high or low CT. Ablation was successful at the superior aspect of the MA in all patients. CONCLUSIONS: The MA is an unusual but important site of origin for focal atrial tachycardia, with a propensity to be localized to the superior aspect. It can be suspected as a potential anatomic site of tachycardia origin from analysis of P-wave morphology and the atrial endocardial activation sequence map. Using mapping targeted to anatomic structures achieved a high success rate for ablation.  相似文献   

目的探讨起源于右心耳局灶性房性心动过速(RAAT)心电图、电生理特点及射频消融。方法138例经射频消融治疗的局灶性房性心动过速(房速)中有7例(5.0%)起源于右心耳,通过10极冠状静脉窦(CS)电极导管、高位右心房(HRA)电极导管、希氏束(HBE)电极导管和消融导管(ABL)记录其电生理检查结果、靶点位置,并记录和观察体表心电图房性P波形态(正向、负向、低平和双向)。结果7例RAAT患者平均年龄为(41.1±19.6)岁,病史(5.4±4.0)年,其中男性4例,女性3例。房速持续性4例,阵发性2例,通过心房程序刺激诱发1例。体表心电图房性P波形态特征:所有患者V,导联P波负向,绝大多数下壁导联P波正向或双向,胸前导联P波由负向逐渐变为正向。心内电生理检查提示房速时HRA处A波最早,有效消融靶点较体表心电图P波提前(38.4±12.6)ms。6例患者消融成功,其中4例使用盐水灌注消融导管,随访3~12个月无房速复发,未见并发症发生。结论RAAT相对少见(5.0%),有特殊的心电图和心内电生理表现,盐水灌注消融导管能提高消融成功率,远期效果好。  相似文献   

Objective: To characterize the electrocardiographic and electrophysiological features and frequency of focal atrial tachycardia (AT) originating from the right atrial appendage (RAA).
Background: The RAA has been described as a site of origin of AT, but detailed characterization of these tachycardias is limited.
Methods: Ten patients (3.8%) of 261 undergoing radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for focal AT are reported. Endocardial activation maps (EAM) were recorded from catheters at the CS (10 pole), tricuspid annulus (20 pole Halo catheter), and His positions. P waves were classified as negative, positive, isoelectric, or biphasic.
Results: The mean age was 39 ± 20 years, nine males, with symptoms for 4.1 ± 5.1 years. Tachycardia was incessant in seven patients, spontaneous in one patient, and induced by programmed extrastimuli in two patients. These foci had a characteristic P wave morphology. The P wave was negative in lead V1 in all patients, becoming progressively positive across the precordial leads. The P waves in the inferior leads were low amplitude positive in the majority of patients. Earliest EAM activity occurred on the Halo catheter in all patients. Mean activation time at the successful RFA site =−38 ± 15 msec. Irrigated catheters were used in six patients, due to difficulty achieving adequate power. RFA was acutely successful in all patients. Long-term success was achieved in all patients over a mean follow up of 8 ± 7 months.
Conclusions: The RAA is an uncommon site of origin for focal AT (3.8%). It can be suspected as a potential anatomic site of AT origin from the characteristic P wave and activation timing. Irrigated ablation catheters are often required for successful ablation. Long-term success was achieved with focal ablation in all patients.  相似文献   

Focal atrial tachycardias originate predominantly from the right atrium along the crista terminalis and less commonly from the left atrium. Successful catheter ablation usually can be performed via an endocardial approach. We report the case of a 34-year-old patient in whom a focal atrial tachycardia was successfully ablated 4 cm within the coronary sinus after extensive mapping of the left atrial endocardium and coronary sinus using the three-dimensional CARTO mapping system. Rarely, atrial tachycardia can originate from the coronary sinus musculature and require ablation inside the coronary sinus.  相似文献   

We report a case of complex supraventricular tachycardia manifested by radiofrequency delivery. Initially, the patient presented with orthodromic atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia via a left-sided accessory pathway that was successfully eliminated. Atrial tachycardia originating from coronary sinus ostium was also induced. Radiofrequency delivery at the coronary sinus ostium induced a narrow QRS tachycardia with irregular R-R intervals. A detailed analysis explained that the tachycardia could be a nonreentrant mechanism due to triple atrioventricular nodal pathways: an atrial excitation evokes double ventricular response due to simultaneous activation of the fast and slow pathways, and the next one activates ventricle through the intermediate pathway.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The left atrial appendage (LAA) is one of the major sources of focal atrial tachycardias (ATs). OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the detailed electrophysiologic characteristics and catheter ablation of focal ATs originating from the LAA. METHODS: The study population consisted of 47 consecutive patients with 50 focal ATs originating from the left atrium (LA): LAA in 13, left pulmonary veins (PVs) in 14, right PVs in 12, and mitral annulus in 11. Programmed electrical stimulation and pharmacologic testing were performed to examine the mechanism of LAA AT. Left atriography was performed prior to radiofrequency ablation to identify the focus in the LAA. RESULTS: The mechanism of LAA AT was automaticity in 11 and triggered activity in 2. The 13 LAA foci were located mainly at the LAA base: 11 on the medial side and 2 on the lateral side. Atrial activation sequences within the distal coronary sinus were helpful in differentiating these LAA foci. The criterion of a negative P wave in leads I and aVL indicating an LAA AT focus was associated with sensitivity of 92.3%, specificity 97.3%, positive predictive value 92.3%, and negative predictive value 97.3%. No complications occurred in any of the 13 patients. All 13 patients were free of atrial arrhythmias without any antiarrhythmic drugs during follow-up of 8 +/- 3 years. CONCLUSION: LAA ATs have typical electrophysiologic and electrocardiographic characteristics that are helpful in guiding radiofrequency catheter ablation.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Focal right atrial tachycardia (RAT) arising from the crista terminalis, para-Hisian, and coronary sinus os regions are well described. Less information exists regarding RAT arising from the nonseptal region of the tricuspid annulus (TA). METHODS AND RESULTS: From a consecutive series of 64 patients who had undergone successful radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of 67 RATs, the characteristics of 9 (13%) patients (6 men; mean age 50 +/- 20 years) with a TA focus were reviewed. The annular focus was localized to the inferoanterior TA in 7 and the superior TA in 2. Mean tachycardia cycle length was 371 +/- 66 msec. Mean activation time at the site of successful RFA in 9 of 9 patients was -43 +/- 11 msec. At 9.3 +/- 5.6 months of follow-up, 1 of 9 patients had recurrent tachycardia successfully treated with repeat RFA. In 7 of 9 patients with RAT from the inferoanterior TA, the surface ECG P wave morphology was upright in aVL, inverted in III and VI, and either inverted or biphasic with an initial negative deflection from V2 to V6. CONCLUSION: The TA is an important site of origin of RAT. In the present study, the inferoanterior region of the TA was a preferential site of origin with resulting characteristic P wave morphology. Knowledge of this anatomic distribution and P wave morphology allows targeted mapping and may facilitate successful RFA.  相似文献   

Objective To analyze the electrophysiological characteristics and efficacy of radiofrequeney catheter ablation ( RFA ) of focal atrial tachycardia (AT) originating from the left atrial appendage (LAA). Methods Electrophysiologic study and RFA were performed in 9 patients (4 female)with focal AT originating from the LAA. Atrial appendage angiography was performed to identify the origin of AT. P waves were classified as negative, positive, isoelectric, or biphasic. Results The mean age was (21 ±9)years. AT occurred spontaneously or was induced by isoproterenol infusion rather than programmed extrastimulation and burst atrial pacing. A characteristic P-wave morphology and endocardial activation pattern were observed. Positive P-wave in inferior leads was seen in all patients, upright or biphasic ( +/- )component P wave was observed in lead V_1, isoelectric component or an uptight component P wave with low amplitude ( < O0 1 mV) was seen in lead V_2 - V_6. Earliest endocardial activity occurred at the distal coronary sinus (CS) in all patients. The earliest endocardial activation at the successful RFA site occurred (36. 7 ± 7.9 ) ms before the onset of P wave. RFA was successful in all 9 patients immediately post procedure. AT reoccurred in 2 patients within 1 month post RFA and AT disappeared post the 2nd-RFA. AT reoccurred in 1 patient and terminated after the 3rd RFA. At the final follow-up ( 12 ± 5 ) months, all 9 patients were free of arrhythmias without antiarrhythmic drugs. Conclusions The LAA is an uncommon site of origin for focal AT. The characteristic P wave and activation timing are suggestive for focal AT originating from the LAA. LAA focal ablation is safe and effective for patients with focal AT originating from the LAA.  相似文献   

目的 报道一组起源于左心耳局灶性房性心动过速(房速)的电生理特征和射频消融治疗.方法 9例患者中男性5例,平均年龄(21±9)岁,经心内电生理检查和射频消融证实为起源于左心耳的房速,对其电生理特点及射频消融进行分析.结果 左心耳房速表现为无休止性或静脉滴注异丙肾上腺素诱发,程序刺激不能诱发或终止房速.左心耳房速有独特的体表心电图特征,所有患者P波Ⅰ、aVL导为负向,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联P波高而直立.V_1导P波为直立或正负双向(以直立为主),V_2~V_6导P波为等电位线(5例)或<0.1 mV低幅直立(4例).常规心内标测,最早心房激动为CS远端.成功靶点处局部心房激动领先P波起始(36.7±7.9)ms.5例患者最终使用盐水灌注导管消融成功,随访(12 ±5)个月无房速复发.结论 左心耳房速有独特的心电图特征和房内激动顺序,对这类房速盐水灌注导管可能是更好的选择,左心耳内局灶消融长期随访安全有效.  相似文献   

Objective To analyze the electrophysiological characteristics and efficacy of radiofrequeney catheter ablation ( RFA ) of focal atrial tachycardia (AT) originating from the left atrial appendage (LAA). Methods Electrophysiologic study and RFA were performed in 9 patients (4 female)with focal AT originating from the LAA. Atrial appendage angiography was performed to identify the origin of AT. P waves were classified as negative, positive, isoelectric, or biphasic. Results The mean age was (21 ±9)years. AT occurred spontaneously or was induced by isoproterenol infusion rather than programmed extrastimulation and burst atrial pacing. A characteristic P-wave morphology and endocardial activation pattern were observed. Positive P-wave in inferior leads was seen in all patients, upright or biphasic ( +/- )component P wave was observed in lead V_1, isoelectric component or an uptight component P wave with low amplitude ( < O0 1 mV) was seen in lead V_2 - V_6. Earliest endocardial activity occurred at the distal coronary sinus (CS) in all patients. The earliest endocardial activation at the successful RFA site occurred (36. 7 ± 7.9 ) ms before the onset of P wave. RFA was successful in all 9 patients immediately post procedure. AT reoccurred in 2 patients within 1 month post RFA and AT disappeared post the 2nd-RFA. AT reoccurred in 1 patient and terminated after the 3rd RFA. At the final follow-up ( 12 ± 5 ) months, all 9 patients were free of arrhythmias without antiarrhythmic drugs. Conclusions The LAA is an uncommon site of origin for focal AT. The characteristic P wave and activation timing are suggestive for focal AT originating from the LAA. LAA focal ablation is safe and effective for patients with focal AT originating from the LAA.  相似文献   

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