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付达东 《临床护理杂志》2013,(6):F0003-F0003
在临床护理工作中,许多药物需避光使用,不仅在保存时需避光,溶解稀释后在滴注过程中也需避光,如临床常用的硝普钠、硝酸甘油、盐酸左氧氟沙星、水溶性维生素及一些化疗药物(顺铂、卡铂、米托恩醌)等。避光药物配置后根据需求临床上需备3种规格(100m、250ml 、500ml)的避光袋,而在实际工作中很难找到一个合适的避光袋。使用避光纸包裹,虽能确保避光效果,  相似文献   

石磊  孙慧文  于桂玲 《护理学报》2010,17(13):77-77
临床上有些药物见光易分解、变质,为了保持药物的效价和在体内的有效浓度.达到更好的疗效,要求对其采取避光措施。临床上泵入避光药物时,有的用黑色避光布遮盖注射器及延长管,用胶布固定在微量泵上.这样避光布不仅易脱落,起不到避光效果.而且由于遮盖了整个注射器不易于观察药物的泵入量,  相似文献   

龚云 《当代护士》2009,(6):107-107
临床上使用的药物如氟罗沙星、硝普钠等,由于水溶液不稳定,容易遇光分解。为了使用时保持药物特性而增强疗效,在输液时需避光进行。但目前没有专用的避光输液罩。当需要避光输液时须用不同的方法作临时遮挡。不仅操作烦琐,也不容易观察液体下降情况。本科制作了一种避光输液罩既方便又实用,现介绍如下。  相似文献   

临床上用硝普钠等药物时需避光 ,以保证药物的疗效。长期以来 ,尚无一种满意的避光装置用于临床。现报告一种简便易行的静脉输液避光装置 ,临床使用效果满意  相似文献   

王小平 《护理研究》2006,20(12):3265-3265
避光输液主要针对一些光敏药物,防止其在光照下发生变性或降解,以致影响药效而采取的一种护理防护措施。但临床上使用的避光套,常不能完全避光,而且操作繁琐。为增强避光效果,使护理操作更加方便快捷,自行设计避光输液套,并经临床应用效果较好。现介绍如下。  相似文献   

目的 调查临床化疗药物避光使用情况.方法 采用问卷调查法,选取北京市1所二级医院、1所三级综合医院、2所肿瘤专科医院共151名肿瘤科护士,运用自行设计的化疗药物临床避光应用情况问卷进行调查,所得数据采用SPSS13.0进行统计分析.结果 临床化疗药物的避光应用缺乏统一规范,肿瘤科护士在化疗药物避光应用方面存在一定的知识缺乏.结论 应采取系统化的培训来促进临床化疗药物避光应用的规范和统一.  相似文献   

随着输液微泵在临床上的普及应用,越来越多的血管活性药物通过微泵来执行,许多药物的药理性质不但要求其在避光下使用,而且对使用的医疗材料有严格的要求。市场上应用的一次性微泵避光延长管的价格较贵,为了减轻患者的经济负担,我科自2005年开始白行设计和制作了具有避光功能的微泵延长管,经过4年的临床应用。反应良好,现介绍如下。  相似文献   

在肿瘤科患者化疗过程中,大部分化疗药物静脉输注时需要避光,因此会使用配套避光输液器和避光袋。我院避光袋传统套法是将避光袋大开口端向上,将化疗药物液体瓶瓶口向下由大口端套入避光袋中,  相似文献   

在临床工作中,有些药物需避光输入,避免在光合作用下产生分解,从而影响药效。我院使用避光袋包裹液体、避光输液器输液,但避光输液器无避光头皮针,只能与普通头皮针匹配。以往在使用普通头皮针过程中,多使用布类物品覆盖,存在操作不便、避光效果不确切等缺点。自2011年10月起,我科采用消毒处理后的废弃避光输液管包裹普通头皮针,取得良好效果。现报道如下。  相似文献   

杜建丽  刘继平 《护理与康复》2014,13(10):1014-1014
<正>在静脉输液过程中,由于药物性质不同,使用时存在不同的要求,如某些抗肿瘤药物、扩张血管药、水溶性维生素等,遇光易分解[1],因此,输注过程需避光[2]。虽然现在医疗器械市场已有了避光输液器,但价格较贵,患者不易接受,且购货难[3]。部分医院采用黑色塑料缠绕普通输液器,或者用黑布制成的避光条与避光袋,拆卸麻烦,增加了护士工作量。2012年1月,本院呼吸内科用黑布制成一体式避光袋,应用效果良好,现报告如下。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lengthy development times are cited by the pharmaceutical industry as one reason for high drug prices. OBJECTIVE: We compared the prices of different groups of drugs after accounting for development time, government support, market size, and other drug characteristics. DESIGN: We conducted a retrospective study of 180 human therapeutic drugs categorized into 8 drug groups by assembling data on drug development times, government support, drug characteristics, and prices. MEASURES: First, we compared the development time and level of government support across the 8 drug groups. Second, we assessed the independent effect of drug group on median price per day in a multivariable analysis, controlling for development time and all other variables. RESULTS: Thirty percent of antiretroviral drugs had government patents compared with 16% of other infectious disease drugs, 6% of cancer drugs, and less than 6% of any other drug group (P < 0.002). Fifty percent of antiretrovirals had NIH trials listed in the new drug application for approval by the Food and Drug Administration compared with less than 6% of any other drug group (P < 0.001). More antiretroviral and cancer drugs received fast track status and accelerated review during regulatory review by the Food and Drug Administration (P < 0.001). The median price of antiretrovirals was 8 US dollars per day more, cancer drugs 11 US dollars per day more, than the reference group after adjustment for other variables (P < 0.001). Development time was not associated with drug price. CONCLUSIONS: Antiretroviral and cancer drugs, even after accounting for development time, are among the most highly priced medications. Notably, drugs with rapid development and more government support did not have lower drug prices.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Alcohol and drug use of young school-age children continue to escalate. Comprehensive, effective interventions are needed to treat and prevent future alcohol and drug use. METHODS: The alcohol and drug use of 69 school-age children participating in afterschool programs was explored; parents completed a family climate scale. An investigator-developed educational program was evaluated for its effect on self-efficacy of the children to prevent drug and alcohol use. FINDINGS: Although family climate scales indicated functioning families, 25% of the children indicated they have used drugs or alcohol and 49% indicated a possible problem with alcohol or drugs being used at home by parents. A significant correlation with a child's self-efficacy and drug use was found. CONCLUSIONS: The educational program taught children survival skills to resist the use of alcohol and drugs. Children with a plan to resist the use of drugs were more likely not to use drugs.  相似文献   

目的将国家卫生健康委员会发布的《新冠肺炎诊疗方案(试行第七版)》中推荐的抗病毒药物与此类患者常见合并症[包括高血压、糖尿病、心肌梗死、慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)]临床指南推荐用药的药物间相互作用进行全面筛查,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法对各方案及指南中的推荐治疗药物进行汇总,利用Lexicomp数据库对指南中推荐的药物进行相互作用筛查。结果抗新型冠状病毒药物与高血压指南推荐药物间相互作用:洛匹那韦/利托那韦19条,氯喹9条;与糖尿病指南推荐药物间相互作用:洛匹那韦/利托那韦24条,氯喹30条;与心肌梗死指南推荐药物间相互作用:利巴韦林1条,洛匹那韦/利托那韦19条,氯喹6条;与COPD指南推荐药物间相互作用:干扰素α-2b 2条,洛匹那韦/利托那韦8条。结论新冠肺炎患者若同时服用治疗多种疾病的药物,可能存在多种药物相互作用,影响临床治疗及产生药物不良反应。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyse the prevalence of potential drug interactions, and to identify patients particularly prone to drug interaction. DESIGN: Database study (Odense University Pharmacoepidemiologic Database). SETTING: Individuals exposed to polypharmacy in 1999 were examined for potential drug interactions. SUBJECTS: Inhabitants of the County of Funen (n = 471 732). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of potential drug interactions. RESULTS: One-third of the population were exposed to polypharmacy and among these 15% were exposed to drugs carrying a risk of harmful interaction. Among the elderly with polypharmacy, 25% aged 60-79 years and 36% over 80 years received drugs carrying the risk of interaction. Among individuals exposed to potential drug interaction, 62% were exposed only to one drug interaction and 38% to two or more different drug interactions. The drugs accounting for the highest number of potential interactions were diuretics, NSAIDs, ACE-inhibitors, digoxin, oral antidiabetics, calcium channel blockers, anticoagulants and beta-blockers. When focusing only on major drug interactions, potassium-sparing diuretics and oral anticoagulants were the most frequently involved drugs. CONCLUSION: Elderly patients exposed to polypharmacy should be kept under intensified monitoring as they are at increased risk of clinically significant drug interactions.  相似文献   

Objectives: If clinicians can know that there are many life-threatening drugs left in the stomach through a non-invasive method over 60?min after drugs ingestion, it may be preferable to minimize absorption of remnant drugs through various methods according to the characteristic of the drug. Computed tomography (CT) has gained wide acceptance in the detection of drug mules. Therefore, we evaluated the prevalence of drugs in the gastric lumen using abdominal non-contrast CT, performed over 60?min after acute drug poisoning.

Materials and methods: This was a prospective cohort study of patients with acute drug poisoning who were admitted to the emergency department (ED) between March 2017 and February 2018. If the patient visited the ED over 60?min after ingestion of life-threatening or unknown drugs, non-contrast CT scan was performed. "Presence of drugs" was defined in the non-contrast CT as a round-shaped lesion with higher density than the gastric mucosa. In addition, “positive radiodense image” was defined as that with higher density than the gastric mucosa regardless of drug appearance in the non-contrast CT scan.

Results: Among a total of 482 patients with drug poisoning, 140 were finally included in the study. Residual drugs were detected in 36 patients (25.7%). Further, regardless of the presence of drugs, 58 patients (41.4%) showed positive radiodense image in the stomach. The median Hounsfield unit of drugs was 131.5 and that of food materials in the stomach was 34.5. Total duration of hospital stay was significantly longer in the “absence of drug” group and sustained-release drugs were detected more frequently in the “presence of drugs” group.

Conclusions: Detection rate of drugs and presence of positive radiodense image, regardless of drug appearance, were as high as 25.7% and 41.4%, respectively. Sustained-release drugs were detected more frequently in the “presence of drugs” group.  相似文献   

背景:经皮给药技术为蛋白质多肽类药物的导入提供了一种方便有效的方式。目的:研制一种基于微控制器的经皮给药系统,实现药物经皮无创导入的同时维持药物的活性,提高药物的生物利用度。方法:经皮给药系统以微控制器为核心,采用电致孔导入技术,电离导入技术和超声波导入技术从不同角度克服皮肤屏障,促进药物经皮吸收,在软硬件上合理的设计实现3种机制的协同作用,提高药物导入的效率。结果与结论:试制出经皮给药系统样机,该系统操作简便,以无创的方式经皮给药可以提高患者的依从性,通过各治疗参数的调节,可用于多种药物的经皮导入,为实现个体化治疗提供可能。  相似文献   

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