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The aim of this study was to adapt, validate, and test for reliability the Quality of Life Scale in Norwegian (QOLS-N) for patients suffering from psoriasis. Two hundred and eighty-two patients with psoriasis were included in the study. Self-reported health was measured using the SF-36. Disease severity was also measured in 95 patients using the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI). The reliability of the QOLS-N was computed using the internal consistency reliability (Cronbach's alpha) and the test-retest reliability test. Face and content validity and construct discriminant ability of the QOLS-N were assessed. The results indicated that the QOLS-N has highly satisfactory rates of test-retest reliability (r = 0.83) and internal consistency reliability (alpha 0.86). As expected, the QOLS-N had a lower correlation with physical health (r = 0.24, p < 0.000) and self-reported symptoms (r = -0.20, p < 0.001), and a higher correlation with mental health (r = 0.52, p < 0.000). The correlation with disease severity was not significant (-0.06). The results reported in the present paper are in accordance with those derived in other validation studies. The QOLS-N seems to be a reliable and valid measure of global quality of life in patients suffering from psoriasis.  相似文献   

In this study, we developed and tested the psychometric properties of the Chinese‐version Quality of Nursing Work Life Scale along seven subscales: supportive milieu with security and professional recognition, work arrangement and workload, work/home life balance, head nurse's/supervisor's management style, teamwork and communication, nursing staffing and patient care, and milieu of respect and autonomy. An instrument‐development procedure with three phases was conducted in seven hospitals in 2010–2011. Phase I comprised translation and the cultural‐adaptation process, phase II comprised a pilot study, and phase III comprised a field‐testing process. Purposive sampling was used in the pilot study (n = 150) and the large field study (n = 1254). Five new items were added, and 85.7% of the original items were retained in the 41 item Chinese version. Principal component analysis revealed that a model accounted for 56.6% of the variance with acceptable internal consistency, concurrent validity, and discriminant validity. This study gave evidence of reliability and validity of the 41 item Chinese‐version Quality of Nursing Work Life Scale.  相似文献   

Empowerment has become a widespread concept in various social policy contexts referring to different marginalized groups. Empowerment has also been focused within the mental health field although little empirical research exists. The aim of the present study was to investigate internal consistency and construct validity of the Swedish version of an empowerment scale developed for people with a mental illness, Making Decisions. Ninety-two persons were subject to an interview also comprising assessments of quality of life, needs for care, psychiatric symptoms, psychosocial functioning, aspects of the social network, rejection experiences and attitudes of devaluation/discrimination towards people with mental illness. The results showed that the overall scale and the subscales had a good internal consistency, except for the subscale power–powerlessness. A factor analysis revealed two superordinate factors, self-esteem and activism and community and power, with a satisfactory internal consistency. These two factors showed a good construct validity with expected associations to validation measures. Stigma was most markedly associated with self-esteem and activism, and a higher level of education was most strongly associated with community and power. In conclusion, the Swedish version Making Decisions may well be used in further studies of empowerment among people with a mental illness.  相似文献   

目的:探讨经翻译的中文版吞咽障碍指数(dysphagia handicap index,DHI)量表的信度和效度特征,评定吞咽障碍患者的生存质量。方法:对DHI量表进行系统化翻译并对100例吞咽障碍患者、80例健康对照者进行评估,重测60例。从内部一致性信度和重测信度两方面对DHI进行信度分析;采用有吞咽障碍组和健康人进行群组效度分析;吞咽障碍特异性生存质量量表(swallowing quality of life questionnaire,SWAL-QOL)与DHI量表进行集合效度与区分效度的分析比较。此外,电视荧光吞咽造影检查(video fluoroscopic swallowing study,VFSS)作为吞咽障碍检查的"金标准",本文对DHI量表与VFSS检查吞咽障碍严重程度的关系也进行了效度的分析。结果:因子分析共提取6个公因子,且均可代表一定的量表内容。群组效度独立t检验结果,P0.05差异具有显著性意义。集合效度与区分效度Pearson相关系数绝对值越接近1,项目之间相关性越大。内部一致性信度Cronbachα系数0.70信度良好。重测信度由(ICC)相关系数分析。结论:DHI对吞咽障碍患者具有良好的信度和效度,适合大陆人群,是一个临床有效的、统计学上强有力的患者报告结局量表。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of the Norwegian version of the Ferrans and Powers Quality of Life Index in a sample of 131 men and women with newly diagnosed cancer. The Quality of Life Index was translated into Norwegian using a standardized international approach, including back-translation. The findings showed high internal consistency reliability for the global score (alpha = 0.93 (test)) as well as for the following domains: health and functioning (alpha = 0.88), socio-economic (alpha = 0.82), psychological/spiritual (alpha = 0.82) and family (alpha = 0.79). The test-retest reliability after 3-4 weeks was 0.78 for the global score. A factor analysis partially confirmed the different subscales. In conclusion, the Quality of Life Index was found to be reliable and had sufficient validity to be used for measuring quality of life in Norwegian cancer patients.  相似文献   

造口病人生活质量量表中文译本的信度、效度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:引进并修订造口病人生活质量量表(Stoma-QOL),测定其中文译本的信度和效度。方法:按照量表翻译程序将Stoma-QOL翻译成中文,采用中文译本对118例造口病人进行测定,用折半信度、Cronbach’sα系数评定条目间的内部一致性信度;选取10例造口病人在第一次测评后1周再次填写量表,用Pearson相关系数r评价重测信度;用各条目分与总分之间的相关性检验其理论结构,用主成分分析和正交最大旋转法提取特征根大于1的因子,测定结构效度。结果:量表的折半信度为0.865,Cronbach’sα系数为0.893,重测信度除第9条和第11条为0.456和0.671外,其余为0.813~1.000。各条目得分和量表总分间均相关(r=0.301~0.791,P<0.01),因子分析提取了5个特征根大于1的因子,各条目载荷的范围是0.411~0.901,5个因子累积解释了63.27%的方差。结论:Stoma-QOL中文译本有良好的信度和效度,适合测量中国造口病人的生活质量。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to translate, culturally adapt and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Pain Self‐Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ) in a population of patients with fibromyalgia in Denmark. The study sample included 102 patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia referred to a specialist clinic. The PSEQ was translated and adapted to a Danish setting using a standard stepw‐ise forward–backward translation procedure, followed by initial testing and focus group interview. Reliability was examined by analysing internal consistency and test–retest agreement. Construct validity was exami‐ned by investigating dimensionality, targeting, local independence, category functioning and differential item functioning (DIF). Reliability was high: Cronbach's alpha 0.88, test–retest correlation 0.93, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) 0.89 and item–total correlations 0.44–0.70. Factor analyses and item response (IRT) models indicated unidimensionality, and the PSEQ‐DK was well targeted to the sample. High interitem correlation was observed between two items, indicating local dependence, and item misfit and DIF were observed for a few items. However, the overall fit of the scale to a single‐factor model and IRT models supported acceptable construct validity. The PSEQ‐DK showed acceptable psychometric properties and can therefore represent a reliable and valid measure for evaluating self‐efficacy in patients with fibromyalgia in Denmark.  相似文献   

The main aim of the present study was to adapt an instrument measuring patients' adjustment to life with an ostomy to Swedish conditions and to test reliability and validity of the adapted instrument. The Ostomy Adjustment Scale (OAS), which is focused on three domains: physical function, psychologic state, and social interaction, was selected as suitable. After translation into Swedish, equivalence and internal consistency of the scale were calculated. Subjects with various types of urine or faeces diversions were recruited for self-rating with the OAS and a visual analogue scale estimating total quality of life (QOL). The instruments were tested in 48 patients with five different diagnoses, 36 with and 12 without ostomy, and re-tests were carried out in 25 of the patients. Reliability (Cronbach's alpha) was 0.95. A positive correlation was found between the OAS and QOL (r = 0.67), indicating that the instrument has some validity.  相似文献   

The availability of a valid and reliable tool that accurately measures and differentiates pre-operative anxiety level of children is crucial before any intervention can be appropriately planned, provided, and evaluated. The purposes of this study were to translate the original Trait Anxiety Scale for Children into Chinese and evaluate the psychometric properties of the newly translated scale for its utility in clinical practice and research. Five hundred and nineteen children from a primary school were recruited for this study. The instrument demonstrated adequate internal consistency reliability, and strong evidence of content and construct validity. Factor analysis confirmed the construct validity of the scale with a good fit between the factor structure of the scale and the observed data. Results suggest that the Chinese version of the Trait Anxiety Scale for Children can be used as a self-report assessment tool in measuring trait anxiety level of Chinese children ages 7-12 years.  相似文献   

目的:检测中文版健康调查简表SF-36(the medical outcomes study 36-item short-form,SF-36)用于中国亚急性期脑卒中后遗症人群的生存质量评估的信度和效度情况。方法:选取福建中医药大学附属康复医院、复旦大学附属华山医院、暨南大学附属第一医院、广东省中医院和新疆维吾尔自治区中医院五家合作单位,共377例(女性35.73%,平均年龄60.95±10岁)脑卒中后遗症患者,在完成第一次评估后的6—7天,随机选取75例患者进行SF-36重测。量表的信度分析采用内部一致性和重测信度,效度分析采用内容效度和结构效度检验。结果:(1)中文版SF-36量表内部一致性Cronbachα系数为0.801(0.761—0.807);量表重测信度ICC为0.731(0.672—0.884)(2)对量表的8项内容的得分进行探索性因子分析,共抽取了3个公因子,总体方差解释力为67.3%。结论:中文版SF-36量表在评估我国亚急性期脑卒中患者具有良好的信度和效度,是一个可靠、有效的适用于临床脑卒中患者生存质量的测量工具。  相似文献   

郝志  赖开兰  张静 《全科护理》2022,20(1):12-16
目的:汉化第2版癌症影响量表(Impact of Cancer version 2,IOCv2),并在长期癌症幸存者中检验其信效度。方法:遵循Brislin翻译原则翻译IOCv2,通过专家咨询和预试验进行跨文化调试,采取便利抽样法选取320例长期癌症幸存者进行问卷调查,检验中文版量表的信效度。结果:中文版IOCv2量表有积极影响总评(健康意识、癌症意义、利他和同情、积极的自我评估)和消极影响总评(担忧、生活影响、躯体改变关注、外貌关注)分量表,涉及8个维度共37个条目。量表的平均内容效度指数为0.945,各条目的内容效度指数为0.83~1.00;探索性因子分析共提取8个公因子,累计方差贡献率为79.955%;积极影响总评量表Cronbach′sα系数为0.709,消极影响总评量表Cronbach′sα系数为0.802。量表各维度的重测信度为0.723~0.957。结论:中文版IOCv2量表应用于长期癌症幸存者中信效度良好,可用于长期癌症幸存者生活质量的评估。  相似文献   

Scand J Caring Sci; 2010; 24; 41–48
Psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Purpose in Life scale
The aim of this study was to test the theoretical assumptions beyond the Purpose in Life (PIL) scale, and to elucidate the underlying structure of the Swedish version of the PIL. The PIL, originally created by Crumbaugh and Maholick, is a 20-item scale of the Lickert type with possible scores ranges from 20 to 140, the higher score, the stronger PIL. The analysis was based on 449 participants, 62% of whom were women, from five different samples, ranging from 19 to 103 years old. An exploratory factor analysis restricted to three factors was performed. The factors were labelled meaning in existence, freedom to create meaning in daily life, and will to find meaning in future challenges. These factors reflected the three dimensions described by Frankl. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the total scale was 0.83 and varied between 0.54 and 0.83 in the three factors. We concluded that the Swedish version of the PIL scale seems to have construct validity and reliability. Our results give support to the fact that the PIL scale captures and confirms the theoretical assumptions of Frankl's existential theory. We consider the PIL scale to be both feasible and appropriate for use in nursing research.  相似文献   

郑蕾  傅丽娟 《解放军护理杂志》2010,27(16):1220-1222
目的对《心脏疾病儿童生活质量量表》(中文版)进行信度和效度评价,为临床应用该量表提供依据。方法将心脏疾病儿童生活质量量表翻译成中文并回译,再进行量表的信度和效度评价。采用便利抽样法选取2008年在上海某儿童医学中心接受心脏外科手术的2~12岁先天性心脏病患儿进行调查,共发放问卷821份,回收有效问卷253份,回收率为31.32%,量表填写由患儿及父母共同完成。量表信度评价通过Cronbach’sα信度系数和评定者间信度结果表示,效度评价包含内容效度和结构效度评价。结果量表的Cronbach’sα系数为0.75~0.96,评定者信度系数为0.75。各维度与量表间的相关系数为0.41~0.75。结构效度中因子分析结果共提取5个公因子,分别是心脏疾病和治疗问题、治疗焦虑、交流、认知问题及对身体外貌的感受,可解释总变异的72.46%,因子分析结果与原量表的维度结构一致。结论《心脏疾病儿童生活质量量表》(中文版)具有较好的信度和效度,可有效评价国内先天性心脏病患儿的生活质量,为改善患儿生活质量提供可靠的评价依据。  相似文献   

目的:探讨中文版躯干损伤量表(TIS)评定脑卒中患者躯干功能的信度及效度,为该量表的临床应用提供客观依据。方法:病例组和对照组各50例参加了本研究,病例组进行TIS、Fugl-Meyer中的平衡部分(FM-B)和Berg平衡量表(BBS)评定,并在2天内完成TIS第二次评定;对照组进行1次的TIS和FM-B评定。将两次TIS的结果做相关性分析测试其信度;将TIS结果与FM-B、BBS作相关性分析检验其效度。结果:TIS两次测试结果高度相关,重测信度组内相关系数(ICC)为0.899—0.971,测量者间ICC为0.843—0.973;TIS与FM-B、BBS总分高度相关(r=0.891,r=0.858);病例组和对照组的TIS总分分别为21.7±1.3分和13.5±4.3分,两者间差异具有显著性(P<0.01)。结论:中文版TIS具有良好的效度、信度和区分度,可用于脑卒中患者躯干功能的评价。  相似文献   

目的:编译癫痫儿童生存质量自评量表;检验该量表的信度和效度,初步建立中文版癫痫儿童生存质量自评量表。方法:①首先对量表进行翻译及回译,然后进行文化调适,再作预测试;②通过对32例癫痫儿童的生存质量进行测评,检验中文版癫痫儿童生存质量自评量表的信度和效度。结果:①经对原量表翻译及回译,核心工作组的修改,预测试等步骤而定稿为中文版癫痫儿童生存质量自评量表;②该量表的信度检验显示.量表总分及其4个因子的重测相关系数大于0.7;量表总分及其4个因子的Cronbacha系数大于0.7;③效度检验显示,该量表具有较好的内容效度;结构效度也较好。结论:中文版癫痫儿童生存质量自评量表的信度、效度较好,达到了心理测量学的要求.适用于中国儿童。  相似文献   

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