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ObjectiveThe need for mesenteric venous resection (MVR) is determined by a combination of preoperative radiologic and intraoperative surgical assessments. A single-centre review was performed to determine how efficient these processes are in evaluating the need for MVR.MethodsA retrospective study was performed of 343 patients who received resection for adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas, 100 of whom underwent MVR. Three radiologic signs (abutment, fat plane obliteration, focal narrowing) were evaluated for their ability to predict the need for MVR. Pathologic assessment was performed to determine if MVR had been necessary to achieve negative-margin (R0) resection. Microscopic tumour in the vein wall, or within 1 mm of the vein wall, was considered to indicate that MVR had been necessary to achieve an R0 resection.ResultsRadiologic evaluation (showing any of the three signs) had sensitivity of only 60%. Overall, 40% of the patients who required MVR showed none of the signs. Specificity was 77%. A total of 80% of patients who underwent MVR had either microscopic invasion or abutment. R0 resection at the vein margin was achieved in 98% of patients in both the MVR and non-MVR groups.ConclusionsPreoperative radiologic evaluation is not highly reliable in predicting the need for MVR. Therefore, surgical teams performing resections of cancers of the head of the pancreas must be skilled in MVR as the need for this procedure may arise unexpectedly. Surgical assessment of the need for MVR has an accuracy of about 80% and is nearly 100% accurate in determining when MVR is not required.  相似文献   

Twenty-six patients who underwent pyloruspreserving pancreaticoduodenectomy (PPPD) for ductal cancer of the head of the pancreas between 1983 and 1993 were reviewed. Gastrointestinal continuity was restored by the methods of Imanaga (n=21) and Traverso (n=5). Combined resection of the portal vein and/or superior mesenteric vein was performed in 13 patients. Surgical complications occurred in 5 patients, but there were no postoperative deaths. Delayed gastric emptying was observed in 42% of patients. The median survival time for all 26 patients was 13 months. Three patients survived for more than 3 years, and one of them is currently alive without recurrence at 10 years. Differences in survival rates were not apparent between patients who underwent PPPD with and without portal vein resection. Survival rate after PPPD was compared with that after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) performed between 1974 and 1992; the difference was not significant. Patients who underwent noncurative PPPD had a significantly better survival rate than those who underwent noncurative PD (P<0.05). PPPD has improved the quality of life of the resected patients, without reducing survival rate. At present, PPPD by the Imanaga procedure could be the best choice for management of cancer of the pancreatic head.  相似文献   

Since the first report on laparoscopic distal pancreatec tomy(LDP) appeared in the 1990 s, the procedure ha been performed increasingly frequently to treat both benign and malignant lesions of the pancreas. Man earlier publications have shown LDP to be a good alter native to open distal pancreatectomy for benign lesions although this has never been studied in a prospective randomized manner. The evidence for the use of LDP to treat adenocarcinoma of the pancreas is not as we established. The purpose of this review is to evaluat the current evidence for LDP in cases of pancreati adenocarcinoma. We conducted a review of English language publications reporting LDP results between1990 and 2013. All studies reporting results in patient with histologically proven pancreatic adenocarcinom were included. Thirty-nine publications were found and included in the results for a total of 309 cases of pan creatic adenocarcinoma(potential double publication were not eliminated). Most LDP procedures are per formed in selected cases and generally involve smalle tumors than open distal pancreatectomy(ODP) proce dures. Some of the papers report unselected cases andinclude procedures on larger tumors. The number of lymph nodes harvested using LDP is comparable to the number obtained with ODP, as is the frequency of R0 resections. Current data suggest that similar short term oncological results can be obtained using LDP as those obtained using ODP.  相似文献   

Surgical resection is the only hope for cure in patients with pancreatic cancer. To improve the resectability and achieve better prognosis of this lethal disease, extended resection for pancreatic cancer has been applied. We have performed portal vein resection aggressively for pancreatic cancer with portal vein invasion. We also established a method of portal vein reconstruction using the left renal vein graft for tumors widely extended to the portal vein. Our data show similar survival between patients with portal vein obstruction and those without invasion. We also show that portal vein reconstruction using the left renal vein graft can be performed safely without severe liver damage. With video, we introduce our surgical technique for portal vein resection and reconstruction, especially focusing on the usage of the left renal vein graft, providing several tips for a safe and successful procedure.  相似文献   

Adenosquamous carcinoma is rare, accounting for 3%-4% of all pancreatic carcinoma cases. These tumors are characterized by the presence of variable proportions of mucin-producing glandular elements and squamous components, the latter of which should account for at least 30% of the tumor tissue. Recently, several reports have described cases of adenosquamous carcinoma of the pancreas. However, as the number of patients who undergo resection at a single institute is limited, large studies describing the clinicopathological features, therapeutic management, and surgical outcome for adenosquamous carcinoma of the pancreas are lacking. We performed a literature review of English articles retrieved from Medline using the keywords 'pancreas' and 'adenosquamous carcinoma'. Additional articles were obtained from references within the papers identified by the Medline search. Our subsequent review of the literature revealed that optimal adjuvant chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy regimens for adenosquamous carcinoma of the pancreas have not been established, and that curative surgical resection offers the only chance for long-term survival. Unfortunately, the prognosis of the 39 patients who underwent pancreatic resection for adenosquamous carcinoma was very poor, with a 3-year overall survival rate of 14.0% and a median survival time of 6.8 mo. Since the postoperative prognosis of adenosquamous carcinoma of the pancreas is currently worse than that of pancreatic adenocarcinoma, new adjuvant chemotherapies and/or radiation techniques should be investigated as they may prove indispensible to the improvement of surgical outcomes.  相似文献   

The results of duodenum-preserving total resection of the head of the pancreas (DpTRHP) in 20 patients were compared with the results of pylorus-preserving pancreatico-duodenostomy (PpPD), a procedure in conventional use for the treatment of benign diseases, in 19 patients. The mean operative time for DpTRHP was 4.5±0.9 h, this being not significantly different from that for PpPD, whereas the mean intraoperative blood loss with DpTRHP (825±508ml) was significantly less than that with PpPD (1382±798 ml) (P<0.05). The morbidity and mortality rates of patients treated with DpTRHP were 25% and 0%, respectively, and there were no significant differences between the two surgical treatment groups for these values. The outcome of treatment with DpTRHP was excellent, as was that of PpPD, in terms of the frequency of early gastric stasis, the duration of hospital stay, the patient's capacity for taking food, gaining weight, and working, and the performance status 6 months postoperatively. Thus, DpTRHP, which entails the least extent of resection of the head of the pancreas compared to other currently employed procedures and enables the operator to accomplish reconstruction of the pancreatic and biliary systems without resecting or interrupting the continuity of the digestive tract, was not attended by any serious complications, while, digestive tract function was well preserved, and satisfactory results were produced.  相似文献   

Duodenum-preserving resection of the head of the pancreas with denervation of the body and tail of the pancreas was performed in 41 patients with severe chronic pancreatitis. The major advantage of this procedure is that only the small head of the pancreas is resected, leaving the endocrine and exocrine systems functioning normally, along with the pancreas, duodenum, and bile duct. This procedure provides complete pain relief. Ninety-two percent of the patients experienced complete alleviation of pain and no recurrent pain due to postoperative pancreatitis; 76% of the patients were able to work well postoperatively, and 87% maintained their preoperative body weight. Postoperative glucose tolerance with a normal or glucose tolerance impairment pattern remained unchanged in 67% of the patients, with deterioration occurring in 33% of the patients between 3 months and 3 years postoperatively. However, 21% of the patients with a diabetic pattern preoperatively changed to a glucose tolerance impairment pattern between 3 months and 3 years postoperatively. Our procedure, which includes the dissection of the nerve plexus on the remnant pancreas and a near total resection of the head of the pancreas, allows the patient to maintain a good nutritional state as well as allowing for good endocrine function of the pancreas.  相似文献   

BackgroundInflammatory myofibroblastic pseudotumour is a rare pancreatic lesion.Case OutlineA 32-year-old woman with such a tumour was treated by a radical operation comprising proximal pancreatic-duodenectomy (Whipple Procedure) and transverse colectomy with resection and reconstruction of the superior mesenteric artery and vein. She remains well 6 years later.DiscussionThe importance of aggressive surgical clearance rather than chemotherapy is highlighted in the management of patients with these unusual tumours.  相似文献   



Previous reports have suggested that patients with intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) have a favorable prognosis after surgical resection. Thus, a variety of types of partial pancreatic resections have been advocated for treating these low-grade malignant tumors. However, the surgical outcome of IPMN after such limited pancreatectomy has not been fully clarified.


We performed a retrospective review of the clinicopathologic features and surgical outcome in 15 patients who underwent inferior head resection for IPMN at the Chiba University Hospital and National Cancer Center Hospital East between July 1994 and January 2007.


There were 13 patients with noninvasive IPMNs (10 adenomas and 3 noninvasive carcinomas) and 2 patients with minimally invasive intraductal papillary mucinous carcinoma (minimally invasive IPMN). Complete tumor removal (R0 resection) was performed in four patients (80%) with intraductal papillary mucinous carcinoma. Subsequent pancreatoduodenectomy was performed in one patient because of noninvasive carcinoma with multiple mucous lakes in the pancreatic parenchyma. Values for N-benzoyl-l-tyrosyl-p-aminobenzoic acid excretion test results before (n?=?13) and after (n?=?13) the operation were 70.7 and 66.1, showing no significant difference. The 2-h glucose levels in the 75?g oral glucose tolerance test before (n?=?13) and after (n?=?13) the operation were 133 and 146?mg/dl, respectively, showing no significant difference. Pancreatic fistula occurred in 7 (47%) patients. Overall morbidity and mortality rates were 67 and 0%, respectively. The overall 1-, 3-, 5-, and 10-year survival rates for the 15 patients were 100, 79, 79, and 71%, respectively. The 1-, 3-, 5-, and 10-year survival rates for patients with noninvasive IPMN (n?=?13) and those with minimally invasive IPMN (n?=?2) were 100, 92, 92, and 83%; and 100, 0, 0, and 0%, respectively. There was a significant difference in survival between patients with noninvasive IPMN and those with minimally invasive IPMN (p?=?0.0005). No patient with noninvasive IPMN developed recurrent disease. One patient with minimally invasive IPMN died of recurrent peritoneal dissemination 18?months after margin-positive R1 resection. Two patients died of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, 30 and 78?months after inferior head resection.


Pancreatic endocrine and exocrine function was well preserved after inferior head resection. Pancreatic fistula occurred more frequently after inferior head resection than with conventional pancreatoduodenectomy. Patients with noninvasive IPMN had favorable survivals after this procedure. However, one patient with minimally invasive IPMN with margin-positive R1 resection died of recurrent disease. Thus, margin-negative R0 resection should be performed for IPMN.  相似文献   

We resected the head of the pancreas in three patients with occlusive diseases or anomalous arrangement of the abdominal visceral arteries. The first patient who was diagnosed with cancer of the head of the pancreas; pancreatoduodenectomy (PD) was performed. Preoperative celiac angiography showed no significant occlusion of the celiac axis, while superior mesenteric arteriography visualized the common hepatic artery, with delayed retrograde filling. At the completion of the PD, an unsuspected atherosclerotic celiac occlusion was identified. Celiac reconstruction was performed. The second patient was diagnosed with cystadenoma of the head of the pancreas and had congenital ostial occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA), with dilated pancreaticoduodenal (PD) arcades as a celiacomesenteric collateral pathway. Duodenum-preserving resection of the head of the pancreas was performed, with preservation of the PD arcades. The third patient was diagnosed with cancer of the common bile duct, and exhibited a replaced common hepatic artery that arose from the SMA and formed PD arcades. PD was performed, with revascularization of the common hepatic artery. Following surgery, the three patients have done well for 18, 27, and 9 months, respectively. Careful preoperative investigation to identify abnormalities of the visceral arteries is necessary before resection of the head of the pancreas is performed.  相似文献   

目的探讨介入治疗原发性肝癌(hepatic cell carcinoma,HCC)合并门静脉癌栓(portal vein tumor thrombus,PVTT)的临床疗效与安全性。方法收集第三军医大学大坪医院收治的66例HCC患者,按照随机数字表法分为联合治疗组和经导管动脉化疗检塞术(TACE)治疗组。联合治疗组采用TACE联合门静脉化疗(PVC)治疗,TACE治疗组采用单独TACE治疗,比较两组患者的临床疗效。结果治疗半年后联合治疗组治疗的有效率和PVTT缩小率分别为72.73%和78.79%,显著高于TACE治疗组的63.64%和51.52%(P0.05)。联合治疗组患者的中位生存时间及半年、1年、2年生存率均较TACE治疗组高(P0.05)。1个月后联合治疗组的毒副反应发生率为36.36%,显著低于TACE治疗组的81.82%(P0.05)。治疗半年后联合治疗组和TACE治疗组的AFP分别为(425.36±113.32)IU/ml和(725.32±113.32)IU/ml(P0.05)。结论 TACE联合PVC治疗HCC合并PVTT可提高中、晚期HCC患者治疗的有效率,改善患者的生存质量,还可降低抗癌药所产生的毒副反应和AFP水平。  相似文献   

A bifid pancreatic duct presenting a major bifurcation in the main pancreatic duct is one of the anatomical variations of the pancreatic ducts. We encountered a 71-year-old female with a 5-cm-diameter branch duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas in whom preoperative endoscopic retrograde pancreatography demonstrated an anomalous bifurcation of the main pancreatic duct at the body of the pancreas. We performed a distal pancreatectomy, instead of a middle pancreatectomy, with a cutting line at the downstream pancreas to the duct bifurcation point. Intraoperative ultrasonography was useful to confirm the exact location of the pancreatic duct bifurcation as well as the tumor extension. The procedure resulted in a favorable outcome without any postoperative complications. Although a bifid pancreatic duct is an unusual anomalous condition, this case should alert surgeons to be aware of such anatomical variants when performing pancreatic resection, otherwise, incurable pancreatic complications may occur postoperatively.  相似文献   

Distal pancreatectomy with resection of the celiac axis can increase resectability of carcinoma of the body and tail of the pancreas. We performed reconstruction of the hepatic artery to avoid complications caused by a decrease in hepatic arterial flow. We carried out distal pancreatectomy with resection of the celiac axis for carcinoma of the body and tail of the pancreas in four patients. When pulsation in the proper hepatic artery was weak after occlusion of the celiac axis, we performed reconstruction of the hepatic artery, using the splenic artery, which had been taken beforehand from the resected specimen. In two patients, we performed reconstruction of the hepatic artery. These two patients underwent reconstruction of the portal vein combined with prolonged clamping of the portal vein. Levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were elevated just after the operation, but recovered to normal levels within 10 days. No complications related to hepatic ischemia were observed. These results suggested that reconstruction of the hepatic artery allowed us to safely perform distal pancreatectomy with resection of the celiac axis for carcinoma of the body and tail of the pancreas.  相似文献   

AIM:To estimate the prognosis of patients with liver failure using a scoring model of severe viral hepatitis (SMSVH) and a model of end stage liver disease (MELD) to provide a scientific basis for clinical decision of treatment. METHODS:One hundred and twenty patients with liver failure due to severe viral hepatitis were investigated with SMSVH established. Patients with acute,subacute,and chronic liver failure were 40,46 and 34,respectively. The follow-up time was 6 mo. The survival rates of patients with liver failure in 2 wk,4 wk,3 mo and 6 mo were estimated with Kaplan-Meier method. Comparison between SMSVH and MELD was made using ROC statistic analysis. RESULTS:The survival curves of group A (at low risk,SMSVH score ≤ 4) and group B (at high risk,SMSVH score ≥ 5) were significantly different (The 4-wk,3-mo,6-mo survival rates were 94.59%,54.05%,43.24% in group A,and 51.81%,20.48%,12.05% in group B,respectively,P < 0.001). The survival curves of group C (SMSVH scores unchanged or increased),group D (SMSVH scores decreased by 1) and group E (SMSVH scores decreased by 2 or more) were significantly different .The survival rates of groups C,D and E were 66.15%,100%,100% in 2-wk; 40.0%,91.18%,100% in 4-wk; 0%,58.82%,80.95% in 3-mo and 0%,38.24%,61.90% in 6-mo,respectively,P < 0.001). The area under the ROC curve (AUC) of SMSVH scores at baseline and after 2 wk of therapy was significantly higher than that under the ROC curve of MELD scores (0.804 and 0.934 vs 0.689,P < 0.001). CONCLUSION:SMSVH is superior to MELD in theestimation of the prognosis of patients with severe viral hepatitis within 6 mo. SMSVH may be regarded as a criterion for estimation of the efficacy of medical treatment and the decision of clinical treatment.  相似文献   

Summary Conclusion Combined resection of the celiac artery with a distal pancreatectomy (DP) increases the resectability and improves the overal prognosis of patients with locally advanced ductal cancer of the body and tail of the pancreas. Background Carcinoma of the body and tail of the pancreas is often unresectable because of invasion to adjacent organs. We evaluated a DP including anen bloc resection of the celiac artery (“extended”), for pancreatic cancer that had invaded the common hepatic and/or celiac arteries. Methods Six cases of an “extended” DP were compared with 19 cases of a “standard” DP for pancreatic ductal carcinoma in terms of clinical and pathologic findings, perioperative course, and long-term outcome. We also compared the survival rate of these two groups with a third group consisting of 22 patients with unresectable pancreatic ductal carcinoma. Results The mean operative time, postoperative serum aspartate aminotransferase concentration, and length of hospital stay did not significantly differ between the “extended” and “standard” DP groups. The cumulative 1- and 3-yr accumulated survival rates for the “extended,” “standard,” and unresectable groups were 40.0, 33.3, and 5.4, and 20.0, 16.6, and 0%, respectively. Statistically significant differences (p<0.01) existed between the “extended” and unresected groups.  相似文献   

目的:评价伴肝脏转移的胰头癌患者内镜胆道内支架引流治疗的临床意义.方法:门诊就诊和转院的胰头癌伴有肝脏转移患者,如具有严重的梗阻性黄疸则符合内镜逆行胆胰管造影救治指征,然后按照知情同意的原则进入治疗研究计划.均应用内镜胆道内支架引流技术,包括金属内支架和塑料支架.治疗出院后随访观察至患者死亡.结果:16例患者进入治疗研究,其中伴有腹膜后淋巴结转移5例.均采用内镜胆道支架引流术,其中应用胆道金属支架12例,胆道塑料支架4例,胰管内支架6例.治疗后1 wk时梗阻性黄疸缓解率100%,精神状况明显好转75.0%(12/16),食欲改善25.0%(4/16),睡眠改善37.5%(6/16).治疗后的患者最短生存期为9d,最长生存期为134 d,平均81.4 d±50.2 d.随访数据表明治疗有意义的97%,治疗效果满意的11例.结论:对于伴有肝脏转移的胰头癌患者,内镜胆道内支架引流技术不仅能解除梗阻性黄疸,而且可以一定程度的改善生存质量,具有一定的临床应用价值.  相似文献   


Background and aim

Recently, the European Association for the Study of the Liver – Chronic Liver Failure (CLIF) Consortium defined two new prognostic scores, according to the presence or absence of acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF): the CLIF Consortium ACLF score (CLIF-C ACLFs) and the CLIF-C Acute Decompensation score (CLIF-C ADs). We sought to compare their accuracy in predicting 30- and 90-day mortality with some of the existing models: Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP), Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD), MELD-Na, integrated MELD (iMELD), MELD to serum sodium ratio index (MESO), Refit MELD and Refit MELD-Na.


Retrospective cohort study that evaluated all admissions due to decompensated cirrhosis in 2 centers between 2011 and 2014. At admission each score was assessed, and the discrimination ability was compared by measuring the area under the ROC curve (AUROC).


A total of 779 hospitalizations were evaluated. Two hundred and twenty-two patients met criteria for ACLF (25.9%). The 30- and 90-day mortality were respectively 17.7 and 37.3%.CLIF-C ACLFs presented an AUROC for predicting 30- and 90-day mortality of 0.684 (95% CI: 0.599–0.770) and 0.666 (95% CI: 0.588–0.744) respectively. No statistically significant differences were found when compared to traditional models. For patients without ACLF, CLIF-C ADs had an AUROC for predicting 30- and 90-day mortality of 0.689 (95% CI: 0.614–0.763) and 0.672 (95% CI: 0.624–0.720) respectively. When compared to other scores, it was only statistically superior to MELD for predicting 30-day mortality (p = 0.0296).


The new CLIF-C scores were not statistically superior to the traditional models, with the exception of CLIF-C ADs for predicting 30-day mortality.  相似文献   

Preservation of normal pancreatic tissue in the surgical treatment of benign tumors of the pancreas offers advantages over more extended pancreatic resections. Removal of the uncinate process of the pancreas with the preservation of Wirsung's duct allows resection of a localized tumor within the uncinate process of the pancreas, maintains the flow of pancreatic juice into the duodenum, and preserves the dorsal part of the head of the gland. A pancreatic duct stent is particularly useful to identify the pancreatic duct (Wirsung's duct) intraoperatively to avoid injury which causes postoperative pancreatic leak. We have developed and employed a novel technique whereby tumors are completely excised, in combination with medial pancreatectomy, for the management of multiple mucin‐producing tumors of the pancreas localized in the uncinate process and in the body of the pancreas. The cut end of the head of the pancreas is closed by interrupted sutures. Reconstruction for the distal pancreas is effected with a Roux‐en‐Y pancreatico‐jejunostomy to the tail of the pancreas. Recovery was uncomplicated in our patient, with no endocrine or exocrine pancreatic insufficiency after 2‐year follow‐up.  相似文献   

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