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The lipid and phospholipid composition of the myocardium and mitochondria of cardiac myocytes of rabbits was studied after correction of atherogenic dyslipoproteinemia induced by intravenous infusion of atherogenic lipoproteins. Discontinuation of lipoprotein infusions and subsequent normalization of the blood lipoprotein spectrum was not attended by removal of lipidosis of the cardiac muscle characteristic of hyperlipoproteinemia. The disturbance of the lipid composition of the mitochondria of the cardiac myocytes also persisted after disappearance of atherogenic dyslipoproteinemia. The results of the study provide evidence of the existence of a patho-autokinetic element of the pathogenesis of disturbances of myocardial lipid metabolism occurring in atherogenesis.  相似文献   

Changes in the impulse activity of neurons of the sensorimotor, parietal associative, and visual areas of the cerebral cortex were studied during the performance of conditioned instrumental alimentary behavior by an animal. Comparative analysis of impulse activity of the neurons investigated showed that 71.4% of the cells of the parietal associative area of the cerebral cortex were activated when the conditional stimulus was turned on; 75.8% of neurons of the visual cortex were activated when the animal pressed the pedal; 82.5% of the cells of the somatosensory and 75.8% of the visual area of the cerebral cortex increased activity upon appearance of milk in the food dispenser. During lapping of the milk, 75.8% of cells of the visual cortex showed reduction of activity. Reorganization of the impulse activity of individual neurons of the cerebral cortex reflected the unfolding of pretriggering integration formed as the result of preliminary training of the animal. The character of the impulse activity of the neurons investigated at the stage of realization of the program of the action and obtaining of reinforcement was determined primarily by the streams of afferent excitations arising during the perception of parameters of the stage-related and final results of the behavior. Translated from Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatel'nosti imeni I. P. Pavlova, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 333–340, March–April, 1993.  相似文献   

Visual-planimetric evaluation of atherosclerosis of the aorta, subclavian, iliac, and femoral arteries in men of 50--64 who had died in Riga and Samarkand was carried out. The values characterizing the extent and severity of atherosclerosis of these arteries in the indigenous and non-indigenous population of these cities were calculated. Differences in the morphological features and course of atherosclerosis of arteries of the extremities in relation to the place of residence were established. No significant differences in the development of atherosclerotic changes of arteries of the extremities between indigenous and non-indigenous residents of Riga were found. The indigenous residents of Samarkand had low values of the area of atherosclerotic changes of the blood vessels of the extremities as well as low frequency of stenoses and obliterating lesions as compared with the non-indigenous residents. The observed differences indicate the importance of climatic-geographical and genetic factors and national-environmental features of the way of life in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic diseases of the extremities.  相似文献   

The effect of KNCO on the structural integrity of salt solutions of DNP was investigated. The use of sedimentation, viscosimetric, and circular dichroism methods showed that KNCO does not cause degradation of the polynucleotide strands of DNA but it weakens the bond between DNA and proteinLaboratory of Biophysics, Institute of Medical Genetics, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. Sector of Kinetics of Chemical and Biological Processes, Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Laboratory of Physical Methods of Investigation, D. I. Ivanovskii Institute of Virology, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR S. S. Debov.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 81, No. 4, pp. 425–427, April, 1976.  相似文献   

Examination of workers in contact with dyes containing radicals of carcinogenic compounds revealed disturbances of the mucous membrane of the urinary bladder (papillary changes, chronic cystitis, trigonitis). Immunoserologic investigation of the blood serum of these workers by means of an immunologic method suggested for the diagnosis of carcinoma of the urinary bladder revealed 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid, a tryptophan metabolite, in the blood of some of the workers as a hapten. The frequency of discovery of this metabolite, like the frequency of detection of pathological changes in the mucous membrane of the urinary bladder, depended on the degree of contact of the workers with the dyes. It is concluded that the immunologic determination of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid can be used for the detection of persons with a risk of developing occupational bladder tumors.  相似文献   

Polyposis of the large intestine is a common affliction of the intestine which usually occurs as a result of inflammatory diseases or of dysplasia of embryonic anlages. Malignization of diffuse polyposis is observed in 70-100% of cases. A case of diffuse polyposis of the large intestine with initial phenomena of malignization in a male patient aged 44 years is described. The case in question was characterized by the presence of accompanying diffuse amyloidosis of a number of internal organs (kidney, spleen, pancreas). The onset of amyloidosis in this case was associated apparently with the character of absorption by a pathologically changed surface of the large intestine mucosa and with the enlargement of the surface of absorption of products of the protein metabolism.  相似文献   

A complex method for measuring vessels of the lungs is suggested; the method includes a number of successive procedures: contrasting of vessels under physiological pressure, stereoscopy of the preparation of the lung in a non-atelectatic and non-fixed state and obtaining of stereopaired angiograms, marking the levels of branching of vessels and determination of their lumen by means of stereocomparator, fixation of the lung, spot cutting and morphometry of the wall of the same segments of the lung vessels. The size of the lumen of the vessel approximating the intravital one, was combined with morphometric parametres of its wall and indices were calculated characterizing a morpho-functional state of the blood flow bed of the lungs.  相似文献   

In article various ways of increase of efficiency of treatment of is mixed the bacterial-virus infection of the bottom department of sexual ways at women by means of application in complex therapy of homologous bacteriophages, pectovit, antiviral -immunomodulation therapies and sated with oxygen (oxygenic) water solutions of antiseptic tanks are considered. The scientifically-practical urgency of this problem is represented and actual for the decision of an important social and economic problem of improvement of quality of life, decrease in number of infectious complications and perfection of the medical help to sick women with frequent recidives an infection of the bottom department of sexual ways.  相似文献   

The conclusion that the AP activity of IFN in the ChLI-1 preparation was not lost but masked by an admixture of obscure factors was drawn on the basis of coefficients of AV/AP ratio titres of IFN-alpha preparations of various degrees of purification prepared at the Gamaleia Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology and the shape of curves of the AP effect. It was found that the curve of AP activity of diluted interferon may be of parabolic shape which reflected AP effect of high and low concentrations in the absence of AP effect for some intermediate dilutions. This is due to competitive relationships of the growth-stimulating factors and IFN upon non-simultaneous elimination of its individual subtypes. The existence of a curve of such shape indicates the expediency of testing lower concentrations than those which are characterized by a sigmoid shape of curves of AP activity, especially for cells with low sensitivity to interferon.  相似文献   

A pain syndrome was induced in rats by means of a microinjection of purified tetanus toxin into the posterior horns of gray matter of the lumbosacral segments of the spinal cord. The toxin was used as a means of disturbing inhibitory mechanisms. Investigation showed that a pain syndrome can be reproduced if afferent stimulation from the periphery is blocked (by division of the nerves of the hind limbs or division of the dorsal lumbosacral roots on the side of injection of the toxin). Under these conditions the latent period of onset of the syndrome was lengthened and the degree of its development weakened a little in the initial stages by comparison with animals with intact afferentation. In many animals with blocked afferentation from the hind limb general manifestations (restlessness, aggressiveness, crying, etc.) were accompanied by a localized response in the form of increased licking, biting, or even chewing the tissues of the deafferented limb at the site of projection of the pain (the phantom syndrome). In some animals only the general reaction was observed without localization of the pain (protopathic pain). In all cases the attacks of pain arose paroxysmally. In animals with intact limb innervation the zones of licking were trigger zones of facilitated induction of an attack of pain. Injection of glycine into the affected posterior horns of the spinal cord abolished the pain syndrome during the time of action of the glycine. It is concluded that the pain syndrome is based on the formation of a generator of pathologically intensified excitation, as a result of disturbance of inhibitory processes, in the system of neurons connected with pain sensation. These mechanisms are evidently those principally concerned in the pathogenesis of all pain syndromes.  相似文献   

Basing on the literature data and findings of their own investigations with the use of sophisticated methods of morphological analysis, the authors showed that morphogenesis of experimental amyloidosis comprised the following links: 1) cellular transformations of the reticulo-endothelial system with formation of a clone of amyloidoblasts; 2) synthesis by these cells of protein of amyloid fibrils; 3) aggregation of fibrils with formation of a "carcass" of amyloid substance; 4) combination of aggregated fibrils with proteins and glucoproteids of plasma and also with acid mucopolysaccharides of the tissue and formation of a complex glucoproteid -- amyloid. The sources of amyloblasts in various organs were precursors of different cells of mesenchymal nature: in the spleen -- reticular and endothelial cells; in the liver -- Kupffer's cells; in the kidney -- mesangial and endothelial cells. In the course of formation of amyloid fibrils, the latter being anomalous protein of the body, a "competition" started between the synthesis of fibrillar protein and its resorption (amyloidoclasia). It completed in favour of the synthesis, which may be explained by the development of immunological tolerance to amyloid protein. At the final stage of amyloidogenesis of particular importance was an increase in the tissue-vascular permeability, which ensured the extracellular formation of amyloid substance and inclusion therein of hematogenic "additions" (fibrin', immune complexes, etc.).  相似文献   

On the basis of histological and ultrastructural study of 57 neurilemmomas 4 main morphological types of tumour are distinguished; with a prevalence of the Antoni A type tissue, with a prevalence of the tissue of the transitory zone, prevalence of the Antoni B type tissue and a fibrosing variant of neurilemmoma. A variety of the morphological variants of neurilemmoma is due to different quantitative combination of morphological sings of degeneration and necrosis of tumour cells with the organization of the aseptic necrosis of tumour cells with the organization of the aseptic necrosis by their replacement with a fibrous tissue. The peculiarity of the peripheral nerve blood supply is a premise for the development of tumour cell degeneration.  相似文献   

A simple method for selection of fields of vision in microscopy of histological sections is suggested. The objective of the microscope is focused to any corner of the section, and values of integrator screws of the preparation driver are read. Two other diagonal corners of the section are placed under the objective and values of the integrator screws are read. Numbers of the natural series between the first and second readings of integrator screw values are taken as the numbers of fields of vision in the section examined. A random number of a field of vision is obtained from the table of random numbers in the interval of numbers obtained from values of the integrator screws.  相似文献   

The influence of terahertz range waves at 129.0 GHz (frequency of the molecular spectrum of radiation and absorption of atmospheric oxygen) on faulty coagulation hemostasis and its fibrinolysis potential was studied under conditions of experimental stress. Considerable hypercoagulation and the suppression of fibrinolysis of blood were observed in experimental animals exposed to experimental stress. The influence of 129.0 GHz radiation was studied in animals under conditions of immobilizing stress. No considerable changes in the faulty indicators of hemostasis and fibrinolysis were observed for 5-min exposure duration. In case of 15-min exposure, partial normalization of indicators characterizing the coagulation cascade and fibrinolysis was observed. The influence of terahertz radiation on the specified frequencies within 30 min caused full normalization of hemocoagulation and fibrinolysis as the studied indicators of a coagulation link of the system of hemostasis and fibrinolysis. Thus, on the basis of the presented data it is possible to draw a conclusion about positive effect of terahertz radiation at the frequency of the molecular spectrum of radiation and absorption of atmospheric oxygen (129.0 GHz) on the coagulation properties and fibrinolysis of blood in animals under conditions of immobilizing stress. A 30-min exposure proved to be especially effective for restoration of the indicators of hemocoagulation and fibrinolysis activity of blood.  相似文献   

Carcinomas of the anus are subdivided into those of the anal canal and those of the anal margin. It has been postulated that the various types of tumours of the anal canal represent a spectrum of differentiation rather than tumours of a separate origin. We compared the expression of Pan-cadherin, cytokeratins (CKs) 5/6, 7, 13, 18 and 19, p53 and MIB-1 in 17 cases of carcinoma of the anal canal and 5 cases of carcinoma of the anal margin. Expression of Pan-cadherin was decreased in 70% of carcinomas of the anal canal but preserved in all five carcinomas of the anal margin. Most of the carcinomas of the anal canal expressed all of the CKs studied. Carcinomas of the anal margin showed expression of CK 5/6 and CK 13, whereas CK7, CK18 and CK19 were rarely expressed. Loss of expression of CK 18 and 19, but not CK 7, is a marker of dedifferentiation in anal canal carcinoma. Of the carcinomas of the anal canal and anal margin, 46% and 80%, respectively, expressed p53. The immunhistochemical findings support the opinion that the various subtypes of carcinoma of the anal canal represent variants in differentiation of squamous cell carcinomas of the anal canal. They confirm the separate histogenetic origin of tumours from the anal canal and anal margin.  相似文献   

目的:探讨肺炎合剂对小鼠T淋巴细胞转化的影响,并试图为药研究淋巴细胞转化提供检测方法依据。方法:通过病毒性肺炎患儿淋巴细胞转化率降低的机体,用氢化可的松建立免疫低下小鼠模型,以不同剂量药液灌胃给药后,采用MTTI法和流式细胞仪检测法对比观察肺炎合剂对ConA诱导的小鼠脾T淋巴细胞转化的作用。结果:肺炎合剂使正常和免疫低下小鼠脾T淋巴细胞增殖能力显著增强。结论:肺炎合剂对小鼠脾T淋巴细胞增反应的促进作用,可能是该药作用机理之一。并认为流式细胞术是测定淋巴细胞转化的一种准确而可靠的方法。  相似文献   

胎儿直肠黏膜下层微血管构筑的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究胎儿直肠黏膜下层器官内微血管的分布特点。为临床直肠相关疾病病机的分析及术式改进提供血供方面的基础资料。方法胎儿尸体20例,墨汁灌注,组织切片及组织揭层透明蒲片,光镜下观察直肠黏膜下层微血管的构筑情况,测量黏膜下层毛细血管分部密度。结果上半直肠黏膜下层微动脉多呈环状分布,下半直肠黏膜下层微血管多呈纵行的丛状分布。在上半直肠前壁及直肠颈后壁中线部位存在毛细血管"相对低密度区"。结论直肠黏膜下层的微血管网、丛在整个直肠血供中起核心作用,在上半直肠前壁及直肠颈后壁中线部位存在毛细血管"相对低密度区"。  相似文献   

We studied the dependence of various parameters of adenylate pool in hepatocytes on oxygen concentrations. Isolated cells responded to a decrease in oxygen content in their microenvironment by changes in components of the adenine nucleotide system, which attested to phasic nature of this process. Three ranges of oxygen concentrations differing by the type of changes in the parameters of adenylate pool were distinguished: steady-state range of these parameters; primary changes in the adenylate pool aimed at minimization of energy losses (compensatory stage characteristic of the initial stages of hypoxia); and linear drop of ATP content paralleled by decompensation of the regulatory mechanisms of ATP formation and adenine nucleotide degradation. Hence, parameters of the adenylate pool can serve as predictors of different stages of hypoxia. Differences in the parameters of adenylate pool depending on the level of O2 in hepatocytes of rats highly and low-resistant to hypoxia indicate that energy metabolism is a mechanism involved in the formation of individual cell resistance to oxygen deficiency. These data suggest that suspension of isolated hepatocytes as an adequate cellular model for experimental studies of the effects of hypoxia on energy metabolism and functional activity of the cell.  相似文献   

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