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黄淑容 《基层医学论坛》2016,(15):2110-2111
目的 研究计划生育服务机构实施流产后计划生育的干预效果.方法 选取行人工流产的440例女性并随机分为2组,对照组给予常规护理,研究组在常规护理基础上给予计划生育干预措施,对比分析2组患者的节育知识的掌握程度及避孕情况.结果 对照组节育知识掌握程度评分和主动避孕率明显低于研究组(P<0.05).结论 计划生育服务机构实施流产后计划生育的干预效果明显,可以明显提高女性节育知识掌握程度及主动避孕率,维护女性健康,适于大范围推广使用.  相似文献   

史晓红 《基层医学论坛》2016,(24):3370-3372
目的:探讨人工流产后计划生育服务干预的方法及效果。方法回顾性分析2011年3月—2014年4月我院妇产科收治的1200例接受人工流产孕妇的临床资料,随机分为研究组和对照组,研究组于人工流产后给予计划生育服务干预,对照组仅给予常规指导。评价比较2组干预前后避孕节育知识知晓率、生殖健康、避孕态度(意愿)等变化的差异。结果2组干预后避孕节育、生殖健康及避孕态度等指标得分均有所上升(P<0.05),且研究组上升幅度显著大于对照组,对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论孕产妇人工流产后给予计划生育服务干预能对育龄女性避孕节育知识、态度及行为产生积极的引导效果。  相似文献   

生育是人口增长的起点,节制生育是控制人口的最有效途径。避孕作为优于节欲和人工流产的节育措施,在我国得到了卓有成效的应用。避孕现状的调查,不仅可以在一定程度上反映计划生育效果,而且可以为加强计划生育工作的科学管理提供参考依据。本文就1985年福州市鼓楼、台江、仓山三区妇女抽样调查的资料,对市区避孕现状作一些分析。  相似文献   

本文收集1988年福州市2976例新生儿的出生体重、身高等资料,利用正态分布方法确定体重正常值范围,结果为:男性3222±686g,女性3134±725g。  相似文献   

目的 探讨计生办开展人工流产后计划生育服务的干预效果.方法 以2014年—2016年自愿参加本研究的80例人工流产妇女为研究对象,于人工流产术后进行计划生育服务综合干预,于术前、术后6个月分别进行相同的避孕知识问卷调查,观察比较干预前后的高效避孕措施使用率、避孕知识知晓率.结果 术后6个月高效避孕措施使用率、避孕知识知晓率均高于干预前,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 计生办开展人工流产后计划生育服务,可明显提高人工流产妇女的生殖健康知识水平,减少非意愿妊娠,值得推广应用.  相似文献   

目的 探讨我国女性计划生育的临床概况;方法通过对195例已婚女性惊醒关于计划生育的问卷调查;结果 我国女性计划生育以宫内节育器应用人数为101例,避孕药物使用人数70例,输卵管绝育手术16例,注射避孕针4例,皮下埋植剂4例; 结论 在我国女性计划生育中宫内节育器是最常用的;口服避孕药也是重要的避孕方法之一,其他的避孕法方还包括注射避孕针、皮下埋植剂、输卵管绝育手术.  相似文献   

1995年中国医学科学进展——计划生育学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乌毓明 《中华医学杂志》1995,75(12):749-751

生殖健康与计划生育的关系,生殖健康和计划生育的具体方法,医务人员的责任和义务,生殖健康与计划生育面临的新问题.  相似文献   

生殖健康与计划生育的关系,生殖健康和计划生育的具体方法,医务人员的责任和义务,生殖健康与计划生育面临的新问题.  相似文献   

新疆是以维吾尔族(以下简称维族)为主的多民族地区。新疆少数民族计划生育工作起步较晚,作者通过对维、汉族育龄妇女的婚姻及计划生育状况调查分析后发现:维族结婚率较汉族为高。过去3D年间,维、汉族育龄妇女平均初婚年龄呈增长趋势,但维族平均初婚年龄较汉族约提前3年。从使用避孕方法的分析发现,维、汉族都以女性避孕为主,维族尤为明显,说明今后应在少数民族中加强晚婚、晚育宣传和计划生育工作。本次调查也为今后我区进一步开展计划生育,提高人口素质提供科学依据。  相似文献   

深化医药卫生体制改革为卫生信息化建设提供了前所未有的发展机遇,医院信息化建设到将会带来了哪些效益,将结合山东省千佛山医院实际,对产生的效益最大化进行分析。  相似文献   

History of Quality of Care in China In the early 1990s, the low fertility level was finally reached in China after more than 20 years of arduous efforts in family planning program. Total fertility rate (TFR) of childbearing women declined to around 1.8, l…  相似文献   

目的:为保证计划生育技术服务可持续发展,适应计生服务的要求,在计划生育形象策划上创新,从而达到发展是第一要务的理念。方法:参阅国内外有关资料,结合计划生育技术服务实情进行研究。结果:计划生育技术服务形象是个昭示,良好的形象能激发员工的工作热情,病人更加信赖服务站。结论:精心塑造计划生育技术服务站形象、形象也是社会效益。  相似文献   

目的 比较孤独症儿童和正常儿童血浆 5 羟色胺 (5 HT)浓度、出生季节和孕期母亲情绪 ,从而探索孤独症 5 HT增高的原因和可能的发病机制。方法 对 5 4名孤独症儿童和 5 5名正常儿童进行了血浆 5 HT检测、并调查出生季节、孕期母亲情绪。对孤独症儿童还进行了适应行为评定量表评定。结果 孤独症儿童适应行为评定量表的得分为 67.65± 1.67。孤独症儿童 5 HT浓度为 0 .78± 0 .3 2 μmol/L ;正常儿童 5 -HT浓度为 0 .62± 0 .16μmol/L ,两组经t检验有统计学差异显著性 (t =3 .17;P =0 .0 0 2 ) ,5 HT增高的孤独症儿童有 17人。与正常儿童比较 ,孤独症儿童冬春季出生居多 ,母孕期母亲情绪问题明显。结论 在胎儿神经发育的关键时期母体可能存在 5 HT系统功能增强 ,可能是导致孤独症 5 HT增高的原因 ,也许是孤独症可能的发病机制之一。  相似文献   

~~h0仇ec灯巳*e汕cds 7汕d。Z。w。。MZ。。ned爪。ujh a sc。。-SZr。。、Zur似。Zer。。e。s’/ledll/’, ’。fried ollt in 2 687married men at Mu)nbal City,India in]999.Reslllts Abc。t 80%V men jelt t。o oh。ldren as the。r ideal jdm。ly s。ie,while 82?。。;。d t。。o chlldre。i。 e.o。e。on and on。daughter.8 2%o/。e。。had st,、。。g p。vier-。。。。e/o。t。o o)。。no,-e sons because djam。lyl。neage,oldage su种ort audio s。。种o)。t。。l(/ OthU),23.]% Vth。couples had used c。。ntracept。…  相似文献   

本文随机抽取150名12岁福州地区中学生生长发育调查资料,根据其身高、体重、胸围的测量值,应用椭球方程代数表达式,建立福州地区12岁男生生长发育的9s%正常值范围作为生长发育评价际准。  相似文献   

Objective To assess the impact of pamphlet distribution and counseling on STI/HIV/condom knowledge, attitudes towards STI / AIDS patients and condom use intention of married couples in Shanghai and explore the effective way of integrating STI/HIV prevention with family planning services.Methods Four hundred and five married women aged 20~39 and their husbands were recruited from 14 family planning stations at 7 administrative districts of Shanghai. They were randomly divided into two groups, the counseling intervention (CI) group with 199 couples and the pamphlet distribution (PD) group with 206 couples. For the PD group, only pamphlets containing information on STI/AIDS/ condom were distributed and condoms given free of charge, whereas for the CI group,they were provided with not only full counseling on STI /AIDS /condom and free condoms, but also followed by demonstration of correct condom use. The two modes of interventions were conducted following the baseline survey, and the follow-up data were collected one month later.Results 1. There was no statistical difference between the two groups on STI/AIDS/condom knowledge level, attitudes towards STI /AIDS patients and condom use intention at the baseline. 2. The follow-up findings indicated that: ① A significant enhancement in knowledge level was observed in the CI group, with 20% increase for husbands and 24% for wives. While for the PD group, only slight increase was observed : 2% for husbands and 3% for wives ; ② 93% husbands and 76% wives of the CI group changed their discriminatory attitudes towards STI patients, and towards AIDS patients, the percentages were 73% and 78%, respectively; ③ 68% husbands and 64% wives of the CI group expressed their intention for condom use; ④ For the PD group, however, there was no difference in attitudes towards STI/AIDS patients and condom use intention at the baseline and follow-up. 3. The knowledge scores and attitudes towards STI/AIDS patients were mainly influenced by the means of intervention. While the intention of condom use was influenced not only by means of intervention but also by condom availability.Conclusions 1. Good counseling can not only greatly enhance people‘s STI/AIDS/condom knowledge level but also apparently change their discrminatory attitudes towards STI/AIDS patients; 2. Effective counseling and condom availability are two important factors that influence condom use intention; 3. It is effective and feasible to integrate counseling with the routine procedure of family planning services, hence is worth being scaled up in Shanghai or even nationwide.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate and overview the experience of quality care of family planning of China.Methods The framework of quality care of China was summarized and analyzed, that was clients, technology and management triangle program system.Results The 8 fundamental elements of quality care in China were presented:1) policy environment of QoC, 2) comprehensive services, 3) choice of method, 4) IEC to policy-makers and providers, 5) technical competence, 6) interpersonal communications, 7) institutional guideline and regulation, 8) appropriate constellation of service.Conclusion FP sectors should prepare different constellations of service to meet their individual reproductive health need for different clients and develop institutional guideline and regulation for FP service to follow up in practice. QoC should be a kind of standardized service process.  相似文献   

重症监护病房资源使用和费用的产生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :采用TISS评分评估重症监护病房 (ICU)资源使用和费用产生。方法 :前瞻性研究。ICU住院日大于 2 4h的患者。每日评估APACHEⅡ和TISS得分。患者按照TISS参数回顾性分为积极治疗组 (AT)和非积极治疗组 (NAT)。结果 :14 8个患者中 131人 (88.5 % )分入AT组。AT组患者APACHEⅡ和TISS得分高于NAT组 (P <0 .0 1)。所有患者平均每天的费用为 (6 2 32 .7± 4 36 5 .7)元。AT组患者总费用 (32 80 0 .5± 4 6 72 3.5 )元明显高于NAT组 (6 85 2 .1± 6 132 .4 )元 (P <0 .0 1) ,每天的费用 (6 2 32 .7± 4 36 5 .7)元高于NAT组 (2 74 5 .8± 15 4 1.3)元 (P <0 .0 1) ,平均ICU住院日 (5 .4± 4 .2 )d也高于NAT组 (2 .2± 1.3)d(P <0 .0 1)。结论 :接受AT治疗的患者病情重 ,总费用和每天的费用均明显高于NAT组 ,保证ICU收容质量可以节约资源  相似文献   

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