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Chlamydia trachomatis is the most frequent sexually transmitted bacterial infection. Tests to diagnose C. trachomatis infections include growth on cell culture and assays detecting bacterial antigens or nucleic acids. Until recently, culture was considered the gold standard of testing because of its high specificity. However, the sensitivity of culture is limited. Nucleic acid amplification tests (NATs) have the highest sensitivity and are almost as specific as culture. They are best suited for screening. Chlamydial antigen EIAs are considerably less sensitive and specific, resulting in low positive predictive values, especially when low-prevalence populations are studied. Thus, positive results of chlamydia antigen EIAs should be confirmed by another test.  相似文献   

Bei der zirkumskripten Sklerodermie handelt es sich um eine heterogene Gruppe von sklerotischen Erkrankungen der Haut mit je nach Subtyp, Schweregrad und Lokalisation möglicher Beteiligung von hautnahen Strukturen wie Fettgewebe, Muskulatur, Gelenke und Knochen. Dies ist eine Aktualisierung der bereits bestehenden deutschen Leitlinie der AWMF (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Wissenschaftlichen Medizinischen Wissenschaften) mit dem Klassifizierungsgrad S2k. Die Leitlinie gibt einen Überblick zur Definition, Epidemiologie, Klassifikation, Pathogenese, Labordiagnostik, Histopathologie sowie klinischen Scores und apparativen Diagnostik der zirkumskripten Sklerodermie. Des Weiteren erfolgen konsensbasierte Empfehlungen zum Management der zirkumskripten Sklerodermie in Abhängigkeit vom klinischen Subtyp. Die Behandlungsempfehlungen sind in einem Therapiealgorithmus dargestellt. Eine finanzielle Unterstützung zur Erstellung der Leitlinie durch die pharmazeutische Industrie erfolgte nicht. Die Leitlinie ist bis Juli 2019 gültig.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Qualit?t stellt heute nicht nur in der privaten Wirtschaft, sondern auch in der Medizin einen zentralen Parameter in der Bewertung von Gütern und Dienstleistungen dar. Um Qualit?t in umfassender Weise zu gew?hrleisten, bedarf es heute nicht mehr nur der Qualit?tskontrolle, sondern der Qualit?tssicherung, ja des Qualit?tsmanagements. Dabei gilt es auf die Teilaspekte Struktur, Proze? und Ergebnis abzuheben. Bei Laboratoriumsuntersuchungen ist eine pr?analytische Phase von der analytischen und der postanalytischen zu unterscheiden. Nach Auffassung des Deutschen ?rztetages ist Qualit?tssicherung eine gemeinschaftliche Aufgabe der ?rzteschaft. Zahlreiche Organisationen geben dabei Hilfestellung. Zentrale Bedeutung kommt unterschiedlichen Handreichungen zu, insbesondere auch Leitlinien. Zum Teil sind derartige Leitlinien, aber auch Empfehlungen und Richtlinien, von der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft bereits verabschiedet worden, weitere befinden sich in Arbeit. Eine Zusammenstellung in Buchform befindet sich in Vorbereitung. Eingegangen am 13. November 1997 Angenommen am 5. Dezember 1997  相似文献   

Eyelid eczemas are clinically and therapeutically clearly delineated, but remain a pathogenetically heterogeneous entity. The anatomic and functional conditions in the periorbital region make treatment difficult. Thus, in addition to frequent resistance to therapy and a tendency to recur, they pose a considerable diagnostic and therapeutic challenge to dermatologists and ophthalmologists. Even a comparatively small area of eyelid eczema can cause substantial suffering because of the burdensome symptoms and high aesthetic significance of this body region. This interdisciplinary overview deals in particular with current pathogenetic and therapeutic aspects of eyelid eczemas.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Bestimmung imperfekter Hefen und die sachkundige Interpretation der mykologischen Befunde im Vergleich zum klinischen Bild werden durch übersichtliche Zusammenstellungen erleichtert, die den behandelnden Arzt mit der Hefediagnostik vertraut machen und der Arbeit im Laboratorium dienlich sind. In 6 Tabellen, die sich bei der routinemäßigen Hefediagnostik bewährt haben, sind alle für die exakte Identifizierung einer imperfekten Hefe gattungs- und artbestimmenden Merkmale so angeordnet, daß eine rasche Orientierung möglich ist. — Auf die Vorteile der mikroskopischen Untersuchung von Hefekulturen auf Reisagarplatten in situ wird hingewiesen. Eine Bereicherung der diagnostischen Möglichkeiten ist die serologische Identifizierung nach Tsuchiya.Therapeutische Fortschritte liegen in der erfolgreichen Behandlung der Kryptokokkose mit Amphotericin B und in der möglichst breiten lokalen Anwendung des Nystatins (Moronal) bei der Candidamykose, Torulopsidose und Trichosporose, um durch rechtzeitige Beseitigung lokaler Herde eine Generalisierung zu vermeiden. Bei mischinfizierten Epidermophytien muß auch die Hefekomponente beachtet werden.Herrn Prof. Dr. A. Marchionini zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Mycological diagnosis is an integral part of dermatology. Modern aspect include not only the identification of causative agents but also sensitivity testing against topical and systemic antimycotic agents and more detailed molecular biological diagnosis using fingerprinting and PCR. In routine practice, the essential question is if a fungal infection is present or not. A positive culture identification should precede use of systemic antimycotic agents especially when dealing with advanced onychomycosis, tinea capitis and chronic candidosis. Determination of resistance is important when dealing with recurrent infections with special candidal species. PCR is most useful in diagnosing otherwise difficult to identify causative agents and in analyzing the chain of infection.  相似文献   

Urticaria is one of the most common skin diseases. It is divided into several categories including acute and chronic urticaria as well as physical urticaria and special subtypes such as cholinergic and autoimmune urticaria. The causes of urticaria are multiple. In more than 80%, urticaria is triggered by an inflammatory focus, a subclinical infection or autoimmune actions. In addition, non-specific pharmacological or toxin-mediated release of inflammatory mediators from basophils or mast cells can also trigger urticaria. These new aspects in the pathophysiology of urticaria suggest new and promising therapeutic strategies. The first line treatment of urticaria still consists of non-sedating H1-antihistamines. Since urticaria has a profound impact on quality of life, effective treatment is very important. We consider new therapeutic options based on our long-term experience in treating patients with urticaria.  相似文献   

The porphyrias are a heterogeneous group of predominantly hereditary metabolic diseases resulting from a dysfunction of heme biosynthesis. Most of the porphyrias can manifest with a broad range of cutaneous symptoms on the sun-exposed areas of the body, whereas other variants reveal life-threatening acute neurological attacks. Further, mixed types of porphyrias exist. Besides the skin, other organs can be affected, such as the liver and the central nervous system. Therefore, interdisciplinary supervision of these patients is mandatory. In this review we will first present the clinical picture and diagnosis of the porphyrias, including the specific biochemical laboratory tests and a diagnostic algorithm. Thereafter, the current therapeutic concepts will be briefly addressed. Finally, we introduce the European Porphyria Initiative (EPI), an association of various European porphyria centers that is aiming at gathering the broad experience of internationally renowned porphyria experts for the development of European consensus guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of these metabolic disorders.  相似文献   

Collagen vascular diseases and vasculitides comprise various diseases, which may affect virtually every organ system. Therefore, their diagnosis and management is often an interdisciplinary challenge. Because of the heterogeneous symptoms, these diseases have significant overlap, which interferes with the clinical diagnosis and may require additional investigation. Therefore, a rational and comprehensive diagnostic work-up should be performed at the initial presentation before initiation of therapy. The detection of antinuclear (ANA) or anticell antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy on Hep2 cells is used to screen for autoantibodies in collagen vascular diseases. The molecular specificity of autoantibodies should be further characterized using immunoassays with recombinant or purified protein. When systemic autoimmune disease is suspected, the function of the frequently affected organs should be evaluated. The immunopathological findings should always be interpreted in the context of clinical, histological, and imaging data. The detection of autoantibodies is helpful for the initial diagnosis, provides prognostic information, may indicate involvement of organs or systems and some parameters may also be used for disease monitoring. The clinical significance of autoantibodies is emphasized by the fact that their detection constitutes diagnostic criteria for most collagen vascular diseases and several vasculitides. The screening for ANCA may be performed using immunoassays with recombinant myeloperoxidase and proteinase 3 or by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy on granulocytes. In this article, the current diagnostic tools and their relevance for the diagnosis and monitoring of systemic autoimmune diseases with primary skin involvement are reviewed.  相似文献   

Symptoms in patients with autoreactive urticaria (ArU), a sub-form of chronic urticaria (CU), are caused by circulating histamine-releasing signals. ArU patients are readily identified by the autologous serum skin test, in which they exhibit inflammatory reactions to their serum after intracutaneous injection. CU patients who also exhibit functional autoantibodies against IgE and/or its high affinity receptor Fc(epsilon)RI are thought to suffer from autoimmune urticaria (Aiu). ArU and AiU are pathogenetically and clinically different from other sub-forms of CU.  相似文献   

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