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2004年2月26~27日,世界卫生组织(WHO)在日内瓦召开了“诱导广谱和持久免疫的流感疫苗的开发”会议。希望能够通过这次会议明确现有认识的不足以加快开发新型流感疫苗。  相似文献   

2004年2月26~27日,世界卫生组织(WHO)在日内瓦召开了"诱导广谱和持久免疫的流感疫苗的开发"会议.希望能够通过这次会议明确现有认识的不足以加快开发新型流感疫苗.  相似文献   

20 0 2年 6月 2 0~ 2 1日 ,全球疫苗安全咨询委员会 ( GACVS)在瑞士日内瓦世界卫生组织 ( WHO)总部召开了第六次会议。本文介绍会议对疫苗安全性问题的主要结论  相似文献   

本文介绍了流感疫苗的种类、免疫效果以及世界卫生组织(WHO)对该疫苗的意见.  相似文献   

英国Bristol大学医学院Guthrie等将10名(其中5名妇女)因复发扁桃体炎或气管阻塞需要进行扁桃体切除手术的健康成人作为试验对象,另将未接种疫苗的10名健康成人和5名儿童作为对照。扁桃体切除后两周,试验对象注射1剂(0.5m1)的三价裂解流感灭活疫苗,在接种前和扁桃体切除之前立刻取唾液、血清和含柠檬酸盐的血液样品。对照组的血液、唾液和腭扁桃体样本则在手术期间获取。  相似文献   

2008年6月23-25日在瑞士蒙特勒召开了实施新的和未充分利用的疫苗计划第二次全球会议。近100名来自发展中国家、中等收入国家和联合国的代表参加了会议。会议讨论了提高中低收入国家新疫苗覆盖率和促进国家决策的综合监测系统问题。与会者一致同意,解决新疫苗引进难题需要按照各国具体情况建立疫苗管理系统和财政机构。  相似文献   

流感疫苗的不良反应报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
武冀春  冷青松 《首都医药》2006,13(24):37-37
流行性感冒(简称流感)是由流感病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病,是全球范围的严重公共卫生问题,经常引起地方性流行,但有时也会引起世界性大流行。我国是流感的高发区,每年均有不同程度流行,严重威胁人民健康。1957年以来发生的3次世界性流感大流行的新亚型均首发于我国。国外在流感疫苗的研发及应用方面取得了巨大进展,预防效果明显提高,流感疫苗已成为降低流感发病率及病死率的主要措施。流感疫苗是在鸡胚中培养,经裂解、灭活、纯化后应用。近年来,国内流感疫苗也逐步普及应用,其安全性越来越受到人们的关注,有关流感疫苗不良反应的报道也屡见…  相似文献   

本文介绍了甲、乙型流感灭活疫苗的适用对象、免疫接种时间和副作用以及与其他疫苗同时接种的可能性。  相似文献   

乔萍 《中国实用医药》2014,(23):191-192
目的:探讨23价肺炎球菌多糖疫苗(PenV23)和流感裂解疫苗(Infv-B)联合接种在慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)患者防治中的临床意义。方法将50例COPD患者按知情同意自愿的原则随机分成疫苗组和对照组。疫苗组患者于观察开始前注射PenV231次,并于流感高发季节前接种Infv-B。两组患者均观察2年,每月随访1次。对咳嗽、咳痰、气喘等症状进行临床评价;登记两组患者在2年内急性发作次数、天数、住院次数、平均住院天数和再发肺部感染的相距时间、住院费用。结果疫苗组急性发作次数、天数、住院次数、平均住院天数明显低于对照组,而再发肺部感染的相距时间延长,住院费用低。结论PenV23和Infv-B联合接种能有效减少高原地区慢性阻塞性肺病感染复发率,是临床上防治慢性阻塞性肺病患者的一个有效方法,值得推广。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the immunization efficacy of antigen and DNA vaccines after delivery to the lung, to assess the integrity of the pulmonary tissue after vaccination, and to elucidate mechanisms involved in the induction of immunity. METHODS: Ovalbumin, the plasmid encoding ovalbumin, the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), or plasmid encoding HBsAg were intratracheally instilled or injected in quadriceps in mice. The immune response and its Th polarization were analyzed over time. Markers of inflammation were measured in bronchoalveolar lavage, and lung histology was performed. The fate of ovalbumin following intratracheal instillation was studied. RESULTS: According to the vaccine, the pulmonary route produced stronger or equivalent humoral and cellular responses systemically and locally in the lung as compared to injection. The IgG subclasses and cytokine pattern indicate that the immunity was preferentially polarized toward the Th2 and Th1 type for antigen and DNA immunization, respectively. Ovalbumin penetrated the respiratory tissue and blood poorly after intratracheal instillation, suggesting that the immune response was triggered at airway surfaces. Overall, vaccines delivered to the lung did not induce any local sign of inflammation. CONCLUSIONS: Pulmonary administration of vaccines might be a promising alternative to conventional vaccination by injection.  相似文献   

The best approach to control the spread of influenza virus during a pandemic is vaccination. Yet, an appropriate vaccine is not available early in the pandemic since vaccine production is time consuming. For influenza strains with a high pandemic potential like H5N1, stockpiling of vaccines has been considered but is hampered by rapid antigenic drift of the virus. It has, however, been shown that immunization with a given H5N1 strain can prime the immune system for a later booster with a drifted variant. Here, we investigated whether whole inactivated virus (WIV) vaccine can be processed to tablets suitable for sublingual (s.l.) use and whether s.l. vaccine administration can prime the immune system for a later intramuscular (i.m.) boost with a heterologous vaccine. In vitro results demonstrate that freeze-drying and tableting of WIV did not affect the integrity of the viral proteins or the hemagglutinating properties of the viral particles. Immunization experiments revealed that s.l. priming with WIV (prepared from the H5N1 vaccine strain NIBRG-14) 4 weeks prior to i.m. booster immunization with the same virus strongly enhanced hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) titers against NIBRG-14 and the drifted variant NIBRG-23. Moreover, s.l. (and i.m.) immunization with NIBRG-14 also primed for a subsequent heterologous i.m. booster immunization with NIBRG-23 vaccine. In addition to HI serum antibodies, s.l. priming enhanced lung and nose IgA responses, while i.m. priming enhanced lung IgA but not nose IgA levels. Our results identify s.l. vaccination as a user-friendly method to prime for influenza-specific immune responses toward homologous and drifted variants.KEY WORDS: bird flu, H5N1, mucosal vaccine, sublingual vaccine tablet, whole inactivated virus  相似文献   

2006年9月-2007年1月,全球分离到甲型流感(H1N1)、甲型流感(H1)、甲型流感(H3N2)、甲型流感(H5N1)和乙型流感病毒.全球流感疫情比近年同期轻,南半球在9月份有轻型流感,在10月减轻.北半球流感疫情在11月开始,比往年来得迟.北美洲在12月、欧洲在1月流感疫情加剧.对流感病毒分离株的抗原性分析表明,甲型流感(H1N1)病毒的抗原性与疫苗病毒A/新喀里多尼亚/20/99密切相关,但日益增加的比例与A/福岛/141/2006、A/香港/2652/2006和A/所罗门群岛/3/2006更密切相关.甲型流感(H3N2)病毒的抗原性与疫苗疫毒A/威斯康星/67/2005和A/广岛%/52/2005密切相关,越来越多的新近分离株的抗原性和遗传性与疫苗株不同;乙型流感病毒B/维多利亚/2/87谱系病毒的抗原性与疫苗病毒B/马来西亚/2506/2004密切相关;B/山形/16/88谱系病毒的抗原性与以前的疫苗病毒B/上海/361/2002和B/江苏/10/2003不同,而与参与病毒如B/佛罗里达/7/2004、B/埃及/144/2005和B1密执安/2/2006更密切相关.  相似文献   

2008-2009年流感流行季节使用流感疫苗成分的建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年9月-2008年1月,全球分离到甲型流感(H1N1)、甲型流感(H3N2)、甲型流感(H5N1)和乙型流感病毒.全球流感疫情比近年同期轻,南半球在9月份仍有轻型流感,10月减轻.北半球流感疫情,亚洲和北美洲在11月开始,在12月、1月加剧,欧洲在12月流感疫情开始,1月加剧.对流感病毒分离株的抗原性分析表明,甲型流感(H1N1)病毒的抗原性与疫苗株A/所罗门群岛/3/2006密切相关,但日益增加的比例与A/布里斯班/59/2007更密切相关.甲型流感(H3N2)病毒的抗原性与疫苗病毒A/威斯康星/67/2005和A/广岛/52/2005密切相关.但大多数与新近建议的疫苗病毒A/布里斯班/10/2007密切相关;乙型流感病毒B/维多利亚/2/87谱系病毒的抗原性与疫苗病毒B/马来西亚/2506/2004密切相关;大多数B/山形/16/88谱系病毒的抗原性与B/佛罗里达/4/2006、B/布里斯班/3/2007和B/仙台/114/2007病毒密切相关.  相似文献   

通常情况下病毒性疫苗诱导机体产生的中和抗体能与入侵病毒结合并使其失去感染宿主细胞和发生疾病的能力,但在某些情况下疫苗接种后诱导产生的抗体不但未产生保护作用,反而加重了疾病的临床表现,即通过抗体依赖性增强作用导致疫苗增强性疾病.本文对既往疫苗临床研究和冠状病毒动物试验研究中发生的抗体依赖性增强作用及其可能的作用机制等进行...  相似文献   

目的;简介血吸虫病疫苗候选抗原及血吸虫病疫苗。方法;回顾潜在的疫苗候选抗原和抗原分子、人工载体疫苗和构建基因工程菌株,研制混合多价疫苗,血吸虫病合成多肽疫苗及抗卵免疫的研究史。结果:推动了血吸虫病疫苗研究。结论:血吸虫病疫苗对血吸虫感染人体产生保护性免疫提供可能。  相似文献   

Currently three different inactivated influenza vaccine types are available: whole virus (WV), split (SPL) and subunit (SU) vaccines. Physicians and patients at risk for influenza complications may wonder whether there are important differences between the vaccine types with respect to antibody induction (serology) and adverse effects (reactogenicity). A literature review (1975 to 1995) was performed to evaluate the serology and reactogenicity of SU vaccines in comparison with either split or whole virus vaccines. 22 publications with randomised allocation were identified describing a total of 5416 serological observations, 2858 observations of local reactions, and 2990 observations of systemic reactions. Subjects included those from all age groups from children to the elderly. Absolute protection and reaction rate differences (RD) were calculated for the comparisons SU vs SPL or SU vs WV vaccine. These were subjected to a method of meta-analysis, resulting in pooled rate differences and their 95% confidence intervals. With the exception of the comparison SU vs WV vaccine in subjects born after 1957 and unexposed to the reappearing H1N1 subtype after 1977, no evidence was found to suggest relevant differences in seroresponse among the three currently available inactivated influenza vaccine types. Although insufficient data were available in the meta-analysis for vaccines in children for whom specific recommendations concerning these vaccines exist, adverse events after administration of any of the three vaccine types were generally mild and transitory; however, SU vaccines were associated with a lower frequency of local and systemic reactions.  相似文献   

The potential estrogenic activities of atrazine and simazinewere investigated in vivo using the immature female Sprague-Dawleyrat uterus and in vitro using the estrogen-responsive MCF-7human breast cancer cell line and the estrogen-dependent recombinantyeast strain PL3. Animals that were dosed with 50, 150, or 300mg/kg of atrazine or simazine alone for 3 consecutive days didnot exhibit any significant increases in uterine wet weightwhile decreases in cytosolic progesterone receptor (PR) bindinglevels and uterine peroxidase activity were observed. 17ß-estradiol(E2)-induced increases in uterine wet weight were not significantlyaffected by cotreatment with either chemical; however, somedoseindependent decreases in E2-induced cytosolic PR bindingand uterine peroxidase activity were observed. In vitro, atrazineand simazine did not affect basal or E2-induced MCF-7 cell proliferationor the formation of nuclear PR-DNA complexes as determined bygel electrophoretic mobility shift assays. In addition, thesechloro-S-triazines did not display agonist activity or antagonizeE2-induced luciferase activity in MCF-7 cells transiently transfectedwith a Gal4-human estrogen receptor chimera (Gal4- HEGO) anda Gal4-regulated luciferase reporter gene (17m5-G-Luc). Moreover,the estrogen-dependent PL3 yeast strain was not capable of growthon minimal media supplemented with atrazine or simazine in placeof E2. Collectively, these results indicate that the reportedestrogenic and antiestrogenic effects elicited by these chemicalsare not mediated by the estrogen receptor.  相似文献   

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