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Background: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) patients show heightened fear responses to trauma reminders and an inability to inhibit fear in the presence of safety reminders. Brain imaging studies suggest that this is in part due to amygdala over‐reactivity as well as deficient top‐down cortical inhibition of the amygdala. Consistent with these findings, previous studies, using fear‐potentiated startle (FPS), have shown exaggerated startle and deficits in fear inhibition in PTSD participants. However, many PTSD studies using the skin conductance response (SCR) report no group differences in fear acquisition. Method: The study included 41 participants with PTSD and 70 without PTSD. The fear conditioning session included a reinforced conditioned stimulus (CS+, danger cue) paired with an aversive airblast, and a nonreinforced conditioned stimulus (CS?, safety cue). Acoustic startle responses and SCR were acquired during the presentation of each CS. Results: The results showed that fear conditioned responses were captured in both the FPS and SCR measures. Furthermore, PTSD participants had higher FPS to the danger cue and safety cue compared to trauma controls. However, SCR did not differ between groups. Finally, we found that FPS to the danger cue predicted re‐experiencing symptoms, whereas FPS to the safety cue predicted hyper‐arousal symptoms. However, SCR did not contribute to PTSD symptom variance. Conclusions: Replicating earlier studies, we showed increased FPS in PTSD participants. However, although SCR was a good measure of differential conditioning, it did not differentiate between PTSD groups. These data suggest that FPS may be a useful tool for translational research. Depression and Anxiety, 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Behavioral evidence suggests that emotion processing deficits in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) may occur at the level of basic (early, rapid, automatic) affective processes. Consistently, neurological evidence indicates that key brain areas associated with basic affective processing are atypical in ASD. The current study sought to better specify these deficits by comparing different components of basic affective processing in 14 adolescents and adults with ASD and 14 typical controls matched for age and verbal ability. Participants viewed affective pictures, and their responses were assessed with (i) affective eyeblink startle modulation, an indicator of the brain's aversive motivational system; (ii) facial electromyography, an online indicator of implicit valence appraisal; and (iii) self-report, an indicator of overt valence appraisal. The results show that in contrast to the typical pattern, in which exposure to negative stimuli increases startle whereas exposure to positive stimuli decreases startle, individuals with ASD showed startle potentiation to both positive and negative stimuli. Atypical potentiation during positive stimuli occurred despite individuals with ASD demonstrating appropriate implicit valence appraisals, reflected in their facial EMG responses, and appropriate overt appraisals, reflected in their self-reported ratings of the stimuli. Potentiation of startle to both positive and negative stimuli suggests a disruption in basic affective processes in ASD at the level of the early motivational response. This atypical pattern of responses has implications for understanding social and emotion deficits in ASD and calls for further investigation of basic affective processes.  相似文献   

Social avoidance and anxiety are prevalent in fragile X syndrome (FXS) and are potentially mediated by the amygdala, a brain region critical for social behavior. Unfortunately, functional brain resonance imaging investigation of the amygdala in FXS is limited by the difficulties experienced by intellectually impaired and anxious participants. We investigated the relationship between social avoidance and emotion-potentiated startle, a probe of amygdala activation, in children and adolescents with FXS, developmental disability without FXS (DD), and typical development. Individuals with FXS or DD demonstrated significantly reduced potentiation to fearful faces than a typically developing control group (p < .05). However, among individuals with FXS, social avoidance correlated positively with fearful-face potentiation (p < .05). This suggests that general intellectual disability blunts amygdalar response, but differential amygdala responsiveness to social stimuli contributes to phenotypic variability among individuals with FXS.  相似文献   

The whole-body acoustic startle response is a short-latency reflex mediated by a relatively simple neural circuit in the lower brainstem and spinal cord. The amplitude of this reflex is markedly enhanced by moderate fear levels, and less effectively increased by higher fear levels. Extensive evidence indicates that the amygdala plays a key role in the potentiation of startle by moderate fear. More recent evidence suggests that the periaqueductal gray is involved in the loss of potentiated startle at higher levels of fear. The influence of both structures may be mediated by anatomical connections with the acoustic startle circuit, perhaps at the level of the nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis. The mediated by anatomical connections with the acoustic startle circuit, perhaps at the level of the nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis. The present chapter reviews these data.  相似文献   

Atypical amygdala development may play a key role in the emergence of social disability and other symptoms of autism (Baron-Cohen et al., 2000; Schultz, 2005). The mechanisms by which this may occur have received little attention, however, and most support from behavioral and imaging studies has been concerned with socially relevant stimuli such as faces. Given the complexity of amygdala function and its known role in many other emotional tasks, we examined whether individuals with autism would demonstrate impaired performance on several tasks that have been shown to require activation of the amygdala but that do not have any explicit social meaning. Relative to a typical comparison group matched for age and IQ, our sample of 37 adolescents and adults with autism (mean age=19.7 years) demonstrated equivalent facilitation for perception and learning of emotionally relevant stimuli. On each of four tasks, there were significant main effects of emotion condition on performance for both groups. Future research regarding atypical amygdala function and emotion processing in autism should consider whether the response to nonsocial emotion factors (including negative valence or high arousal) may be intact, despite difficulties in responding to socially relevant stimuli.  相似文献   

According to the local memory storage hypothesis, information about the tone-shock association in an auditory fear-conditioning paradigm is stored in synapses within the lateral amygdala. Thus, fear-conditioning-induced potentiation of auditory-evoked potentials in response to a conditioned stimulus (CS+, a series of short lasting tones; patterned tone) has been interpreted as an in vivo correlate of amygdaloid synaptic plasticity. Here, we re-examine the specificity of potentiation of auditory-evoked potentials in terms of (i) local confinement to the lateral amygdala, (ii) parameters of CS+ and (iii) influence of context, using a discriminatory fear-conditioning paradigm. Adult male C57BL/6J mice were implanted with recording electrodes aimed at the lateral amygdala, the CA1 region of the hippocampus and the neck muscles for simultaneous recordings of auditory-evoked potentials and startle responses. In a neutral context, auditory-evoked potentials within lateral amygdala and CA1 as well as startle and freezing responses to the CS+ were significantly potentiated following conditioning, as compared with pre-conditioning values and responses to a neutral stimulus (CSn; tone of different frequency). Potentiation was only evident if CS+ was presented as a uniform series but not if presented mixed with CSn. Accordingly, mice failed to show intensified freezing to a patterned tone if a single lasting tone of the same frequency served as CS+. Both CA1 and lateral amygdala auditory-evoked potentials were potentiated in response to CSn if presented in the conditioning context. These findings demonstrate that (i) potentiation of auditory-evoked potentials is not restricted to the lateral amygdala, (ii) both tone frequency and pattern of tone presentation are essential for proper CS+ recognition and (iii) contextual memory leads to a general potentiation of auditory-evoked potentials.  相似文献   

The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, which requires the free recall of the same list of 15 unrelated words over 5 trials, was administered to 21 high-functioning adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and 21 matched typical individuals. The groups showed similar overall levels of free recall, rates of learning over trials and subjective organisation of their recall. However, the primacy portion of the serial position curve of the ASD participants showed slower growth over trials than that of the typical participants. The implications of this finding for our understanding of memory in ASD are discussed.  相似文献   

The amygdala mediates both emotional learning and fear potentiation of startle. The lateral amygdala nucleus (LA) receives auditory inputs from both the auditory thalamus (medial geniculate nucleus; MGN) and auditory association cortex (AAC), and is critical for auditory fear conditioning. The central amygdala nucleus, which has intra-amygdaloid connections with LA, enhances startle magnitude via midbrain connections to the startle circuits. Tetanic stimulation of either MGN or AAC in vitro or in vivo can induce long-term potentiation in LA. In the present study, behavioural consequences of tetanization of these auditory afferents were investigated in awake rats. The acoustic startle reflex of rats was enhanced by tetanic stimulation of MGN, but suppressed by that of AAC. All the tetanization-induced changes of startle diminished within 24 h. Blockade of GABAB receptors in the LA area reversed the suppressive effect of tetanic stimulation of AAC on startle but did not change the enhancing effect of tetanic stimulation of MGN. Moreover, transient electrical stimulation of MGN enhanced the acoustic startle reflex when it lagged behind acoustic stimulation, but inhibited the acoustic startle reflex when it preceded acoustic stimulation. The results of the present study indicate that MGN and AAC afferents to LA play different roles in emotional modulation of startle, and AAC afferents are more influenced by inhibitory GABAB transmission in LA.  相似文献   

In the maintenance phase of fear memory, synaptic transmission is potentiated and the stimulus requirements and signalling mechanisms are altered for long-term potentiation (LTP) in the cortico-lateral amygdala (LA) pathway. These findings link amygdala synaptic plasticity to the coding of fear memories. Behavioural experiments suggest that the amygdala serves to store long-term fear memories. Here we provide electrophysiological evidence showing that synaptic alterations in rats induced by fear conditioning are evident in vitro 10 days after fear conditioning. We show that synaptic transmission was facilitated and that high-frequency stimulation dependent LTP (HFS-LTP) of the cortico-lateral amygdala pathway remained attenuated 10 days following fear conditioning. Additionally, we found that the low-frequency stimulation dependent LTP (LFS-LTP) measured 24 h after fear conditioning was absent 10 days post-training. The persistent facilitation of synaptic transmission and occlusion of HFS-LTP suggests that, unlike hippocampal coding of contextual fear memory, the cortico-lateral amygdala synapse is involved in the storage of long-term fear memories. However, the absence of LFS-LTP 10 days following fear conditioning suggests that amygdala physiology 1 day following fear learning may reflect a dynamic state during memory stabilization that is inactive during the long-term storage of fear memory. Results from these experiments have significant implications regarding the locus of storage for maladaptive fear memories and the synaptic alterations induced by these memories.  相似文献   

This study was based on the higher prevalence of anxiety disorders in women than in men, and on the finding that early adverse experiences are a major risk factor for the development of anxiety disorders later in life. The object of this study was to investigate in rats, the sensitivities of the light-enhanced startle (LES) and fear-potentiated startle (FPS) paradigms to sex differences and to determine the effects of maternal separation (MS) on the baseline startle magnitude and potentiated startle response in these paradigms. Pups in the MS group were separated daily from their mother for 180 min/day from postnatal day 2 (PND2) to PND14. Control litters remained undisturbed. The adult male and female progeny were tested in the FPS and LES. As predicted, females showed a significantly greater potentiation of startle than males in the FPS, and a strong trend towards greater startle potentiation in the LES. Contrary to predictions, MS had no effect on startle potentiation in the FPS and severely disrupted LES in female, but not male rats. The observed sex differences add to the validity of the FPS and LES as animal paradigms of fear and anxiety. The findings indicate that these paradigms can be used to study the biological basis of sex differences in fear and anxiety. In contrast, the effects of MS on startle potentiation argue against the idea that MS provides a robust model for the predicted influences of early adverse effects on these startle potentiation measures of fear and anxiety.  相似文献   

Guided by the diagnostic nosology, anxiety patients are expected to show defensive hyperarousal during affective challenge, irrespective of the principal phenotype. In the current study, patients representing the whole spectrum of anxiety disorders (i.e., specific phobia, social phobia, panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), posttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD)), and healthy community control participants, completed an imagery-based fear elicitation paradigm paralleling conventional intervention techniques. Participants imagined threatening and neutral narratives as physiological responses were recorded. Clear evidence emerged for exaggerated reactivity to clinically relevant imagery--most pronounced in startle reflex responding. However, defensive propensity varied across principal anxiety disorders. Disorders characterized by focal fear and impairment (e.g., specific phobia) showed robust fear potentiation. Conversely, for disorders of long-enduring, pervasive apprehension and avoidance with broad anxiety and depression comorbidity (e.g., PTSD secondary to cumulative trauma, GAD), startle responses were paradoxically diminished to all aversive contents. Patients whose expressed symptom profiles were intermediate between focal fearfulness and broad anxious-misery in both severity and chronicity exhibited a still heightened but more generalized physiological propensity to respond defensively. Importantly, this defensive physiological gradient--the inverse of self-reported distress--was evident not only between but also within disorders. These results highlight that fear circuitry could be dysregulated in chronic, pervasive anxiety, and preliminary functional neuroimaging findings suggest that deficient amygdala recruitment could underlie attenuated reflex responding. In summary, adaptive defensive engagement during imagery may be compromised by long-term dysphoria and stress-a phenomenon with implications for prognosis and treatment planning.  相似文献   

Following shock, rats exhibit a potentiated startle response to a sudden, loud noise. It has been suggested that this shock sensitization of the startle response can be used as a model preparation for studying unlearned fear. After reviewing the theoretical and empirical bases for this claim, the results of several recent studies that show that the shock sensitization of startle effect is actually mediated by contextually conditioned fear are presented. From this, it is concluded that the shock sensitization of startle procedure is an appropriate model preparation for studying contextual conditioning but is not an appropriate procedure for studying unlearned fear. Several other procedures that have potential as model preparations for studying unlearned fear are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a common comorbidity for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The present study examined the cardinal cognitive component of SAD, fear of negative evaluation (FNE), in adolescents and adults with ASD (n = 44; 59 % with social anxiety) and those without ASD (n = 69; 49 % with social anxiety). Group (ASD or non-ASD) significantly moderated the relationship between social disability, as well as social motivation impairment, and FNE, such that there was a stronger positive relationship for the adolescents and adults without ASD. Few differences emerged between those with and without ASD, with respect to specific indicators of FNE. Clinical implications are discussed, including the importance of assessing FNE among individuals with ASD.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In rats, repeated episodes of alcohol consumption and withdrawal (RWD) impair fear conditioning to discrete cues. METHODS: Fear conditioning was measured in human binge drinkers as the increased startle response in the presence of a CS+ conditioned to aversive white noise. Secondly, the ability of tone CSs, paired with footshock, to induce c-fos expression, a marker of neuronal activity, in limbic structures subserving emotion was studied in rats. Additionally, consequences of RWD on subsequent induction of long term potentiation (LTP) in external capsule/lateral amygdala and Schaffer collateral/hippocampus CA1 pathways were studied in rat brain slices. RESULTS: Fear conditioning was impaired in young human binge drinkers. The ability of fear-conditioned CSs to increase c-fos expression in limbic brain areas was reduced following RWD, as was LTP induction. Rats conditioned prior to RWD, following RWD showed generalization of conditioned fear from the tone CS+ to a neutral control stimulus, and a novel tone. CONCLUSIONS: Binge-like drinking impairs fear conditioning, reduces LTP, and results in inappropriate generalization of learned fear responses. We propose a mechanism whereby RWD-induced synaptic plasticity reduces capacity for future learning, while allowing unconditioned stimuli access to neuronal pathways underlying conditioned fear.  相似文献   

Systematic qualitative analyses of verbal fluency might aid our understanding of the characteristic cognitive processes in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In this study, we compared through qualitative and quantitative analyses performance on letter fluency (LF), category fluency (CF), and action fluency (AF) in adolescents and young adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders (HFASD) with that of an age-, gender-, and IQ-matched control group. Quantitative analyses revealed significantly fewer correct responses on category and action fluency and significantly more intrusions on category fluency in individuals with HFASD than in control participants. Qualitative analyses revealed significantly fewer semantic clusters and significantly more phonemic clusters during action fluency in individuals with HFASD compared to control participants. With respect to action fluency, the number of correct responses and clusters were related to verbal IQ for individuals with HFASD but not for control participants. We discuss these results in terms of abnormalities in semantic/phonemic strategy choice, cognitive flexibility, and generativity in ASD.  相似文献   

The amygdala plays an important role in emotional learning. Synaptic plasticity underlying the acquisition of conditioned fear occurs in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala: long-term potentiation (LTP) of synapses in the pathway of the conditioned stimulus (CS) has shown to be a neural correlate of this kind of emotional learning. The present study is based on previous results of our laboratory showing an important role of the metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGluR5) in fear conditioning. Here, we explored whether mGlu5 receptors within the lateral nucleus of the amygdala are involved in the plasticity underlying fear conditioning. We used an in vivo approach investigating the acquisition, consolidation and expression of conditioned fear by the fear-potentiated startle paradigm and by the inhibition of motor activity during CS presentation. Additionally, we used an in vitro approach inducing LTP in the lateral amygdala by patch-clamp recordings in rat brain slices. Acquisition of conditioned fear, but not consolidation and expression, was blocked by intra-amygdaloid injections of the specific mGluR5 antagonist 2-methyl-6-(phenylethynyl) pyridine hydrochloride (MPEP) in vivo. Furthermore, induction of amygdaloid LTP but not synaptic transmission was disrupted by MPEP application in vitro. These experiments show for the first time in vivo and in vitro that mGluR5 receptors are necessary for plasticity in the amygdala.  相似文献   

In a previous study it was demonstrated that flesinoxan, a selective serotonin (5-HT)1A receptor agonist, had anxiolytic properties in the fear-potentiated startle paradigm. The present study investigated the putative site of action of flesinoxan in this paradigm. Flesinoxan infused either into the dorsal raphe nucleus or the median raphe nucleus did not affect startle potentiation. Bilateral infusion of flesinoxan into the central nucleus of the amygdala on the other hand, dose-dependently blocked the fear-potentiated startle response. These data indicate that flesinoxan exerts it anxiolytic effects in the fear-potentiated startle paradigm via the central nucleus of the amygdala, whereas the dorsal and median raphe nuclei are not directly involved in this process.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Considerable work implicates abnormal neural activation and disrupted attention to facial-threat cues in adult anxiety disorders. However, in pediatric anxiety, no research has examined attention modulation of neural response to threat cues. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether attention modulates amygdala and cortical responses to facial-threat cues differentially in adolescents with generalized anxiety disorder and in healthy adolescents. DESIGN: Case-control study. SETTING: Government clinical research institute. PARTICIPANTS: Fifteen adolescents with generalized anxiety disorder and 20 controls. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Blood oxygenation level-dependent signal as measured via functional magnetic resonance imaging. During imaging, participants completed a face-emotion rating task that systematically manipulated attention. RESULTS: While attending to their own subjective fear, patients, but not controls, showed greater activation to fearful faces than to happy faces in a distributed network including the amygdala, ventral prefrontal cortex, and anterior cingulate cortex (P<.05, small-volume corrected, for all). Right amygdala findings appeared particularly strong. Functional connectivity analyses demonstrated positive correlations among the amygdala, ventral prefrontal cortex, and anterior cingulate cortex. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first evidence in juveniles that generalized anxiety disorder-associated patterns of pathologic fear circuit activation are particularly evident during certain attention states. Specifically, fear circuit hyperactivation occurred in an attention state involving focus on subjectively experienced fear. These findings underscore the importance of attention and its interaction with emotion in shaping the function of the adolescent human fear circuit.  相似文献   

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