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Eighteen patients with the presumptive diagnosis of Friedreich's ataxia were studied. Clinical, neurophysiological and biochemical data were concordant in 14 patients and led to the diagnosis of typical Friedreich's ataxia in this group of patients: the remaining 4 patients differed from the typical patients in several respects but mainly in the cardiological findings. It is concluded that so far no single clinical or laboratory finding is typical of F.A.. Multidisciplinary approaches are essential to the diagnosis of Friedreich's ataxia.  相似文献   

We describe two patients with Friedreich's ataxia whose presenting symptomatology was for years progressive tabetic ataxia. Based upon the initial clinical, electrophysiological and nerve biopsy data, a diagnosis of idiopathic sensory neuropathy was established. Subsequent examination of the kin showed that three sisters of case 1 had Friedreich's ataxia. Upon serial clinical and electrocardiographic study, both patients eventually developed a florid Friedreich's ataxia, including cardiomyopathy. Our findings indicate that at onset Friedreich's ataxia may be indistinguishable from sensory neuropathy and also that serial examination and investigation of kinship are essential steps for accurate diagnosis.  相似文献   

Pyruvate and palmitate oxidations by cultured fibroblast suspensions were measured in optimized conditions and proved to be with normal range in the cells from Friedreich's patients. But when pyruvate oxidation was measured by direct assay of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, this enzyme activity proved to be significantly lower in Friedreich's than in controls' cells. These abnormalities were not observed when the cells were sonicated. Moreover, lipoamide dehydrogenase activity Km and Vmax were within the normal range in Friedreich's cells. These data suggest that the low activities of the PDH complex are not a primary defect in Friedreich's ataxia but are more likely to be related to membrane abnormalities in Friedreich's cells.
Sommario L'ossidazione del piruvato e del palmitato misurata nei fibroblasti in cultura di pazienti affetti da malattia di Friedreich è risultata normale. Il dosaggio del complesso enzimatico piruvico deidrogenasi è invece risultato significativamente diminuito rispetto ai controlli nelle cellule di questi pazienti quando i fibroblasti venivano omogenizzati in glicerolo. Questa diminuzione però non era più evidente se le cellule venivano sonicate. Questi dati suggeriscono che il deficit del complesso PDH nei pazienti con atassia di Freidreich non sia un difetto primario ma rifletta piuttosto anomalie di membrana.

Since the discovery of the gene mutation causing Friedreich's ataxia (FA), the rich spectrum of clinical manifestations of this autosomal recessive disorder is being increasingly recognized. Movement disorders besides ataxia, however, have not been fully characterized in patients with FA. We describe here two young male patients who, in addition to progressive ataxia, kinetic tremor and other typical features of FA, also manifest axial and limb dystonia. The primary purpose of this report is to draw attention to the broad spectrum of hyperkinetic movement disorders that can present as or be associated with FA.  相似文献   

Friedreich's ataxia: electrophysiological and histological findings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT- Electromyography was performed, and motor and sensory nerve conduction velocities were measured in 19 patients definitely affected by Friedreich's ataxia. Biopsy of the sural nerve was also performed in 9 patients.
Most patients presented a moderate to severe loss of motor units, a significant increase in mean duration of motor unit potentials, and in the incidence of polyphasic potentials. Short-lasting spontaneous activity was rarely seen. Conduction velocity along the motor and sensory fibres of the median and tibial nerves was moderately slowed, while distal conduction time to muscle was significantly increased and the sensory orthodromicallyevoked response markedly reduced. Intraoperative electrophysiological recordings obtained during biopsy of the sural nerve in 4 patients were consistent with the changes conventionally observed in the median, tibial and sural (6 patients) nerves.
Quantitative histology revealed a reduced number of total myelinated fibres with a severe loss of large fibres, and a moderate loss of fibres of less than 7 μm in diameter. In teased nerve fibre preparations, the most evident abnormality consisted of fibres with uniformly short internodal length, while signs of remyelination were less prominent. Signs of active axonal degeneration were rarely observed in electron microscopy.
Electrophysiological and histological findings were uniformly distributed, and the changes were neither related to the duration nor to the severity of the clinical condition.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: One of the main features of Friedreich's ataxia (FA) is phenotypic variability that can now be explained by the molecular mechanism (GAA expansion) underlying the disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We have analyzed genotype-phenotype correlations in a group of 40 patients homozygous for the GAA expansion. RESULTS : The smaller GAA expansion (GAA1 allele) size correlated with age at onset and progression disease rate, but we found no correlation between the larger GAA expansion (GAA2 allele) size and these clinical parameters. The frequency of pes cavus, scoliosis, axonal sensory neuropathy and areflexia increased with the size of GAA1, whereas some signs such as sphincter disturbances, cerebellar atrophy on MRI, amyotrophy, dysarthria and decreased vibration sense were associated with increased duration of the disease. CONCLUSION: GAA1 size is the main determinant of FA phenotype and GAA2 size is a poor predictor of clinical variation. Some clinical features are independent of GAA1 and GAA2 sizes and are determined by the duration of the disease.  相似文献   

Despite much evidence of cognitive and affective disorders in Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA), the nature of mental status in FRDA has received little systematic attention. It has been proposed that the cerebellum may interfere indirectly with cognition through the cerebello-cortical loops, whereas the role of pathological changes in different areas of the central nervous system is still undetermined. In the present study, 13 patients with molecularly determined FRDA and a group of matched controls were evaluated by a comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. A repetitive task of simple visual-reaction times was used to investigate implicit learning in all subjects. Pathological changes in cortical areas were explored comparing cerebral activations of patients and controls during finger movements (functional MRI). The intelligence profile of FRDA patients is characterized by concrete thinking, poor capacity in concept formation and visuospatial reasoning. FRDA patients show reduced speed of information processing. The learning effect seen in controls was notably absent in patients with FRDA. The patients' personality is characterized by some pathological aspects and reduced defensiveness. Patterns of cortical activation during finger movements are heterogeneous in patients compared to controls. Cognitive impairment, mood disorders and motor deficits in FRDA patients may be the result of the cumulative damage caused by frataxin deficiency not only in the cerebellum and spinal cord but also in other brain areas.  相似文献   

Eye movements were studied in 13 patients with Friedreich's ataxia and correlated with MRI findings to investigate whether oculomotor abnormalities can be traced to cerebellar disturbances in this disease. One of the most prominent eye signs was fixation instability (square-wave jerks, SWJ.). Besides SWJ the patients showed various combinations of cerebellar, vestibular and brain-stem oculomotor signs. Our patients did not comprise a homogeneous group with regard to their oculomotor findings. There was no correlation between the severity of any of the so-called cerebellar oculomotor disturbances and the number of SWJ. We tried to correlate the extent of oculomotor disturbances with floccular atrophy and atrophy of the dorsal vermis on MRI in seven of the patients. None of the oculomotor features (including SWJ) correlated with flocculus or dorsal vermis size. Furthermore, floccular and vermal measurements on MRI were normal. Accordingly, we think it unlikely that the oculomotor disturbances, including SWJ, are attributable to cerebellar pathology per se.  相似文献   

We clinically assessed and performed polymerase chain reaction analysis for the GAA trinucleotide repeat expansion in 103 patients from 73 families in Ireland, with a prior clinical diagnosis of Friedreich's ataxia (FA) or an unclassified progressive ataxic syndrome. The patients were classified as “typical” or “atypical” FA according to Harding's mandatory clinical diagnostic criteria. All patients underwent blood glucose analysis, and electrocardiography and echocardiography was performed in 99 and 101 patients, respectively. Mutation screening for expanded CAG trinucleotide repeats, associated with spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) 1, 2, 3 and 6 was performed in 86 patients overall, including all GAA negative patients. Forty-nine of 56 typical patients and 13 of 47 atypical patients were either homozygous or heterozygous for the GAA expansion. Seven patients with a typical FA phenotype were negative for the GAA expansion. Although one of these patients had vitamin E deficiency, and two had raised α-fetoprotein levels, three other GAA negative patients with a typical FA phenotype had no other identifiable cause for their ataxia, once again raising the possibility of locus heterogeneity in FA. It is also possible that these patients have two point mutations in the X25 gene, or that they have another ataxic syndrome mimicking the FA phenotype. Two families who were homozygous for the GAA expansion exhibited intrafamilial phenotypic variability. Only one GAA negative patient had the SCA 3 mutation, and this was the only patient in the study with a possible autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. In the homozygous GAA population typical patients had significantly more repeats on the smaller allele than atypical patients, and there was an inverse relationship between the number of repeats on the smaller allele and the age at presentation. There was also an inverse relationship between the repeat size on both the larger and the smaller of the two alleles and the age at becoming wheelchair bound. There was no significant relationship between repeat size and the other indices of disease severity, including the presence or absence of diabetes or cardiomyopathy. This is the first large study of an Irish population with progressive ataxia that has shown a similar phenotype/genotype relationship to studies of FA in other European and non-European populations. The relatively low sensitivity and specificity of Harding's clinical diagnostic criteria must be appreciated when clinically assessing patients with a progressive ataxic patients with a progressive ataxic syndrome. Although molecular genetic analysis now plays an essential role in diagnosis and classification, patients with a typical FA phenotype without any identifiable cause for their ataxia exist. Received: 23 June 1999, Received in revised form: 1 December 1999, Accepted: 12 January 2000  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder caused by expansion of GAA repeats in the frataxin gene. We have carried out the first molecular analysis at the Friedreich's ataxia locus in the Indian population. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three families clinically diagnosed for Friedreich's ataxia were analyzed for GAA expansion at the FRDA locus. The distribution of GAA repeats was also estimated in normal individuals of Indian origin. RESULTS: All patients clinically diagnosed for Friedreich's ataxia were found to be homozygous for GAA repeat expansion. The GAA repeat in the normal population show a bimodal distribution with 94% of alleles ranging from 7-16 repeats. CONCLUSION: Indian patients with expansion at the FRDA locus showed typical clinical features of Friedreich's ataxia. The low frequency of large normal alleles (6%) could indicate that the prevalence of this disease in the Indian population is likely to be low.  相似文献   

We evaluated the association between age at onset of Friedreich's ataxia and alleles of two restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) at D9S15 and D9S5 in the 9gl3–9g21.1 region. We studied 65 Italian patients from 49 families. Age at onset was not normally distributed in our patients, suggesting allelic heterogeneity. Patients homozygous for allele 1 ofMspI RFLP detected by probe MCT112 at D9S15 (M1) had an earlier onset (mean 9.3, SD 3.4 years) than patients homozygous for allele 2 (M2; mean 12.1, SD 4.3). Heterozygotes had an onset age similar to that of the M2 homozygotes. These findings suggest that the M1 allele might be a marker of one allelic early-onset Friedreich's ataxia mutation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA), the most common inherited ataxia, is associated with an unstable expansion of GAA repeats in the first intron of the frataxin gene on chromosome 9. We investigated the mosaicism of expanded alleles to elucidate the basis for genotype phenotype correlations. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We studied the instability of the GAA repeat in blood leukocytes from 45 individuals including 20 FRDA patients and 20 non-affected controls using small pool PCR combined with Southern blotting and hybridization. RESULTS: Expanded GAA repeats could be resolved into distinct alleles showing differences in length up to 1,000 triplets for an individual genome. We found a significant correlation between the size of the largest allele and the range of mosaicism. CONCLUSION: The somatic mosaicism for expanded repeats observed in FRDA patients rendered the precise measurement of allele sizes more difficult and may influence the results of studies correlating the clinical spectrum with the genotype. Following, a confidential prediction of the prognosis deduced from the repeat length is hardly possible for an individual FRDA patient.  相似文献   

Summary The severity of Friedreich's ataxia was graded in ten patients by clinical examination and in five by use of posturography. These data were compared with neuroradiology findings. CT-confirmed infratentorial atrophy occured only in advanced cases of Friedreich's ataxia; the correlation with the clinical score was poor. On mid-sagittal MRI planes the diameters of fourth ventricle, brain stem at the level of the inferior olive and spinal cord at the levels of the foramen magnum and C3 were measured. Patients with Friedreich's ataxia had significant MRI-confirmed atrophy of the cranial spinal cord as compared with a normal, age-matched control group. This was also observed in patients with Friedreich's ataxia in the early stages. A reliable correlation between atrophy of the cranial spinal cord and the clinical score, however, could again not be found. MRI exploration of the cranial spinal cord may be recommended as an additional diagnostic marker in Friedreich's ataxia.The study was done at the Department of Neurology, University of Tübingen.Department of Neuroradiology, University of Mainz; guest at the Department of Neuroradiology, University of Tübingen, during the study.  相似文献   

Introduction –  The relative frequencies of different ataxias vary among different ethnic and geographic groups. The aim of this study was to examine patients with cerebellar ataxia and find the occurrence of autosomal dominant and recessive cerebellar ataxias in the population of the southern and eastern parts of Norway and estimate its prevalence.
Materials and methods –  Probands were systematically tested for spinocerebellar ataxia 1, 2, 3, 6 and Friedreich's ataxia. A total of 94 patients with ataxia were assessed.
Results –  We registered 60 patients from 39 unrelated families with hereditary ataxias. One family with SCA2 (two patients), one family with Friedreich's ataxia (two patients), two patients heterozygote for Friedreich's ataxia and one metabolic ataxia were identified.
Conclusions –  We have few Friedreich's ataxia and SCA 1,2,3 and 6 in our population. Prevalence in Oslo County was estimated at 2.2/100,000 for autosomal recessive and 3.0/100,000 for autosomal dominant ataxia, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary The bioptical morphometric and ultrastructural study of sural nerve in a 17-year-old boy with ataxia-telangiectasia (AT) is reported. Our findings include a loss of fibers, particularly of large ones, axonal degenerative changes, Schwann cell inclusions of various type, and rare signs of primary demyelination. Teased-fiber study showed paranodal myelin enlargements, segmental demyelination, shortening, and/or variability of internodal length. This picture is similar to that in Friedreich's ataxia (FA), although they differ in degree and time of onset. A correct neuropathologic diagnosis of AT cannot be made on the basis of sural nerve biopsy alone.  相似文献   

We examined a large Turkmen family with 'pseudo-dominant' inheritance of Friedreich's ataxia resulting from consanguineous marriage of a Friedreich's ataxia patient to a heterozygote carrying an ancestral mutated allele. Two distinct phenotypes of the disease co-segregated within this genealogy. Two brothers from the younger generation exhibited 'classical' Friedreich's ataxia with onset of symptoms before 10 years and a rapidly progressive course. In contrast, three patients (two sisters from the younger generation and their father) had a more benign phenotype of late-onset Friedreich's ataxia with the onset at 26, 45 and 48 years and slow progression over decades. The patients with 'classical' Friedreich's ataxia were homozygous for a common ancestral expanded allele of the X25 gene containing 700-800 GAA repeats, while the patients with late-onset Friedreich's ataxia had two different mutated alleles, the shorter 250-repeat expansion of paternal origin and the longer 700-repeat expansion of maternal origin. One may conclude that clinical variability of Friedreich's ataxia in our patients is accounted for predominantly by a modifying effect of one of the two (shorter or longer) expanded alleles inherited from their affected father. Our observation clearly demonstrates the significance of variable-sized alleles for the phenotypic expression of the disease.  相似文献   

Summary The brain-stem involvement in Friedreich's ataxia (FA) was studied by using brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) and the blink reflex. Ten out of 18 patients had abnormal BAEPs, the main abnormality being complete absence of responses and disappearance of wave V. Combined degeneration of the peripheral and central acoustic pathways probably accounts for these findings. The blink reflex was abnormal in 50% of the cases. The outstanding abnormality was bilateral delay of late responses with normal early response, which could be correlated with the known pallor of the descending trigeminal tracts. In contrast with BAEP findings, blink reflex abnormalities did not correlate with either the age of patients or the severity and duration of the disease. These data suggest a difference in susceptibility to degeneration between the auditory system and neuronal system subserving the blink reflex. We conclude that systematic BAEP and blink reflex recording is useful in the electrophysiological evaluation of FA patients.  相似文献   

Genetic and family studies in Friedreich's ataxia.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This study consists of two parts: 1. A detailed genetic analysis of 35 sibships in which 58 individuals were affected with Friedreich's ataxia; and 2. Clinical and laboratory examinations of parents and siblings, in an attempt at carrier detection and diagnosis of the pre-clinical state. The increased parental consanguinity, the lack of affected individuals in other generations, and the lack of significance of extrinsic etiological variables, all suggested an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance, and this was confirmed by formal genetic analyses, employing several different methods. Associated abnormalities in our series of 58 patients included cardiomyopathy (51.7%), diabetes mellitus (19.0%), optic atrophy (5.2%), nerve deafness (5.2%) and congenital malformations (6.9%). The incidence of diabetes mellitus, congenital malformations, and epilepsy and/or febrile convulsions was elevated in first degree relatives of patients with Friedreich's ataxia.  相似文献   

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