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This study uses structural equation modeling and a panel design to explain participation in health protective behavior (HPB) among college students. The direct, indirect, and total effects of gender, social influences (parental and peer behavior), social attachments (activity involvement, social support, and romantic involvement), social triggers (personal health, acute illnesses, and personal or family health crisis), health value, and effort to improve health behavior on HPB are examined. A path model with a high goodness of fit and an R2 of. 418 shows that gender, health value, and effort to change health behaviors are the most powerful predictors of HPB participation, while parents and peers influence HPB indirectly through influence on health value and effort to change. Neither the social attachment nor social trigger items influenced HPB in this sample. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:分析在校大学生预防自杀意念的外在保护因素。方法:采用分层抽样、三阶段抽样等方法,应用NCS-R自杀意念量表,对某北京高校两个学年的大学生(n=1256)的学习与生活状况进行调查,并进行logistic回归分析。结果:在校大学生有自杀意念的有173人(占13.77%);积极参加班级活动、经常参加体育锻炼等则是大学生群体减少自杀意念的保护因素,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论:积极参加班级课外活动及体育锻炼对预防自杀意念有正向影响,建议作为大学生自杀预防的外在保护因素而加以重视。  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生童年期虐待、特质抑郁和正念之间的关系。方法:选取大学生415名,采用童年期创伤问卷(CTQ)、状态-特质抑郁量表中特质抑郁分量表(T-DEP)和正念注意知觉量表(MAAS),分别测量大学生童年期虐待、特质抑郁和正念。结果:童年期虐待得分与特质抑郁得分呈正相关(r=0.4,P<0.01),与正念得分呈负相关(r=-0.37,P<0.01);正念在童年期虐待与特质抑郁得分关系中的调节作用有统计学意义(β=0.60、β=0.33,均P<0.001),与特质抑郁中快感缺失维度得分关系中的调节作用有统计学意义(β=0.75、β=0.31,均P<0.001)。结论:有童年期虐待经历的大学生表现出更高水平的特质抑郁,其特质抑郁受到正念的调节。  相似文献   

Depression and suicide are significant public health concerns for college-age young adults. Meaning-based characteristics, such as forgiveness, a voluntary coping process involving offering, feeling, or seeking a change from negative to positive cognitions, behaviors, and affect toward a transgressor, may buffer such poor mental health outcomes. Utilizing mediation analyses, we examined cross-sectional associations between forgiveness, depression, and suicidal behavior in a diverse student sample reporting mild to severe depressive symptoms. The effect of self-forgiveness on suicidal behavior was fully mediated by depression; self-forgiveness was associated with depression and, in turn, with suicidal behavior. Forgiveness of others was directly associated with suicidal behavior. Prospective research is needed, yet self and other-forgiveness may be appropriate targets for promotion in suicide prevention efforts.  相似文献   

程利娜  杨洋 《校园心理》2021,(2):126-129
探讨大学生抑郁水平的发展趋势及其影响因素,为预防和缓解大学生抑郁提供理论指导.通过追踪研究设计,采用分层随机抽样选取部分大学生为研究对象,采用抑郁量表、自尊量表、大五人格量表对大学生进行施测,在3年期间追踪测量4次,并用多层次模型分析大学生抑郁水平的发展趋势及其影响因素.结果发现:大学生抑郁水平在大学3年期间的变化是向...  相似文献   

The present study examined the gender differences in the relationship between victimization and depression, as well as in the buffering effect of social support, in Hong Kong adolescents. Based on social role theory, we predicted (a) that victimization would be associated with higher depression in boys than in girls, and (b) that social support would have a stronger buffering effect in boys than in girls. Results showed that boys reported more victimizations than girls, and victimization was slightly more strongly associated with depressive symptoms in boys than in girls. Parental support had a direct effect on depression, but no buffering effect. A buffering effect was found for friend support, but only in boys; high support from friends was associated with fewer depressive symptoms at high levels of victimization.  相似文献   

Examined the accuracy with which rape and lesser sexual assaults were predicted among a representative national sample of 2,723 college women. A total of 14 risk variables operationalized three vulnerability hypotheses: (a) vulnerability-creating traumatic experiences, (b) social-psychological vulnerability, and (c) vulnerability-enhancing situations. Each hypothesis was tested individually, and a composite model was developed via discriminant analysis. Only the traumatic experiences variables clearly improved over the base rates in identifying rape victims, but risk variables from each vulnerability hypothesis met criteria for inclusion in the composite model. A risk profile emerged that characterized only 10% of the women, but among them the risk of rape was twice the rate of women without the profile. The concept of traumatic sexualization was used to explain this finding. However, the vast majority of sexually victimized women (75-91%) could not be differentiated from nonvictims.  相似文献   

Protective behavioral strategies (PBS) are specific behaviors one can utilize to minimize the harmful consequences of alcohol consumption. Recently, there has been an increasing amount of interest in use of PBS among college students, especially as an intervention target. The purpose of the present comprehensive review of the PBS literature was to examine the measurement of PBS and summarize the quantitative relationships between PBS use and other variables. The review found inconsistency across studies in terms of how the use of PBS is operationalized and found only two PBS measures with good psychometric properties that have been replicated. Although several antecedents to PBS use were identified, most were only examined in single studies. Moderators of the predictive effects of PBS use on outcomes have similarly suffered from lack of replication in the literature. Of all 62 published reports reviewed, 80% reported only cross-sectional data, which is unfortunate given that PBS use may change over time and in different contexts. In addition, only two attempted to minimize potential recall biases associated with retrospective assessment of PBS use, and only two used an approach that allowed the examination of both within-subject and between-subject effects. In terms of the gaps in the literature, there is a dearth of longitudinal studies of PBS use, especially intensive longitudinal studies, which are integral to identifying more specifically how, when, and for whom use of PBS can be protective.  相似文献   

目的了解广州市中专生抑郁情绪的发生情况并探讨可能的影响因素,为其心理健康教育及咨询提供依据。方法应用Zung′s抑郁自评量表(SDS)及自制抑郁相关因素调查表对224名广州市某职业学校学生进行调查。结果 SDS总标准分为(47.92±9.50),抑郁检出率为42.0%;非条件Logistic回归分析结果为和父母一起居住是抑郁的保护因素(OR=0.259),学习成绩差、家庭经济困难是抑郁的危险因素(OR=1.783、1.896);抑郁状况在1周内感到孤独的天数、是否想过离家出走、是否想过自杀等方面的分布差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论广州市中专生抑郁较严重,可通过让学生和父母一起居住、改善由学习成绩差及家庭经济困难带来的心理负面影响以降低其抑郁情绪的发生。  相似文献   

大学生自我认可与抑郁的相关研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验在40名大学生中调查了自我认可与抑郁的关系。用从 Q 分类技术中所得的理想自我与现实自我的相关度量自我认可,用 Beck 抑郁问卷度量抑郁。结果显示:自我认可与抑郁呈显著负相关(r=-0.658,df=38,P<0.001),证实:自我认可程度低的个体可能表现较多的抑郁症状。  相似文献   

在积极心理学框架下,为有效提升心理资本、改善学生抑郁提供科学依据。对480名高等职业院校学生随机抽样进行匿名问卷调查,了解他们的抑郁和心理资本的现状,探索二者之间的关系。结果显示:所调查学生的心理资本得分(113.25±14.773)分,有抑郁表现的比例为36.9%,心理资本与抑郁状况呈负相关(r=-0.3,P=0.000),用心理资本预测抑郁的回归模型显著(R2=0.12,P=0.000),其中韧性(β=-0.30,P=0.000)和自我效能(β=-0.14,P=0.03)是有效的预测因子。结论,:所调查学生的心理资本状况良好,而且高的心理资本分数与专业满意程度高、多次实习经历、低抑郁分数相连,其中韧性和自我效能起了关键的区别作用。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the effects of personality (temperament and character) on specific depression and specific anxiety. A total of 541 Japanese undergraduates were investigated by using the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scale. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses demonstrated that specific depression was predicted by lower Reward-Dependence, Persistence, Self-Directedness, Cooperativeness, and Self-Transcendence; specific anxiety was predicted by higher Novelty-Seeking, Harm-Avoidance, Persistence, and Self-Transcendence, and lower Self-Directedness. Immaturity of Self-Directedness is a risk factor for negative affectivity. Immaturity of all character dimensions is a risk factor for specific depression. The relationship between Harm-Avoidance and depression in previous studies may be linked partly to somatic symptoms that were deliberately eliminated in the HAD scale.  相似文献   

To examine the predictive power of Cloninger's psychobiology model of depression, 167 Japanese college students were studied on two occasions, with an interval of approximately three months. At Time 1 (T1), the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) and Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) were distributed. At Time 2 (T2), the SDS was distributed again. The T2 SDS score was positively correlated with Harm Avoidance and negatively correlated with Reward Dependence and Self-directedness at T1. However, after controlling for the T1 SDS score, the T2 SDS score was predicted only by T1 Self-directedness. These data suggest that lower Self-directedness can be predictive of depression, whereas higher Harm Avoidance and lower Reward Dependence are state-dependent.  相似文献   

为探究自我监控对师生关系的影响机制,构建一个调节效应模型;采用《自我监控问卷》《关系型自我构念问卷》和《师生关系量表》对620名高职生进行施测;结果发现高职生自我监控能够显著的正向预测师生关系,关系型自我构念负向调节自我监控与师生关系的关系。  相似文献   

孤独感对大学生心理健康有重要的影响。采用青少年心理韧性量表、一般自我效能感量表和孤独感量表(第3版)对328名大学生进行调查,结果显示:相比城市,农村大学生的孤独感偏高,自我效能感偏低;心理韧性与孤独感呈负相关,与自我效能呈正相关;自我效能在心理韧性与孤独感之间起中介作用。心理韧性作为保护因素,对大学生的心理健康起到了重要的保护作用。  相似文献   

This study examined associations between two forms of peer victimization, physical and relational, and externalizing behaviors including drug use, aggression, and delinquent behaviors among a sample of 276 predominantly African American eighth graders attending middle school in an urban public school system. Regression analyses indicated that physical victimization was significantly related to cigarette and alcohol use but not to advanced alcohol and marijuana use; relational victimization contributed uniquely to all categories of drug use after controlling for physical victimization. Physical victimization was also significantly related to physical and relational aggression and delinquent behaviors, and relational victimization made a unique contribution in the concurrent prediction of these behaviors. Physical victimization was more strongly related to both categories of alcohol use, aggression, and to delinquent behaviors among boys than among girls. In contrast, relational victimization was more strongly related to physical aggression and marijuana use among girls than among boys, but more strongly related to relational aggression among boys than among girls. These findings provide information about the generalizability of prior research and have important implications for intervention efforts.  相似文献   

通过抑郁自评量表对广西壮族自治区大学生的抑郁情绪进行调查,了解广西壮族自治区大学生抑郁情绪的发生率和分布情况,以及探讨性别、家庭背景和不同层次院校与大学生抑郁心境的关系。采用简单随机取样方式,选取广西壮族自治区8所大专以上高等院校进行调查研究,其中一本、二本高校各3所,职业学院2所;运用抑郁自评量表对选定学校的学生随机抽取进行抑郁水平的测查;采用χ~2检验、t检验和单因素方差分析对测查数据进行比较分析。结果显示:在调查的大学生人群中,存在抑郁心境者共有385名,占总体的41.2%;其中轻度抑郁289名(30.9%),中度抑郁88名(9.4%),重度抑郁8名(0.9%)。大学生存在轻度抑郁以上的发生率在性别、家庭背景之间差异均无统计学意义;而在不同层次院校之间,大学生存在轻度抑郁心境以上的人数差异有统计学意义上。结论:大学生普遍存在不同程度的抑郁情绪,值得家庭、学校和社会各界的重视。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to explore the association between perceived stress, depression and food consumption frequency. A self-administered questionnaire that included the perceived stress scale, the depression scale and dietary intake was used in the baseline survey of a cohort study of 2579 local college students over 7 cities in China. Gender and city differences were found in perceived stress scores and depression scores. There were also significant differences among diverse smoking levels and among perceived weight categories in perceived stress and depression scores. Stepwise logistic regression models found that frequency of consumption of fresh fruit, ready-to-eat food and snack food had apparently independent effects on perceived stress, whereas the intake level of fresh fruit, ready-to-eat food and fast food was significantly associated with depression. The link between food consumption frequency, perceived stress and depression suggests that diet intervention may be considered a mediate strategy integrated in psychology prevention program among normal population of the college.  相似文献   

A random sample of students (N = 3,655) in Grades 7, 9, and 11 from 55 schools in Queensland (Australia) were surveyed about their sun protection knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. An aggregate sun protection behavior index (SPBI) was developed from self-reported behaviors on a school day and a weekend day. Repeated measures regression analyses revealed that negative views of sun protection measures were associated with low scores on the SPBI, an association that was strongest among older students and in larger schools. Low perceived parental sun protective behaviors were associated with low SPBI ratings, and this association was greatest in small schools and on Saturdays. Older students had lower SPBI ratings, but their scores increased on Saturdays. Gender did not appear to be independently related to the SPBI after adjustment for the other variables. These findings reinforce the need for adolescent sun protection programs to address the complex interactions among psychological, social, and environmental factors that influence different subgroups of the student population.  相似文献   

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