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目的 了解陕西省宁陕县中小学环境卫生状况,为改善学校环境卫生提供科学依据。方法 采用分层随机抽样方法,从宁陕县27所城区和农村学校中共抽取7所学校,每所学校按照教室的楼层、南北朝向、采光类型为双侧或单侧等选取具有代表性的6间教室进行监测,共监测城区教室24间,农村教室18间;监测教室人均面积、课桌椅、黑板、教室采光、教室照明等9项指标。结果 监测的9项指标合格率由高到低依次为黑板尺寸(100.00%)、噪声(100.00%)、课桌面平均照度(85.71%)、黑板反射比(61.90%)、教室人均面积(57.14%)、黑板面均匀度(52.38%)、课桌面均匀度(19.05%)、黑板面平均照度(7.14%)和课桌椅分配总符合率(1.19%)。结论 课桌椅分配符合率和黑板面平均照度低是宁陕县中小学校教学环境卫生存在的主要问题,教育、卫生行政部门应根据中小学教学环境监测标准改善教室桌椅和照明等环境卫生状况,促进学生健康成长。  相似文献   

目的了解沈阳市和平区学校教学环境的卫生状况,为改善学校教学环境提供依据。方法对2017年沈阳市和平区所有中小学校的教室环境卫生监测结果进行分析。结果共监测教室236间,其中灯桌间距、二氧化碳浓度和教室温度合格率均为100%;黑板尺寸、环境噪声、黑板下缘与讲台地面的垂直距离、采光系数、教室人均面积和窗地面积比合格率较高,依次分别为99.6%、94.9%、87.3%、85.2%、74.6%、72.0%;侧墙反射比、黑板反射比、课桌椅分配符合率、课桌面照度和黑板面照度合格率较低,依次分别为51.7%、31.2%、15.7%、50.8%、20.3%。结论沈阳市和平区课桌椅分配符合率、黑板及侧墙反射比、课桌面和黑板面照度等监测指标合格率低,今后在学校卫生监督工作中应采取有效措施加以改善。  相似文献   

了解浙江省中小学校教室采光照明情况,为改善中小学校教学和卫生环境提供依据.方法 依据学校卫生相关规定和卫生标准,2015-2017年每年对浙江省33所中小学校抽检的198间教室进行现场监测和分析.结果 2015-2017年监测的教室采光系数、窗地面积比、后墙反射比的合格率分别为84.5%,93.6%,39.6%,教室课桌面平均照度、课桌面照度均匀度、黑板面平均照度、黑板面照度均匀度的合格率逐年提高,差异均有统计学意义(x2值分别为24.59,86.28,105.43,8.49,P值均<0.05).黑板面平均照度的合格率,城市(72.6%)高于农村(61.4%),差异有统计学意义(x2=8.25,P<0.05).结论 浙江省中小学校教室照明卫生监测的各指标合格率2017年较2015,2016年有明显提高,教室采光指标中的后墙反射比合格率较低.需要政府部门出台相应政策,有效改善中小学校教室采光照明现状.  相似文献   

许华茹  张睿  杨柳 《中国学校卫生》2020,41(9):1422-1424
了解济南市中小学校教学环境卫生学现状和存在的问题,为制定政策改善教学环境提供数据支持.方法 在山东省济南市175所中小学校开展教学环境现场监测,监测内容包括人均面积、黑板尺寸、采光、照明、课桌椅分配符合率和噪声等,利用x2检验对各指标的合格率进行比较.结果 共监测普通教室1 033间,合格率较高的指标有黑板尺寸(83.35%)、窗地面积比(83.54%)、黑板面照度均匀度(83.54%)、课桌面照度均匀度(71.64%)、噪声(76.86%);<50%的指标有黑板反射比(25.27%)、课桌面平均照度(48.02%)、黑板面平均照度(18.39%).小学的黑板尺寸、人均面积、课桌面平均照度和噪声指标优于中学,差异有统计学意义(P值均<0.05);乡村学校窗地面积比、黑板反射比、灯具悬挂高度、黑板面平均照度、课桌面平均照度等指标优于城市学校,城市学校黑板面照度均匀度和和课桌面平均照度平均度指标优于乡村学校,差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).总的课桌椅分配均符合率为24.78%,中学课桌椅分配符合率高于小学,差异有统计学意义(x2=163.83,P<0.05).结论 济南市中小学校在采光照明等教学环境方面均存在不同程度的问题,亟需改善.  相似文献   

目的 了解深圳市宝安区某街道民办学校教学环境卫生状况及存在不足,为改善民办学校教学环境卫生状况提供参考。方法 于2018年3月从街道7所民办学校随机抽取不同楼层、不同年级共42间教室,依据《学校卫生综合评价》(GB/T 18205-2012)、《中小学校教室采光和照明卫生标准》(GB 7793-2010)、《学校课桌椅功能尺寸》(GB/T3976-2002)进行教学环境现场监测及评价。结果 教室人均面积合格率为40.48%,最前排课桌前沿与黑板的水平距离合格率仅19.05%,课桌椅分配符合率分别为9.52%和11.90%。教室采光方向合格率为95.24%,采光系数合格率为95.24%。窗地面积比、课桌面照度合格率均大于80%,教室后墙反射比、黑板面照度合格率低,分别为0和7.14%。教室室内CO2浓度及温度合格率均为100%,噪声合格率为0。不同建校年限的学校教室人均面积和窗地面积比合格率差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 本次监测教室采光、黑板尺寸、室内微小气候合格率均较高,其余各项指标合格率偏低,尤其是课桌椅分配不符合及噪声问题,教学环境需进一步改善,教育及卫生行政部门需加强交流沟通,共同为学生创造良好的学习与生活环境,保障学生的健康成长。  相似文献   

目的了解厦门市海沧区学校教学环境卫生状况,为进一步改善学校教学环境卫生提供科学依据。方法对海沧区全部35所中小学校的教室人均面积、黑板、教室采光照明、课桌椅、微小气候和噪声等进行现场卫生监测,并对监测结果进行评价分析。结果学校教学环境总分合格30所,总合格率为85.71%。教室微小气候、采光、照明、黑板、噪声、教室人均面积和课桌椅配置的合格率分别为100%、94.29%、97.14%、97.14%、65.71%、45.71%和2.86%;教室的朝向、间距、采光系数、窗地面积比、后墙反射比、灯桌距和课桌面照度合格率分别为97.14%、88.57%、100%、94.29%、85.71%、100%和91.44%;黑板的尺寸、高度、反射比和黑板面照度合格率分别为97.14%、74.24%、68.57%和51.43%;课桌、课椅和课桌椅与学生身高分配符合率分别为16.13%、19.73%和15.73%。结论海沧区学校教室的建筑设计、采光、照明和微小气候等卫生状况较好,但课桌椅配置、教室人均面积和噪声合格率较低,部分学校教室黑板的维护、灯管管理不到位,亟需进一步整改。  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市房山区中小学校教学环境卫生学现状及存在的问题,为相关部门制定政策提供依据。方法 2020-2021年对房山区85所中小学校进行教学环境监测,每所学校抽取具有代表性的普通教室2~4间,监测指标包括人均面积、课桌椅分配符合率、教室采光、教室照明、教室微小气候和噪声。结果 共监测房山区中小学教室174间,教学环境监测指标合格率由高至低分别为噪声(99.43%)、人均面积(93.10%)、二氧化碳浓度(81.03%)、课桌面照度均匀度(77.59%)、采光系数(77.01%)、课桌面平均照度(73.56%)、室内温度(56.90%)、课桌分配符合率(53.45%)、教室窗地面积比(52.87%)、课椅分配符合率(50.00%)、黑板平均照度(48.80%)、后墙反射比(41.95%)、黑板照度均匀度(24.10%)。其中,小学课桌分配符合率62.11%、课椅分配符合率56.84%、课桌椅分配均符合率45.26%、黑板平均照度合格率58.95%,均高于中学(χ2值分别为6.302、3.198、6.473、9.162,P均<0.05)。街道所属学校课桌面...  相似文献   

了解四川省中小学校教学环境卫生状况,为行政部门采取防控措施提供依据.方法 于2013-2014年多阶段分层随机抽样调查四川省7座城市,28所学校的140间教室,依据相关国家标准进行卫生检测和评价.结果 教室人均面积总合格率为26.4%(37/140);无教室课桌椅分配符合率≥80%;教室黑板均无破损,黑板尺寸合格率为92.1% (129/140),黑板反射比总合格率为82.9%(116/140);教室采光系数合格率为62.1%(87/140);后墙反射比合格率为16.4%(23/140);教室课桌面照度合格率为41.4% (58/140);教室微小气候合格率为80.7%(113/140);噪声合格率为20.7%(29/140).结论 四川省中小学校教学环境卫生状况存在教室拥挤、课桌椅高度与学生身高不符、教室采光照明差等问题.  相似文献   

目的:了解射阳县中小学校教室环境卫生现状。方法对射阳县17所学校88间教室进行环境卫生监测,检测内容包括教室的人均面积,课桌椅分配符合率、黑板教室采光、教室照明、微小气候、噪声等7项指标。结果教室人均面积合格率为29.55%,课桌与课椅配套率为15.73%,身高与课桌椅配套率为3.4%,中小学校班级采光系数合格率为100%,黑板反射系数合格率为51.14%,课桌面照度合格率为85.23%、黑板照度合格率为30.68%,微小气候合格率为97.73%,教室噪声合格率为51.14%。结论射阳县中小学校教室环境卫生问题较突出,应加强学校教学设施的日常监督与学校新、改、扩、续建项目的预防性监督工作。  相似文献   

了解无锡市学校教室环境与生活环境的卫生状况,为促进学生的身心健康提供改善措施.方法 对无锡市2014-2015年中小学校的教室与生活环境卫生监测结果进行分析.结果 无锡市学校教室生活环境卫生大部分监测指标能符合要求,合格率较高的指标是黑板尺寸(99.54%)、窗地面积比(91.19%)、课桌面照度(95.83%)、盥洗室门与居室门间距离(100%);合格率较低的指标是课桌椅分配符合率(23.74%)、黑板下缘与地面距离(53.71%)、黑板反射比(53.09%)、后墙反射比(53.35%)、黑板面照度(59.37%)和小学厕所宽度(43.1%).结论 无锡市教室环境卫生有待提高,应对薄弱环节进行有效整改.  相似文献   



There continues to be a need for increases in adult vaccination rates, especially among those working in environments which may easily become communicable disease outbreak centers, such as school employees in the school environment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate why rural Utah school employees were non-compliant with the influenza and measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines, as well as to identify their views on mandatory vaccination policies.


A questionnaire was distributed to all school employees in a rural Utah school district. Data analysis included frequencies and measures of central tendency and dispersion for quantitative items and theme identification for qualitative items.


Only 51% of school employees were adequately vaccinated for influenza. Reasons for noncompliance with the influenza vaccine included inconvenience, lack of perceived need, and questionable vaccine efficacy. There were 39.3% school employees who had not received an MMR during adulthood, which was commonly attributed to lack of knowledge regarding the need for this vaccine. Almost half (45.7%) of school employees believed a mandatory vaccination policy should be instituted, although 24.2% of school employees were opposed to mandatory adult vaccination policies. Reasons for opposing vaccination mandates included violation of personal choice, lack of perceived vaccination safety and efficacy, lack of perceived need for adult vaccines, and vaccine cost.


Suboptimal vaccination rates of school employees may negatively affect the health and well-being of individuals in the school environment. School employees report a variety of beliefs regarding the influenza and MMR vaccines. While over half of school employees support mandatory vaccination policies for adults working in the school environment, those opposing such a policy report concerns regarding violation of personal choice. Public health officials and school administrators should coordinate efforts to increase vaccination rates among adults in the school environment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have demonstrated an association between characteristics of the school environment and the likelihood of school violence. However, little is known about the relative importance of various characteristics of the school environment or their differential impact on multiple violence outcomes. METHODS: Primarily African‐American students (n = 27) from Baltimore City high schools participated in concept mapping sessions, which produced interpretable maps of the school environment's contribution to school violence. Participants generated statements about their school environment's influence on school violence and, with the assistance of quantitative methods, grouped these statements according to their similarity. Participants provided information about the importance of each of these statements for the initiation, cessation, and severity of the violence that occurs at school. RESULTS: More than half of the 132 statements generated by students were rated as school environment characteristics highly important for the initiation, cessation, and/or severity of school violence. Participants identified students' own actions, expectations for disruptive behavior, and the environment outside the school as the characteristics most important for the initiation and increased severity of violence that occurs in school. Participants had a more difficult time identifying school environment characteristics important for the cessation of school violence. CONCLUSION: This study provides support from students for the role of the school environment in school violence prevention, particularly in preventing the initiation and reducing the severity of school violence. Schools can utilize the information presented in this article to begin discussions with students and staff about prioritizing school environment changes to reduce school violence.  相似文献   

The study objectives were (1) to determine the variation in prevalence of overweight between school communities, (2) to evaluate the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and the probability of being overweight among different school communities, and (3) to test whether this relationship varies between school communities. Using a repeated cross-sectional design, data from 31,424 (15,298 girls, 16,126 boys) Australian school children who had objective assessments of body composition and physical performance were used. Ninety-one schools located across 5 states and territories were included. Independent samples were taken across 12 school years (2000–2011). Analysis used generalised linear mixed models in R with a two-level hierarchical structure—children, nested within school communities. Predictor variables considered were: level 1—gender, age, cardiorespiratory fitness and year of measurement; level 2—school community. A total of 24.6% of the children were overweight and 69% were of low fitness. Variation in the prevalence of overweight between school communities was significant, ranging from 19% to 34%. The probability of being overweight was negatively associated with increasing cardiorespiratory fitness. The relationship was steepest at low fitness and varied markedly between school communities. Children of low fitness had probabilities of being overweight ranging between 26% and 75% depending on school community, whereas those of high fitness had probabilities of < 2%. Our findings suggest that most might be gained from a public health perspective by focusing intervention on the least fit children in the worst-performing communities.  相似文献   

Though comprehensive tobacco-free school policies constitute an important component of state tobacco control efforts, little research exists about their adoption process. In the past two years, efforts occurred in North Carolina to increase the number of school districts adopting 100% tobacco-free school policies. As part of the North Carolina Youth Empowerment Study (NC-YES), researchers developed a school tobacco policy interview guide to conduct interviews with 40 key people (e.g., school board member, principal, etc.) in each of 14 school districts that adopted a 100% tobacco-free school policy by the end of 2001. Results showed seven districts adopted their school policy in the past two years. Seven themes emerged: 1) Catalysts: Local adult and youth "champions" facilitated policy change; 2) Process of Adoption: Most school policies were adopted with an administrator or other adult initiating the change, but youth involvement increased in recent years; 3) Methods of Adoption: Advocates personalized health concerns by focusing on children and role modeling by adults; 4) Political Leadership: Governors of North Carolina, through letters to school districts and a policy summit, played an important role in stimulating policy change; 5) Barriers to Adoption: Concerns expressed before policy adoption, about teacher attrition or inability to enforce the policy, did not occur as feared; 6) Enforcement Issues: A key to policy enforcement involved being consistent, supportive, and firm; and 7) Economics of Tobacco Farming/Manufacturing: Though a local tobacco economy did little to influence policy adoption, districts that adopted policies were not located in counties with heavy tobacco production. Public health advocates may use this information to encourage school districts to adopt 100% tobacco-free school policies.  相似文献   

This study assessed whether immigrant adolescents receive health education and services in schools at levels comparable to native-born peers. Surveys from 2,635 8th and 10th graders allowed comparisons between students living in the United States "always" (n = 2,080), "more than six years" (n = 299), and "six years or less" (n = 191). Immigrant students were equally likely to receive health education, more likely to use peer counseling or support groups (p < .001), and less likely to use health services (p < .05). They communicated more often with staff (p < .05), were more concerned about mental health issues (p < .01), and were likely to have these topics addressed in school (p < .05). They were more positive about health education (p < .05), learned something new (p < .01), and communicated with parents when offered (p < .001). Schools provide a critical gateway and opportunity for reaching immigrant students and families with programs designed to meet their unique health and mental health needs. Questions remain, however, about health education and services being provided to non-mainstreamed, Limited English Proficient students who recently immigrated. Implications for program and service delivery and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

学校文化目前的状态、制度改革和人本管理的需要,共同呼唤学校文化的管理;学校文化管理的侧重点,是学校组织文化的管理;学校文化管理的主要内容,是明确目标、制定措施和管理管理者.  相似文献   

  目的  探讨在校中学生流感疫苗接种影响因素,为提高中学生流感疫苗接种率提供理论基础。  方法  采用定性定量结合的研究方法。使用网络推送问卷星方法调查北京、安徽、陕西、广东4地9 145名在校中学生。多因素Logistic回归模型分析中学生接种流感疫苗的影响因素。采用立意调查方法,选取35名在校中学生进行半结构式访谈,使用NVivo plus软件进行资料分析。  结果  受调查中学生自报告流感疫苗接种率为38.2%。不曾与他人讨论过流感疫苗(OR=1.37,95%CI=1.17~1.60)、觉得与他人讨论流感疫苗是无价值的(OR=1.30,95%CI=1.08~1.57)与疫苗接种呈负相关(P值均 < 0.05);班主任建议(OR=0.39,95%CI=0.32~0.48)、周围同学接种(OR=0.29,95%CI=0.25~0.33)、很清楚疫苗是怎么回事并能清楚解释(OR=0.68,95%CI=0.61~0.75)、与他人讨论(OR=0.76,95%CI=0.67~0.86)、觉得讨论是有价值的(OR=0.66,95%CI=0.59~0.73)、可以正向带动他人(OR=0.61,95%CI=0.55~0.68)、受到他人积极影响(OR=0.62,95%CI=0.54~0.71)与疫苗接种呈正相关(P值均 < 0.05)。访谈结果显示,班主任对流感疫苗的认知和态度可直接或间接影响学生的接种决定,积极的班级整体氛围可提高学生接种率。  结论  学校可通过发挥班主任引导作用、组织学生开展流感话题讨论的方式提高学生流感疫苗接种率。  相似文献   

In this ethnographic study of violent, white, suburban school girls, it was found that such girls live with negative notions of self and the acceptance of the belief that women achieve their greatest importance when they command the attention of men. In their life worlds, females are devalued and oppressed as a matter of course, and violence in all its forms is justified on the grounds that the victimcaused the assailant to attack the victim. The key informants reported beating up other girls because these girls appear to be threatening their relationships with males and therefore “deserve” to be beaten. They exhibit a classic form of oppressed group behavior and believe that when they are engaging in violence against other girls, they are “doing the right thing.”  相似文献   

Health education is concerned with improving people's physicalconstitution. There is no doubt that it is important to enlightenchildren on problems of drug abuse, to teach them how to nourishthemselves and to dress in a healthy way, to do sports and notto smoke. What has been neglected so far, however, is the drawingof people's attention to the unwholesome working and learningconditions to which children and adolescents are exposed atnursery school, and later on, at school and university, andwhich adults experience all day long at their place of work. The creation of a wholesome environment for working and learningin is a need which ought to be investigated thoroughly and putinto practice over the next decade. As long as children andadolescents in particular are forced to live and to learn inconcrete bunkers under artificial light and in rooms coveredin plastic, as long as all school playgrounds are sealed inasphalt up to the horizon so that any physical contact withnature is made impossible, we must not be surprised that childrenconsider school to be boring, monotonous and dull. Nor mustwe be surprised if vandalism, discontentment and an inabilityto concentrate, are on the increase: these are the symptomsof such sterile educational surroundings. The author has been researching the side-effects of brutal designin school architecture for many years; he has managed a projectinvolving young unemployed people for a couple of years. Theproject group has made it its business to transform asphalt-sealedareas and formerly sterile lawns–all part of the universitysurroundings–into new ecological landscapes. Consideredin social terms, it will be shown how the project is an artisticprocess which develops the creative abilities of its membersand gives them a new sense of identity. These new grounds are models which could inspire other peopleto create something similar. The models ought to offer an incentivefor future clinics, schools, nursery schoob and other publicareas to create sound new places of work and learning.  相似文献   

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