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OBJECTIVE: Little is known about how older African American women define family violence (FV) and what FV survivors might expect from their healthcare providers. The purpose of this study was to understand how these women define FV, where they seek help for FV, and what barriers they face in these efforts. METHODS: We conducted 6 focus groups with 30 African American women over the age of 50, including some FV survivors, at a large, inner-city public hospital. RESULTS: Participants defined FV broadly, citing examples of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional and financial) and neglect. Spiritual sources were cited over physicians as being available to help FV survivors. Barriers to receiving assistance included negative encounters with physicians, lack of trust in the system and dearth of age-appropriate resources. CONCLUSIONS: For older African American women, FV takes many forms of which many may not be obvious during the clinical encounter. Like younger FV survivors, they expect physicians to serve as a resource for FV. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Physicians caring for older African American women need to remember to ask them about FV, and when making referrals for abuse and neglect, consider offering referrals to pastoral care if appropriate.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To provide concurrent validity data for the KID-SAVE as a screening instrument for exposure to violence in African American children, to explore demographic differences in KID-SAVE scores, and to provide preliminary reliability data on a parent version of the KID-SAVE. METHOD: Questionnaire data were collected regarding exposure to violence, children's behavior and symptoms, and family aggression. A sample of 182 children and their parents participated. RESULTS: Both parent and child report of violence exposure was significantly related to the child's psychological adjustment as endorsed by both parents and children. Also, significant relationships were obtained between parent report of their child's exposure to violence and the presence of family violence. CONCLUSIONS: The KID-SAVE appears to be a promising instrument for the assessment of exposure to violence, specifically in African American children, and may be applicable in a variety of clinical settings.  相似文献   

Although many adolescents exposed to violence evidence negative outcomes, some report few deleterious effects, indicating the presence of moderating variables. This study examined the moderating role of family communication and problem solving on positive and negative outcomes in adolescents exposed to school and neighborhood violence. Participants were 90 adolescents and their parents, who completed measures of violence exposure, psychological and behavioral functioning, and communication and problem‐solving skills. Results indicated that after controlling for demographic variables and violence exposure in the home, communication and problem‐solving skills moderated the association between school and neighborhood violence exposure and psychological distress. There was no moderation of the violence exposure‐positive outcome association. The findings suggest that family communication and problem‐solving skills might serve a protective function for adolescents, thereby decreasing psychological distress in the face of school and neighborhood violence exposure. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study seeks to investigate how various facets of social and emotional adjustment, in a sample of urban African American children, are affected by their chronic exposure to community violence and other risk factors in their lives. It further explores how various resources in their environment sustain these children's adjustment at home and in school. In examining these issues, we endeavored to account for both the general and the differential effects of risk factors and resources on social-emotional adjustment. The fundamental problem explored in this study is the extent to which the various indicators of adjustment are differentially impacted by a common set of risk factors, and enhanced through a common set of protective mechanisms. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Racial discrimination is associated with numerous psychological consequences, including increased depressive symptoms for African American adolescents (Brody et al., 2006; Wong, Eccles, & Sameroff, 2003). Adolescents’ perceptions of their neighborhood can influence how youth interpret and manage racial discrimination (Sampson, Morenoff, & Gannon‐Rowley, 2002). Yet little is known about how adolescent perceptions of neighborhood cohesion and neighborhood disorganization protect or exacerbate the effects of racial discrimination, or how these effects vary by youth's gender. Therefore, the current study examined whether neighborhood social cohesion and neighborhood disorganization moderated the association between racial discrimination and depressive symptoms for African American adolescents and how the effects differ for boys and girls. Participants were 106 African American adolescents (57% female; mean age 15.14) from an urban metropolitan area. Regression analyses suggest that perceptions of neighborhood social cohesion protected against racial discrimination for boys and girls. Additionally, the results indicate that when boys perceive less neighborhood disorganization, racial discrimination has a greater influence on their depressive symptoms. Findings have implications for intervention and prevention efforts that enhance and utilize positive neighborhood social processes for youth contending with racial discrimination.  相似文献   

Violence is now recognized as a health epidemic. Violence is especially prevalent in inner-city African-American communities. Most of the attention has focused on youths. However, the effects of violence extend to the communities'' hypertensive patients. Patients are subjected to the emotional impact of violence on and individual level. Studies linking stress, with hypertension have not directly addressed the role of violence. As a group, they suffer from violence''s diverting of funds in the health-care system. For this particular subgroup, violence is ingrained in their daily lives. Their coping mechanisms often place compliance with antihypertensive measures in jeopardy. Community intervention is needed to address the violence. However, primary care physicians in these communities must inquire about the impact violence has on their hypertensive patients to eliminate possible compliance barriers.  相似文献   

A dual coercion model of family processes associated with the development of antisocial and depressive behavior during adolescence was assessed, using an at-risk sample of families and children. Consistent with the model, involvement in family coercion during childhood and adolescence increased both boys' and girls' risk for antisocial behavior in adolescence and girls' risk for depressive behavior. Coercive family processes served as a link between older and younger siblings' antisocial behavior. Childhood exposure to maternal depression predicted boys' and girls' depressive behavior 10 years later, but this association was not mediated by coercion. The data suggest that family risk factors and processes for antisocial development are similar for boys and girls but pathways to depression may be gender specific.  相似文献   

A large body of literature illustrates an association between antisocial behavior and substance abuse. In the present paper, this association is reviewed from a behavioral-economic standpoint. It is suggested that childhood antisocial behavior is a behavioral complement of substance abuse, and that prosocial behavior is a substitute for substance abuse. Based on this formulation, efforts to reduce or prevent antisocial behavior may be conceptualized as prevention programs for substance abuse. Four empirically supported approaches for the treatment of antisocial behavior are reviewed with respect to their promise for preventing and treating substance abuse. Taken together, they suggest that successful interventions for substance abuse may occur at various points over the course of development, beginning in infancy and extending into adolescence.  相似文献   

Research on anxiety treatment with African American women reveals a need to develop interventions that address factors relevant to their lives. Such factors include feelings of isolation, multiple roles undertaken by Black women, and faith. A recurrent theme across treatment studies is the importance of having support from other Black women. Sister circles are support groups that build upon existing friendships, fictive kin networks, and the sense of community found among African Americans females. Sister circles appear to offer many of the components Black women desire in an anxiety intervention. In this article, we explore sister circles as an intervention for anxious African American women. Culturally-infused aspects from our sister circle work with middle-class African American women are presented. Further research is needed.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine predictors of high risk/delinquent behavior and psychoemotional maladjustment in 1,478 sixth and eighth graders who took part in a survey of high-risk and adaptive behaviors. The first goal was to determine the extent to which two distinct dimensions of alienation, normlessness, and isolation/self-estrangement mediated the emergence of maladjustment in youth exposed to community violence. The second goal was to distinguish between violence witnessing and violence victimization, and determine whether these subtypes of violence exposure may differentially affect the proposed mediational factors. The results indicated that normlessness partially mediated the relationship between violence exposure and high-risk/delinquent behavior and between violence exposure and psychoemotional maladjustment. Isolation/self-estrangement partially mediated the relation between violence exposure and psychoemotional maladjustment. Although witnessing of, and victimization by, violence were both significant predictors of normlessness, only violent victimization was significantly linked to isolation/self-estrangement. These results elucidate the mechanisms by which community violence exposure may exert negative influences on youth and suggest that there are distinct patterns of risk associated with different forms of exposure.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between prosocial involvement (PI), antisocial peer affiliations (APA), and the degree of their overlapping or independent prediction of behavior problems in urban adolescents. Two dimensions of behavior were assessed at ages 9–11 and at ages 13–15: disruptive, aggressive conduct and number of delinquent behaviors in the past year. Participants were 167 urban boys and girls with multiple early childhood risk factors. APA predicted higher rating of aggressive conduct and more delinquent behaviors at ages 13–15 beyond the effects of earlier behavior problems. PI predicted lower rates of delinquent behavior but not aggressive conduct. A portion of the influence of PI on delinquent behavior was independent and a portion overlapping with APA. High PI moderated the positive relationship between APA and delinquent behavior, consistent with a protective effect. Interventions that promote PI are unlikely to substantially reduce associations with antisocial peers but may prove beneficial for youths with many antisocial friends by reducing contagion effects that promote delinquency. Other implications for prevention efforts are also considered. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comm Psychol 35: 417–434, 2007.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study examined the impact of social support on the relation between exposure to violence and aggressive behavior, as reported by self, peers, and teachers. The main-effects and stress-buffering models of social support were tested for parents, teachers, classmates, and close friends among 127 urban, African American youth. The results demonstrate the negative impact of violence exposure on aggressive behavior and the complex roles of social support in these relations. Specifically, more perceived support from parents, teachers, and close friends was associated with lower teacher-reported aggressive behavior, whereas classmate support buffered the impact of violence on peer-reported aggressive behavior. These findings, multiple reporter differences, and implications for preventive interventions are discussed. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The increasing prominence of minority groups, particularly African Americans, in the growing rates of HIV infection and AIDS underscores the urgency for developing ethno-gender specific models for changing behaviors that are placing those groups at risk. To this end, HIV-related knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions reported by an urban community sample of African Americans (N = 364) and formulated as components of the Health Belief Model (HBM) have been tested against HIV avoidance practices, using both structural equation and OLS regression analysis. Both multivariate approaches identified perceived vulnerability as a significant negative predictor and, additionally for women, a positive relationship with generalized sense of personal efficacy. The results suggest an inverted causal sequence from what the HBM assumes: risk behavior leading to or predicting perceptions. Some implications of this critical reversed ordering are suggested. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This study examined risk and protective factors that differentiate low-income, abused African American women (N = 200) who attempted suicide from those who had never made a suicide attempt. Results from multivariate analyses revealed that numerous and/or severe negative life events, a history of child maltreatment, high levels of psychological distress and depression, hopelessness about the future, and alcohol and drug problems were factors associated with attempter status. Protective factors associated with nonattempter status included hopefulness, self-efficacy, coping skills, social support, and effectiveness in obtaining material resources. Culturally competent intervention approaches for abused women should target increasing their protective factors and reducing their risk factors to decrease the likelihood that these women engage in suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

Background: Relatively few studies have examined positive character traits that are associated with lower HIV/STD risks.Purpose: In the present study, the relationships of character strengths with sexual behaviors and attitudes were assessed among 383 African-American adolescents.Method: Character strengths were measured using the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths. Because the strengths were highly inter-correlated, stepwise discriminant function analyses were utilized to assess their independent associations with sexual behaviors and attitudes.Results: Greater Love of Learning was related to self-reported abstinence from sexual intercourse for boys and self-reported abstinence from drug use for boys and girls. Greater Love of Learning and Curiosity were related to the belief in no premarital sex for boys, whereas only Curiosity was significant for girls. Prudence was related to reported abstinence from sexual intimacy (e.g., touching or kissing). Judgment was related to sexual initiation efficacy for girls and boys, whereas Leadership was only significant for girls.Conclusions: The findings suggest that character strengths may be associated with lower levels of sexual behaviors and sex-related beliefs among a sample of African-American adolescents. The data for the present study were collected at Jackson State University. This research was supported by grants from the Values in Action Institute of the Mayerson Foundation and the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (5R01HD039122-03).  相似文献   

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