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目的鉴定巢蛋白(Nestin)在成年大鼠基底前脑的表达。方法应用小鼠抗大鼠Nestin单克隆抗体(Rat401)对成年大鼠基底前脑进行了免疫组织化学研究和Westen-blot检测。结果Nestin免疫反应阳性神经元广泛分布于成年大鼠基底前脑的隔-斜角带(MS-DBB)复合体,基底前脑MS-DBB复合体的内侧隔核(MS)、斜角带垂直支(vDB)和斜角带水平支(hDB)分别有一相对分子质量约为240000的单一蛋白带。结论成年大鼠基底前脑MS、vDB和hDB均存在Nestin表达。  相似文献   

In this work we have analyzed the targets of the GABAergic afferents to the main olfactory bulb originating in the basal forebrain of the rat. We combined anterograde tracing of 10 kD biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) injected in the region of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca that projects to the main olfactory bulb, with immunocytochemical detection of GABA under electron microscopy or vesicular GABA transporter (vGABAt) under confocal fluorescent microscopy. GABAergic afferents were identified as double labeled BDA-GABA boutons. Their targets were identified by their ultrastructure and GABA content. We found that GABAergic afferents from the basal forebrain were distributed all over the bulbar lamination, but were more abundant in the glomerular and inframitral layers (i.e. internal plexiform layer and granule cell layer). The fibers had thick varicosities with abundant mitochondria and large perforated synaptic specializations. They contacted exclusively GABAergic cells, corresponding to type 1 periglomerular cells in the glomerular layer, and to granule cells in inframitral layers. This innervation will synchronize the bulbar inhibition and consequently the response of the principal cells to the olfactory input. The effect of the activation of this pathway will produce a disinhibition of the bulbar principal cells. This facilitation might occur at two separate levels: first in the terminal tufts of mitral and tufted cells via inhibition of type 1 periglomerular cells; second at the level of the firing of the principal cells via inhibition of granule cells. The GABAergic projection from the basal forebrain ends selectively on interneurons, specifically on type 1 periglomerular cells and granule cells, and is likely to control the activity of the olfactory bulb via disinhibition of principal cells. Possible similarities of this pathway with the septo-hippocampal loop are discussed.  相似文献   

Following injections of wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) or the fluorescent tracer fluoro-gold into the magnocellular preoptic area and the horizontal limb of the diagonal band, retrogradely labelled neurons were found in the homotopic region of the contralateral basal forebrain. Labelled fibers apparently arising from these neurons travelled in the stria medullaris and the habenular commissure to terminate in the contralateral basal forebrain. Although the neurons retrogradely labelled with fluoro-gold in the contralateral basal forebrain were similar in size to choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-immunoreactive neurons, and were intermingled with them, none was ChAT-positive. WGA-HRP injections into the nucleus basalis magnocellularis did not result in retrograde labelling in the contralateral basal forebrain. These findings suggest that non-cholinergic neurons may serve as a direct link between the two sides of selective magnocellular basal forebrain regions.  相似文献   

Monoaminergic-cholinergic interactions in the primate basal forebrain.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Anatomical studies in the rat have shown that the cholinergic cells of the nucleus basalis receive synapses from monoamine axons, but similar evidence is lacking in primates. We used single- and double-labeling immunocytochemistry to visualize monoamine axons and their relationship with the cholinergic cells of the basal forebrain of the monkey. Norepinephrine axons, labeled with dopamine-beta-hydroxylase antibodies, formed a bed of fine varicose axons that co-distributed with the cholinergic cells. Tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive axons, presumed to be mainly dopaminergic, were 10-20 times more abundant than dopamine-beta-hydroxylase axons throughout the basal forebrain, except in the medial septal area, where their density was lower. Serotonin-immunoreactive axons formed a dense axon plexus throughout the basal forebrain. Double-labeling light microscopy demonstrated that each of the three types of monoamine axons formed frequent direct contacts with the cholinergic cells. Electron microscopy showed that the noradrenergic and the putative dopaminergic axons synapsed on the cholinergic cells. In the human brain, immunolabeling with antibodies to dopamine-beta-hydroxylase, tyrosine hydroxylase and tryptophan hydroxylase (for serotonin axons) showed axon densities in the nucleus basalis comparable to those of the monkey brain. The data demonstrate that all three of these monoamine systems innervate the cholinergic and possibly also the non-cholinergic cells of the nucleus basalis, and therefore affect the release of acetylcholine in the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

The distribution of neurons displaying choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunoreactivity was examined in the raccoon basal forebrain using a rabbit antiscrum and a monoclonal antibody. Alternating sections were used for Nissl staining. ChAT-positive neurons were arranged in a continuous mass extending from the medial septum to the caudal pole of the pallidum. Based upon spatial relations to fibre tracts, the clustering of neuronal groups, and cytological criteria, the basal forebrain magnocellular complex can be subdivided into several distinct regions. Although clear nuclear boundaries were often absent, the ChAT-positive neurons were divided into: the nucleus tractus diagonalis (comprising pars septi medialis, pars verticalis and pars horizontalis); nucleus praeopticus magnocellularis; substantia innominata; and the nucleus basalis of Meynert. Comparison with Nissl-stained sections indicated the presence of varying proportions of non-cholinergic neurons clustered or arranged loosely within these basal forebrain subdivisions. These data provide a structural basis for studies concerned with the topographical and physiological aspects of the raccoon basal forebrain cholinergic projections and its comparison with the basal forebrains of other species.  相似文献   

R P Vertes 《Neuroscience》1988,24(3):907-935
Brainstem afferents to various nuclei of the basal forebrain of the rat were examined using the retrograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase. These forebrain nuclei included the medial septum-vertical limb of the diagonal band nucleus, the lateral septum, the nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band, the medial preoptic area and the magnocellular preoptic nucleus/substantia innominata. Medial septal-vertical limb of the diagonal band injections produced dense cell labeling in: raphe obscurus, nucleus incertus, central gray-pars alpha, locus coeruleus, raphe pontis, median raphe, nucleus of Darkschewitsch, a compact cell group within the mesencephalic gray dorsolateral to the nucleus of Darkschewitsch and the supramammillary nucleus. Lateral septal injections produced the heaviest cell labeling in the A1 and A2 areas (of Dahlstrom and Fuxe), the lateral parabrachial nucleus, the Kolliker-Fuse nucleus, the ventral tegmental area and the supramammillary nucleus. There were considerably fewer labeled cells overall with lateral septal as compared with medial septal injections. Brainstem projections to the horizontal limb of the diagonal band were pronounced. The most heavily labeled nuclei were A1, locus coeruleus, laterodorsalis (dorsolateral tegmental nucleus of Castaldi), raphe pontis, median raphe, lateral parabrachial nucleus, ventral tegmental area, nucleus of Darkschewitsch and the supramammillary nucleus. Medial preoptic area injections produced pronounced labeling in: A1 and A2 areas, raphe magnus, locus coeruleus, laterodorsalis, lateral parabrachial nucleus, pedunculopontine nucleus, peripenduncular nucleus and the supramammillary nucleus. The pattern of brainstem labeling obtained with magnocellular preoptic/substantia innominata injections was considerably different from the patterns seen with the other injections. Specifically, relatively few cell groups, essentially confined to the upper brainstem (rostral pons and midbrain), were densely labeled following magnocellular preoptic/substantia innominata injections. These included the medial parabrachial nucleus, the pedunculopontine nucleus, the dorsal raphe nucleus, the ventral tegmental area and the supramammillary nucleus. With the exception of the supramammillary nucleus, each of these cell groups was more heavily labeled with magnocellular preoptic/substantia innominata injections than with others of this series. The above describes the major brainstem projections to each of the forebrain sites.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Silver staining (Bodian procedure) in the nucleus of the sublenticular substantia innominata (SI), also referred to as the nucleus basalis of Meynert, was evaluated in autopsy material from patients with Alzheimer's disease or senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (age at death: mean 69 years, range 63 to 81 years; time between onset of symptoms and death: mean 5.6 years, range 2.5 to 11.0 years). Although a decrease in the number of neurons and an increase in gliosis were observed in the SI in the Alzheimer dementia cases, classic senile plaques, as well as neurofibrillary tangles and granulovacuolar degeneration, were, with rare exception, not present in the basal forebrain. Small plaque-like lesions, 30-50 micron in diameter, were found scattered throughout the SI, however. These pathologic entities, like traditional senile plaques, demonstrated increased argentophilia compared to background, neuritic elements, and an increase in the number of glial cells. The magnitude of silver staining in the plaque-like lesions in the SI, however, was generally less than that associated with plaques in the cortex, hippocampus and amygdala. Although their significance is not known, plaque-like structures in the SI could represent the final degenerative phases of basal forebrain neurons and/or of fibers afferent to them. Their precise relationship to classic senile plaques remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

基底前脑结构和功能概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基底前脑(basal forebrain,BF)通常是指集中在大脑半球前端内侧面和腹侧面的一组结构。在上世纪中叶基底前脑的研究初有进展,学者们发现BF与机体很多功能活动有关,包括:觉醒、昼夜节律、饮水、体液平衡、摄食等。最近二十年来BF再次成为神经科学领域的研究热点之一,主要是基于下述发现和假设:BF胆碱能神经无的病理变化与老年性痴呆密切相关,BF神经元与注意力、警觉、认知、学习记忆、奖惩、成瘾性等有关。  相似文献   

Summary Unilateral injections of kainic acid into the basal forebrain in a series of rats resulted in an increase in large amplitude slow waves, a correlated burst-suppression pattern of multi-unit activity, and a decrease in acetylcholinesterase staining in the neocortex ipsilateral to the kainic acid injection. Subsequently, a cell suspension, prepared from rat embryonic basal forebrain tissue, was injected adjacent to the recording electrodes ipsilateral to the kainic acid injection. This produced a gradual recovery of low voltage fast activity (LVFA) and a correlated continuous discharge pattern of multi-unit activity in the neocortex ipsilateral to the kainic acid injection. LVFA recovered more slowly at neocortical recording sites that received an injection of a cell suspension of hippocampal primordial cells or no injection at all. Acetylcholinesterase-positive fibers from the basal forebrain tissue invaded host cortex; no comparable outrgrowths were demonstrable in the hippocampal primordium tissue grafts. Restoration of cholinergic electrocortical activation may play an important role in the improvements in behavioral performance produced by basal forebrain grafts in the cortex in animals with basal forebrain lesions.  相似文献   

A key component of the cognitive deficits associated with aging is the loss of function of cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain due to neuronal losses and decreased cholinergic function of spared neurons. A model to mimic one aspect of this phenomenon is to kill cholinergic neurons selectively in the basal forebrain via administration of the immunotoxin IgG-192-saporin. Here we discuss apoptotic regulators, such as nerve growth factor, in age-associated changes present in the cholinergic system and the role of the NF-kappaB signaling system in cellular commitment to apoptosis. We also examine the age-associated decline in intrinsic response mechanisms, which may account for the age-associated reduction in recovery from both acute and chronic insults to the central nervous system.  相似文献   

目的探索基底前脑巢蛋白免疫阳性神经元的来源,为进一步研究巢蛋白免疫阳性神经元的功能及利用巢蛋白表达改善学习记忆能力提供基础。方法用免疫荧光法研究巢蛋白免疫阳性神经元与5.乙炔基.2’脱氧尿嘧啶核苷(EdU)阳性细胞的关系、用免疫组化法研究巢蛋白免疫阳性神经元与双皮质素阳性神经元的关系。结果EdU阳性细胞主要分布于海马齿状回及侧脑室的室管膜及室管膜下区的细胞,在内侧隔核、斜角带核等区域无明显的EdU阳性细胞,巢蛋白免疫反应阳性神经元与EdU阳性细胞无共定位表现。双皮质素阳性细胞主要分布于海马齿状回及侧脑室的室管膜及室管膜下区的细胞,巢蛋白免疫反应阳性神经元与双皮质素阳性神经元之间无双标。结论基底前脑巢蛋白免疫反应阳性神经元不是一种新生的神经元,可能是成熟胆碱能神经元的一种功能状态。可能是巢蛋白表达赋予了胆碱能神经元特殊的功能。  相似文献   

Perineuronal nets of extracellular matrix have been shown to characterize the microenvironment of individual neurons and the chemoarchitecture of brain regions such as basal forebrain nuclei. Previous work has also demonstrated that neurons in the human cerebral cortex ensheathed by perineuronal nets rarely undergo cytoskeletal changes in Alzheimer's disease, suggesting a neuroprotective effect of extracellular matrix components. It is not known, however, whether or not perineuronal nets are absent in the microenvironment of the cholinergic basal forebrain neurons that are involved early in the cascade of neurodegeneration in humans. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to examine the distribution patterns of perineuronal nets in the basal forebrain of the higher primates, rhesus monkey and human. Cytochemical staining was performed with the lectin Wisteria floribunda agglutinin and a polyclonal antibody to core proteins of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in the perfusion-fixed tissue of rhesus monkeys. In human brains, perineuronal nets were only stained with the immunoreaction for chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans. The results showed similar characteristics in distribution patterns of perineuronal nets in the medial septum, the diagonal band of Broca, the basal nucleus of Meynert (Ch1-Ch4), the lateral septum, the caudate-putamen, and the globus pallidus in both species. Double-labelling revealed that the vast majority of cholinergic neurons, labelled either with antibodies to choline acetyltransferase or the low-affinity neurotrophin receptor p75(NTR), were not ensheathed by perineuronal nets. A small subpopulation of net-associated neurons in close proximity to or intermingled with cholinergic neurons of the Ch1-Ch4 cell groups was found to be immunoreactive for parvalbumin. In the caudate-putamen, a large number of the parvalbumin-positive neurons were surrounded by perineuronal nets, whereas in the external and internal segments of the globus pallidus the coincidence of both markers was nearly complete. The study demonstrates that perineuronal nets of extracellular matrix are associated with different types of non-cholinergic neurons in the primate basal forebrain. The absence of nets around cholinergic basal forebrain neurons may be related to their slow modulatory activity but may also contribute to their susceptibility to degeneration in Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder that is characterized by the behavioral traits of impaired social cognition and communication, and repetitive and/or obsessive behavior and interests. Although there are many theories and speculations about the pathogenetic causes of autism, the disruption of the serotonergic system is one of the most consistent and well-replicated findings. Recently, it has been reported that placenta-derived serotonin is the main source in embryonic day (E) 10–15 mouse forebrain, after that period, the serotonergic fibers start to supply serotonin into the forebrain. E 10–15 is the very important developing period, when cortical neurogenesis, migration and initial axon targeting are processed. Since all these events have been considered to be involved in the pathogenesis of autism and they are highly controlled by serotonin signals, the paucity of placenta-derived serotonin should have potential importance when the pathogenesis of autism is considered. I, thus, postulate a hypothesis that placenta-derived hypo-serotonin situations in the developing forebrain cause autism. The hypothesis is as follows. Various factors, such as inflammation, dysfunction of the placenta, together with genetic predispositions cause a decrease of placenta-derived serotonin levels. The decrease of placenta-derived serotonin levels leads to hypo-serotonergic situations in the forebrain of the fetus. The paucity of serotonin in the forebrain leads to mis-wiring in important regions which are responsible for the theory of mind. The paucity of serotonin in the forebrain also causes over-growth of serotonergic fibers. These disturbances result in network deficiency and aberration of the serotonergic system, leading to the autistic phenotypes.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of the basal forebrain cholinergic system (BFCS) in rats' performance of a visuospatial attention task. Muscimol was infused bilaterally and unilaterally into the BFCS to inhibit cholinergic projections to the cortex. Muscimol slowed responding without significantly affecting side-bias. Bilateral infusions increased accuracy for all targets, whereas unilateral infusions reduced accuracy for targets contralateral to the infusion and increased accuracy for targets ipsilateral to the infusion. After a low unilateral dose of muscimol, invalid cues impaired detection of contralateral targets and spared detection of ipsilateral targets. A high unilateral dose of muscimol impaired detection of contralateral targets independently of cueing. These results suggest that interhemispheric imbalance in cortical activity by pharmacological manipulation of the BFCS can impair the detection of lateralized visual stimuli.  相似文献   

Galanin immunoreactive fibers hyperinnervate remaining cholinergic basal forebrain neurons in Alzheimer's disease, perhaps exacerbating the cholinergic deficit. The purpose of our study is to determine whether a similar phenomenon occurs following intraparenchymal injection of 192 IgG-saporin, a specific cholinergic neurotoxin, within the nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca. Immunotoxic lesion produced on average a 31% reduction in cholinergic cell counts ipsilateral to the lesion, compared to the contralateral side. Increased galanin immunoreactivity, suggestive of increased fiber density, was observed within and adjacent to the lesion in 28 out of 36 rats, and this effect persisted across time up to 6 months (the longest time examined). We observed a parallel increase in the number of galanin positive neurons ipsilateral to the lesion, compared to the contralateral side. No correlative change could be detected in the number of galaninergic neurons in the amygdala or the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. There was no statistically significant correlation between the extent of cholinergic cell loss and the increase in galanin immunoreactivity surrounding the lesion. Yet, since both of these changes persist over time, we suggest that galanin plasticity is triggered by neuronal damage. Our model can be useful to test the role that galanin plays in the regulation of acetylcholine and the efficacy of galanin inhibitors as potential therapeutic interventions in Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Lesions of basal forebrain cholinergic nuclei projecting in neocortex have recently been employed as an animal model for the cholinergic deficits in Alzheimer's disease. However, unlike Alzheimer's patients, whose deterioration appears to be progressive and irreversible, basalis lesioned rats usually recover both behaviorally and neurochemically within several months after the lesion. We now demonstrate that this recovery may be a function of the age of the rat and that cholinergic deficits re-occur in the aged rat. Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity and [3H]hemicholinium-3 ([3H]HCh-3) binding are reduced in cortex ipsilateral to ibotenic acid lesions in the 12-month postlesion rat following an initial recovery to normal levels by about 3 months postlesion. The recurrence of decrease of cholinergic markers is not a consequence of a non-specific age-related decline since the activity of glutamic acid decarboxylase remains constant between 3 and 12 months postlesion.  相似文献   

The orexin neurones play an essential role in driving arousal and in maintaining normal wakefulness. Lack of orexin neurotransmission produces a chronic state of hypoarousal characterized by excessive sleepiness, frequent transitions between wake and sleep, and episodes of cataplexy. A growing body of research now suggests that the basal forebrain (BF) may be a key site through which the orexin-producing neurones promote arousal. Here we review anatomical, pharmacological and electrophysiological studies on how the orexin neurones may promote arousal by exciting cortically projecting neurones of the BF. Orexin fibres synapse on BF cholinergic neurones and orexin-A is released in the BF during waking. Local application of orexins excites BF cholinergic neurones, induces cortical release of acetylcholine and promotes wakefulness. The orexin neurones also contain and probably co-release the inhibitory neuropeptide dynorphin. We found that orexin-A and dynorphin have specific effects on different classes of BF neurones that project to the cortex. Cholinergic neurones were directly excited by orexin-A, but did not respond to dynorphin. Non-cholinergic BF neurones that project to the cortex seem to comprise at least two populations with some directly excited by orexin-A that may represent wake-active, GABAergic neurones, whereas others did not respond to orexin-A but were inhibited by dynorphin and may be sleep-active, GABAergic neurones. This evidence suggests that the BF is a key site through which orexins activate the cortex and promote behavioural arousal. In addition, orexins and dynorphin may act synergistically in the BF to promote arousal and improve cognitive performance.  相似文献   

The basal forebrain (BF) is a heterogeneous structure located in the ventral aspect of the cerebral hemispheres. It contains cholinergic as well as different types of noncholinergic corticopetal neurons and interneurons, including GABAergic and peptidergic cells. The BF constitutes an extrathalamic route to the cortex, and its activity is associated with an increase in cortical release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, concomitant with electroencephalographic (EEG) low-voltage fast activity (LVFA). However, the specific role of the different BF cell types has largely remained unknown due to the lack of chemical identification of the recorded neurons. Here we show that the firing rate of immunocytochemically identified cholinergic and parvalbumin-containing neurons increase during cortical LVFA. In contrast, increased neuropeptide Y neuron firing is accompanied by cortical slow waves. Our results, furthermore, indicate that BF neurons posses a distinct temporal relationship to different EEG patterns and suggest a more dynamic interplay within BF as well as between BF and cortical circuitries than previously proposed.  相似文献   

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