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BACKGROUND: Women in Thailand have a relatively low risk of developing breast cancer; however, death rates from breast cancer are increasing. Rates in many migrant groups are also known to be on the increase. Little is known about breast cancer screening, particularly breast self-examination (BSE), among Thai migrant women in other countries. In Australia, non-English-speaking-background migrants are known to be low users of preventive health services. AIMS: To investigate, using the health belief model (HBM) and self-efficacy as a theoretical framework, the use of BSE in a recent migrant group, Thai women in Australia, and to identify sociodemographic variables that influence the women's regular use of BSE. METHODS: In 1998, a cross-sectional study was conducted among 145 Thai women in Brisbane recruited through a snowball-sampling method, which used personal contacts and key persons within the Thai community. The study was approved by the University Human Ethics Review Committee. Data were collected through designed closed-ended questions. RESULTS: Only 25% of the women performed BSE regularly. HBM indices were strongly associated with BSE. Beliefs in high personal susceptibility to breast cancer strongly increased the likelihood of BSE. After adjusting for potential confounding factors, cues or triggers to undertake BSE and self-efficacy, or the ability to do BSE were found to be important determinants of regular BSE. Study limitations, including data collection methods, are discussed. CONCLUSION: A low percentage of women practised BSE regularly. The HBM is a useful framework for identifying factors influencing the use of BSE. Strategies that increase the confidence of women to undertake preventive health behaviour or increase self-efficacy are likely to increase their regular screening for breast cancer.  相似文献   

Title.  Jordanian nurses' knowledge and practice of breast self-examination.
Aim.  This paper is a report of a study to evaluate the knowledge and practice of Jordanian nurses in relation to breast self-examination.
Background.  Studies have shown that women who have learned about breast self-examination have positive attitudes toward breast cancer and practise breast self-examination more frequently, and that nurses who teach their clients about methods of early detection and breast self-examination are more knowledgeable about breast cancer screening and breast self-examination techniques than those who do not. Therefore, it is important to understand nurses' knowledge about breast cancer and its early detection.
Methods.  A cross-sectional design was used, with a convenience sample of 347 Registered Nurses at three large cities in Jordan (response rate 95%). Data collection took place in 2005 using a self-administrated questionnaire with three parts and based on the American Cancer Society's guidelines: demographics, knowledge, and practice of breast self-examination.
Results.  Nurses reported high levels of knowledge of breast self-examination (M = 7·6, sd . 2·7). A high proportion of nurses reported doing breast self-examination in the past 12 months (85%), but only 17·7% reported doing so on a monthly basis. None of the demographic characteristics was found to be associated with the practice of breast self-examination.
Conclusion.  More health education about monthly breast self-examination and prevention strategies is needed for nurses and their women patients, especially for Arabic women.  相似文献   

  • ? Recent sociological research in the field of lay health and illness beliefs is reviewed and discussed in the light of nursing practice in health promotion.
  • ? How the findings might deepen nurses' understanding of difficulties in adhering to desired health behaviours is outlined.
  • ? The distinctions between ‘public’ and ‘private’ accounts of health, the ‘taken-for-grantedness’ of health, the emotive nature of health and the difficulty of accessing ‘unpolluted’ lay views of health is considered. The implications for nurses working in health promotion are discussed.
  • ? There is a need for further research into the relationship between health beliefs and behaviour, the health beliefs of various groups within society and a need to examine how health beliefs arise and change.

乳腺增生症病人乳腺健康知识调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解女性乳腺增生症病人乳腺健康知识及乳房自我检查的实施情况。方法 采用自行设计的问卷对850例女性乳腺增生症病人进行乳腺健康知识的调查及乳房自我检查实施情况的调查。结果 31.1%的乳腺增生症病人了解常见的乳腺疾病知识,58.5%的病人了解乳房自我检查知识,15.7%的病人掌握乳房自我检查的方法;不同职业、文化程度的乳腺增生症病人的乳房自我检查情况存在统计学差异(P〈0.01)。结论 加强妇女乳腺健康知识宣传,传授乳房自我检查的正确方法,有利于达到乳腺疾病早发现、早诊断、早治疗的目的。  相似文献   

Aim. The aim of this study is to examine the connection between the health beliefs of hospital staff (doctors, nurses and auxiliary staff) and their failure to report needlestick injuries. Background. Needlestick injury to hospital staff is quite frequent and can result in infections and disease, but staff frequently do not report the injury despite their awareness of the risk of blood‐borne pathogens. Methods. Five questionnaires were constructed based on three existing research tools and were tested for validity and reliability. Two hundred and forty questionnaires were distributed to eight randomly chosen departments of a single Israeli hospital. Seventy‐six percent of the questionnaires were anonymously completed and returned. Results. Nurses had the highest rate of needlestick injury, followed by auxiliary staff and doctors. Auxiliary staff showed the highest rate of compliance with the duty to report such injuries, while doctors showed the lowest. Perceived severity of contractable disease, the perceived efficacy of reporting injuries and overall motivation to maintain health were the best predictors of reporting compliance. Non‐compliers emphasized the negative aspects of reporting the injuries, primarily that it took up too much time. Conclusions. The solution to non‐compliance with the duty to report must be a targeted investment in training and education. Relevance to clinical practice. Finding the reasons for compliance and non‐compliance with the duty to report needlestick injuries will help in designing educational programmes for hospital staff and in determining a strategy for improving health behaviour.  相似文献   

  • ? There are a number of health behaviour models and theories available to nurses which have been developed to explain and predict health behaviour. Of particular interest to nurses in recent years is the ‘health belief model’ which has been the most widely used.
  • ? Despite a wealth of evidence to support the model's value in predicting health behaviour, often it is evident that there are a substantial number of factors involved in health behaviour which are not health related and are therefore not easily predicted by the model. Cigarette smoking is one interesting example due to the many physiological and psychological factors involved that are not health related.
  • ? Another model, the ‘theory of reasoned action’, may be useful in understanding such a complex behaviour as cigarette smoking as it relys not only on health beliefs but also takes into consideration personal factors which are seen as relevant by smokers such as social influence and the individuals positive or negative evaluation of giving up or continuing smoking and it is these factors according to the model, which underlie whether or not a person will intend to give up or continue to smoke.
  • ? The theory of reasoned action may be a useful tool to both health educators and nurse researchers.



Few studies have investigated breast health programs to promote rates of having a mammography, clinical breast examination and breast self-examination among non-adherent Turkish women.


To determine the effectiveness of a breast health promotion program on mammography and clinical breast examination use, breast self-examination frequency and proficiency (breast self-examination skills and lump detection), breast health knowledge and health beliefs about breast cancer screening in a sample of Turkish women.


Experimental (pretest-posttest control group).


A community-based setting in Istanbul, Turkey.


190 Non-adherent women (intervention group = 97, control group = 93) aged 41 and older, residing in Istanbul, Turkey.


The intervention group (n = 97) received a 120-min breast health promotion program based on health belief model including a breast health education, film, breast self-examination instruction, and a booklet, a calendar, a card designed specifically for the study. The control group (n = 93) received general information except breast health. Data were collected before the program, immediately after the program, and at 3- and 6-month post-program. The outcome measures are the mammography, clinical breast examination, and breast self-examination frequency, breast self-examination proficiency, breast health knowledge, and health beliefs (perceived susceptibility to breast cancer, benefits to mammography and breast self-examination, barriers of mammography and breast self-examination, confidence in performing breast self-examination).


The breast health promotion program significantly increased breast self-examination frequency and proficiency and breast health knowledge. No significant differences existed in mammography and clinical breast examination rates between the two groups at 6 months. The program was effective in increasing perceived susceptibility to breast cancer, perceived benefits of mammography and breast self-examination, and confidence of breast self-examination. No significant difference was found between the two groups for perceived barriers to mammography.


The breast health promotion program was effective in increasing breast self-examination frequency and proficiency in a sample of Turkish women. In addition, it appears to be useful in raising the knowledge of breast health, enhancing confidence in performing breast self-examination, and increasing most health belief levels.  相似文献   

The following paper presents the findings of an exploratory ethnography, the purpose of which was to identify and describe heart health associated beliefs and behaviours of year seven (Y7) and year 10 (Y10) secondary school young people of African and African Caribbean descent in two UK cities. Data were collected by the data collection technique of focus groups. However, eight focus groups were conducted involving 47 Y7 young people and 29 Y10 pupils, 76 pupils in total. The data were analysed utilizing ATLAS/ti qualitative data analysis software. This software is informed by grounded theory. Data from the study formed six themes. The findings informed the development of an interactive health promotion website which can be found at http://www.shef.ac.uk/web/uni/projects/mshhp. The paper argues that in order to provide meaningful programmes of health promotion to be developed by health care providers including school nurses and health visitors, it is essential that interventions are informed by an understanding of the health beliefs and behaviours of African and African Caribbean young people.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the influence of demographics and the health beliefs of older people on uptake of a free annual health examination administered by the Twu-Tyan Bureau of Sanitation (TTBS), Pingtung, Taiwan. BACKGROUND: The free health examination is a preventive intervention with potential to detect illness. This programme for older people aged 65 years and over, has been available free in some areas since 1980. METHOD: A stratified random systematic sample of 200 men and women over 65 years was selected and consisted of 100 individuals who had undertaken the free health examination and 100 who had not. A 17-item Health Belief Scale (HBS) was used to glean information on their health beliefs and uptake of a free health examination. FINDINGS: It was found that those with higher education and higher economic status had a greater uptake. Family support was also found to influence take-up. A statistically significant difference was found between the health beliefs of users and nonusers. Users perceived a higher level of seriousness and susceptibility to ill health than nonusers. CONCLUSIONS: A number of practical pointers are given that might help clinicians increase uptake rates in such health promotion programmes. These encompass understanding the influence of key demographical and social factors, perceived susceptibility, severity and benefits of the intervention, barriers to attendance and self-efficacy.  相似文献   

Aim. The purposes of this study were to identify the level of breast cancer and breast self examination practice knowledge of primary health nurses and the factors influencing breast cancer and breast self examination knowledge as well as to investigate the frequency of breast self examination practice of primary health nurses and influencing factors and to evaluate the effects of an in‐service training program about breast cancer and breast self examination practice for primary health nurses. Background. An increased awareness among nurses about breast cancer prevention would most likely result in a higher number of better educated women about breast cancer and also motivate adherence to screening recommendations. Design and methods. A pre‐test and post‐test design was implemented to evaluate the effectiveness of a Breast Cancer and Breast Self Examination Education Program for primary health nurses. The program was instructed to 192 of the 215 primary health nurses by two nurse trainers. Pre‐ and post‐tests made available a quantitative evaluation of the level of improvement in breast cancer and breast self‐examination knowledge. Results. Mean of total breast cancer knowledge score of primary health nurses prior to the program was 58·51 SD 15·63 whereas, it increased to 75·96 SD 9·53, revealing a statistically significant escalation (p < 0·0001). A significant increase was detected in the number of primary health nurses practising breast self examination as a result of the significant improvement in the mean of self breast self examination practice knowledge score which rose evidently from 71·09 SD 19·31 to 85·02 SD 12·92 (p < 0·0001). Conclusion. The in‐service education program improved the knowledge about breast cancer and practice of breast self examination in trained primary health nurses. The program model, which involved trained primary health nurse also represented an efficient use of the resources. Relevance to clinical practice. It is important that primary health nurses have adequate breast cancer knowledge and practice of breast self examination to contribute effectively to primary health care. Findings of this study can be used to guide the planning efforts on continuous education of primary health nurses about breast cancer and breast self examination issues.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to assess knowledge of, perceived susceptibility to, perceived seriousness of, and risk behaviors regarding human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer among female nursing students. DATA SOURCES: A 40-item survey of HPV and cervical cancer was distributed to a convenience sample of 240 female nursing students enrolled in a baccalaureate nursing program. CONCLUSIONS: Female nursing students participate in high-risk sexual behaviors and have a fairly low knowledge level, low perceived susceptibility, and low perceived seriousness regarding HPV and cervical cancer. Knowledge and perceived susceptibility were positively related to number of sexual partners. This may indicate that the women who engage in riskier behavior are more knowledgeable about HPV and their risk of contracting the disease. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Results indicate that all practitioners involved in the care of women should educate them about HPV and its relationship to cervical cancer. Education should include the need to use condoms to prevent HPV and other sexually transmitted diseases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: No studies have been found regarding beliefs about health and illness in patients with diabetic foot ulcers investigated from a patient perspective. Beliefs might affect self-care and health. AIM: To explore beliefs about health and illness among patients with severe diabetic foot lesions that might affect self-care practice and care-seeking behaviour. METHOD: The study design was explorative. A purposive sampling procedure was used. Focus group interviews were held, with 10 women and 11 men under 65 years (working age) and six women and 12 men over 65 years (range 23-83 years) with present or previous diabetic foot lesions managed at a specialized multidisciplinary diabetic foot clinic. FINDINGS: Foot problems were perceived by participants as caused by both external and internal factors related to the individual. Self-care was practised to restore health when ill and in daily foot care. When help was needed it was sought in the professional sector. Women were active in self-care and preventive care, searched for information and tried to adapt to the situation. Men more often sought help for acute problems, discussed more foot-related problems, had a pessimistic view of the future, showed a passive attitude, accepted information given and used more complementary care from the lay sector (wife) and/or the professional sector (district nurse, home care staff, podiatrist). Foot lesions caused deterioration of perceived health and quality of life due to decreased ability to be active. CONCLUSION: The present study emphasizes the need to take into account the existence of different beliefs about health and illness, especially regarding gender, in the prevention and management of the diabetic foot.  相似文献   

目的 探讨基于信息-动机-行为技巧(IMB)模型的健康教育对中老年乳腺癌化疗患者自我效能感和心理健康状况的影响.方法 选取2020年5月至9月南华大学附属第一医院收治的75例中老年乳腺癌化疗患者作为研究对象,按照随机数字表法将其分为对照组(38例,常规护理)和干预组(37例,常规护理+基于IMB模型的健康教育).比较两...  相似文献   

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