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Medial entorhinal cortex (EC) deep layer neurons projecting to the dentate gyrus (DG) were studied. Neurons, retrogradely-labelled with rhodamine-dextran-amine were characterized electrophysiologically with the patch clamp technique and finally labelled with biocytin. Pyramidal and nonpyramidal neurons form projections from the deep layers of the EC to the molecular layer of the DG. In addition, both classes of projection neurons send ascending axon collaterals to the superficial layers of the EC. Both classes of neurons were characterized physiologically by regular action potential firing upon depolarizing current injection. While a substantial number of pyramidal projection cells showed intrinsic membrane potential oscillations, none of the studied nonpyramidal cells exhibited oscillations. Despite the morphological similarity of bipolar and multipolar cells to those of GABAergic interneurons in the EC, their electrophysiological characteristics were similar to those of principal neurons and immunocytochemistry for GABA was negative. We conclude, that neurons of the deep layers of the medial EC projecting to the DG may function as both local circuit and projecting neurons thereby contributing to synchronization between deep layers of the EC, superficial layers of the EC and the DG. 相似文献
Hydrocortisone administration alters glial reaction to entorhinal lesion in the rat dentate gyrus 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Young adult male rats received subcutaneous implants of Alzet osmotic minipumps which delivered 400 micrograms hydrocortisone per day. Untreated rats received no pumps or pumps containing the vehicle. Five days after receiving the implantation, both groups of rats were subjected to unilateral entorhinal lesion. Seven days after surgery, brains were analyzed quantitatively for glial changes in the denervated dentate outer molecular layer. Numerical densities of astrocytes and nonastrocytic glia were calculated by cell counting using 1.0-micron toluidine blue-stained sections. Glial acid phosphatase staining was quantitated using computer-assisted cytophotometric measurement of individual glial cells. Hydrocortisone-treated animals demonstrated 31% more astrocytes and 22.4% less nonastrocytes in the dentate outer molecular layer compared with untreated animals. Glia in the treated animals also showed a 33% decrease in average optical density of cytoplasmic acid phosphatase staining. These findings suggest that hydrocortisone treatment prior to and following an entorhinal lesion accelerates lesion-induced migration of astrocytes to the outer molecular layer, and reduces the increase in microglial number resulting from the lesion. The observed effect on microglia may result from a direct hormonal inhibition of local proliferation of microglia or from the well known systemic anti-inflammatory action of glucocorticoids on monocytes, the putative precursors of brain microglia. Our findings suggest that glucocorticoid hormones significantly alter the response of non-neuronal cells to neural tissue damage. 相似文献
Ulrich P. Froriep Arvind Kumar Delphine Cosandier‐Rimélé Ute Häussler Antje Kilias Carola A. Haas Ulrich Egert 《Epilepsia》2012,53(11):1937-1947
Purpose: Temporal lobe epilepsy is often accompanied by neuron loss and rewiring in the hippocampus. We hypothesized that the interaction of subnetworks of the entorhinal–hippocampal loop between epileptic events should show significant signatures of these pathologic changes. Methods: We combined simultaneous recording of local field potentials in entorhinal cortex (EC) and dentate gyrus (DG) in freely behaving kainate‐injected mice with histologic analyses and computational modeling. Key Findings: In healthy mice, theta band activity was synchronized between EC and DG. In contrast, in epileptic mice, theta activity in the EC was delayed with respect to the DG. A computational neural mass model suggests that hippocampal cell loss imbalances the coupling of subnetworks, introducing the shift. Significance: We show that pathologic dynamics in epilepsy encompass ongoing activity in the entorhinal‐hippocampal loop beyond acute epileptiform activity. This predominantly affects theta band activity, which links this shift in entorhinal‐hippocampal interaction to behavioral aspects in epilepsy. 相似文献
Anatomical evidence for a projection from the entorhinal cortex to the contralateral dentate gyrus of the rat 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Dan Goldowitz W.Frost White Oswald Steward Gary Lynch Carl Cotman 《Experimental neurology》1975,47(3):433-441
A relatively sparse direct projection from the entorhinal cortex to the rostral part of the contralateral dentate gyrus of the hippocampus has been demonstrated by the Fink-Heimer and autoradiographic techniques in normal rats. The fibers terminate in the outer two-thirds of the molecular layer, similar to the projection to the ipsilateral dentate gyrus. Thus extrinsic cortical input is bilaterally directed, further illustrating the principle of the bilaterality of hippocampal projections. A contralateral entorhinal projection has been reported previously only as a consequence of apparent axon sprouting following a unilateral entorhinal lesion. The demonstration of this projection in normal rats indicates the changes following recovery from unilateral entorhinal lesions need not involve extensive new fiber growth as had been previously hypothesized. 相似文献
Lesions of entorhinal cortex produce a calpain-mediated degradation of brain spectrin in dentate gyrus. I. Biochemical studies 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Peter Seubert Gwen Ivy John Larson Jenny Lee Kavian Shahi Michel Baudry Gary Lynch 《Brain research》1988,459(2):226-232
Lesions of the rat entorhinal cortex cause extensive synaptic restructuring and perturbation of calcium regulation in the dentate gyrus of hippocampus. Calpain is a calcium-activated protease which has been implicated in degenerative phenomena in muscles and in peripheral nerves. In addition, calpain degrades several major structural neuronal proteins and has been proposed to play a critical role in the morphological changes observed following deafferentation. In this report we present evidence that lesions of the entorhinal cortex produce a marked increase in the breakdown of brain spectrin, a substrate for calpain, in the dentate gyrus. Two lines of evidence indicate that this effect is due to calpain activation: (i) the spectrin breakdown products observed following the lesion are indistinguishable from calpain-generated spectrin fragments in vitro; and (ii) their appearance can be reduced by prior intraventricular in fusion of leupeptin, a calpain inhibitor. Levels of spectrin breakdown products are increased as early as 4 h post-lesion, reach maximal values at 2 days, and remain above normal to some degree for at least 27 days. In addition, a small but significant increase in spectrin proteolysis is also observed in the hippocampus contralateral to the lesioned side in the first week postlesion. At 2 days postlesion the total spectrin immunoreactivity (native polypeptide plus breakdown products) increases by 40%, suggesting that denervation of the dentate gyrus produces not only an increased rate of spectrin degradation but also an increased rate of spectrin synthesis. These results indicate that calpain activation and spectrin degradation are early biochemical events following deafferentation and might well participate in the remodelling of postsynaptic structures. Finally, the magnitude of the observed effects as well as the stable nature of the breakdown products provide a sensitive assay for neuronal pathology. 相似文献
The glutamate transporters GLT-1 and GLAST localized in astrocytes are essential in limiting transmitter signalling and restricting harmful receptor overstimulation. To show changes in the expression of both transporters following lesion of the entorhinal cortex (and degeneration of the glutamatergic tractus perforans), quantitative microscopic in situ hybridization (ISH) using alkaline-phosphatase-labelled oligonucleotide probes was applied to the outer molecular layer of the hippocampal dentate gyrus of rats (termination field of the tractus perforans). Four groups of rats were studied: sham-operated controls, and animals 3, 14 and 60 days following unilateral electrolytic lesion of the entorhinal cortex. The postlesional shrinkage of the terminal field of the perforant path, ipsilateral to the lesion side, was determined and considered in the evaluation of quantitative ISH data. Statistical analysis revealed that ipsilateral to the lesion side there was a significant decrease of the GLT-1 mRNA at every postlesional time-point and of the GLAST mRNA at 14 and 60 days postlesion. The maximal decrease was approximately 45% for GLT-1 and approximately 35% for GLAST. In the terminal field of the perforant path contralateral to the lesion side, no significant changes of ISH labelling were measured. The results were complemented by immunocytochemical data achieved using antibodies against synthetic GLT-1 and GLAST peptides. In accordance with ISH results, there was an obvious decrease of GLT-1 and GLAST immunostaining in the terminal field of the perforant path ipsilateral to the lesion side. From these data we conclude that, following a lesioning of the entorhinal cortex, the loss of glutamatergic synapses in the terminal field of the perforant path resulted in a strong downregulation of glutamate transporters in astrocytes. The decrease of synaptically released glutamate or of other neuronal factors could be involved in this downregulation. 相似文献
A dense plexus of somatostatin-positive fibers and varicosities is observed in the outer two-thirds of the dentate gyrus molecular layer where the glutamatergic perforant path afferents from the entorhinal cortex terminate. To test for a functional interaction between these two pathways, we examined the effects of Cysteamine, which enhances somatostatin release for a few hours after administration but produces subsequent depletion of somatostatin lasting several days, on perforant path evoked potentials recorded in the dentate gyrus. Cysteamine (50–400 mg/kg, IP) increased the population spike dose-dependently both in anesthetized and in awake rats, but the slope of the population excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) was left unchanged or even decreased. The antidromic population spike evoked by mossy fiber stimulation was not changed by cysteamine. The change is thought to be due to the increase in slope of the EPSP-spike relationship. In the hippocampal slice preparation, a similar effect of the drug (1–5 mM) on dentate evoked potentials was observed, suggesting that cysteamine acts through its effects on somatostatin in the hippocampus itself. In chronically implanted awake animals, the perforant path population spike was increased 1 h after cysteamine but returned to the predrug level by 24 h when somatostatin seemed to be depleted. These results suggest that hippocampal somatostatin released by cysteamine potentiates the response of dentate granule cells to perforant path input, without directly affecting synaptic transmission or general cell excitability. 相似文献
The molecular layer of the dentate gyrus exhibits extensive circuit and receptor reorganization after entorhinal lesions and in Alzheimer's disease, including decreased adenosine (A1) receptor binding in the terminal zone of damaged perforant path fibers. We examined the adenosine-sensitivity of evoked synaptic activity recorded from the rat dentate gyrus molecular layer in hippocampal slices prepared after electrolytic lesions were placed in approximately the middle third of the entorhinal cortex. Extracellular field potentials (EFPs) recorded in slices prepared from animals two days post-lesion were small, upward-going, and exhibited paired-pulse potentiation, but by two weeks post-lesion EFPs had recovered to large, downward-going responses that exhibited paired-pulse depression. EFPs recorded from two week post-lesion slices were about 2-fold more sensitive (P <= 0.05) to exposure to adenosine when compared to EFPs recorded from slices from unlesioned animals. Adenosine-induced reduction of paired-pulse depression was similar between unlesioned and post-lesion slices. AChE histochemistry performed after recording revealed dense staining in the dentate gyrus molecular layer of post-lesion slices as compared to slices from unlesioned animals, confirming that sprouting of cholinergic fibers occurred as expected from previous entorhinal lesion studies2,25. Autoradiography performed on adjacent slices showed a decrease in binding to A1-adenosine receptors in the dentate gyrus molecular layer in post-lesion slices as compared to slices from unlesioned animals, indicating that there was a loss of presynaptically located A1-adenosine receptors on damaged perforant pathway terminals. These results indicate that, in addition to the recovery of the major excitatory signal to the hippocampus after entorhinal cell loss, this signal is more sensitive to modulation by adenosine, suggesting an increase in A1-adenosine receptor efficacy in the reinnervated region. 相似文献
Sominsky L Walker AK Ong LK Tynan RJ Walker FR Hodgson DM 《Behavioural brain research》2012,226(1):351-356
Neonatal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exposure increases anxiety-like behaviour in adulthood. Our current aim was to examine whether neonatal LPS exposure is associated with changes in microglial activation, and whether these alterations correspond with alterations in behaviour. In adulthood, LPS-treated animals exhibited significantly increased anxiety-like behaviour and hippocampal microglial activation. The efficacy of the LPS challenge was confirmed by increased neonatal plasma corticosterone and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) phosphorylation in the adrenal medulla. These findings suggest a neuroimmune pathway which may underpin the long-term behavioural and neuroendocrine changes following neonatal infection. 相似文献
Ablation of the entorhinal cortex (EC) of rats induces a reorganization of afferents and dendrites in the denervated dentate gyrus (DG). The signal which triggers these events is unknown, but one candidate is the reduction of granule cell firing which follows the EC lesion. Testing this hypothesis requires eliminating activity in the perforant path without destroying the EC. In the present study, we evaluated whether injecting tetrodotoxin (TTX) into the EC could reduce neuronal activity in the DG to the same extent as EC ablation. Using microelectrode recording techniques, we recorded the activity of single cells in the DG before and up to 8 h after TTX injection. Transmission over the perforant path was monitored before and up to 24 h after TTX injections by stimulating the EC and recording evoked responses in the DG. TTX injections into the EC consistently reduced the firing rate of neurons in the DG by about 80%. Neither firing rate nor temporodentate-evoked responses recovered during the observation period. Saline injections did not alter either physiological measure. The results suggest that the postlesion decreases in neuronal activity in the DG reflect lost synaptic drive rather than an effect dependent upon early degenerative events. Because TTX injection reduces postsynaptic activity to the same extent as does a lesion, the technique can be used to determine whether a loss of afferent drive is sufficient to induce the biochemical and morphological sequelae of denervation. 相似文献
Shamy JL Buckmaster CA Amaral DG Calhoun ME Rapp PR 《The Journal of comparative neurology》2007,502(2):192-201
Hippocampal structural plasticity induced by entorhinal cortex (EC) lesions has been studied extensively in the rat, but little comparable research has been conducted in primates. In the current study we assessed the long-term effects of bilateral aspiration lesions of the EC on multiple markers of circuit organization in the hippocampal dentate gyrus of young adult monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Alternate histological sections were processed for the visualization of somatostatin and vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) immunoreactivity and acetylcholinesterase histochemistry (AChE). The markers revealed the distinct laminar organization of dentate gyrus circuitry for stereology-based morphometric quantification. Consistent with findings in rats, the volume of the somatostatin-immunopositive outer molecular layer (OML), innervated by projections from the EC, was decreased by 42% relative to control values. The inner molecular layer (IML) displayed a corresponding volumetric expansion in response to denervation of the OML as measured by AChE staining, but not when visualized for quantification by VAChT immunoreactivity. Nonetheless, stereological estimation revealed a 36% increase in the total length of VAChT-positive cholinergic fibers in the IML after EC damage, along with no change in the OML. Together, these findings suggest that despite substantial species differences in the organization of hippocampal circuitry, the capacity for reactive plasticity following EC damage, previously documented in rats, is at least partly conserved in the primate dentate gyrus. 相似文献
Phinney AL Calhoun ME Woods AG Deller T Jucker M 《The European journal of neuroscience》2004,19(7):1731-1740
Denervation of the dentate gyrus by entorhinal cortex lesion has been widely used to study the reorganization of neuronal circuits following central nervous system lesion. Expansion of the non-denervated inner molecular layer (commissural/associational zone) of the dentate gyrus and increased acetylcholinesterase-positive fibre density in the denervated outer molecular layer have commonly been regarded as markers for sprouting following entorhinal cortex lesion. However, because this lesion extensively denervates the outer molecular layer and causes tissue shrinkage, stereological analysis is required for an accurate evaluation of sprouting. To this end we have performed unilateral entorhinal cortex lesions in adult C57BL/6J mice and have assessed atrophy and sprouting in the dentate gyrus using modern unbiased stereological techniques. Results revealed the expected increases in commissural/associational zone width and density of acetylcholinesterase-positive fibres on single brain sections. Yet, stereological analysis failed to demonstrate concomitant increases in layer volume or total acetylcholinesterase-positive fibre length. Interestingly, calretinin-positive fibres did grow beyond the border of the commissural/associational zone into the denervated layer and were regarded as sprouting axons. Thus, our data suggest that in C57BL/6J mice shrinkage of the hippocampus rather than growth of fibres underlies the two morphological phenomena most often cited as evidence of regenerative sprouting following entorhinal cortex lesion. Moreover, our data suggest that regenerative axonal sprouting in the mouse dentate gyrus following entorhinal cortex lesion may be best assessed at the single-fibre level. 相似文献
Summary Silver impregnation performed 1–2 days after transient forebrain ischemia in the Mongolian gerbil demonstrated terminal-like granular deposits in the outer two-thirds of the hippocampal dentate molecular layer (perforant path terminal zone), even though neither the cell bodies of origin of the perforant path nor the dentate granule cells were destroyed. Electron microscopic studies of the dentate gyrus were performed in an effort to discover the identity of these degenerating structures. Electron microscopy revealed that the granular silver deposits corresponded to electron-dense profiles. Many of these were degenerating boutons and some were degenerating postsynaptic dendritic fragments, but most of them could not be identified with certainty. Electron-dense profiles were less numerous than expected from the density of granular silver deposits. These structures were probably the degenerating axons, axon terminals and dendrites of CA4 neurons. The granular silver deposits and electron-dense boutons observed in the inner third of the dentate molecular layer 5 days after transient ischemia can probably be explained by the ischemia-induced degeneration of CA4 mossy cells, which give rise to the dentate associational-commissural projection. Finally, most mossy fiber boutons in area CA4 and some boutons in the molecular layer appeared watery and enlarged on postischemia days 1 and 2. Mossy fiber boutons with this ultrastructural appearance have previously been observed in seizure-prone animals and in animals undergoing convulsant-induced seizures. Although no postischemic seizures occur under the conditions of this study, these findings support the idea that excitatory pathways become hyperactive after transient ischemia.Supported by NIH Stroke Center grant NS 06233 相似文献
Interactions between septal and entorhinal inputs to the rat dentate gyrus: Facilitation effects 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We examined facilitation effects between the medial septum and perforant path inputs to the dentate gyrus for the four possible combinations of paired-pulse activation. Facilitation effects occurred in all cases. The largest facilitation effects occurred when the septal pulse served as the conditioning pulse for the population spike subsequently evoked by a perforant path pulse. Using 3 pulses, we also examined the influence of septal activation on paired-pulse facilitation of the perforant path-granule cell population spike. A septal stimulation pulse, applied 6-10 ms prior to the onset of the population spike evoked by a perforant path conditioning pulse, did not affect the perforant path-dentate test response at any interpulse interval. If the septal pulse occurred immediately prior to population spike onset, however, there was a significantly greater depression of the test response from 70-3000 ms, but no effect at early intervals (20-50 ms). The effect of the septal pulse appears more consistent with a direct action of the septal terminals on granule cells than with an indirect action via the recurrent inhibitory interneurons. 相似文献
In this paper we show that gamma oscillations can be elicited by brief (< or = 200 ms) local applications of glutamate in the dentate gyrus of rat hippocampal slices. Dentate gamma oscillations show an initial peak frequency of approximately 70 Hz and last for up to 4 min. The network activity involves functional GABA(A) receptors as it is drastically reduced by GABA(A) receptor antagonists. The oscillations can be observed in the whole dentate gyrus-CA3-network and are coherent between the dentate gyrus and area CA3 for variable periods. Thus, long-lasting gamma oscillations can be experimentally induced in the dentate gyrus and are propagated into the hippocampus proper. 相似文献
The projection of the septum to the dentate gyrus has been demonstrated autoradiographically and the pattern of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) staining in the dentate gyrus has been mapped histochemically, in a series of normal young adult rats and in a group of animals in which the entorhinal cortex had been ablated or its efferents to the dentate gyrus interrupted, some weeks earlier. It is clear from this material that the normal disposition of the septal projection to the dentate gyrus differs significantly from the pattern of AChE staining; however, in the denervated region of the molecular layer in the experimental animals there is a marked increase in the density of the septal projection which precisely coincides with the zone of intensification of AChE staining. It follows from this that although the distribution AChE does not accurately reflect the organization of the septo-dentate projection in normal animals, the intensification of AChE staining provides a good indication of the reorganization which occurs in this pathway following entorhinal deafferentation. 相似文献
After partial deafferentation postsynaptic sites are reinnervated by local sprouting of remaining axons. We have investigated whether this process is sufficient to prevent new synapses being formed by transplanted embryonic tissue. We find that after unilateral entorhinal ablation endogenous sprouting by local axons is unable to reinnervate all the postsynaptic sites in the denervated outer dentate molecular layer. Axons from embryonic entorhinal tissue transplanted adjacent to the denervated area are able to reclaim a further proportion of the denervated postsynaptic sites. Thus, after a large lesion, endogenous sprouting is insufficient to preclude reinnervation by axons from embryonic transplants. ©1977 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 相似文献
The physiological development of monosynaptic response habituation in the rat denate gyrus was compared to morphological development. Rapid Golgi techniques were coupled with in vitro studies of dentate granule cell habituation to several frequencies and intensities of monosynaptic excitation. Except for the youngest group, the degree of habituation increased as a function of age, paralleling the morphological development. 相似文献