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Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) with either transcervical catheters or transabdominal needles is a widely-accepted method for prenatal diagnosis. However, there exists a small subset of patients in whom sampling is difficult or impossible with either route because of individual anatomic variations. A new method of chorionic villus biopsy has been developed to circumvent these problems, utilizing transvaginal chorionic needle aspiration guided by an intravaginal ultrasound probe. This technique was performed successfully in 15 patients in whom villi could not be obtained by either of the conventional methods. This method now makes CVS possible in essentially all women regardless of their uterine anatomy or placental placement; it may also prove useful for very early chorionic sampling.  相似文献   

Transcervical and transabdominal chorionic villus sampling are believed, on the basis of indirect evidence, to result in fetomaternal transfusion. We sought to measure this phenomenon by devising a simple method that would allow us to identify variables that influence fetomaternal transfusion. We investigated patients undergoing transcervical-chorionic villus sampling (n = 15) and transabdominal-chorionic villus sampling (n = 15), restricting the sample to subjects who required only a single catheter passage or needle insertion to obtain villi. Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein was measured before and after the procedure along with alpha-fetoprotein concentration of the transport medium into which the villi had been aspirated. We first confirmed that the change in maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein levels after chorionic villus sampling, an indirect measure of fetomaternal transfusion, was indeed correlated with the alpha-fetoprotein concentration of transport medium into which the villi were aspirated (p = 0.0350). Fetomaternal transfusion next proved to be correlated with the amount of villi obtained (p = 0.0279). However, when adjusted for the amount of villi obtained, no significant difference was observed between transcervical and transabdominal-chorionic villus sampling with respect to the change in maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein levels after chorionic villus sampling (p = 0.8512). These data suggest that the magnitude of fetomaternal transfusion depends on the amount of villi obtained but not on the chorionic villus sampling method used.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the adverse pregnancy outcome of post-chorionic villus sampling (CVS) amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling. METHODS: Adverse pregnancy outcomes of 32 post-CVS amniocentesis cases and 264 CVS only cases were compared. The base-line characteristics were comparable in the 2 groups. RESULTS: One (3.1%) chromosomal abnormality was detected in the post-CVS amniocentesis group, compared to 5 (1.8%) in the CVS only group (p > 0.05). The fetal loss rate (spontaneous abortions and stillbirths) among continuing pregnancies was 3.2% in the post-CVS amniocentesis group and 3.5% in the CVS only group (p > 0.05). No statistically significant difference was found in the incidence of neonatal death, preterm delivery, fetal growth restriction, or congenital anomalies between the 2 groups. CONCLUSION: Adverse pregnancy outcome occurred at a similar frequency in the post-CVS amniocentesis group as in the CVS only group. Therefore, a subsequent amniocentesis after CVS can be considered as a safe procedure that does not introduce any additional adverse pregnancy outcome compared to that of CVS only.  相似文献   

Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Invasive prenatal diagnosis continues to be the gold standard for pregnancies at increased risk of chromosomal aneuploidy or other genetic disease. Chorionic villus sampling is the procedure of choice for the first trimester. Early amniocentesis has been shown to carry increased risks of pregnancy loss, amniotic fluid leakage and talipes equinovarus. Mid-trimester amniocentesis continues to be the most common form of invasive prenatal diagnosis, with post-procedural loss rates of between 0.5 and 1%. This present review summarizes information on technique risks, looks at new technology applied to invasive prenatal diagnosis testing, and reports on new diagnoses that could be made either by amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling.  相似文献   

Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS) remain the most commonly used invasive prenatal diagnostic procedures. Recent reports on early amniocentesis demonstrate its application to the prenatal detection of certain biochemical disorders. However, its role in the evaluation of open fetal defects of the neural tube or ventral wall is still under investigation. The fact that many reports concerning early amniocentesis include a majority of patients beyond 11 to 12 weeks' gestation, thus placing the procedure outside the first trimester, make comparisons with CVS (usually performed between 9 and 11 weeks) problematic. The role of midtrimester amniocentesis in evaluating elevations of maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein, following a normal ultrasonographic examination performed specifically to detect fetal anomalies, is under scrutiny. It appears that risk adjustment may be appropriate following a normal scan, and prior to invasive procedures, but each center's recommendation to a given patient will depend on the expertise of the individual sonographer, as well as the quality of examination. CVS has gained acceptance as a safe first-trimester means of prenatal diagnosis, with increasing applications in the later stages of pregnancy. Chromosomal mosaicism detected by CVS may represent a phenomenon inherent to placental tissue; questions remain regarding mosaicism as a potential marker for increased pregnancy loss. Comparisons between the transcervical and transabdominal routes are reviewed, with equivalent results regarding safety and efficacy. Recent evaluations of fetomaternal transfusion following CVS are also described.  相似文献   

Chromosomal mosaicism in chorionic villus sampling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The observation of multiple, chromosomally distinct cell lines in chorionic villus samples is not an unusual finding and occurs in 1 per 100 samples. This frequency is ten times greater than the level of mosaicism observed in newborn surveys and, thus, must reflect phenomenon other than true fetal mosaicism. Indeed, only 23% of mosaicism detected at CVS is confirmed in the fetus (2.3 per 1,000 CVS), which is much closer to the newborn rate (1 per 1,000). This indicates that most mosaicism encountered in CVS is unrelated to the fetal karyotype and as such is an inaccurate prediction of the fetal genotype, the purpose of prenatal diagnosis. Most of the mosaicism detected in CVS is due to confined placental mosaicism. Either as a result of error-prone cell division generating an excess of abnormal cells in extraembryonic tissues or reduced selection against aneuploid cells in these tissues allowing their persistence, chorionic villi and placenta appear to show much higher levels of mosaicism than seen in fetuses. This explains the more frequent finding of multiple cell lines in CVS than in amniocentesis or liveborn individuals. The discrepancy between levels of mosaicism present in chorionic villi and fetal tissues means that most instances of mosaicism detected in CVS are not associated with a fetal abnormality and should be evaluated by further prenatal testing, i.e., amniocentesis or fetal blood sampling. Because of the frequency of chromosomal mosaicism in CVS and its attendant need for further testing, a discussion of mosaicism should be included in counseling prior to CVS. The higher frequency of discrepant results in direct CVS preparation emphasizes the prudence of delaying decision making until the results of the CVS culture have been obtained. Although the observation of mosaicism clearly complicates genetic counseling and decision making, it does not appear to be associated with an adverse fetal outcome. Whereas most of the mosaicism observed in CVS is the result of confined placental mosaicism, other types of discrepancies also occur. Maternal cell contamination occurs in about 1% of cases, but is easily evaluated by examining the direct preparation and analyzing chromosome polymorphism. The incidence of pseudomosaicism in CVS cultures is unclear but probably low. Interestingly, CVS analysis has suggested that twinning may be a more common phenomenon at conception than reported at birth and that some discrepancies may reflect the nonviability of twins with abnormal karyotypes. Chorionic villi sampling remains a viable alternative to amniocentesis for early prenatal diagnosis. An understanding of the origins of mosaicism in CVS is necessary for  相似文献   

The attitudes of 190 patients who had undergone chorionic villus sampling (CVS) were assessed by means of a questionnaire. One hundred and fifty-two patients replied of whom 68 (45 per cent) were referred because of increased maternal age and in the other 84 cases the indications included previous chromosomal abnormalities, fetal sexing, DNA analysis, and biochemical analysis. One hundred and twenty-two patients had a transcervical procedure, 24 had a transabdominal, and six patients required both procedures. One hundred and forty-one patients (93 per cent) reported CVS to be a satisfactory procedure, and the same percentage thought earlier diagnosis was beneficial. Thirty-nine patients (81 per cent) reported a better experience with CVS than with a previous amniocentesis. A majority of patients (93 per cent) wished a CVS in a future pregnancy and 137 patients (97 per cent) would accept a risk of miscarriage from the procedure of twice that quoted for amniocentesis (1 per cent).  相似文献   

The future of chorionic villus sampling can only be envisioned in the light of current knowledge. Amniocentesis will undoubtedly continue to hold an important place in prenatal diagnosis and has recently assumed greater importance in diagnosing neural tube defects and Down syndrome through widespread maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein screening. Patients now have a choice in prenatal diagnostic procedures for most genetic disorders. Many are already choosing chorionic villus sampling despite the questions that remain regarding risks and diagnostic accuracy. Risk figures for miscarriages due to the procedure and for intrauterine infection are especially needed. The issues of maternal contamination in laboratory analyses and chromosomal mosaicism that may not be present in the fetus are also of prime importance. Collaborative efforts continue to answer these and other questions so that in the future patients will be better able to make informed decisions regarding prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

Operator experience is considered to influence the safety and success of medical procedures. We performed a retrospective survey to assess learning curves in chorionic villus sampling (CVS). Data of 2081 consecutive women, in whom CVS was carried out in a tertiary care university hospital for prenatal diagnosis, were available for analysis. Endpoints of the analysis were fetal loss, failure of the procedure and need for several needle insertions. Frequencies of each endpoint were calculated and plotted for consecutive series of 50 samplings per operator. Logistic regression analysis was used to quantify the effect of operator experience. We observed a statistically significant learning effect for the unit as a whole as assessed by fetal loss figures and the same tendency for need to do several insertions. We did not observe a (collective) learning effect for failure of the procedure. Individual operators showed a significant learning profile for some endpoints. The individual learning profile predominantly depended on previous experience in amniocentesis. Our study substantiates the presence of a learning curve for CVS. This supports the view that centralization and restriction of CVS to a limited number of experienced operators within centres, is likely to have a positive influence on safety and success of the procedure.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the fetal loss rate in relation to both maternal and gestational age in 1764 pregnant women who underwent transabdominal chorionic villus sampling (TA-CVS) between January 1986 and August 1990. The fetal loss rate, considered as a proportion of continuing pregnancies, decreased with advancing gestational age at sampling from 4.3 per cent before 9 weeks to 0.4 per cent at or after 13 weeks, the difference being statistically significant (p < 0.025). The fetal loss rate increased from 1.6 per cent in women under 30 to 2.4 per cent in women of 40 years or over, but the difference was not statistically significant. Considering that the total fetal loss rate before 28 weeks' gestation was on average 1.91 per cent (1.3 per cent under 35 years and 2.8 per cent in women of 35 or over), we believe that TA-CVS is a safe and effective technique for prenatal diagnosis of genetic diseases.  相似文献   

Transabdominal chorionic villus sampling under ultrasound guidance was carried out in 19 patients in the second trimester. We found that needle size combination 17/19 provided the best results with consistently adequate samples of tissue. Transabdominal chorionic villus sampling is a potentially useful technique for providing relatively rapid prenatal genetic diagnosis in patients at high risk in the second trimester.  相似文献   

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is rapidly becoming established as a routine procedure for first-trimester fetal diagnosis. The technique can result in fetomaternal haemorrhage and this might sensitize Rhesus-negative mothers and on occasion lead to spontaneous abortion. Serial sampling indicates that there is a rapid rise in alphafetoprotein (AFP) levels following CVS; however, this is not reflected by raised levels at 16-18 weeks and does not influence the subsequent pregnancy outcome. Unlike AFP, alterations in hCG levels are small and variable. Anti-D prophylaxis for non-sensitized Rhesus negative mothers should be given after CVS and the procedure may be contra-indicated in patients who are already sensitized.  相似文献   

First trimester screening for fetal aneuploidies has made the implementation of diagnostic techniques essential. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is the method of choice for obtaining chorionic villi for molecular and cytogenetic analysis in the first trimester. Two techniques have been developed, a transcervical and a transabdominal. The selection criteria have been based historically on factors, such as placental location, parity, maternal weight and preference of the operator. In our institution, we developed an elevated level of expertise in the field of transcervical approach, resulting in good quality of samples and comparable fetal loss rate to other approaches. Despite three decades of transcervical CVS performance, little consensus in terms of its technique and clinical guidelines exists. Considering the expertise and the volume of procedures performed at our center, we suggest a practical clinical guideline for transcervical CVS.  相似文献   

We report here our technique and initial experience with transabdominal chorionic villus sampling for first-trimester prenatal diagnosis at the University of Tennessee, Memphis. Eighty-seven patients underwent transabdominal chorionic villus sampling between 9 and 12 menstrual weeks of pregnancy. Sufficient chorionic villi (greater than or equal to 5 mg) were obtained from 83 of the 87 patients (95.4%); in 73 (88%) of the 83 successful samplings only a single needle passage was required. In one case a 47,XX, +21 complement was diagnosed; the patient elected to terminate the pregnancy and the diagnosis was confirmed in the abortus. In a second case a 46,XX,rcp(15;21)(p11;q21) woman had a fetus who also had the same balanced translocation. In a third case nonmosaic 47,XX, +16 was detected in both direct preparations of cytotrophoblast cells and cultured mesenchymal core cells. Amniocentesis performed at 15 weeks showed a normal 46,XX complement. The pregnancy continued, and the patient was delivered at term of a healthy female infant. Two spontaneous fetal losses occurred in this series, and one woman underwent an elective abortion after receiving the results of a 46,XX complement. To date, 39 of the women have been delivered and all infants are doing well; the remaining 44 pregnancies are continuing uneventfully. We conclude that transabdominal chorionic villus sampling can be a useful alternative to transcervical chorionic villus sampling, particularly when transcervical sampling is contraindicated (e.g., active genital herpes) or where the transcervical approach would be technically difficult.  相似文献   

To evaluate whether maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) concentrations at 15-18 weeks' gestation are influenced by chorionic villus sampling performed three to ten weeks earlier, MSAFP levels were determined for 417 postchorionic villus sampling patients and 967 control subjects without previous chorionic villus sampling. Statistical comparison of the medians, distributions, and proportions above defined multiples of the median demonstrated no significant difference between the two populations. These results indicate that MSAFP screening in postchorionic villus sampling patients should be reliable and that values may be interpreted using criteria similar to those used for the general population.  相似文献   

Volumes of feto-maternal transfusions (FMTs) in transabdominal chorionic villus sampling (TACVS) in the second trimester of pregnancy were calculated from the difference between maternal alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) concentrations before and 1 h after TACVS. In 50 pregnancies, there existed no correlation between FMT volume and the amount of villi collected or the number of TACVS attempts. The expected risk of fetal exsanguination due to very voluminous FMT could not be substantiated. In one case, immunization could have been the cause of hydrops fetalis, although only a volume of 0.15 ml could be calculated.  相似文献   

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