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Dosing decisions for replacement coagulation factors in patients with haemophilia should be made on an individual patient basis, with the required dose dependent on factors including the clinical situation, the severity of the factor deficiency, and the location and extent of bleeding. Moreover, there is considerable variability in the pharmacokinetics of coagulation products that needs to be considered; in particular, with both factor (F) IX and FVIII products, there is considerable inter-patient variability in in vivo recovery and terminal half-life values. In the present report, we provide a practical guide to calculating and applying pharmacokinetic parameters relevant to the optimal dosing of coagulation products. We discuss the conduct of a pharmacokinetic study in an individual patient, how to calculate pharmacokinetic values from raw data and clinical situations where an individual pharmacokinetic study is helpful. We highlight the importance of considering an individual pharmacokinetic study in all patients starting a new coagulation product.  相似文献   

S. Björkman 《Haemophilia》2003,9(S1):101-110
Summary.  The high cost and limited availability of factor concentrates make dosing of factor VIII (FVIII) or factor IX (FIX) a crucial issue in the prophylactic treatment of haemophilia. It has often been recommended that this treatment should aim to maintain a minimum plasma level of 1% of normal coagulation factor activity (FVIII:C or FIX:C). The dosage needed is commonly given as 25–40 U kg−1 three times weekly for FVIII or twice weekly for FIX. However, these guidelines are valid only with several qualifications. First, the actual trough levels required may vary considerably between patients. The clinical severity of haemophilia may depend on more factors than the endogenous level of FVIII:C or FIX:C. Secondly, interindividual variations in dose requirements are also due to variance in the pharmacokinetics of the coagulation factors. Pharmacokinetic calculations are useful to design optimal dosing schedules to achieve required trough levels of FVIII:C or FIX:C. Moreover, tailoring of the dosing of FVIII or FIX according to their disposition in the individual patient can markedly improve the cost-effectiveness of prophylactic treatment. However, the usefulness of in vivo recovery as a guide for prophylactic dosing seems questionable. It should be clearly understood that maintaining a certain trough level of FVIII:C or FIX:C is not an end in itself. Clinical outcome, not the achieved trough level, determines whether a dosage is adequate. Chiefly for economic reasons, the minimum effective dosage of coagulation factor should be determined and used in every patient. The dose requirement should also be re-evaluated at appropriate times.  相似文献   

Pharmacoeconomics of factor dosing in the haemophilia population   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
E. BERNTORP 《Haemophilia》2006,12(S4):70-73
Summary.  Treatment of haemophilia is extremely costly due to the short biological half-life of infused factor and pricing issues. This paper examines the impact of different dosing schedules on factor consumption, via a review of literature on dosing regimens used for prophylaxis with a focus on pharmacokinetics (PK).
Pharmacokinetics were found to have an important role for pharmacoeconomics in factor dosing both for assessment of the treatment and for developing new treatment protocols but the clinical response to treatment must always guide the dosing schedule. In order to better understand pharmacoeconomics during prophylaxis, controlled prospective studies are needed but much can also be learned from studies of existing cohorts that have been treated for decades.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the feasibility of optimizing prophylactic dosing of factor VIII by the use of individual pharmacokinetic data. Twenty-one patients were enrolled in a randomized cross-over study on standard dosage regimens vs. dosing according to pharmacokinetic principles. The study period was 2×6 months. Using single-dose pharmacokinetic data for each patient, plasma factor VIII procoagulant activity (FVIII:C) curves following various doses and intervals were computer-simulated. From these calculations, a suitable dosage was chosen. FVIII:C was also repeatedly measured during study periods. Trough levels of FVIII:C, numbers of spontaneous joint bleedings and amounts of factor concentrate used during the two study periods were compared for each patient.
There was a close correlation between predicted and measured values of FVIII:C. As the half-lives of FVIII:C in the patients varied from 7.8 to 18.3 h, it was obviously beneficial to base the dosage on individual pharmacokinetic data. Fourteen patients completed both study periods. Mean trough level of exogenous FVIII:C was raised from 0.89 (SD 0.73) U dL−1 during standard dosage to 2.2 (1.5) U dL−1 during pharmacokinetic dosage. Concomitantly, mean 6-month consumption of factor VIII was decreased from 124 000 (SD 30 000) units to 84 000 (31 000) units. Numbers of reported bleedings were generally similar during both periods.
The study demonstrates the usefulness of individual pharmacokinetics as a tool for cost-effective utilization of factor VIII in the prophylactic treatment of haemophilia A.  相似文献   

Initiating prophylactic treatment at an early age is considered to be the optimal form of therapy for a child with haemophilia A or B. The pioneering long term experiences of prophylactic treatment from Sweden and The Netherlands demonstrated the benefit of prophylaxis in retrospective and observational studies. Decades later, these benefits were confirmed in a randomized controlled study in USA. We review the current status of prophylactic replacement therapy of haemophilia in children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. Prophylaxis should begin at an early age and there are arguments for continuing it into adulthood. The dose of prophylaxis is dependent on the goal of treatment, economic resources and venous access and should be tailored individually. Starting the first exposures to clotting factor concentrates as prophylactic treatment, instead of on‐demand in response to a bleed, may decrease the frequency of inhibitors in patients with haemophilia A. Novel longer‐acting products are being introduced that could be helpful for patients with difficult venous access and enable higher trough levels.  相似文献   

In Sweden, prophylactic treatment of boys with severe haemophilia has been practised since 1958 in an attempt to convert the disease from a severe to a milder form. The present study population consisted of 60 severe haemophiliacs (52 A, 8 B), aged 3-32 years. Treatment is started when the boys are 1-2 years of age, the regimens used being 24-40 IU F VIII kg-1 three times weekly in haemophilia-A cases (i.e. greater than 2000 IU kg-1 annually) and 25-40 IU F IX kg-1 twice weekly in haemophilia-B cases. The orthopaedic and radiological joint scores (maximum scores of 90 and 78, respectively) are evaluated as recommended by the World Federation of Haemophilia. Of those subjects aged 3-17 years, 29 out of 35 individuals had joint scores of zero. The oldest group had only minor joint defects. The VIII:C and IX:C concentrations had usually not fallen below 1% of normal. All 60 patients are able to lead normal lives. In conclusion, it appears to be possible to prevent haemophilic arthropathy by giving effective continuous prophylaxis from an early age, and preventing the VIII:C or IX:C concentration from falling below 1% of normal.  相似文献   

Summary.  A survey was conducted in 2002 to determine the pattern of factor prophylaxis use in boys ≤18 years of age with haemophilia followed in North American treatment centres. Responses were obtained from 4553 cases (74% haemophilia A, 26% haemophilia B). The frequency of prophylaxis, defined as factor infusion greater than or equal to once per week for ≥45 weeks per year, was significantly higher for haemophilia A vs. haemophilia B cases (51% vs. 32%, P < 0.0001), and for boys with severe haemophilia A living in Canada vs. the USA (77% vs. 47%, P < 0.0001). Use of full-dose prophylaxis, defined as the infusion of 25–40 IU kg−1 of factor VIII on alternate days (minimum three times per week) or 25–40 IU kg−1 of factor IX twice weekly, was similar for boys ≤5 years of age in both Canada and the USA (30% and 33% haemophilia A and 35% and 13% haemophilia B). Reasons for initiating prophylaxis included a history of joint bleeding (88%) and age ≤2 years (23%). For prophylaxis triggered by joint bleeding, 38% of haemophilia treatment centres indicated that they would initiate prophylaxis after the first joint bleed and 66% after a history of target joint bleeding, defined most frequently as 2–4 bleeds over a 3–6 consecutive month period. A central venous line was used to ensure easy venous access for full-dose prophylaxis therapy in 80% of boys ≤5 years of age. These data offer a basis for projecting long-term factor concentrate needs for persons with haemophilia living in North America.  相似文献   

The discussion of prophylactic therapy in haemophilia is largely focused on joint outcomes. The impact of prophylactic therapy on intracranial haemorrhage (ICH) is less known. This study aimed to analyse ICH in children with haemophilia, with a focus on different prophylaxis regimens and sequelae of ICH. We conducted a multicentre retrospective and prospective study that included 33 haemophilia centres from 20 countries. Inclusion criteria were children and adolescents born between 1993 and 2014, with severe haemophilia A or B without inhibitors. Participants were categorized by prophylaxis regimen: full, partial or none, based on dose and dose frequency of regular infusions. The cohort study included 1515 children: 29 cases of ICH over 8038 patient years were reported. The incidence of ICH in the prophylaxis group, 0·00033 cases of ICH/patient year, was significantly lower compared to the no prophylaxis group, 0·017 cases of ICH/patient year (RR 50·06; P < 0·001) and the partial prophylaxis group, 0·0050 cases of ICH/patient year (RR 14·92; P = 0·007). In the on‐demand‐group, 8% (2/24) children with ICH died and 33% had long‐term sequelae, including intellectual and behavioural problems, paresis and epilepsy. Children on regular, frequent prophylaxis have a low risk of ICH compared to those using non‐frequent or no prophylaxis.  相似文献   

C. H. Miller 《Haemophilia》2018,24(2):186-197
Inhibitors are antibodies directed against haemophilia treatment products which interfere with their function. Factor VIII (FVIII) inhibitors in haemophilia A and factor IX (FIX) inhibitors in haemophilia B are significant clinically when they require a change in a patient's treatment regimen. Their persistence may increase morbidity and mortality. Multiple laboratory tests are now available for detecting and understanding inhibitors in haemophilia. Inhibitors are traditionally measured by their interference in clotting or chromogenic factor assays. They may also be detected using immunologic assays, such as enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay or fluorescence immunoassay. Anti‐FVIII or anti‐FIX antibodies of IgG4 subclass best correlate with the presence of functional inhibitors. Improvements in inhibitor measurement have been recently introduced. Preanalytical heat treatment of patient specimens allows testing of patients without delaying treatment. Use of chromogenic and immunologic assays may aid in identification of false‐positive results, which are frequent among low‐titre inhibitors. Validated reagent substitutions can be used to reduce assay cost. New methods for defining assay positivity and reporting low‐titre inhibitors have been suggested. Challenges remain in the areas of quality control, assay standardization, monitoring of patients undergoing immune tolerance induction therapy and testing in the presence of modified and novel treatment products.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics of factor VIII and factor IX   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
M. Morfini 《Haemophilia》2003,9(S1):94-100
Summary.  A survey of principal pharmacokinetic (PK) studies on factor VIII (FVIII) and factor IX (FIX) plasma- and rDNA-derived concentrates, analysed by means of the PKRD program, has been performed. Notwithstanding the accurate definition of the study design, released in 1991 by the Scientific and Standardization Committee of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (SSC-ISTH), a large variability of PK parameters has been pointed out. In the majority of the PK studies, the size of the population is small. In this situation, a careful individualization of haemophilia therapy is strongly recommended. The tailored prediction of loading and maintenance dosages and the need for strict control of trough FVIII/IX levels are mandatory not only to decrease the risk of bleeds but also to spare financial resources. Recently, the old problem of FVIII assay standardization has again become a concern among physicians, especially after the introduction of B-domain deleted rFVIII concentrate. The discrepancies between the widely used one-stage clotting assay and the chromogenic substrate assay seem to be solved by the introduction of a product-specific laboratory standard.  相似文献   

This report summarizes recommendations relating to haemophilia therapy arising from discussions among experts from 36 European countries during the Kreuth III meeting in April 2013. To optimize the organization of haemophilia care nationally, it is recommended that a formal body be established in each country to include the relevant clinicians, national haemophilia patient organization, health ministry, paying authority and (if appropriate) regulatory authorities. The minimum factor VIII consumption level in a country should be 3 I.U. per capita. Decisions on whether to adopt a new product should not be based solely on cost. Prophylaxis for children with severe haemophilia is already recognized as the optimum therapy. Ongoing prophylaxis for individual adults should also be provided when required based on clinical decision making by the clinician in consultation with the patient. Children with inhibitors who have failed, or who are not suitable for, immune tolerance therapy should be offered prophylaxis with bypassing agents. Single factor concentrates should be used as therapy wherever possible in patients with rare bleeding disorders. Orphan drug designation for a factor concentrate should not be used to hinder the development, licencing and marketing of other products for the same condition which have demonstrably different protein modification or enhancement.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 45-year-old man who was diagnosed in June 1969 9 years old as having mild haemophilia A following a traumatic left shoulder bleed when his factor VIII (FVIII) activity was 11 IU dL(-1) based on a two-stage assay. The bleed resolved following treatment with intravenous cryoprecipitate. There was no family history of haemophilia. Cryoprecipitate infusions were required to treat further traumatic bleeds between 1971 and 1981. During this time, his FVIII activity was confirmed at 14 IU dL(-1). He defaulted many hospital appointments until 1991 when his FVIII activity had risen to 42 IU dL(-1). There was no evidence of infection, inflammatory or liver disease to account for this change. By 2005 he had a normal FVIII activity of 62 IU dL(-1) based on a one-stage assay. FVIII gene analysis confirmed a codon 531 mutation. It appeared that the discrepant FVIII results related to whether a two-stage or one-stage assay was used that has been previously reported for other patients with these mutations. We felt it important to raise awareness that this phenomenon may lead to apparent correction of haemophilia A.  相似文献   

Summary.  In the last few decades, the management of patients with haemophilia has witnessed dramatic improvements, through the larger availability of safe plasma-derived and recombinant products for replacement therapy. Another important step forward is the progressively larger-scale implementation of primary prophylaxis in children. Currently, the main problem in patients with haemophilia is the onset of antibodies inactivating the infused clotting factor (inhibitors), even though immune tolerance regimens that are able to eradicate inhibitors and the availability of products that bypass the intrinsic coagulation defects have dramatically improved the management of these patients. Cure of haemophilia through gene transfer is being attempted, but relatively, it is far from being implemented on a large scale. It is likely that further improvements in replacement therapy will occur in the near future, through the availability of new-therapeutic tools such as factors VIII and IX with longer half-lives, more potent bypassing agents and factors extracted from the milk of transgenic animals.  相似文献   

Intracranial haemorrhage in haemophilia A and B   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In countries with a good standard of health care, intracranial haemorrhage (ICH) during the neonatal period affects 3·5–4·0% of all haemophilia boys, which is considerably (40–80 times) higher than expected in the normal population. ICHs are also frequent after the neonatal period, affecting 3–10% of the haemophilia population who are mainly treated on demand. The risk is higher in inhibitor patients. Spontaneous haemorrhage is reported more frequently than trauma-induced haemorrhage in most studies. The prevalence of ICH in patients treated with a prophylactic regimen is not known. Although more frequent in younger patients, a substantial proportion of ICH occur in adults, suggesting that general risk factors because of age, such as hypertension, are increasingly important as the haemophiliac gets older. Some studies have reported a substantial proportion of ICH affecting patients with milder forms of haemophilia. The risk of ICH has to be considered when discussing treatment strategies for haemophilia patients.  相似文献   

Haemophilia A individuals displaying a similar genetic defect have heterogeneous clinical phenotypes. Our objective was to evaluate the underlying effect of exogenous factor (f)VIII on tissue factor (Tf)-initiated blood coagulation in severe haemophilia utilizing both empirical and computational models. We investigated twenty-five clinically severe haemophilia A patients. All individuals were on fVIII prophylaxis and had not received fVIII from 0.25 to 4 days prior to phlebotomy. Coagulation was initiated by the addition of Tf to contact-pathway inhibited whole blood ± an anti-fVIII antibody. Aliquots were quenched over 20 min and analyzed for thrombin generation and fibrin formation. Coagulation factor levels were obtained and used to computationally predict thrombin generation with fVIII set to either zero or its value at the time of the draw. As a result of prophylactic fVIII, at the time of the blood draw, the individuals had fVIII levels that ranged from <1% to 22%. Thrombin generation (maximum level and rate) in both empirical and computational systems increased as the level of fVIII increased. FXIII activation rates also increased as the fVIII level increased. Upon suppression of fVIII, thrombin generation became comparable in both systems. Plasma composition analysis showed a negative correlation between bleeding history and computational thrombin generation in the absence of fVIII. Residual prophylactic fVIII directly causes an increase in thrombin generation and fibrin cross-linking in individuals with clinically severe haemophilia A. The combination of each individual's coagulation factors (outside of fVIII) determine each individual's baseline thrombin potential and may affect bleeding risk.  相似文献   

Dental extraction in patients with haemophilia A and high-titre inhibitor is always a high-risk procedure, which often presents a lot of problems associated with bleeding. Prothrombin complex concentrates or recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) has been used to control bleeding. rFVIIa was administered to five boys with severe haemophilia A complicated with inhibitor, who underwent seven dental extractions. The age of the patients ranged between 8 and 13 years (median 10 years). The concentrate was administered in doses of 90-100 microg kg(-1) body weight. Duration in the therapy and intervals between rFVIIa doses depended on the severity of bleeding. rFVIIa was proven to be highly effective and no side-effects of the product were observed.  相似文献   

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