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The neural crest is a unique population of cells that contributes to the formation of diverse cell types, including craniofacial cartilage, peripheral neurons, the cardiac outflow tract, and pigment cells. Neural crest cells (NCCs) are specified within the neuroepithelium, undergo an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, and migrate to target destinations throughout the embryo. Here, we review current understanding of two steps in NCC development, both of which involve NCC motility. The first is NCC delamination from the neuroepithelium and the changes in cell adhesion and the cytoskeleton necessary for the initiation of migration. The second is NCC migration and the signals that guide NCCs along specific migratory pathways. We illustrate the strength of the zebrafish, Danio rerio, as a model organism to study NCC motility. The zebrafish is particularly well suited for the study of neural crest motility because of the ability to combine genetic manipulation with live imaging of migrating NCCs.  相似文献   

The craniofacial region is assembled through the active migration of cells and the rearrangement and sculpting of facial prominences and pharyngeal arches, which consequently make it particularly susceptible to a large number of birth defects. Genetic, molecular, and cellular processes must be temporally and spatially regulated to culminate in the three-dimension structures of the face. The starting constituent for the majority of skeletal and connective tissues in the face is a pluripotent population of cells, the cranial neural crest cells (NCCs). In this review we discuss the newest scientific findings in the development of the craniofacial complex as related to NCCs. Furthermore, we present recent findings on NCC diseases called neurocristopathies and, in doing so, provide clinicians with new tools for understanding a growing number of craniofacial genetic disorders.  相似文献   

Myocardial dysfunction is evident within hours after ablation of the cardiac neural crest in chick embryos, suggesting a role for neural crest in myocardial maturation that is separate from its role in outflow septation. This role could be conserved in an animal that does not have a divided systemic and pulmonary circulation, such as zebrafish. To test this hypothesis, we used cell marking to identify the axial level of neural crest that migrates to the heart in zebrafish embryos. Unlike the chick and mouse, the zebrafish cardiac neural crest does not originate from the axial level of the somites. The region of neural crest cranial to somite 1 was found to contribute cells to the heart. Cells from the cardiac neural crest migrated to the myocardial wall of the heart tube, where some of them expressed a myocardial phenotype. Laser ablation of the cardiac premigratory neural crest at the three- to four-somite stage resulted in loss of the neural crest cells migrating to the heart as shown by the absence of AP2- and HNK1-expressing cells and failure of the heart tube to undergo looping. Myocardial function was assessed 24 hr after the cardiac neural crest ablation in a subpopulation of embryos with normal heart rate. Decreased stroke volume, ejection fraction, and cardiac output were observed, indicating a more severe functional deficit in cardiac neural crest-ablated zebrafish embryos compared with neural crest-ablated chick embryos. These results suggest a new role for cardiac neural crest cells in vertebrate cardiac development and are the first report of a myocardial cell lineage for neural crest derivatives.  相似文献   

Background : The function of Notch signaling in murine neural crest–derived cell lineages in vivo was examined. Results : Conditional gain (Wnt1Cre;RosaNotch) or loss (Wnt1Cre;RBP‐Jf/f) of Notch signaling in neural crest cells (NCCs) in vivo results in craniofacial, cardiac, and trunk abnormalities. Severe craniofacial malformations are apparent in Wnt1Cre;RosaNotch embryos, while less severe skull abnormalities are evident in Wnt1Cre;RBP‐Jf/f mice. Deficient cardiac neural crest migration, resulting in cardiac outflow tract malformations, occurs with increased or decreased Notch signaling in NCCs. Smooth muscle cell differentiation also is impaired in pharyngeal NCC derivatives in both Wnt1Cre;RosaNotch and Wnt1Cre;RBP‐Jf/f embryos. Neurogenesis is absent and gliogenesis is increased in the dorsal root ganglia of Wnt1Cre;RosaNotch embryos, while neurogenesis is increased and gliogenesis is decreased in Wnt1Cre;RBP‐Jf/f embryos. Conclusions : Together, these studies demonstrate essential cell‐autonomous roles for appropriate levels of Notch signaling during NCC migration, proliferation, and differentiation with critical implications in craniofacial, cardiac, and neurogenic development and disease. Developmental Dynamics 241:376–389, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are thought to play a critical role in human conotruncal morphogenesis and dysmorphogenesis. Much of our understanding of the contribution of neural crest to cardiovascular patterning comes from ablation and transplantation experiments in avian species. Although fate mapping experiments in mice suggests a conservation of function, the functional requirement for neural crest in cardiovascular development in mammals has not been formally tested. We used a novel two component genetic system for the temporal-spatial ablation of neural crest in the mouse. Affected embryos displayed a spectrum of cardiovascular outflow tract defects and aortic arch patterning abnormalities. We show that the severity of the cardiovascular phenotype is directly related to the level and extent of neural crest ablation. This is the first report of cardiac neural crest ablation in mammals, and it provides important insight into the role of the mammalian neural crest during cardiovascular development.  相似文献   

The type I TGFbeta family member receptor alk8 acts in bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling pathways to establish dorsoventral patterning in the early zebrafish embryo. Here, we present evidence that alk8 is required for neural crest cell (NCC) formation and that alk8 signaling gradients direct the proper patterning of premigratory NCCs. We extend our previous functional studies of alk8 to demonstrate that ectopic expression of constitutively active and dominant negative Alk8, consistently results in more medially or laterally positioned premigratory NCCs, respectively. We also demonstrate that patterning defects in premigratory NCCs, induced by alk8 misexpression, correlate with subsequent defects in NCC-derived pharyngeal arch cartilages. Furthermore, an anteroposterior effect is revealed, where overexpression of Alk8 more severely affects anterior arch cartilages and decreased Alk8 activity more severely affects posterior arch cartilage formation. Ectopic expression studies of alk8 are supported by analyses of zygotic and maternal-zygotic laf/alk8 mutants and of several BMP pathway mutants. Pharyngeal mesodermal and endodermal defects in laf/alk8 mutants suggest additional roles for alk8 in patterning of these tissues. Our results provide insight into alk8-mediated BMP signaling gradients and the establishment of premigratory NCC mediolateral positioning, and extend the model for BMP patterning of the neural crest to include that of NCC-derived pharyngeal arch cartilages.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Development of neural crest cells, which is regulated by various genes, plays an important role in the formation of central nervous system, heart, craniofacial organs and other tissues. However, the relationship among these genes is unclear. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the molecular regulatory networks involved in the process of neural crest cell development based on a bioinformatic analysis. METHODS: Totally 500 differentially expressed genes during the process of neural crest cell development were obtained from the GEO on-line database. Then the DAVID and STRING on-line databases were used to evaluate the relationship among these genes. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Totally 500 differentially expressed genes during the process of neural crest cell development could be enriched into different subgroups based on the analysis of DAVID database, including “transforming growth factor β signal pathway”, “WNT signal pathway”, “homeobox gene” , “neural crest cell differentiation” and “neural tube development”. Additionally, 12 genes molecular networks were built based on the analysis of STRING database, such as DLX5, MSX2, SNAIL2, PAX7, SHH, SOX9, NOG, GSC, KAL1, bone morphogenetic protein 5, fibroblast growth factor 8 and WNT3a .These genes exhibited interactions by co-expression, activation and antagonism. Therefore, many genes involved in the process of neural crest cell development were interacted and formed the networks. These findings imply that we should understand these neural crest-related diseases from a holistic view of the signaling pathway and molecular regulatory networks. 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:组织构建;骨细胞;软骨细胞;细胞培养;成纤维细胞;血管内皮细胞;骨质疏松;组织工程  相似文献   

Lowe syndrome, which is characterized by defects in the central nervous system, eyes and kidneys, is caused by mutation of the phosphoinositide 5-phosphatase OCRL1. The mechanisms by which loss of OCRL1 leads to the phenotypic manifestations of Lowe syndrome are currently unclear, in part, owing to the lack of an animal model that recapitulates the disease phenotype. Here, we describe a zebrafish model for Lowe syndrome using stable and transient suppression of OCRL1 expression. Deficiency of OCRL1, which is enriched in the brain, leads to neurological defects similar to those reported in Lowe syndrome patients, namely increased susceptibility to heat-induced seizures and cystic brain lesions. In OCRL1-deficient embryos, Akt signalling is reduced and there is both increased apoptosis and reduced proliferation, most strikingly in the neural tissue. Rescue experiments indicate that catalytic activity and binding to the vesicle coat protein clathrin are essential for OCRL1 function in these processes. Our results indicate a novel role for OCRL1 in neural development, and support a model whereby dysregulation of phosphoinositide metabolism and clathrin-mediated membrane traffic leads to the neurological symptoms of Lowe syndrome.  相似文献   

During development, trunk neural crest cells give rise to three primary classes of derivatives: glial cells, melanocytes, and neurons. As part of an effort to learn how neural crest diversification is regulated, we have produced monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that recognize antigens expressed by neural crest cells early in development. One of these, MAb 7B3 (7B3), was found to recognize an avian transitin-like protein by co-immunostaining with a series of transitin-specific monoclonal antibodies and by Western blot analysis. In neural crest cell cultures, we found that 7B3 initially recognizes the majority of neural crest cells as they emerge from the neural tube. Subsequently, 7B3-immunoreactivity (IR) is progressively restricted to a smaller subpopulation of cells. In fully differentiated trunk neural crest cell cultures, 7B3-IR is expressed only by cells that do not express neuronal markers and lack melanin granules. During development in vivo, 7B3-IR is evident in neural crest cells on the medial, but not the lateral migration pathway, suggesting that it is not expressed by melanocyte precursors. Later, the antigen is detected in non-neuronal, presumptive glial cells in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and sympathetic ganglia, as well as along ventral roots. Cultures of E5 DRG confirm that 7B3-IR is restricted to non-neuronal cells of ganglia, many of which closely associate with neuronal processes. Therefore, of the three major classes of differentiated trunk neural crest derivatives, 7B3 exclusively recognizes glial cells, including both satellite glia and Schwann cells. Since the pattern of 7B3 expression in vitro mirrors the pattern of glial cell fate-restrictions in the trunk neural crest lineage, and is expressed by neural crest-derived glia in vivo, we conclude that 7B3 is an early pan-glial marker for neural crest-derived glial cells and their precursors.  相似文献   

TBX1 is the major candidate gene for DiGeorge syndrome (DGS). Mouse studies have shown that the Tbx1 gene is haploinsufficient, as expected for a DGS candidate gene, and that it is required for the development of pharyngeal arches and pouches, as predicted by the DGS clinical phenotype. However, a detailed analysis of the cardiovascular phenotype associated with Tbx1 mutations has not been reported. Here we show that Tbx1 deficiency causes a number of distinct vascular and heart defects, suggesting multiple roles in cardiovascular development - specifically formation and growth of the pharyngeal arch arteries, growth and septation of the outflow tract of the heart, interventricular septation, and conal alignment. Comparison of phenotype and gene expression using a Tbx1-lacZ reporter allele supports a cell-autonomous function in the growth of the pharyngeal apparatus, and a cell non-autonomous function in the growth and early remodeling of the pharyngeal arch arteries. Our data do not support a direct role of neural crest cells in the pathogenesis of the Tbx1 mutant phenotype; however, these cells, and the cranial nerves, are misdirected. We hypothesize that this is due to the lack of a guidance role from the pouch endoderm, which is missing in these mutants.  相似文献   

Background : Vertebrate hematopoiesis is a complex developmental process that is controlled by genes in diverse pathways. To identify novel genes involved in early hematopoiesis, we conducted an ENU (N‐ethyl‐N‐nitrosourea) mutagenesis screen in zebrafish. The mummy (mmy) line was investigated because of its multiple hematopoietic defects. Results : Homozygous mmy embryos lacked circulating blood cell types and were dead by 30 hr post‐fertilization (hpf). The mmy mutants did not express myeloid markers and had significantly decreased expression of progenitor and erythroid markers in primitive hematopoiesis. Through positional cloning, we identified a truncation mutation in dhx8 in the mmy fish. dhx8 is the zebrafish ortholog of the yeast splicing factor prp22, which is a DEAH‐box RNA helicase. mmy mutants had splicing defects in many genes, including several hematopoietic genes. mmy embryos also showed cell division defects as characterized by disorganized mitotic spindles and formation of multiple spindle poles in mitotic cells. These cell division defects were confirmed by DHX8 knockdown in HeLa cells. Conclusions : Together, our results confirm that dhx8 is involved in mRNA splicing and suggest that it is also important for cell division during mitosis. This is the first vertebrate model for dhx8, whose function is essential for primitive hematopoiesis in developing embryos. Developmental Dynamics 241:879–889, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Migration and differentiation of cranial neural crest cells are largely controlled by environmental cues, whereas pathfinding at the trunk level is dictated by cell-autonomous molecular changes owing to early specification of the premigratory crest. Here, we investigated the migration and patterning of vagal neural crest cells. We show that (1) vagal neural crest cells exhibit some developmental bias, and (2) they take separate pathways to the heart and to the gut. Together these observations suggest that prior specification dictates initial pathway choice. However, when we challenged the vagal neural crest cells with different migratory environments, we observed that the behavior of the anterior vagal neural crest cells (somite-level 1-3) exhibit considerable migratory plasticity, whereas the posterior vagal neural crest cells (somite-level 5-7) are more restricted in their behavior. We conclude that the vagal neural crest is a transitional population that has evolved between the head and the trunk.  相似文献   

The development of the neural crest in the human   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
The first systematic account of the neural crest in the human has been prepared after an investigation of 185 serially sectioned staged embryos, aided by graphic reconstructions. As many as fourteen named topographical subdivisions of the crest were identified and eight of them give origin to ganglia (Table 2). Significant findings in the human include the following. (1) An indication of mesencephalic neural crest is discernible already at stage 9, and trigeminal, facial, and postotic components can be detected at stage 10. (2) Crest was not observed at the level of diencephalon 2. Although pre-otic crest from the neural folds is at first continuous (stage 10), crest-free zones are soon observable (stage 11) in Rh.1, 3, and 5. (3) Emigration of cranial neural crest from the neural folds at the neurosomatic junction begins before closure of the rostral neuropore, and later crest cells do not accumulate above the neural tube. (4) The trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal and vagal ganglia, which develop from crest that emigrates before the neural folds have fused, continue to receive contributions from the roof plate of the neural tube after fusion of the folds. (5) The nasal crest and the terminalis-vomeronasal complex are the last components of the cranial crest to appear (at stage 13) and they persist longer. (6) The optic, mesencephalic, isthmic, accessory, and hypoglossal crest do not form ganglia. Cervical ganglion 1 is separated early from the neural crest and is not a Froriep ganglion. (7) The cranial ganglia derived from neural crest show a specific relationship to individual neuromeres, and rhombomeres are better landmarks than the otic primordium, which descends during stages 9-14. (8) Epipharyngeal placodes of the pharyngeal arches contribute to cranial ganglia, although that of arch 1 is not typical. (9) The neural crest from rhombomeres 6 and 7 that migrates to pharyngeal arch 3 and from there rostrad to the truncus arteriosus at stage 12 is identified here, for the first time in the human, as the cardiac crest. (10) The hypoglossal crest provides cells that accompany those of myotomes 1-4 and form the hypoglossal cell cord at stages 13 and 14. (11) The occipital crest, which is related to somites 1-4 in the human, differs from the spinal mainly in that it does not develop ganglia. (12) The occipital and spinal portions of the crest migrate dorsoventrad and appear to traverse the sclerotomes before the differentiation into loose and dense zones in the latter. (13) Embryonic examples of synophthalmia and anencephaly are cited to emphasize the role of the neural crest in the development of cranial ganglia and the skull.  相似文献   

Splotch2H ( Sp2H ) is a well-recognized mouse model of neural crest cell (NCC) deficiency that develops a spectrum of cardiac outflow tract malformations including common arterial trunk, double outlet right ventricle, ventricular septal defects and pharyngeal arch artery patterning defects, as well as defects in other neural-crest derived organ systems. These defects have been ascribed to reduced NCC in the pharyngeal and outflow regions. Here we provide a detailed map of NCC within the pharyngeal arches and outflow tract of Sp2H/Sp2H embryos and fetuses, relating this to the development of the abnormal anatomy of these structures. In the majority of Sp2H/Sp2H embryos we show that deficiency of NCC in the pharyngeal region results in a failure to stabilize, and early loss of, posterior pharyngeal arch arteries. Furthermore, marked reduction in the NCC-derived mesenchyme in the dorsal wall of the aortic sac disrupts fusion with the distal outflow tract cushions, preventing the initiation of outflow tract septation and resulting in common arterial trunk. In around 25% of Sp2H/Sp2H embryos, posterior arch arteries are stabilized and fusion occurs between the dorsal wall of the aortic sac and the outflow cushions, initiating outflow tract septation; these embryos develop double outlet right ventricle. Thus, NCC are required in the pharyngeal region both for stabilization of posterior arch arteries and initiation of outflow tract septation. Loss of NCC also disrupts the distribution of second heart field cells in the pharyngeal and outflow regions. These secondary effects of NCC deficiency likely contribute to the overall outflow phenotype, suggesting that disrupted interactions between these two cell types may underlie many common outflow defects.  相似文献   

C Pan  N Baumgarth  J R Parnes 《Immunity》1999,11(4):495-506
CD72, a B cell surface protein of the C-type lectin superfamily, recruits the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 through its ITIM motif(s). Using CD72-deficient (CD72-/-) mice, we demonstrate that CD72 is a nonredundant regulator of B cell development. In the bone marrow of CD72-/- mice, there was a reduction in the number of mature recirculating B cells and an accumulation of pre-B cells. In the periphery of CD72-/- mice, there were fewer mature B-2 cells and more B-1 cells. In addition, CD72 is a negative regulator of B cell activation, as CD72-/- B cells were hyperproliferative in response to various stimuli and showed enhanced kinetics in their intracellular Ca2+ response following IgM cross-linking.  相似文献   

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