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Aim  To explore the nature of the nurse clinical supervisor role.
Background  Although clinical supervision in nursing has been widely explored, few studies have considered the specific role of nurse clinical supervisors.
Method  A phenomenological approach was used to explore what it means to be a clinical supervisor. Focus groups interviews were conducted with 12 nurse clinical supervisors within one National Health Service (NHS) Trust.
Results  Three main categories of themes that represented the essence of the clinical supervisors' role were uncovered.
Conclusions  The research demonstrated that nurses who undertake the clinical supervisor role are rarely offered guidelines for fulfilling the role. The findings reveal gaps in the structure of the clinical supervisor's role which could be hampering successful clinical supervision.
Implications for nursing management  The study adds to the existing evidence base and serves to inform managers of the nature of the nurse clinical supervisor role and how it could be better facilitated. The data shed light on the needs of nurse clinical supervisors who often adopt this role in addition to their other clinical and professional commitments. The findings indicate that managerial support in the form of prioritizing training and offering support mechanisms help nurses to effectively fulfil the clinical supervisor role.  相似文献   

目的:调查护理夜班加强班工作情况,以期改进工作,保证夜班护理质量。方法:应用自行设计“夜班护理加强班工作情况专项检查表”和“夜班护理加强班评价调查表”对全院40个科室(44个护理单元)夜班护理加强班工作情况进行调查。结果:夜班护理加强班的设置对病房的夜间护理质量能起到较好的作用,同时通过夜班加强班制度能间接地培养骨干护士的管理能力和业务能力,但夜班加强班制度尚需进一步完善。  相似文献   

Working the night shift can be fraught and experienced as demanding and, yet, is often dismissed as babysitting. Few researchers have explored the social and cultural meanings of night nursing, including storytelling rituals. In 2019, a narrative study was undertaken. The aim was to explore the stories recalled by nurses about working night shifts. Thirteen Australian nurses participated. Data were gathered using the Biographical Narrative Interview Method, and narrative analysis produced forty stories and three themes: strange and challenging experiences; colleagues can be mentors (or not); and textbook knowledge is only part of what is needed on night shift. Nursing students who engage with these stories may come to understand the challenges of the night shift, and the valuable work that nurses engage in throughout a 24‐hr period, work that involves adept psychosocial and interpersonal skills alongside technical and physical competence.  相似文献   

目的:探讨两种考核模式对夜班准入新护士的影响,帮助临床寻求更好的评价模式。方法:将我院2007年7月至2011年6月采用床边综合能力考核模式前后的夜班准入护士资料进行回顾性整理分析,比较两组之间自我评价、导师评价、护士长评价、医生评价、不良事件发生率。结果:采用床边综合能力考核方式的新护士自我评价、导师评价、护士长评价、医生评价均较高,不良事件发生率较低(P<0.01)。结论:床边综合能力考核是一种能真正评价新护士实际工作能力的模式。在新护士的夜班准入系统中,应推广使用这种更为科学、有效的方法。  相似文献   

联合病区夜班护理二线值班制度的实施方法及体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨联合病区夜班护理二线值班制度实施的可行性和效果。方法实施联合病区护理二线值班,将全院病区以护理内容具有的相似性和普遍性分为6个小组,在普通护理联合值班制度的基础上对参与人员、值班方法、工作职责和待遇等问题进行修改和补充。结果二线值班的工作内容集中在指导危重抢救、协助困难操作、排除急救仪器故障、分担常规工作和解决医患矛盾等方面。结论联合病区夜班护理二线值班制度整合了护理人力,实现了资源共享;保证夜间护理质量,降低护理差错发生率;锻炼了中高层护理人员队伍。  相似文献   

内分泌科护理人员排班方式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨在内分泌科应用更科学合理的排班方式。方法:护士长在每位护士每周完成40小时工作的前提下,根据内分泌科护理工作的特点进行班次微调,通过试运行,确定排班方案。结果:缩短了护士在频繁轮班中对班次的适应过程;便于护士长管理;调动了夜班护士的工作热情,提高了患者的满意率。结论:目前,护士缺编严重,科学合理的排班方法将会更好地调动护士的积极性、促进护理队伍的稳定性,使护士全身心地投入到护理事业中去。  相似文献   

目的调查轮班护士对两种夜班方式的满意度,从而制定更为合理的夜班排班方式。方法采用自行设计问卷调查表,对112名工作5年以上轮班护士进行调查。结果轮班护士对改革后夜班方式满意度高于改革前夜班方式,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论为改善轮班护士身心健康,提高护理质量,临床护理管理者应尽量采用先小夜班后大夜班的夜班排班方式。  相似文献   

Universities can make a significant contribution to improve population health through encouraging faculty members and universities to focus on health promotion, using a health-promoting framework. This qualitative study explored factors influencing the development of a health-promoting nursing faculty in a Thai university. Data were collected via in-depth interviews of 15 nursing academics and four academic support staff, and fieldwork observations. Data were analyzed using Spradley's ethnographic approach. Findings included informants perceiving that the achievement of a health-promoting educational organization is dependent on a number of contexts, including the presence of the national health policy regarding health promotion, the policies and actions of a university, faculty administrative contexts, organizational culture, ThaiHealth actions and support, profession-related factors, time limitations, the physical environment, and personal factors. Moreover, the development of health-promoting faculty within nursing should be based on the existing support in a university and faculty. Factors impeding such development must determine whether health promotion and well-being are to be achieved as a foundation for faculty work, and the mission of a university within a healthy settings approach.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A qualitative study of shift handover practice and function from a socio-technical perspective Background. Shift handover plays a pivotal role in the continuity of patient care in 24-hour nursing contexts. The critical nature of this communication system is recognized within the literature and by the nursing profession; however, there are few in-depth studies. The rationale for this study is to gain a better understanding of handover practices and functions and their implications for effectiveness. METHOD: Handover systems on two very different paediatric wards were selected as case studies. In each case, 20 handovers were observed and audio-taped and 12 individual and two-group interviews with nursing staff about handover were also conducted. Analysis involved categorizing the data and characterizing handover practices and functions using an inductive approach to generate qualitative themes. The ethics committees of the hospital and the university approved the research. All involved were fully informed about the study, with confidentiality maintained throughout. RESULTS: Handover practices are distributed over time, socially among the staff and technologically through a range of artifacts, while the system also accomplishes informational, social and educational functions. Handover effectiveness is characterized by flexibility in managing competing demands and tensions, such as maintaining confidentiality while practising family centred care. There are limitations in how far the findings can be generalized to other nursing contexts, and the possible effects of the researcher's presence are also recognized. CONCLUSIONS: Handover is a complex system based on several sound socio-technical principles and the value of this nurse-to-nurse communication should be acknowledged. The multiple functions highlight the knowledge and expertise currently hidden within handover, which could be promoted in terms of nursing professionalism.  相似文献   

目的:研究护士长轮岗态度及影响因素,激发护士长的竞争力,使护理管理趋向科学化、规范化。方法:以质性研究中的现象学方法为指导,采用深入访谈方式,运用刺探和引导的方法,使访谈者更深入地发掘受访谈者对轮岗这一事件的态度及顾虑。结果:25名受访护士长中有18名对轮岗表示赞成,7名护士长对轮岗持反对意见。结论:影响态度的因素有年龄因素、学历因素、人格特征因素、认知因素等。开展轮岗前护士长动员、教育、统一认识、解除顾虑是保证轮岗顺利进行的关键。  相似文献   

Forensic mental health (FMH) inpatient settings are complex working environments at times due to a number of factors including the presence of challenging behaviours that may include violence and aggression, restrictions related to legislation, extended length of stay and the impact of trauma. Nurse unit managers (NUMs) play an important role in managing the unit environment and clinical standards of care to achieve better outcomes for consumers and staff. However, the role of NUMs in an FMH setting is poorly understood. The overall aim of this study was to explore the role of NUMs working within an FMH setting in Victoria, Australia. To our knowledge, this is the first study that has examined the subject. Data were collected via focus groups from n = 32 participants which included NUMs, their managers, staff who work alongside the NUMs and the staff the NUMs manage. Data were analysed using thematic analysis and four themes were interpreted from the data, (i) lack of role clarity, (ii) the importance of clinical Leadership and forensic mental health knowledge, (iii) step up in responsibility and step down in pay and (iv) seeing the difference you make. The role of the NUM within a forensic mental health setting comes with a number of challenges, but also opportunities to enact change. An ongoing effort to better support those employed within the NUM role and make the role desirable for aspiring staff is critical to the sustainability of a skilled clinical workforce and quality of care in this complex setting.  相似文献   

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