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The response of neurons in the ventral and dorsal tegmental nuclei during electrical stimulation of the gastric vagal fibers which serve the proximal stomach and the left greater splanchnic fibers were evaluated in chloralose-anesthetized cats. The mean latency of 181 gastric vagally evoked unitary responses recorded in the tegmental nuclei was 352.2 ms, whereas the latency of the left greater splanchnic-evoked tegmental response was significantly less (63.2 ms). The unitary responses to the gastric vagal and greater splanchnic fibers stimulation were bilaterally distributed in the ventral and dorsal tegmental nuclei. Convergence of the gastric vagal input from the proximal stomach and the left greater splanchnic input was observed in 151 units (83 percent). Stimulation of the greater splanchnic nerve usually resulted in a short latency excitation followed by an inhibitory effect on gastric vagally evoked responses. The results suggested that some convergent splanchnic inhibition of gastric vagally evoked responses was mediated via an interneuron. Projections from the nucleus tractus solitarius and the parabrachial nucleus to the tegmental nuclei were also identified electrophysiologically by direct microstimulation of the two former areas. The significant number of gastric vagal and splanchnic evoked unitary responses recorded in the ventral and dorsal tegmental nuclei suggested that they may serve as an important pontine site for processing of visceral information between the nucleus tractus solitarius and forebrain sites.  相似文献   

The projections of the trigeminal (V) sensory nuclei (VSN) and the dorsal column nuclei (DCN) to the anterior pretectal nucleus (APT) of the rat were investigated by the use of anterograde and retrograde transport of wheat-germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP). Injections of WGA-HRP into the APT retrogradely labeled neurons in the contralateral VSN and DCN. The labeled neurons in the VSN were most concentrated in the rostral V subnucleus interpolaris (Vi), but were also found in caudal V subnucleus oralis (Vo). No labeled neurons were seen in V subnucleus caudalis. In the DCN, retrogradely labeled neurons were observed in rostral portions of both the cuneate (Cu) and gracile (Gr) nuclei. Injections of WGA-HRP into the rostral Vi or caudal Vo resulted in dense anterograde terminal labeling in the ventral two-thirds of the APT; the labeling was maximal in the ventromedial part of the caudal half of the APT and did not extend into its most rostral portion. Labeling resulting from injections of tracer into Cu or Gr was located primarily in the ventral half of the APT, was maximal in the mid-levels of the nucleus and extended into its rostral portions. These results indicate the existence of prominent somatosensory projections to the APT and are consistent with recent findings suggesting a role for the APT in sensorimotor integration.  相似文献   

This study examines the termination pattern of axons from the medial mammillary nucleus within the ventral tegmental nucleus of Gudden (TV) in rats by using anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin (WGA-HRP) and visualized with tetramethylbenzidine. The neuropil of TV contains three classes of axodendritic terminals, that is, terminals containing round, flat, and pleomorphic synaptic vesicles. These types make up 55.6%, 26.1%, and 18.3%, respectively, of all normal axodendritic terminals. Injection of WGA-HRP into the medial mammillary nucleus permits ultrastructural recognition of anterogradely labeled terminals within the TV. More than 80% of the labeled terminals contain round synaptic vesicles and form asymmetric synaptic contacts, whereas about 16% contain flat synaptic vesicles with symmetric synaptic contacts. There are a few labeled terminals with pleomorphic vesicles and only a few axosomatic terminals. Almost all labeled terminals are small, having diameters of less than 1.5 microns. Compared with the distributions of normal and labeled terminals with round vesicles, there is an increase of the percentage of labeled terminals with round vesicles on the intermediate dendrites (1-2 microns diameter) and a decrease on the distal dendrites (less than 1 micron diameter). Anterogradely labeled axon terminals often contact retrogradely labeled dendrites. These results suggest that the medial mammillary neurons send mainly excitatory as well as a few inhibitory inputs to the dendrites of TV and have direct reciprocal contacts with the TV neurons.  相似文献   

The existence of a pathway from the supramammillary region (SM) to the ventral tegmental nucleus of Gudden (NTV) containing cholecystokinin-8 (CCK)-like immunoreactive (CCKI) structures was demonstrated by experimental manipulations in the rat. Destruction of the SM resulted in the disappearance of CCKI fibers in the NTV.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To our knowledge, the epileptic and nonepileptic electroencephalographic (EEG) discharges recorded within the human mammillary body (MB) and mammillothalamic tract (MTT) areas have never been published. Herein, we present the EEG recordings from these structures in patients with refractory epilepsy (RE). METHODS: Three men (ages 41-43 years) were enrolled in a clinical trial for deep brain stimulation (DBS) of MB-MTT in RE. Previous evaluations had demonstrated a low likelihood of successful response to medication or resective surgery. DBS macroelectrodes were bilaterally implanted within the MB-MTT under general anesthesia and their location checked by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We obtained a surface-depth EEG for a 2- to 4-day period, including monitoring of the cardiorespiratory and mnemonic functions. RESULTS: The background pattern of EEG recorded from MB-MTT was low-amplitude (usually <25 microv for MB and <20 microv for MTT) waves with a variable combination of theta-beta rhythms. In two patients, pseudoperiodic slow spikes were unilaterally recorded with or without clinical signs. For one patient, several focal ictal discharges were recorded in the right MB without scalp EEG changes. CONCLUSIONS: The analysis of our depth EEG revealed that the theta-beta pattern represents the predominant physiologic profile of MB. Paroxysmal epileptiform discharges can be observed in human MB. These data supplement those available from animal observations.  相似文献   

Gudden's tegmental nuclei provide major inputs to the rodent mammillary bodies, where they are thought to be important for learning and navigation. Comparable projections have yet to be described in the primate brain, where part of the problem has been in effectively delineating these nuclei. Immunohistochemical staining of tissue from a series of macaque monkeys (Macaca mulatta) showed that cells in the region of both the ventral and dorsal tegmental nuclei selectively stain for parvalbumin, thus helping to reveal these nuclei. These same tegmental nuclei were not selectively revealed when tissue was stained for SMI32, acetylcholinesterase, calbindin, or calretinin. In a parallel study, horseradish peroxidase was injected into the mammillary bodies of five cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Retrogradely labeled neurons were consistently found in the three subdivisions of the ventral tegmental nucleus of Gudden, which are located immediately below, within, and above the medial longitudinal fasciculus. Further projections to the mammillary body region arose from cells in the anterior tegmental nucleus, which appears to be a rostral continuation of the infrafascicular part of the ventral tegmental nucleus. In the dorsal tegmental nucleus of Gudden, labeled cells were most evident when the tracer injection was more laterally placed in the mammillary bodies, consistent with a projection to the lateral mammillary nucleus. The present study not only demonstrates that the primate mammillary bodies receive parallel inputs from the dorsal and ventral tegmental nuclei of Gudden, but also helps to confirm the extent of these poorly distinguished nuclei in the monkey brain.  相似文献   

Dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) were recorded intracellularly in slices of rat midbrain. Glycine (0.1-3 mM) caused a strychnine-sensitive and chloride-dependent reduction in membrane input resistance in both types of neuron. However, glycine also reduced the frequency of spontaneous bicuculline-sensitive inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) when recorded in dopaminergic cells. We conclude that glycine inhibits both types of VTA neuron by activating a strychnine-sensitive chloride conductance. Our data also raise the possibility that glycine could increase dopamine output from the VTA by a mechanism of disinhibition.  相似文献   

The organization of projection neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), and in adjacent parts of the raphe nuclei medial to it (the central and rostral linear, and interfascicular nuclei), the mammillary body (the supramammillary region and the tuberomammillary nucleus), and the substantia nigra have been examined in the rat with Kuypers' retrograde double labeling method, and with a combined retrograde labeling (with true blue)-immunohistochemical method for the demonstration of dopaminergic neurons. First, the distribution, within the VTA and adjacent regions, of dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic cells that project to terminal fields in the telencephalon (nucleus accumbens, lateral septum, pre- and supragenual fields of the anterior limbic cortex, amygdala, dorsal hippocampus, and entorhinal area), in the diencephalon (lateral habenula), and in the brainstem (locus coeruleus, and parabrachial nucleus) was determined. Then, 15 different combinations of injections of the tracers bisbenzimide and true blue into different terminal fields were made to determine whether individual cells in the region of the VTA send collaterals to more than one site. Taken together, the results indicate that essentially separate groups of cells in the VTA and adjacent regions of the raphe project to each terminal field. In addition, each group can be further divided into dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic components, although the proportion of dopaminergic cells in each group can vary from over 80% (e.g., to the nucleus accumbens) to less than 1% (to the lateral habenula and to the locus coeruleus). In addition, it was found that the supramammillary region, which contains a dense extension of the A10 cell group in its medial part, and the tuberomammillary nucleus, project to, or through, most of the regions injected with retrograde tracers. Virtually all of the projections from the VTA and adjacent regions are partially crossed, the percentage of cells on the uninjected side ranging from over 40% (e.g., for locus coeruleus injections) to only about 2% (e.g., for amygdalar injections). Most of the groups of projection neurons in the region of the VTA are considerably intermixed with the exception of those that project to the lateral septum, to the lateral habenula, and to the hippocampal formation, which are concentrated in ventral and medial parts of the VTA, and in the raphe nuclei medial to the VTA. It was concluded that in the ventral part of the midbrain, essentially separate groups of aminergic and non-aminergic neurons in both the reticular formation (VTA) and in the adjacent nuclei of the raphe project bilaterally to a variety of similar terminal fields in the telencephalon, diencephalon, and brainstem. Further work at the single cell level is needed to determine whether these cell groups are differentially innervated by known inputs to the VTA and adjacent regions, most of which appear to descend through the medial forebrain bundle from sites in the limbic system and hypothalamus.  相似文献   

This study examines the non-gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA)ergic (group I neurons) and GABAergic neurons (group II neurons) of the accessory optic system projecting to the nucleus of the optic tract (NOT)/dorsal terminal nucleus (DTN) of the accessory optic system in rat. These nuclei include the dorsal (MTNd) and ventral (MTNv) divisions of the medial terminal nucleus, the lateral terminal nucleus, the interstitial nucleus of the superior fasciculus, the posterior fibers, and the visual tegmental relay zone. GABAergic neurons of these nuclei that do not target the NOT/DTN (group III neurons) have also been observed. The fluorescent retrograde tracer fluoro-gold was injected into the pretectum, targeting the NOT/DTN and the tissue prepared immunocytochemically to reveal neurons containing the neurotransmitter GABA. Three groups of neurons (groups I, II, and III neurons) were examined in terms of their distribution, density, and percentage present. Group I neurons are single-labeled with fluoro-gold and represent non-GABAergic neurons projecting to the NOT/DTN. These neurons are of the highest density in the lateral terminal nucleus (204 neurons/mm2). Their densities are also substantial in the MTNv (120 neurons/mm2), interstitial nucleus of the superior fasciculus, posterior fibers (96 neurons/mm2), and visual tegmental relay zone (93 neurons/mm2). Group II neurons are double-labeled with fluoro-gold and GABA. They form a system of GABAergic neurons projecting to the NOT/DTN, which are exceedingly dense in the MTNd (78 neurons/mm2) but are also dense in both the visual tegmental relay zone (49 neurons/mm2) and MTNv (33 neurons/mm2). Group III neurons are GABAergic neurons that do not target the NOT/DTN but must project to other brain nuclei and/or be interneurons. These are of extremely high concentration in the visual tegmental relay zone (316 neurons/mm2) and are also of substantial densities in the MTNd (77 neurons/mm2), lateral terminal nucleus (72 neurons/mm2), and MTNv (44 neurons/mm2). The MTNd has the highest percentage of GABAergic neurons projecting to the NOT/DTN (72%). GABAergic neurons also form significant percentages of the projections to the NOT/DTN from the visual tegmental relay zone (34%) and MTNv (21%). The percentage of the total GABAergic neurons that project to the NOT/DTN is the highest in the MTNd (50%) and MTNv (42%). The described GABAergic afferents to the NOT/DTN may function to process information concerned with the compensation for retinal slip.  相似文献   

Subcortical projections to the anterior thalamic nuclei were studied in the rat, with special reference to projections from the mammillary nuclei, by retrograde and anterograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. The medial mammillary nucleus (MM) projects predominantly ipsilaterally to the entire anterior thalamic nuclei, whereas the lateral mammillary nucleus projects bilaterally to the anterodorsal nucleus (AD) of the anterior thalamic nuclei. A topographic relationship was recognized between the MM and the anterior thalamic nuclei. The dorsal region of the pars mediana of the MM projects to the interanteromedial nucleus (IAM), whereas the ventral region projects to the rostral part of the anteromedial nucleus (AM). The dorsal and the ventral regions of the pars medialis project to the dorsomedial part of the AM at its caudal and rostral levels, respectively. The dorsomedial region of the pars lateralis projects to the ventral AM. The ventrolateral region of the pars lateralis projects to the ventral part of the anteroventral nucleus (AV) in such a manner that rostral cells project rostrally and caudal cells project caudally. The pars basalis projects predominantly ipsilaterally to the dorsolateral AV and bilaterally to the AD. The rostrolateral region of the pars posterior projects to the lateral AV, whereas the medial and the caudal regions of the pars posterior project to the dorsomedial AV. The rostrodorsal part of the nucleus reticularis thalami was found to project to the anterior thalamic nuclei; cells located rostrally in this part project to the IAM and AM, whereas cells located caudodorsally project to the AV and AD. The laterodorsal tegmental nucleus projects predominantly ipsilaterally to the AV, especially to its dorsolateral part. The present study demonstrates that subdivisions of the subcortical structures are connected to the subnuclei of the anterior thalamic nuclei, with a clear-cut topography arranged in the dorsoventral and the rostrocaudal dimensions.  相似文献   

D.S. Zahm   《Brain research》1989,482(1):145-154
Following injections of small volumes (10-30 nl) of WGA-HRP (1-2%) into the ventral tegmental area, axonal transport of the lectin-peroxidase conjugate to ventral striatum was evaluated by light microscopy after TMB histochemistry and by electron microscopy following stabilization of the TMB reaction product with DAB and H2O2. Label was distributed more or less evenly in ventral striatum, with only slight patchiness observable in the boundary zone between the nucleus accumbens and ventromedial caudate-putamen. The electron microscope revealed that labeled axons contained markedly flattened vesicles and dense axoplasm and contacted perikarya, dendrites and dendritic spines of short (0.2-0.3 microns) symmetric appositions. Boutons with a similar triad of morphological features were observed in preparations processed for conventional electron microscopy and for tyrosine hydroxylase immunocytochemistry, suggesting that the characteristic morphological features observed are not an epiphenomenon related to histochemical processing.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to provide further evidence on the role of particular subdivisions of the mammillary bodies, anterior thalamus and dorsal hippocampus to contextual and auditory fear conditioning. We used c-Fos expression as a marker of neuronal activation to compare rats that received tone-footshock pairings in a distinctive context (conditioned group) to rats being exposed to both the context and the auditory CS without receiving footshocks (unconditioned group), and na?ve rats that were only handled. Fos immunoreactivity was significantly increased only in the anterodorsal thalamic nucleus and the lateral mammillary nucleus of the conditioned group. However, the dorsal hippocampus showed the highest density of c-Fos positive nuclei in the na?ve group as compared to the other groups. Together, our data support previous studies indicating a particular involvement of the mammillary bodies and anterior thalamus in fear conditioning.  相似文献   

The synaptic organization of projections from the lateral mammillary neurons within the dorsal tegmental nucleus of Gudden is studied in the rat with the aid of anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin (WGA-HRP) and visualized with tetramethylbenzidine. The dorsal tegmental nucleus consists of the pars ventralis (TDV) and the pars dorsalis (TDD). The normal neuropil of the dorsal tegmental nucleus contains three classes of axodendritic terminals, that is, terminals containing round, flat, and pleomorphic vesicles. They make up 44%, 5%, and 51%, respectively, of all axodendritic terminals in the TDV, and 62%, 1%, and 37% in the TDD. Injection of WGA-HRP into the lateral mammillary nucleus permits ultrastructural recognition of many anterograde labeled terminals within both the TDV and TDD. In the TDV, 81% of the labeled terminals contain round synaptic vesicles and make asymmetric synaptic contacts. A few of the labeled terminals contain pleomorphic vesicles and make symmetric synaptic contacts. More than 50% of the labeled terminals contact intermediate dendrites (1-2 microns diameter). In the TDD, almost all labeled terminals are small, contain round vesicles, and make asymmetric synaptic contacts. These terminals mainly contact intermediate as well as distal (less than 1 micron diameter) dendrites. There are only a few labeled terminals with pleomorphic vesicles and no terminals with flat vesicles. The termination pattern of the lateral mammillary neurons in the TDV is similar to that in the TDD. Anterograde labeled axon terminals often contact retrograde labeled dendrites in the TDV. No reciprocal connections are present in the TDD. These results suggest that the TDV and the TDD receive mainly excitatory and a few inhibitory inputs from the lateral mammillary nucleus. The TDV neurons also have direct reciprocal connections with the lateral mammillary neurons.  相似文献   

Crystalline morphine applied unilaterally to the ventral tegmental area in rats caused circling away from the side of application. This circling was reversed by naloxone (3 mg/kg) and blocked by pretreatment with pimozide (0.5 mg/kg). When tested in an open field the animals followed the perimeter of the enlcosure; thus the radius of the circles described was determined by environmental rather than central factors. Morphine induced forward locomotion in all four limbs; there were no major signs of postural asymmetry noted in the longitudinal axis of the animal's body. This study suggests that morphine activates a population of A-10 dopamine cells known to be involved in locomotion.  相似文献   

We have investigated connections between the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) and the anterior thalamic nuclei (ATN) in the rat, following injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into subnuclei of the ATN and different regions of the rostral TRN. Three nonoverlapping groups of neurons in the dorsal part of the ipsilateral rostral TRN project to, and receive reciprocal projections from, specific subnuclei of the ATN. A vertical sheet of neurons in the most dorsal part of the rostral TRN projects to the dorsal half of the posterior subdivision of the anteroventral thalamic nucleus (AVp), the dorsal region of the medial subdivision of the anteroventral thalamic nucleus (AVm), and the dorsolateral part of the rostral anterodorsal thalamic nucleus (AD). Immediately ventral to this part of TRN, but still within its dorsal portion, are a lateral cluster of neurons and a medially located vertical sheet of neurons. The lateral cluster projects to the ventral part of AVp and to the dorsomedial part of rostral AD. The medial sheet projects to the ventral part of AVm, the ventral part of rostral AD, and to the caudal portions of both AV and AD. There appears to be no input to the anteromedial thalamic nucleus (AM) from the TRN. These findings shed new light on the anatomy of the rostral TRN, the ATN, and the connections between the two, and are relevant to emerging hypotheses about the functional organization of the TRN and reticulo-thalamic projections.  相似文献   

Tsumori T  Yokota S  Ono K  Yasui Y 《Brain research》2002,957(2):231-241
The ventrolateral part of the parafascicular thalamic nucleus (PF), which is considered to take part in the control mechanism of orofacial motor functions, receives projection fibers not only from the dorsolateral part of the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) but also from the ventral part of the reticular thalamic nucleus (RT) [Tsumori et al., Brain Res. 858 (2000) 429]. In order to better understand the influence of these fibers upon the PF projection neurons, the morphology, synaptology and chemical nature of them were examined in the present study. After ipsilateral injections of Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) into the dorsolateral part of the SNr and biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) into the ventral part of the RT, overlapping distributions of PHA-L-labeled SNr fibers and BDA-labeled RT fibers were seen in the ventrolateral part of the PF. At the electron microscopic level, the SNr terminals made synapses predominantly with the medium to small dendrites and far less frequently with the somata and large dendrites, whereas approximately half of the RT terminals made synapses with the somata and large dendrites and the rest did with the medium to small dendrites of PF neurons. Some of single dendritic as well as single somatic profiles received convergent synaptic inputs from both sets of terminals. These terminals were packed with pleomorphic synaptic vesicles and formed symmetrical synapses. After combined injections of PHA-L into the dorsolateral part of the SNr, BDA into the ventral part of the RT and wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) into the ventrolateral part of the striatum or into the rostroventral part of the lateral agranular cortex, WGA-HRP-labeled neurons were embedded in the plexus of PHA-L- and BDA-labeled axon terminals within the ventrolateral part of the PF, where the PHA-L- and/or BDA-labeled terminals were in synaptic contact with single somatic and dendritic profiles of the WGA-HRP-labeled neurons. Furthermore, the SNr and RT axon terminals were revealed to be immunoreactive for gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), by using the anterograde BDA tracing technique combined with immunohistochemistry for GABA. The present data suggest that GABAergic SNr and RT fibers may exert different inhibitory influences on the PF neurons for regulating the thalamic outflow from the PF to the cerebral cortex and/or striatum in the control of orofacial movements.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization was combined with Fluoro-Gold retrograde labeling to determine if cells projecting from the forebrain to the ventral tegmental area (VTA) express D1 receptor mRNA. Cell counts were made in the prefrontal cortex, shell of the nucleus accumbens, and ventral pallidum to estimate the percentage of neurons projecting to the VTA that express D1 receptor mRNA. Retrogradely labeled cells were observed in the infralimbic and prelimbic regions of the prefrontal cortex, and up to 37% of the retrogradely labeled cells expressed D1 receptor mRNA. Double-labeled cells constituted up to 89% of retrogradely labeled neurons in the rostral shell and up to 68% in the caudal shell of the nucleus accumbens. The number of retrogradely labeled cells in the ventral pallidum that were double-labeled ranged from 13% in the rostral to less than 10% in the caudal portions. These data provide anatomical support for a role of D1 receptors in the reciprocal innervation between the forebrain and VTA. Synapse 25:205–214, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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