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parkin基因S/N167多态性与散发性帕金森病关联研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨parkin基因S/N167多态性与散发性帕金森病(Parkinson's disease,PD) 的遗传易感性的关系。方法 以120例用发性PD患者为研究对象,120名正常人作为对照。采用聚合酶链反应扩增所需DNA片段,用限制性内切酶酶切技术测定所研究对象的基因型和等位基因。将PD组按性别,起病年龄分组;正常人按性别分组,比较各组间基因型及等位基因频率的差异。结果 PD组与正常组S/N167多态性等位基因频率差异无显著性(x^2=0.75,P=0.39);早发性PD组S/N167多态性等位基因频率显著高于正常对照组x^2=5.80,p=0.016,OR=1.69);早发性PD组较晚发性PD组S/N167多态性等位基因频率显著增高( x^2=10.58,P=0.001)。结论 parkin基因S/N167多态性可能是早发性PD的危险因素,其患PD的风险性较正常组增高1.69倍。  相似文献   

目的 了解DJ-1基因3个多态位点(g.168-185del;SNP405,refSNPID:rs3766606;293G/A)的频率以及与帕金森病的相关性.方法 采用病例-对照研究,应用聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态性及DNA测序等技术对192例帕金森病患者和198名对照者的3个位点进行基因型的检测.结果 在g.168-185del位点,研究人群中Ins/Ins基因型较普遍,等位基因Del的频率很低(0.38%);在所检测的人群中未发现293G/A的多态性.上述结果与欧美国家的报道不一致.在SNP405 G/T多态位点中,在发病年龄小于40岁的帕金森患者群中G/T基因型频率显著高于对照组(18.75%vs5.54%,P=0.004,OR=6.30,95%CI:1.96~20.18).结论 g.168-185del和293G/A两多态性位点的频率在中国人群与欧美人群间可能存在差异;非翻译区SNP405 G/T多态性可能增加早发帕金森病的发病风险.  相似文献   

【摘要】 目的:探讨广西地区parkin基因启动子区-258T/G多态性与散发性帕金森病(Sporadic Parkinson,s disease, SPD)的相关性及该多态性与PD发病年龄的关系。方法:应用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)、限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)及DNA测序等技术,分析广西地区parkin基因-258T/G多态性在PD患者和健康对照者间分布频率的差异。结果:PD组parkin基因-258T/G多态性位点G等位基因频率显著高于正常对照组(55.20% vs 43.33%,χ2=6.898,p<0.05,OR=1.61,95%CI:1.13~2.30);GG基因型频率显著高于对照组(28.00 % vs 18.33%);(χ2=7.159,p<0.05,OR=2.75,95%CI:1.31~5.77)。进一步将PD组按发病年龄分层发现, 50岁及50岁以上发病患者G等位基因频率显著高于对照组(58.12% vs 43.33% ,χ2=8.404,p<0.01,OR=1.82,95%CI:1.21~2.73)。GG基因型频率与对照组间差异亦有统计学意义(32.50% vs 18.33%,χ2=8.517,p<0.01,OR=3.45,95%CI:1.50~7.93)同时,PD组TG+GG基因型频率亦显著高于对照组(82.40% vs 68.33%,χ2=6.551,p<0.05,OR=2.17,95%CI:1.20~3.93)。50岁以下发病患者G等位基因频率及GG、TG+GG基因型频率虽高于正常对照组但差异无统计学意义。结论:Parkin基因核心启动子区-258T/G多态G等位基因可能增加了广西地区散发性PD发病风险,且与PD发病年龄成正相关。  相似文献   

目的 探讨广西地区parkin基因启动子区-258T/G多态性与散发性帕金森病(sporadicParkinson's disease,SPD)的相关性及该多态性与PD发病年龄的关系.方法 PCR-RFLP及DNA测序等技术,分析parkin基因-258T/G多态性在PD患者和健康对照者间分布频率的差异.结果 PD组parkin基因-258T/G多态性位点G等位基因频率显著高于正常对照组(55.20%:43.33%,x2=6.898,P<0.05,OR=1.61,95%CI:1.13~2.30);GG基因型频率显著高于对照组(28.00%:18.33%,x2=7.159,P<0.05,OR=2.75,95%CI:1.31-5.77).同时,TG+GG基因型频率亦显著高于对照组(82.40%:68.33%,x2=6.551,P<0.05,OR=2.17,95%CI:1.20~3.93).50岁及50岁以上发病患者G等位基因频率和GG基因型频率显著高于对照组,50岁以下发病患者各频率虽高于正常对照组但差异无统计学意义.结论 Parkin基因核心启动子区-258T/G多态G等位基因可能增加了广西地区PD发病风险,且与PD发病年龄成正相关.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the association between the-258T/G polymorphism.in the pro-moter of parkin gene and the risk for sporadic parkinson's disease (SPD) in Guangxi Province, and in relationto the age of onset, of PD patients. Methods PCR-RFLP and sequence analysis were used to determine thegenotype of-258T/G polymorphism between all patients and healthy controls. Results The G allele was morecommon in patients than controls (55.20%:43.33% ,x2=6.898, P<0.05, OR=1.61, 95% CI: 1.13 ~2.30). The frequency of GG genotype was higher in patients than in controls (28.00 %: 18.33%, x2=7.159, P<0.05, OR=2.75, 95% CI : 1.31 ~ 5.77). The frequency of TG + GG genotype was higher in pa-tients than in controls (82.40%:68.33%, x2=6.551, P<0.05, OR=2.17.95%CI: 1.20 ~3.93). Afterbeing stratified by onset age, the frequencies of the G allele and GG genotype were significantly higher in pa-tients with onset age over 50 years than those in controls respectively. On the other hand, the frequency was notsignificantly different between the younger onset PD patients and the controls. Conclusion The parkin promot-er-258T/G polymorphism might be a risk factor for PD in Guangxi Province, and the G allele was increasedwith increasing age.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the association between the-258T/G polymorphism.in the pro-moter of parkin gene and the risk for sporadic parkinson's disease (SPD) in Guangxi Province, and in relationto the age of onset, of PD patients. Methods PCR-RFLP and sequence analysis were used to determine thegenotype of-258T/G polymorphism between all patients and healthy controls. Results The G allele was morecommon in patients than controls (55.20%:43.33% ,x2=6.898, P<0.05, OR=1.61, 95% CI: 1.13 ~2.30). The frequency of GG genotype was higher in patients than in controls (28.00 %: 18.33%, x2=7.159, P<0.05, OR=2.75, 95% CI : 1.31 ~ 5.77). The frequency of TG + GG genotype was higher in pa-tients than in controls (82.40%:68.33%, x2=6.551, P<0.05, OR=2.17.95%CI: 1.20 ~3.93). Afterbeing stratified by onset age, the frequencies of the G allele and GG genotype were significantly higher in pa-tients with onset age over 50 years than those in controls respectively. On the other hand, the frequency was notsignificantly different between the younger onset PD patients and the controls. Conclusion The parkin promot-er-258T/G polymorphism might be a risk factor for PD in Guangxi Province, and the G allele was increasedwith increasing age.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the association between the-258T/G polymorphism.in the pro-moter of parkin gene and the risk for sporadic parkinson's disease (SPD) in Guangxi Province, and in relationto the age of onset, of PD patients. Methods PCR-RFLP and sequence analysis were used to determine thegenotype of-258T/G polymorphism between all patients and healthy controls. Results The G allele was morecommon in patients than controls (55.20%:43.33% ,x2=6.898, P<0.05, OR=1.61, 95% CI: 1.13 ~2.30). The frequency of GG genotype was higher in patients than in controls (28.00 %: 18.33%, x2=7.159, P<0.05, OR=2.75, 95% CI : 1.31 ~ 5.77). The frequency of TG + GG genotype was higher in pa-tients than in controls (82.40%:68.33%, x2=6.551, P<0.05, OR=2.17.95%CI: 1.20 ~3.93). Afterbeing stratified by onset age, the frequencies of the G allele and GG genotype were significantly higher in pa-tients with onset age over 50 years than those in controls respectively. On the other hand, the frequency was notsignificantly different between the younger onset PD patients and the controls. Conclusion The parkin promot-er-258T/G polymorphism might be a risk factor for PD in Guangxi Province, and the G allele was increasedwith increasing age.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the association between the-258T/G polymorphism.in the pro-moter of parkin gene and the risk for sporadic parkinson's disease (SPD) in Guangxi Province, and in relationto the age of onset, of PD patients. Methods PCR-RFLP and sequence analysis were used to determine thegenotype of-258T/G polymorphism between all patients and healthy controls. Results The G allele was morecommon in patients than controls (55.20%:43.33% ,x2=6.898, P<0.05, OR=1.61, 95% CI: 1.13 ~2.30). The frequency of GG genotype was higher in patients than in controls (28.00 %: 18.33%, x2=7.159, P<0.05, OR=2.75, 95% CI : 1.31 ~ 5.77). The frequency of TG + GG genotype was higher in pa-tients than in controls (82.40%:68.33%, x2=6.551, P<0.05, OR=2.17.95%CI: 1.20 ~3.93). Afterbeing stratified by onset age, the frequencies of the G allele and GG genotype were significantly higher in pa-tients with onset age over 50 years than those in controls respectively. On the other hand, the frequency was notsignificantly different between the younger onset PD patients and the controls. Conclusion The parkin promot-er-258T/G polymorphism might be a risk factor for PD in Guangxi Province, and the G allele was increasedwith increasing age.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the association between the-258T/G polymorphism.in the pro-moter of parkin gene and the risk for sporadic parkinson's disease (SPD) in Guangxi Province, and in relationto the age of onset, of PD patients. Methods PCR-RFLP and sequence analysis were used to determine thegenotype of-258T/G polymorphism between all patients and healthy controls. Results The G allele was morecommon in patients than controls (55.20%:43.33% ,x2=6.898, P<0.05, OR=1.61, 95% CI: 1.13 ~2.30). The frequency of GG genotype was higher in patients than in controls (28.00 %: 18.33%, x2=7.159, P<0.05, OR=2.75, 95% CI : 1.31 ~ 5.77). The frequency of TG + GG genotype was higher in pa-tients than in controls (82.40%:68.33%, x2=6.551, P<0.05, OR=2.17.95%CI: 1.20 ~3.93). Afterbeing stratified by onset age, the frequencies of the G allele and GG genotype were significantly higher in pa-tients with onset age over 50 years than those in controls respectively. On the other hand, the frequency was notsignificantly different between the younger onset PD patients and the controls. Conclusion The parkin promot-er-258T/G polymorphism might be a risk factor for PD in Guangxi Province, and the G allele was increasedwith increasing age.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the association between the-258T/G polymorphism.in the pro-moter of parkin gene and the risk for sporadic parkinson's disease (SPD) in Guangxi Province, and in relationto the age of onset, of PD patients. Methods PCR-RFLP and sequence analysis were used to determine thegenotype of-258T/G polymorphism between all patients and healthy controls. Results The G allele was morecommon in patients than controls (55.20%:43.33% ,x2=6.898, P<0.05, OR=1.61, 95% CI: 1.13 ~2.30). The frequency of GG genotype was higher in patients than in controls (28.00 %: 18.33%, x2=7.159, P<0.05, OR=2.75, 95% CI : 1.31 ~ 5.77). The frequency of TG + GG genotype was higher in pa-tients than in controls (82.40%:68.33%, x2=6.551, P<0.05, OR=2.17.95%CI: 1.20 ~3.93). Afterbeing stratified by onset age, the frequencies of the G allele and GG genotype were significantly higher in pa-tients with onset age over 50 years than those in controls respectively. On the other hand, the frequency was notsignificantly different between the younger onset PD patients and the controls. Conclusion The parkin promot-er-258T/G polymorphism might be a risk factor for PD in Guangxi Province, and the G allele was increasedwith increasing age.  相似文献   

目的 确定parkin基因第3内含子区新的多态位点IVS3-20 T→C多态与帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease,PD)的相关性。尤其是该多态与PD发病年龄的关系。方法 经PCR扩增后。用变性高效液相色谱和DNA自动测序等方法分析了312例PD患者和236名正常对照parkin基因IVS3—20 T→C多态性位点分布频率的差异。结果 总体分析未发现C/C纯合型。PD组T/C基因型频率和C等位基因频率与对照组相比有明显升高,但差异无显著性。将PD组按年龄分层后。45岁以下PD患者IVS3—20 T→C多态T/C基因型频率(7.07%)明显高于正常对照组(2.12%)。OR=3.52,95%CI为0.97~13.13(P=0.0263)。C等位基因频率(3.90%)也明显高于正常对照组(1.06%)。OR=3.42。95%CI为0.96~12.57(P=0.0276).而45岁以上PD组与正常对照组相比差异无显著性。年龄分层后的趋势分析显示parkin基因IVS3-20 T/C多态性相对危险度与PD发病年龄间存在负相关联系.结论 发现了parkin基因IVS3-20 T→C多态位点,并提示IVS3-20 T→C多态位点可能是中国人散发性早发PD的一个危险因素。  相似文献   

目的 探讨中国人早发性帕金森病(praecox Parkinson disease,PPD)中parkin基因第1~6外显子是否存在突变,及其与该病临床特点的关系。方法 用PPD患者外周血液提取DNA,通过PCR扩增,琼脂糖凝胶电泳鉴定parkin基因外显子缺失突变,并结合临床资料分析。结果 21中层得中发现有2例第1外显子缺失,2例第4外显子缺失,1例第6外显子缺失;发生基因缺失突变的病例年龄为  相似文献   

早发性帕金森病parkin基因的一个新的点突变   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:观察不同亚型帕金森病(Parkinson's disease,PD)患者中是否存在parkin基因新的突变以及突变的分布,探讨parkin基因在PD发病机理中的可能作用。方法:70例患者被分为早发性PD和晚发性PD,70名正常体检者为对照组。以基因组DNA为模板,扩增parkin基因的全部12个外显子,然后行单链构象多态性(single-strand conformation polymorphism,SSCP)电泳观察,对泳动异常者进行DNA序列测定,以确定外显子中存在的突变及其分布。结果:70例患者中有4例SSCP泳动异常,测序证实1例早发性PD患者的外显子7存在1个未曾报道过的新的点突变位点Gly284Arg。结论:parkin基因点突变也是我国早发性PD患者的致病原因之一。  相似文献   

parkin基因的一个新的点突变   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
目的:研究parkin基因外显子2-10点突变与散发性早发帕金森病发病的关系。方法:应用聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction ,PCR)、琼脂糖电泳、单链构象多态性(single strand conformation polymorphism,SSCP)、DNA测序及限制性核酸内切酶酶切方法,检测了60例散发性早发帕金森病患者以及120名正常人外周血白细胞DNA的parkin基因外显子2-10点突变。结果:发现1例患者的parkin基因外显子2存在纯合突变(G237→C),限制性内切酶酶切证实,其它外显子未见突变,120名正常对照也未见突变。结论:parkin基因外显子存在点突变,可能与部分散发性早发帕金森病发病有关。  相似文献   

目的 了解NURR1基因多态性与四川地区散发性帕金森病之间的相关性.方法 采用病例-对照研究,应用聚合酶链反应、等位基因特异性、限制性片段长度多态性对四川地区汉族人群241例帕金森病患者和236名正常对照NURR1基冈启动子区的c.-2922(C)2-3及第6内含子的ⅣS6+18imG多态位点进行关联分析.结果 IVS6+18insG位点帕金森病组3G/3G,3G/2G,2G/2G基因型频率与对照组相比差异无统计学意义(X2=3.733,P=0.155).进一步按发病年龄分层后发现,50岁以前发病的帕金森病患者基因型频率与对照组之间差异有统计学意义(X2=6.545,P=0.038).发病年龄<50岁的帕金森病组患者3G/2G基因型频率显著高于对照组(54.12%vs 38.14%),并且与其他两组基因型合并相比差异有统计学意义(X2=6.537,P=0.011;OR=1.913,95%CI:1.159~3.158).c.-2922(C)2-3位点帕金森病组与对照组相比3C/3C,3C/2C及2C/2C基因型频率差异无统计学意义(P=0.766).结论 本研究结果提示NURR1基因ⅣS6+18insG多态可能与本组人群早发性帕金森病的遗传易感性相关;未发现c.-2922(C)2-3位点多态性与本组人群帕金森病的遗传易感性相关.  相似文献   

广东人汉族群CTLA-4基因外显子1多态性与Graves病的相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨CTLA-4基因外显子1多态性与广东地区汉族人群Graves病的关系。方法以PCR-RFLP技术观察100名健康人与100例Graves病(GD)患者细胞毒性T淋巴细胞相关抗原4(CTLA-4)基因外显子1的多态性。结果提示GD患者的CTLA-4外显子1的G49等位基因频率较正常对照组显著增高(P<0.01)。结论CTLA-4基因可能是广东地区汉族人群中GD的易感候选基因。  相似文献   

目的 探讨泛素羧基端水解酶-L1基因(ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase-L1,UCH-L1)第3外显子C/A多态、第4外显子C/T多态与帕金森病(Parkinson's disease,PD)发病风险的关系.方法 采用聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态性方法,在164例PD患者和172名健康对照者中观察UCH-L1基因C/A和C/T多态的分布,并通过比值比(odds ratio,OR)进行相关分析.结果 (1)PD患者中UCH-L1第3外显子上C等位基因的频率(62.2%)明显高于对照组(51.7%)(OR=1.53,P=0.006),PD患者CC基因型的频率(36.6%)亦明显高于对照组(23.2%)(OR=1.90,P=0.008).(2)PD患者中UCH-L1第4外显子上C/T等位基因和基因型的频率分布在PD患者和对照组间差异无统计学意义.结论 UCH-L1第3外显子上c等位基因可能是PD发病的危险因子,而第4外显子上的C/T多态则与PD发病无关.  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by major alterations of neurotransmitter activity due to damage of the substantia nigra. Changes in neuropeptide concentration within the basal ganglia may play an important role in the putative dopaminergic-peptidergic interactions associated with the disease. Cholecystokinin (CCK) modulates the release of dopamine in the mesolimbic pathway and affects dopamine-related behavior. We analyzed genetic variations in the CCK gene, in both the coding and promoter region, in order to investigate the role of polymorphism in idiopathic PD. Four polymorphic sites of the CCK gene (-196G/A, -45C/T, 1270C/G, 6662C/T) were found in PD patients and controls. Complete linkage disequilibrium was observed between the -45 locus and the 1270 locus, and also a possible linkage disequilibrium was found between the -45 and -196 loci. A significant difference was found in the distributions of three identified genotypes at the -45 locus between 116 PD patients and 95 age-matched control subjects (chi2 = 7.95, p = 0.018, Bonferroni correction; p = 0.054). In addition, a significant difference was obtained amongst the three genotypic groups at the -45 locus when compared between PD patients who experienced hallucinations (n = 23) and those (n = 93) who did not (chi2 = 8.08, p = 0.018, Bonferroni correction, p = 0.126). Our data suggested that mutations at the -45 locus in the promoter region of the CCK gene may influence vulnerability to hallucinations in PD patients treated with L-dopa.  相似文献   

目的 探讨Neuregulin 1(NRG1)基因多态性与精神分裂症的关联.方法 在258个中国汉族精神分裂症核心家系(患者及其亲生父母)中,应用实时定量PCR技术检测位于NRGl基因5'端的4个单核苷酸多态(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)位点:rs221533(C/T)、rs7820838(C/T)、433E1006 (A/G)和rs3924999(C/T),进行基因分型,应用传递不平衡检测(transmission disequilibrium test,TDT)分析等位基因传递情况,分析该基因与精神分裂症易感性的关联.结果 在258个中国汉族核心家系中,rs221533、433E1006、rs3924999三个SNP均存在有统计学意义的传递不平衡,优先传递的等位基因分别是:C、A、T(rs221533:X2=27.45,P=0.000;433E1006:X2=56.08,P=0.000;rs3924999:X2=10.53,P=0.001).rs7820838未检到不平衡传递(X2=3.31,P=0.081).频率大于1%单倍型进行分析,rs221533-rs7820838-433E1006联合分析,单倍型C/C/G和C/C/A优先传递(C/C/G:X2=5.26,P=45.08;C/C/A:X2=0.026,P=0.000);rs221533-rs7820838-433E1006-rs3924999联合分析,单倍型C/C/G/T、C/C/A/C和C/C/A/T优势传递(C/C/G/T:X2=10.71,P=0.001;C/C/A/C:.)X2=8.83,P=0.006、C/C/A/T:X2=27.00,P=0.000).213个阳性亚型的精神分裂症核心家系中传递不平衡得出基本一致的结果 .结论 Nrg1基因多态性与中国汉族人群精神分裂症存在关联,尤其是支持与阳性亚型精神分裂症存在关联.  相似文献   

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