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We describe two brothers and a cousin with common clinical features, including mild mental retardation, motor delays, hypotonia with truncal ataxia, esotropia, and mild facial and hand dysmorphia. The initial routine chromosome study failed to detect any abnormality in the proband. Based on a high index of clinical suspicion, high-resolution chromosome studies were performed on the proband's parents. A small reciprocal translocation t(10;14) (q26.1;q32.3) was detected in the father. The breakpoint on the derivative chromosome 14 was further placed telomeric to the immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene cluster at the band q32.33 by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Studies of the proband and two affected paternal cousins revealed that each had inherited the same derivative chromosome 10 from their carrier parents. This unbalanced karyotype resulted from an adjacent-1 segregation of the 10;14 translocation.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis after conventional staining and Q-banding demonstrated a pericentric inversion of chromosome 14 in the mother of a child with a mental retardation/multiple congenital abnormality syndrome and an abnormal chromosome 14. The proposita's partial duplication for the distal segment of 14q is apparently the result of crossing over within the inverted segment during meiosis. An attempt is made at assessing the risk that a carrier of the described pericentric inversion faces of having an abnormal child. The estimate of the risk depends on two factors: 1) the probability of a crossover occurring within the inverted segment during meiosis, and 2) the probability of a child with either of the two possible unbalanced recombinant chromosomes being born alive. An explanation is offered as to why some pericentric inversions confer a significant risk while others are so benign and occur with such a high frequency that they can be considered normal chromosomal variants, rather than chromosome aberrations.  相似文献   

Mosaicism for tandem duplications is rare. Most patients reported had abnormal phenotypes of varying severity, depending on the chromosomal imbalance involved and the level of mosaicism. Post-zygotic unequal sister-chromatid exchange has been proposed as the main mechanism for tandem duplication mosaicism. However, previous molecular analyses have implicated both meiotic and post-zygotic origins for the duplication. We describe a newborn male who was originally diagnosed in utero with arrhythmia and tetralogy of Fallot. He had multiple dysmorphic features including telecanthus, blepharophimosis, high broad nasal bridge with a square-shaped nose, flat philtrum, thin upper lip, down-turned corners of the mouth, high-arched palate, micrognathia, asymmetric ears, and long, thin fingers and toes. Karyotyping of peripheral blood lymphocytes showed mosaicism for a tandem duplication of part of the long arm of one chromosome 5: mos46,XY,dup(5)(q13q33)[6]/46,XY[45]. Fibroblast cultures had the same mosaic karyotype with a higher frequency of the dup(5) clone: mos46,XY,dup(5)(q13q33)[9]/46,XY[21]. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis with a wcp5 confirmed the chromosome 5 origin of the additional material. Parental karyotypes were normal indicating a de novo origin of the dup(5) in the proband. Molecular analyses of chromosome 5 sequence-tagged-site (STS) markers in our family were consistent with a post-zygotic origin for the duplication. Therefore, mosaicism for tandem duplications can arise both through meiotic or mitotic errors, as a result of unequal crossing over or unequal sister-chromatid exchange, respectively. Our review indicates that mosaicism for tandem duplications is likely under-ascertained and that parental karyotyping of probands with non-mosaic tandem duplications should be performed.  相似文献   

We describe a male child with craniofacial anomalies, postnatal onset growth retardation, microcephaly, multiple minor anomalies, hearing loss, and moderate delay of mental and statomotor development. He carries a previously undescribed tandem translocation between the long arm of chromosome 14 and the short arm of chromosome 21 that arose de novo. As proven by fluorescence in situ hybridization a microdeletion not detectable with high-resolution G-banding occured in 14q32.3, the terminal band on the long arm of chromosome 14. The resulting phenotype includes most abnormalities encountered in patients with terminal 14q32.3 deletions but in addition includes some characteristics of the ring chromosome 14 syndrome. Am. J. Med. Genet. 80:443–447, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Here we report on a boy with both a partial deletion of chromosome 18p and a partial duplication of chromosome 18q, caused by a paternal pericentric inversion (46, XY, rec(18), dup q, inv(18)(p11.2q21.1)pat). The findings in the patient are compared to those in the literature. The symptoms in the described patient can be explained for the major part by the 18p—and 18q+ syndromes separately. A specific 18p-/18q+ syndrome cannot be clearly delineated yet. Inspiratory stridor is a symptom that has not been described before in either 18p—or 18q +, but has been found twice before in patients with the combined 18p—/18q+ syndrome.  相似文献   

We report on a 4-1/2 year old girl with apparent CHARGE association who had a de novo inverted duplication (14)(q22 → 24.3), iris colobomas, ventricular septal defect, soft tissue choanal atresia, intellectual impairment, growth retardation, sensorineural deafness, apparently low set ears, and upslanting palpebral fissures. Family history was unremarkable and parental chromosomes were normal. Similarities between this and previously reported cases of 14q duplication suggest that a locus for a gene or genes causing some of the anomalies of CHARGE association may reside in the region 14q22 to 24.3. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A tandem duplication of 14q24→q32, estimated by G- and R-banding, was found in a male newborn with growth retardation and congenital malformations. His clinical picture is compared with that of three patients from the literature with partial trisomy for a similar segment of 14q due to a parental reciprocal translocation or a de novo translocation.  相似文献   

We report a four-generation kindred with a balanced 13q 14q Robertsonian translocation. The proband had the Down syndrome, due to trisomy of chromosome 21; he also carried the balanced D-group translocation. A segregation analysis of 86 sibships was performed to examine the risk of t(13q 14q) carrier parents having trisomy 21, 47, XXY, or trisomy 13 children by which a number of families were ascertained. None of these disorders recurred after birth of the propositi. The frequency of abortions was not different from that of the general population. The conditional segregation ratio for balanced translocation carriers among the phenotypically normal offspring of carrier parents was 0.55 ± 0.04.  相似文献   

A female infant with multiple malformations and mental retardation was noted to have a rare de novo chromosome abnormality involving mosaicism with two cell lines, one with a ring chromosome 13, and the other with partial trisomy 13 owing to a complex rearrangement. Cytogenetic examination excluded the presence of a t(13q;13q) cell line and showed a cell line with a marker chromosome containing two chromosome 13 long arms joined together after deletion of a part (q11→q14) of one of them. In addition, the absence of a cell line with two normal chromosomes 13 or a cell line with a t(13q;13q) implies that the ring (13) and the marker (13) arose from a single event at the first cleavage division.
The two cell lines were present in different proportions in both peripheral blood lymphocytes and skin fibroblasts. The results of microsatellite characterisation clearly indicate the paternal origin and the absence of recombination, supporting the postzygotic origin of both the ring and the marker chromosome.

Keywords: unusual mosaicism; ring 13; partial trisomy 13; partial monosomy 13  相似文献   

Cases of duplication of distal 11q or proximal 13q have been reported independently. A specific translocation resulting in duplication of distal 11q, [der(22)t(11;22)(q23;q11)], has been documented in over 40 cases. We report on a male fetus with chromosomal excess of both distal 11q and proximal 13q resulting from a familial translocation. This case supports the causal association of duplication 11q with neural tube defects. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A number of clinical reports have described children with a variety of congenital anomalies in association with uniparental disomy (upd) of chromosome 14, suggesting that at least some genes on chromosome 14 are subject to parent of origin, or imprinting, effects. However, little else is known about this putative imprinting of chromosome 14. Both maternal and paternal upd have been observed, but a consistent phenotype has only been suggested for the former. Here we report on a child with developmental delay, microcephaly, distinct facial findings, and who has a duplication of 14q24.3q31. The same cytogenetic abnormality was found in her phenotypically normal father. We hypothesize that this segment of chromosome 14 contains maternally silenced genes, and that this duplicated segment defines an imprinted region on chromosome 14. Alternatively, this cytogenetic duplication may be unrelated to the girl's phenotypic anomalies, and this duplication may contain genes that are not subject to dosage effect. Am. J. Med. Genet. 71:361–365, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report on two sibs with duplication of the segment 8ql2→8q21.2 resulting from malsegregation of a maternal insertional translocation: [inv ins (5;8)(pl3;ql2q2l.2)]. The mother also carries a reciprocal translocation [t (l;6)(q31;q5)], which was transmitted in the balanced state to the propositi and to a phenotypically normal son and daughter. The literature on two translocations occurring in one individual and on insertional rearrangements is reviewed in terms of reproductive risks to balanced carriers. The two affected infants have a previously undescribed partial duplication of an interstitial segment of 8q and a pattern of abnormalities distinct from those seen in other partial duplications of 8. These infants are reviewed with 78 other cases of partial duplication of chromosome 8 with regard to phenotype-karyotype correlations.  相似文献   

Maternal uniparental disomy for the complete long arm of chromosome 14 has been reported in 14 patients to date and is associated with a specific pattern of malformation. We report a child with clinical features of this syndrome who exhibits maternal uniparental disomy confined to a specific interstitial segment of chromosome 14.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old female child with mental retardation (MR), multiple congenital anomalies (MCA) and irregular pigmentation was shown to have karyotypic mosaicism involving chromosome 14 abnormalities. Four cell lines were found in both peripheral blood lymphocytes and skin fibroblasts and were represented by: a normal karyotype, an isopseudodicentric 14q [iso psu dic(14)], a ring 14 [r(14)], and a monosomy 14 [mono(14)]. Our results are compared with reported cases involving multiple abnormalities of specific chromosomes. Karyotypic mosaicism of comparable chromosome 14 abnormalities is rare, with only one known previous case. Detailed analysis of karyotypic mosaicism of rare chromosomal abnormalities is essential to determine meaningful correlations with specific patterns of malformation.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a group of neurodevelopmental disorders with a strong genetic aetiology. In approximately 1% of cases, duplication of the 15q11-13 region has been reported. We report the clinical, array-comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and cytogenetic evaluation of two individuals from a multiplex family demonstrating autism due to a maternally inherited gain of 15q11-13. Our findings indicate that unlike most 15q11-13 gains, which are caused by interstitial duplication of this region or supernumerary marker chromosomes deriving from proximal 15q, the 15q gain in this family is the result of abnormal segregation of a cryptic familial translocation with breakpoints at 14q11.2 and 15q13.3. The affected members of this family were found to have a normal karyotype at >550 band resolution. This translocation was identified using the 1-Mb resolution whole genome array (Spectral Genomics). The affected individuals have a gain of seven clones from proximal 15q, a loss of two clones from proximal 14q and a gain of two clones from 6q. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis with clones from chromosomes 14 and 15, combined with DAPI reverse banding, showed an abnormal karyotype with one normal chromosome 15 and the der(15) t(14;15)(q11.2.;q13.3), resulting in the gain of proximal 15q and the loss of proximal 14q in affected individuals. The duplication of two clones from 6q in the affected subjects was also found in unaffected members of the family. Our findings suggest that the gain of 15q in autism may in some cases be due to cryptic translocations with breakpoints in the pericentromic regions of chromosome 15 and a different acrocentric chromosome. Variation in the size of pericentromic regions of any acrocentric chromosome may justify karyotype and FISH studies of autistic probands and their parents using probes from the 15q proximal region to determine recurrence risk for autism in some families.  相似文献   

Ring (19) chromosomal mosaicism has been identified in a 14-month-old girl referred for cytogenetic evaluation due to microcephaly and developmental delay with autistic-like mannerisms. An analysis of her peripheral blood lymphocytes showed a 46,XX,r(19) cell line in 119/121 of cells examined. Of the two remaining cells, one had a normal female chromosome complement and the other showed loss of one of the chromosome 19 homologs. Further analysis by fluorescence in situ hybridization using an all human telomere probe showed the presence of a single hybridization signal on the r(19) chromosome. Subsequent cytogenetic characterization of cells derived from the patient's phenotypically normal mother also demonstrated the presence of a ring 19 chromosome in 4/100 cells. The remaining cells had a normal female chromosome complement. These findings represent the first reported case of familial ring 19 mosaicism. The cytogenetic and clinical findings in these two individuals are discussed in relation to six previously reported cases of de novo ring chromosome 19 mosaicism. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A constitutional chromosome 14 rearrangement was observed in a female with a psychodevelopmental disorder. Karyotype analysis using a variety of chromosome techniques, QFQ, GTG, CBG, Ag-NOR and DA-DAPI, showed a deletion of chromosome 14q32.1-qter region in association with a supernumerary marker chromosome. The marker, resembling a submetacentric, approximately half the size of a G group chromosome is C band and Ag-NOR negative. The heteromorphism of the satellites showed that the deleted chromosome 14 is paternal in origin. Chromosome painting using an Alu-PCR probe specific for the human chromosome 14 and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) showed that the marker contains chromosome 14q32 sequences. It is likely that the marker was generated from the deleted chromosome 14 region through a complex rearrangement.  相似文献   

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