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Peyman Sardari Nia Jean H.T. Daemen Jos G. Maessen 《The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery》2019,157(4):1567-1574
The aim of this study was to develop a high-fidelity minimally invasive mitral valve surgery (MIMVS) simulator.Methods
The process of industrial serial design was applied based on pre-set requirements, acquired by interviewing experienced mitral surgeons. A thoracic torso with endoscopic and robotic access and disposable silicone mitral valve apparatus with a feedback system was developed. The feedback system was based on 4 cameras around the silicone valve and an edge detection algorithm to calculate suture depth and width. Validity of simulator measurements was assessed by comparing simulator-generated values with measurements done manually on 3-dimensional reconstructed micro-computed tomography scan of the same sutures. Independent surgeons tested the simulator between 2014 and 2018, whereupon an evaluation was done through a questionnaire.Results
The feedback system was able to provide width and depth measurements, which were subsequently scored by comparison to pre-set target values. Depth did not significantly differ between simulator and micro-computed tomography scan measurements (P = .139). Width differed significantly (P = .001), whereupon a significant regression equation was found (P < .0001) to calibrate the simulator. After calibration, no significant difference was found (P = .865). In total, 99 surgeons tested the simulator and more than agreed with the statements that the simulator is a good method for training MIMVS, and that the mitral valve and suture placement looked and felt realistic.Conclusions
We successfully developed a high-fidelity MIMVS simulator for endoscopic and robotic approaches. The simulator provides a platform to train skills in an objective and reproducible manner. Future studies are needed to provide evidence for its application in training surgeons. 相似文献2.
Adrian Park M.D. Donald Witzke Ph.D. Michael Donnelly Ph.D. 《Journal of gastrointestinal surgery》2002,6(3):501-509
Patient preference has driven the adoption of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) techniques and altered surgical practice. MIS
training in surgical residency programs must teach new skill sets with steep learning curves to enable residents to master
key procedures. Because no nationally recognized MIS curriculum exists, this study asked experts in MIS which laparoscopic
procedures should be taught and how many cases are required for competency. Expert recommendations were compared to the number
of cases actually performed by residents (Residency Review Committee [RRC] data). A detailed survey was sent nationwide to
all surgical residency programs (academic and private) known to offer training in MIS and/or have a leader in the field. The
response rate was approximately 52%. RRC data were obtained from the resident statistics summary report for 1998–1999. Experts
identified core procedures for MIS training and consistently voiced the opinion that to become competent, residents need to
perform these procedures many more times than the RRC data indicate they currently do. At present, American surgical residency
programs do not meet the suggested MIS case range or volume required for competency. Residency programs need to be restructured
to incorporate sufficient exposure to core MIS procedures. More expert faculty must be recruited to train residents to meet
the increasing demand for laparoscopy.
Presented at the Forty-Second Annual Meeting of The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, Atlanta, Georgia, May 20–23,
2001 (oral presentation).
Supported in part by an educational grant from Tyco/U.S. Surgical Corporation. 相似文献
Abhijit Shaligram Avishai Meyer Anton Simorov Pradeep Pallati Dmitry Oleynikov 《Journal of robotic surgery》2013,7(2):131-136
Minimally invasive surgery fellowships offer experience in robotic surgery, the nature of which is poorly defined. The objective of this survey was to determine the current status and opportunities for robotic surgery training available to fellows training in the United States and Canada. Sixty-five minimally invasive surgery fellows, attending a fundamentals of fellowship conference, were asked to complete a questionnaire regarding their demographics and experiences with robotic surgery and training. Fifty-one of the surveyed fellows completed the questionnaire (83 % response). Seventy-two percent of respondents had staff surgeons trained in performing robotic procedures, with 55 % of respondents having general surgery procedures performed robotically at their institution. Just over half (53 %) had access to a simulation facility for robotic training. Thirty-three percent offered mechanisms for certification and 11 % offered fellowships in robotic surgery. One-third of the minimally invasive surgery fellows felt they had been trained in robotic surgery and would consider making it part of their practice after fellowship. However, most (80 %) had no plans to pursue robotic surgery fellowships. Although a large group (63 %) felt optimistic about the future of robotic surgery, most respondents (72.5 %) felt their current experience with robotic surgery training was poor or below average. There is wide variation in exposure to and training in robotic surgery in minimally invasive surgery fellowship programs in the United States and Canada. Although a third of trainees felt adequately trained for performing robotic procedures, most fellows felt that their current experience with training was not adequate. 相似文献
Evaluating minimally invasive surgery training using low-cost mechanical simulations 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
Adrales GL Chu UB Witzke DB Donnelly MB Hoskins D Mastrangelo MJ Gandsas A Park AE 《Surgical endoscopy》2003,17(4):580-585
Background: The goal of this study was to develop, test, and validate the efficacy of inexpensive mechanical minimally invasive
surgery (MIS) model simulations for training faculty, residents, and medical students. We sought to demonstrate that trained
and experienced MIS surgeon raters could reliably rate the MIS skills acquired during these simulations. Methods: We developed
three renewable models that represent difficult or challenging segments of laparoscopic procedures; laparoscopic appendectomy
(LA), laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC), and laparoscopic inguinal hernia (LH). We videotaped 10 students, 12 surgical residents,
and 1 surgeon receiving training on each of the models and again during their posttraining evaluation session. Five MIS surgeons
then assessed the evaluation session performance. For each simulation, we asked them to rate overall competence (COM) and
four skills: clinical judgment (respect for tissue) (CJ), dexterity (economy of movement) (DEX), serial/simultaneous complexity
(SSC), and spatial orientation (SO). We computed intraclass correlation (ICC) coefficients to determine the extent of agreement
(i.e., reliability) among ratings. Results: We obtained ICC values of 0.74, 0.84, and 0.81 for COM ratings on LH, LC, and
LA, respectively. We also obtained the following ICC values for the same three models: CJ, 0.75, 0.83, and 0.89; DEX, 0.88,
0.86, and 0.89; SSC, 0.82, 0.82, and 0.82; and SO, 0.86, 0.86, and 0.87, respectively. Conclusions: We obtained very high
reliability of performance ratings for competence and surgical skills using a mechanical simulator. Typically, faculty evaluations
of residents in the operating room are much less reliable. In contrast, when faculty members observe residents in a controlled,
standardized environment, their ratings can be very reliable. 相似文献
以腹腔镜微创技术为代表的肿瘤微创外科发展已近30年。尽管手术技术及操作流程不断进步,但近来的临床研究结果显示:微创手术在部分恶性肿瘤中的肿瘤学疗效仍有争议。无论真相如何,手术的质量控制至关重要。严格把握手术指征,为肿瘤患者提供最合适的治疗方式有助于手术质量控制与风险降低。通过构建系统化培训体系,规范微创手术操作可保证肿瘤微创手术的质量。针对新兴微创手术技术,以严谨、审慎的态度加以开展,对于手术质量控制尤为重要。在微创外科高度发展的今天,除继续"保持速度",还应更好地"保证质量"才能使微创手术给更多的肿瘤患者带来获益。 相似文献
Rogers DA 《Seminars in laparoscopic surgery》2002,9(4):206-211
There is an opportunity to improve the training of practicing surgeons in minimal access techniques. Such improvement is desirable because it would allow for the introduction of innovation in a way that maximizes the benefit for patients while minimizing the harm that can result from the introduction of new techniques after inadequate training. This goal is consistent with basic biomedical principles that govern the behavior of surgeons. Individuals who place themselves in the role of a teacher of surgeons accept another level of responsibility and are governed not only by biomedical ethics but also by the ethics of teaching. Adherence to these two different governing ethical principles compels these teachers to apply the best educational principles in the development of educational courses. Review of motor skill learning theory would suggest that effective feedback and adequate practice opportunities are essential for the acquisition of motor skill and should be integrated into all skills-type continuing medical educational courses. The present trend is toward more objectivity in skill evaluation although evidence that this actually improves evaluation is lacking. Curriculum development and evaluation of this specific type of training course should follow those general principles proposed for the development of effective continuing medical education. 相似文献
Background With the spread of minimally invasive surgery and training in this field, development of metrics for skills assessment and training progress has become increasingly important. Our approach was to use the tracking of motion for the definition of objectives metrics.Methods We have developed an inanimate model and tracked the 3D coordinates of the instrument tips with an ultrasound system. Besides already validated parameters (time, error time, and distance efficiency ratio) we examined the transit and the speed profile for their evidentiary power. Performances of experts (who have already performed >100 laparoscopic operations) and novices (<20 laparoscopic operations) were evaluated.Result The standardized time, the error time as a precision indicator, and the transit profile parameter for spatial perception could significantly (p < 0.05) distinguish between experts and novices. Furthermore, these parameters and the distance efficiency ratio improved significantly during a training course in laparoscopic surgery.Conclusion Our model showed changes of the mentioned parameters with experience. According to our results, it can be used for skills assessment and as a training progress measurement system. We propose transit profile as an additional important parameter for assessment. 相似文献
Minimally invasive surgery is commonly performed because of various advantages such as reduced postoperative pain, faster recovery, and reduced postoperative pulmonary complications. However, anaesthesia for laparoscopy can be difficult and potentially hazardous in long, complex surgical procedures and in sick patients. Establishment of CO2 pneumoperitoneum produces adverse pathophysiological changes due to increased intra-abdominal pressure and hypercapnia, and these are further altered by postural changes. Laparoscopy is also associated with potential complications such as extraperitoneal gas insufflation and pneumothorax. It is important for the anaesthetist to understand the advantages and potential risks. General anaesthesia with endotracheal intubation is the most common anaesthetic technique, but supraglottic airway devices can sometimes be used. Neuroaxial anaesthesia has been used in some laparoscopic procedures as the sole anaesthetic technique. This article will focus on the pathophysiological changes caused by CO2 pneumoperitoneum, the anaesthetic management for patients undergoing laparoscopy, and potential complications. 相似文献
Minimally invasive surgery is commonly performed because of various advantages such as reduced postoperative pain, faster recovery, and reduced postoperative pulmonary complications. However, anaesthesia for laparoscopy can be difficult and potentially hazardous in long, complex surgical procedures and in those with significant co-morbidity. Establishment of carbon dioxide (CO2) pneumoperitoneum produces adverse pathophysiological changes due to increased intraabdominal pressure and hypercapnia, and these are further altered by postural changes. Laparoscopy is also associated with potential complications such as extraperitoneal gas insufflation and pneumothorax. It is important for the anaesthetist to understand the advantages and potential risks. General anaesthesia is most commonly used but neuraxial anaesthesia is possible, although spontaneous ventilation may be difficult. Endotracheal intubation has been a popular technique but supraglottic airway devices are less traumatic, easier to insert and more modern versions provide a good airway seal as well as gastric drainage, should it be required. This article will focus on the pathophysiological changes caused by CO2 pneumoperitoneum, the anaesthetic management for patients undergoing laparoscopy, and potential complications. 相似文献
As with so many different forms of anaesthesia, anaesthesia for minimally invasive surgery is dependent on the type of surgery being performed and the impact of the surgical procedure itself on the human body. With an increase in the number of surgical specialties embracing laparoscopic procedures, anaesthetists must consider the risks and benefits to the patient. On the whole, laparoscopic procedures are well tolerated. The advantages of laparoscopic surgery compared with open procedures are associated with reduced morbidity and mortality. The reductions in acute pain and postoperative respiratory tract infections and ileus allow earlier mobilization and lead to earlier discharge. Laparoscopy also improves the cosmetic appearance. It improves the view of the operative field and enables alternative anatomical views to be seen. Anaesthesia per se is fairly standard in minimally invasive surgery, but it is the comprehension of the effects of the position of the patient and that of the pneumoperitoneum that can make the difference between a successful or less elegant outcome. 相似文献
Outcomes assessment and minimally invasive surgery 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Archer SB Sims MM Giklich R Traverso B Laycock B Wolfe BM Apfelgren KN Fitzgibbons RJ Hunter JG 《Surgical endoscopy》2000,14(10):883-890
Background: Outcomes assessment is being used increasingly to shape practice patterns in all areas of medicine. Although outcomes assessment
is not a new concept, the widespread application of outcomes measurement for modifying practice is novel. Instead of focusing
on results of interventions in highly controlled environments, outcomes studies usually report results as they occur in uncontrolled,
real-world environments. Recently, the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) has initiated a society-wide
initiative to monitor outcomes in patients undergoing various laparoscopic operations.
Methods: Pertinent literature is reviewed as it relates to outcomes assessment. The historical background underpinning the modern
interest in outcomes is outlined. Definitions of terms useful for understanding outcomes research are given. The impact of
outcomes assessment on minimally invasive surgery, both positive and negative, are examined. The SAGES outcome initiative
is introduced.
Conclusions: Although outcomes studies usually do not provide information on the causes of observations made, they have gained in popularity
because they provide information about patient perceptions of disease, disability, and treatment. Minimally invasive surgical
procedures often are reported in terms of outcomes assessment because a controlled clinical trial was rendered impossible
by early and widespread application of laparoscopic surgery. The SAGES outcomes initiative will provide the necessary tools
for the participation of surgeons in the process of practice profiling.
Received: 17 December 1999/Accepted: 4 April 2000/Online publication: 29 August 2000 相似文献
Imaging systems in minimally invasive surgery 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Schwaitzberg SD 《Seminars in laparoscopic surgery》2001,8(1):3-11
The imaging system is the eye of the laparoscopic surgeon. The success or failure of a minimally invasive procedure depends on the quality and working order of the imaging system used. The components that work together to produce an image on the monitor is called the imaging chain. The image displayed will be good as the chain's weakest component. Understanding how the pieces of this process work together will allow the surgeon to troubleshoot basic system problems, leading to improved image displays and safer operating environments. Continuous refinement of laparoscopes, lighting systems, cameras, monitors, and displays lead to an ever-improving operating environment. 相似文献
Hotokezaka M Jimi S Hidaka H Eto TA Chijiiwa K 《Surgical laparoscopy, endoscopy & percutaneous techniques》2007,17(6):492-494
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of intraoperative enteroscopy (IOE) in patients undergoing minimally invasive surgery. METHODS: Twelve patients underwent minimally invasive surgery and IOE at Miyazaki University Hospital. Patients included 11 men and 1 woman. After extraction of the intestine via minilaparotomy, enterotomy was performed, and a sterilized enteroscope was inserted. RESULTS: Length of the skin incision was 5.7+/-0.2 cm (mean+/-standard error). Length of the small intestine observed enteroscopically was 334+/-19 cm. Distance from the ligament of Treitz to the orally observed jejunum was 11.8+/-3.6 cm. In 5 of 9 patients with Crohn disease, additional lesions were found by IOE that were not found by preoperative examination. One additional tumor was found in 1 patient with ileal tumor. Postoperative complications occurred in 2 patients. CONCLUSION: IOE is efficacious in patients undergoing minimally invasive surgery. 相似文献
As increasingly complex operations are performed laparoscopically, new problems arise regarding basic tasks such as dissection and retraction. Emerging technologies continue to reduce the technical demands of minimally invasive surgery. Recent studies have shown that ultrasonic devices have the potential to replace electrocautery without compromising safety in minimally invasive operations. With the combination of several functions into a single instrument, significant reductions in operative time and expense are possible and should increase the acceptance of this new technology. 相似文献
Jones SB 《Current opinion in anaesthesiology》2000,13(6):637-641
The increasing popularity of minimally invasive surgery has grown concurrently with the demand for ambulatory surgery. Standard outpatient procedures such as tubal ligation are now being joined by ambulatory laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In order for ambulatory minimally invasive surgery to succeed, patient selection must be appropriate, careful attention paid to the physiologic changes of pneumoperitoneum, and pain and nausea treated pre-emptively. 相似文献