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Purpose: To report the association between hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) and the possible impact on clinical decision-making with regard to resective approaches in patients with FNH.

Material and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the findings in 77 adult patients who underwent liver resections for FNH between October 1989 and September 2001 at our center. HCC within the confines of FNH was found in two patients. We demonstrate the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and macroscopic and microscopic findings.

Results: Presurgical MRI demonstrated heterogeneous signal characteristics of moderately hyperintense FNH on T2-weighted images and, after IV administration of super-paramagnetic iron oxide particles, HCC in FNH was barely delineable. Both patients underwent successful right hemihepatectomy to remove the suspicious FNH with diameters of 12 and 14 cm; intralesional HCC diameters were 3 and 5 cm, respectively. Patients could be rapidly dismissed. However, one patient died after recurrence of HCC 1.5 years after surgery, whereas the other patient continues tumor-free 4 years after surgery. Alpha-feto-protein was normal in both patients.

Conclusion: In FNH with rapid growth tendency and heterogenic MR appearance, surgical removal should be considered to overcome the risk of inadequate therapy in the very rare group of patients with HCC in association with FNH.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of transarterial embolization (TAE) for the treatment of focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH). Four women with the diagnosis of FNH underwent superselective transarterial embolization with contour particles between 2001 and 2004. The indications were progressive increase in size in three of the patients and abdominal pain in the fourth patient. No immediate or delayed postembolization complications were encountered in any of our patients. All patients presented angiographically with characteristic findings, such as feeding artery, a tumor blush, and septations. In two patients, the embolization resulted in a constant size or volume decrease in the 1-year follow-up. In the other two patients, a complete resolution of the FNH was observed in the MRI follow-up after 1 year. This group presented with a homogeneous devascularization in the immediate postembolization exam. In conclusion, transarterial embolization of focal nodular hyperplasia can be considered as a possible alternative treatment method to surgery.  相似文献   

肝脏局灶性结节增生的螺旋CT和MRI诊断   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
目的 :分析肝脏局灶性结节增生 (FNH)平扫和动态增强的螺旋CT、MRI表现 ,提高FNH诊断符合率。方法 :对 13例经手术病理证实的FNH影像学表现进行回顾性分析。螺旋CT检查 8例 ,MRI检查 6例 ,其中 1例同时做CT和MRI检查。结果 :8例CT平扫病灶均呈低密度 ,均匀或不均匀。增强动脉期扫描除中心疤痕外 ,所有病灶均有明显均匀强化 ,其中 4例还可见到病灶中心或周边增粗、扭曲的动脉。门脉期和延迟期扫描 4例呈略高密度、4例病灶呈等密度或略低密度 ,4例伴有中心疤痕者均有延迟强化。MRI检查 6例 ,病灶均呈不均匀略长或等T1及T2 信号 ,增强动脉期呈明显强化 ,门脉期及延迟期呈等或略高强化 ,4例MRI平扫显示中央瘢痕者有延迟强化。结论 :平扫和动态增强螺旋CT、MRI能较全面显示FNH的病理特征和血供特点 ,明显地提高与其它富血管恶性肿瘤的鉴别诊断能力  相似文献   

目的:探讨肝局灶性结节增生(FNH)的典型及不典型MRI表现及与病理特点的相关性,提高FNH诊断的准确性。方法:回顾性分析33例(共40个病灶)经手术病理证实的FNH的MRI平扫和增强表现。结果:28例为单发,5例为多发病灶。40个病灶在T1WI呈等或稍低信号,在T2WI呈等或稍低信号,增强扫描动脉期31个病灶(94%)明显强化,门脉期及延迟期呈稍高或等信号;1例动脉期未见明显强化,门脉期及延迟期可见强化;1例动脉期边缘明显强化,门脉期及延迟期逐渐强化。12个病灶(30%)中心可见纤维瘢痕,11个延迟期强化,1个未见明显强化。3个病灶(8%)边缘见假包膜,延迟期可见强化。结论:MRI能较好地反映FNH内部组织学情况及血供特点,充分认识FNH的典型征象及不典型表现能帮助我们准备地做出诊断,从而避免不必要的活检及手术。  相似文献   

目的:探讨儿童肝脏局灶性结节增生(FNH)的影像表现,提高对该病影像学特征的认识。方法:回顾性分析6例经病理证实为 FNH 的患儿临床及影像学资料,其中3例患儿发病前确诊患有神经母细胞瘤、急性淋巴细胞白血病和髓母细胞瘤,另外3例患儿无恶性病变病史,均系偶然发现。3例患儿行 MRI 检查,2例患儿行 CT 检查,1例患者行 CT及 MRI 检查,行 CT 检查者全部行增强扫描,2例行 MRI 增强扫描。结果:6例诊断为 FNH 患儿中3例(男2例,女1例,平均年龄8.7岁)存在远隔脏器恶性病变病史,影像学上3例患儿肝脏均呈多发病变,病变最大径2.0~5.2 cm,边界尚清楚,1例可见纤维分隔及中心瘢痕,1例可见引流静脉。其他3例 FNH 患儿(男1例,女2例,平均年龄7.3岁)无恶性病变病史,2例呈单发病变,1例呈多发病变;病变最大径4.3~7.6 cm,边界清楚,2例可见纤维分隔及中心瘢痕,3例均无明确引流静脉显示。结论:增强 CT 及 MRI 检查,尤其是 MSCT 血管成像能真实反映儿童 FNH 的病理学特点及血液动力学改变,对儿童肝脏 FNH 患者影像学特点的认知和了解对于该病的鉴别诊断及临床治疗具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) is the second most common benign lesion of the liver. It is a solitary lesion and usually does not enlarge. We present the magnetic resonance imaging findings of multiple progressive FNH lesions in a patient with hemosiderosis using Gadolinium-EOB-DTPA (Eovist) as a hepatobiliary contrast agent. The possible mechanisms underlying the occurrence and progression of FNH lesions and the potential value of Eovist in characterizing the lesions were discussed.  相似文献   

 目的 探讨CT和DSA对肝脏局灶性结节增生(focal nodular hyperplasia, FNH)的诊断价值。方法 收集武警四川总队医院2008-06至2016-08经病理证实的5例FNH患者的CT和数字减影血管造影(digital subtraction angiography,DSA)图像,结合文献对其临床、病理和影像表现进行回顾性分析。CT为平扫加多期增强扫描,DSA检查为选择性肝动脉造影。结果 5例均为单发肿块,CT平扫均呈密度不均、边界较清的稍低密度肿块影;增强扫描动脉期病灶均明显强化,其中心为条状或放射状无强化瘢痕影;门脉期病灶呈等密度改变,中心低密度瘢痕影无强化;延迟扫描低密度瘢痕逐渐强化。DSA中病灶表现为富血供占位,供血动脉迂曲、增粗,进入病灶后呈放射状分布显示,染色均匀,境界清楚。结论 FNH的CT多期扫描和DSA表现具有一定的特征性,二者结合对其诊断与鉴别诊断极有价值。  相似文献   

目的观察肝局灶性结节状增生(FNH)的临床及病理学特点。方法收集解放军总医院1989年2月-2010年10月手术切除的FNH标本36例,均经4%甲醛溶液固定,石蜡包埋切片,行HE染色及CD34、CK免疫组化染色(SP法),光镜下观察其组织病理形态。结果 36例患者中男10例,女26例,平均年龄36.1岁;34例呈单发结节,2例呈多发结节;结节直径1.7~20.0cm,平均6.8cm;临床及影像学缺少特异性表现。组织形态学观察显示36例FNH中6例为血管扩张型,25例为经典型,3例为混合型,2例为肝细胞不典型增生型。病理学表现为结节状肿块,中央为纤维性瘢痕,其内为大小不等厚壁血管。免疫组化染色CD34及CK均呈阳性。经典型FNH具有4种特征性形态学表现,即肿瘤结节中央有星状瘢痕、异常结节状结构、畸形血管和毛细胆管增生。结论 FNH的病因可能与病灶处局部血液循环障碍有关。  相似文献   

肝脏局灶性结节增生影像分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目的 :分析肝脏局灶性结节增生 (FNH )的CT、MR及DSA表现 ,提高对本病的认识。方法 :6例经证实的FNH ,均行CT、MR及DSA检查。结果 :6例病灶CT平扫低密度者 4例 ,均匀或不均匀 ,2例为等密度。增强动脉期所有病灶均有明显强化 ,除中心瘢痕外病灶强化均匀一致 ,3例可见到中心或周边增粗、扭曲的动脉。门脉期和延迟期扫描 4例病灶为等密度 ,2例为略高密度。 3例伴有中心瘢痕 ,1例无强化 ,2例延迟强化。 2例行DSA检查 ,病灶内分布较均匀的新生血管团。MR检查 4例 ,T1 WI呈等信号或略低信号 ,T2 WI呈略高信号。 1例行Gd DTPA增强延迟期呈略高信号 ,中心瘢痕无明显强化。结论 :CT、MR及DSA检查可充分反映FNH的血供特点和病理特征 ,动态增强是诊断FNH最有效的影像学手段 ,在诊断和鉴别诊断中具有很大价值  相似文献   

目的:评价多层螺旋CT(MSCT)多期扫描对肝脏局灶性结节增生的临床诊断价值。方法回顾性分析12例经病理确诊为肝脏局灶性结节增生的患者,对其MSCT的平扫、动脉期、门脉期及延迟期共4期扫描图像进行分析,并与病理结果进行对照研究。结果本组12例病例男女比例为7∶5,年龄20~65岁,平均年龄34岁。12例患者均进行CT四期扫描,共观察到病灶12个,病灶位于肝脏左外叶2个,左内叶3个,右前叶4个,右后叶3个,最大平面直径范围为1.7~4.8 cm,平均(3.1±1.3)cm。病灶CT平扫呈等密度5个,低密度7个,等密度者无法显示病灶边缘,低密度者2例病灶边界清楚,5例病灶边界显示模糊,其中可见更低密度瘢痕组织3例。CT增强动脉期显示12例病灶均呈明显强化,其中5例可见中央瘢痕或条索状低密度影,中间瘢痕组织无强化,11例病灶边界显示清晰,均未见包膜;门脉期病灶较动脉期密度降低,但仍较肝脏组织密度高,中间瘢痕组织无明显强化,仍呈低密度;延迟期病灶呈等密度为主,瘢痕组织可见强化,与病灶呈等密度分辨不清。结论MSCT多期扫描在肝脏局灶性结节增生的影像表现方面有一定的特征性,在诊断及鉴别诊断中有很好的作用,但确诊还需要病理诊断。  相似文献   



To compare the use of heavily T2‐weighted images obtained before and after administration of gadoxetic acid in differentiating hemangiomas from malignant solid hepatic lesions.

Materials and Methods:

Heavily T2‐weighted images (TE = 150 msec) were obtained for 70 patients (42 men and 28 women) with 74 focal hepatic lesions (25 hepatocellular carcinomas [HCC], 22 metastases, and 27 hemangiomas) ≤3 cm in diameter before and after gadoxetic acid‐enhanced dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Quantitative analysis was performed using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves with lesion‐to‐liver signal intensity difference‐to‐noise ratio (SDNR) on precontrast and postcontrast images. Qualitative analysis was also performed by two blinded reviewers.


The SDNR of the solid lesions was significantly higher on the postcontrast (1.66 ± 1.18) than on the precontrast (1.38 ± 1.07) images (P = 0.0012), while the SDNR of hemangiomas was comparable for pre‐ and postcontrast images (P = 0.8164). The best SDNR cutoff values for distinguishing solid lesions from hemangiomas were ≤1.85 (Az = 0.948) for precontrast and ≤2.58 (Az = 0.901) for postcontrast images (P = 0.057). Reader performances for distinguishing hemangiomas from solid lesions were comparable between the precontrast (Az = 0.975 and 0.970 for readers 1 and 2) and postcontrast (Az = 0.977 and 0.972) images (P = 0.899 and 0.946).


Heavily T2‐weighted images obtained after administration of gadoxetic acid have a diagnostic capability comparable to precontrast images for differentiating between small hemangiomas and malignant solid lesions of the liver. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2011;. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To determine the utility of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) in assessing hepatic tumors with central feeding arteries found by color/power Doppler ultrasonograophy (CDUS/PDUS). METHODS: We prospectively studied 37 hepatic tumors (34 patients), with a mean size of 2.9cm and each having a central feeding artery, by CDUS/PDUS. The CEUS was performed with a galactose-based microbubble contrast agent. The detection of a spoke-wheel sign was interpreted as evidence of focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH). All patients underwent tumor biopsies or surgical resection. RESULTS: CEUS showed a central feeding artery with a spoke-wheel sign in 36 tumors, including 34 FNHs and 2 hepatocellular carcinomas. The remaining tumor was demonstrated to be FNH despite the absence of a spoke-wheel sign as detected by CEUS. The sensitivity of the spoke-wheel sign or central scar for FNH was 97.1% (34/35), 40% (14/35), 28.6% (10/35), 50% (8/16) and 0% (0/15) for CEUS, CDUS/PDUS, dynamic computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), hepatic angiography and liver scintigraphy, respectively. The two hepatocellular carcinomas showed scirrhous changes histologically. CONCLUSIONS: CEUS is more sensitive than CDUS/PDUS, dynamic CT, MRI, hepatic angiography and liver scintigraphy in the detection of the spoke-wheel sign or central scar in FNH. Scirrhous hepatocellular carcinoma should be included in the differential diagnosis for liver tumors with spoke-wheel sign detected by CEUS.  相似文献   

肝脏局灶性结节增生的MRI和MSCT征象比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的:比较分析肝脏局灶性结节增生(FNH)的MRI、MSCT征象,以提高对FNH影像诊断水平。方法:回顾性分析13例经手术病理证实为FNH病例的影像资料,所有病例均行MRI、MSCT检查,且两种检查间隔时间为1个月以内。结果:12例为肝内单发病灶、1例为多发(2个)病灶。病灶中79%(11/14)MRI平扫T2WI为等或稍高信号,T1WI为等或稍低信号,21%(3/14)T2WI为高信号、T1WI为低信号;所有病灶(14/14)MSCT平扫均呈等或稍低密度;同时在显示病灶内部结构时MRI中79%(11/14)、MSCT中57%(8/14)见中央瘢痕或纤维分隔。MRI及MSCT两种检查方法的动态增强中,病灶表现为动脉期实质部分明显强化的比率MRI为100%(14/14)、MSCT为93%(13/14);病灶周边或中央异常增粗、扭曲的血管影MRI为14%(2/14)、MSCT为43%(6/14);病灶周边假包膜MRI为21%(3/14)、MSCT为7%(1/14);所有病灶均表现出"快进慢出"强化方式;中央瘢痕延迟强化MRI为82%(9/11)、MSCT为63%(5/8)。结论:绝大多数FNH在MRI和MSCT上有特征性的征象,MRI对其中央瘢痕病理特征的显示优于MSCT,MSCT则在病灶周边或中央增粗、扭曲血管病理特征的显示上优于MRI。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the efficacy of two different MR contrast agents for the detection and diagnosis of focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty patients with 83 FNH lesions detected on spiral CT were studied in two different MRI sessions with Gd-BOPTA (MultiHance) and ferumoxides (Endorem). MRI with Gd-BOPTA was performed precontrast (T1wGRE and T2wTSE sequences) and during the dynamic and late (1-3 hours) phases after injection (T1wGRE sequences only). MRI with ferumoxides (T1wGRE and T2wTSE sequences) was performed before and at least 30 minutes after injection. Hyper- or isointensity of FNH in the late phase was considered typical for Gd-BOPTA, while isointensity or lesion hypointensity was considered typical for ferumoxides. RESULTS: With Gd-BOPTA, 83 FNH lesions (100%) appeared hyperintense during the arterial phase of dynamic MRI. All but one lesion was iso- or slightly hyperintense in the portal-venous and equilibrium phases. In the late phase, 81 FNH lesions were hyper- or isointense to the surrounding parenchyma, with two lesions appearing slightly hypointense. With ferumoxides, a significant (P < 0.001) number (21/83, 25.3%) of FNH lesions (mean diameter = 16.8 +/- 6.6 mm) were not visible. Of the visible FNH lesions, 38/62 were slightly hyperintense, and 24/62 were isointense to the surrounding parenchyma on the T2wTSE images. On the T1wGRE images, 42/62 lesions were isointense, 19/62 were slightly hyperintense, and one lesion was slightly hypointense. Seventeen lesions in 12 patients with previous neoplasia were all detected after Gd-BOPTA administration, whereas only nine of these 17 lesions (52.9%) were detected after ferumoxide administration. Two of these nine lesions showed atypical enhancement features. CONCLUSION: Gd-BOPTA-enhanced MRI is significantly better than ferumoxide-enhanced MRI for the identification and characterization of FNH.  相似文献   

目的:探讨MSCT多期增强扫描对肝脏局灶性结节增生(focal nodular hyperplasia,FNH)的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析经手术及穿刺活检病理证实的9例FNH患者10个病灶的MSCT多期增强扫描表现。结果:9例中8例为单发病灶,1例多发。平扫9个呈低或稍低密度,1个等密度。平扫3个病灶见中央瘢痕;多期增强扫描7个病灶见中央瘢痕,动脉期及门脉期瘢痕均未见强化,延迟期5个见中央瘢痕强化。增强扫描动脉期除中央瘢痕外,8个FNH病灶明显均匀强化,2个中等均匀强化;门脉期病灶密度下降,但均略高于或等于正常肝实质;延迟期病灶密度等于或略低于肝实质。动脉期4个病灶中心或周边见增粗的供血动脉,其中1个为肝动脉分支直接进入病灶中心,1个的供血动脉自病灶中心沿纤维间隔向周边呈放射状分布,另2个周边见供血动脉。结论:MSCT多期扫描可反映病灶的血供特点和病理学特征,对FNH具有重要的诊断及鉴别诊断价值。  相似文献   

Ten cases of hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) were studied with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Proof of diagnosis was by needle biopsy or follow-up of as long as 5 years. Both short TR/TE and long TR/TE images were obtained. The most common finding was isointensity of the lesion relative to liver parenchyma with all pulse sequences. A central scar was seen in only one patient and was hyperintense on long TR/TE images. Slight hyperintensity of the lesion on short TR/TE and long TR/TE images was seen in two cases. Textural heterogeneity was present in only one of these. The most common presentation in our series was a visually isointense lesion relative to liver on short TR/TE images and an isointense or slightly hyperintense lesion on long TR/TE images. A review of the literature and the present findings suggest that FNH has a variable appearance on MR images.  相似文献   

Two cases of local nodular hyperplasia (FNH), in which ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MR) studies detected an atypical hemorrhagic pattern associated with an intrahepatic arterio venous malformation (AVM) around the growths, are presented. In both cases, histology demonstrated a very early regenerative stage — without central scar or fibrosis — and necrotichemorrhagic areas within the lesions. In these cases, the analysis of radiological findings, surgical specimens and histology seemed to confirm the pathogenetic hypothesis suggested by Wanless [1]: in normal liver parenchyma, a blood steal phenomenon due to congenital or acquired intrahepatic AVM — arterio portal or porto systemic shunt — could cause ischemic damaged, appering as a hemorrhagic necrotic area, the extent of which depends on the degree of residual portal supply (maintained in Case 1, and markedly reduced in Case 2 due to arterio portal shunting). The subsequent phase of repair could activate the regenerative-hyperplastic process, evolving into final fibrosis, which represents the mature pattern of FHN. Correspondence to: R. Golfieri  相似文献   

目的:评价肝局灶性结节增生(FNH)的MRI诊断价值。方法:经手术或穿刺活检病理证实的FNH19例,共21个病灶。全部病例进行了CT和MRI检查,CT检查常规行平扫和双期增强扫描;MRI平扫序列如下:用快速恢复快速自旋回波序列(FRFSE)采集压脂T2W图像,用快速扰相梯度回波序列(FSPGR)采集压脂T1W图像,用真稳态进动梯度回波序列(FIESTA)采集T2/T1比值加权图像,用FSPGR序列同时采集无脂肪抑制的反相位和同相位T1W图像。所有病例均行Gd-DTPA动态增强扫描,其中3例进行细胞特异性对比增强扫描。结果:17个FNH在平扫T2WI fs为等信号或略高信号,在T1WI fs上呈等信号或略低信号。MRI平扫共见中心瘢痕12个、中央粗大血管3条、假包膜数2个,均多于CT平扫所见。Gd-DTPA动态增强扫描时,21个FNH于动脉期均明显强化,16个FNH于门脉期或延迟期的信号强度与肝组织接近,中心瘢痕和假包膜延迟强化。行细胞特异性对比增强扫描的3个FNH实质均明显强化,中心瘢痕无强化。结论:绝大多数FNH在MRI上有特征性的征象,MRI可以明确诊断,MRI对FNH的诊断价值高于CT。  相似文献   

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