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OBJECTIVES: To investigate the efficacy of botulinum toxin A (BTA)-induced chemodenervation of the upper esophageal sphincter (UES) in patients with dysphagia and UES dysfunction. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective clinical trial in 10 selected patients with pure UES dysfunction. METHODS: In each patient 30 units of BTA were injected into the UES under brief general anesthesia. Videofluoroscopic swallowing study (VSS) was done and a clinical symptom score was determined before and after treatment. RESULTS: On VSS relative opening of the UES improved in all patients (mean +/- SD: 47 +/- 14% before versus 71 +/- 24% after treatment; P < .01). Hypopharyngeal retention or laryngeal penetration of barium was significantly reduced in four of seven patients. Clinical symptom scores improved in all patients. One patient was free of symptoms, mild dysphagia persisted in six patients, and moderate dysphagia persisted in three patients. CONCLUSIONS: Our results support the use of BTA in selected patients with pure UES dysfunction. Its efficacy is limited by the possibility of a persistent structural stenosis of the UES and the risk of BTA diffusion into the larynx or hypopharynx.  相似文献   

目的分析咽喉反流性疾病(LPRD)患者食管上括约肌(UES)压力高分辨测量(HRM)的应用价值。方法对71例咽部异感患者及28例健康志愿者进行UES压力HRM,根据反流症状指数(RSI)量表评分将71例患者分为咽喉反流组(A组,31例,RSI>13分)及非咽喉反流组(B组,40例,RSI≤13分),健康志愿者为C组(28例)。A、B、C组性别构成、平均年龄及平均体质指数(BMI)经比较差异无统计学意义(P均>0.05),具有可比性。结果3组生活质量评价量表(SF 36)评分A组患者(91.44±4.17)分显著低于B组的(99.51±5.86)分及C组的(114.03±5.29)分(P均<0.05);平均UES静息压A组为(104.50±33.84)mmHg,B组为(76.34±20.08) mmHg,C组为(46.92±11.56)mmHg, A组与B、C组比较差异均具有统计学意义(P均<0.05);残余压A组为(26.31±8.27)mmHg,B组为(15.40±7.19)mmHg, C组为(10.25±4.74)mmHg, A组与B、C组比较差异均具有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。A、B、C组平均远端收缩积分(DCI)及平均远端潜伏期(DL),经比较差异无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。结论LPRD患者生活质量评分较低,其症状的出现可能与UES静息压及残余压增高有关,UES静息压及残余压测量可为LPRD的诊断及其预后判断提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

We investigated the oral and pharyngeal swallowing function in seven Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients, using videomanofluorometry, which is videofluorographic and manometric evaluation conducted simultaneously. Abnormal elevations of resting pressure were found at the upper esophageal sphincter (UES) in three of the seven cases, when they were asked to hold a bolus in the mouth and initiate swallowing. One of these three cases showed an abnormal elevation of resting pressure, intermingled with a normal pressure pattern. Since the UES showed complete relaxation in these three cases, it is inappropriate to suppose that irreversible pathophysiological changes at the level of peripheral nerves had occurred. Our results suggested that altered resting pressure resulted from dysfunction at a more central level, such as a lack of dopaminergic stimulation at the supramedullary level causing skeletal muscle rigidity. Since a tonic abnormality of the UES cannot be measured by only videofluorography, both videofluorographic and manometric evaluation will be necessary to assess the pharyngeal phase of swallowing in PD patients. Received: 14 December 2000 / Accepted: 5 July 2001  相似文献   

Deglutitive upper esophageal sphincter opening (UES) in the elderly has been incompletely studied. Our aim was to determine in the elderly the temporal and dimensional characteristics of deglutitive UES opening; anterior and superior hyoid and laryngeal excursions as measures of distracting forces imparted on the UES; and hypopharyngeal intrabolus pressure (IBP). Fourteen healthy elderly and 14 healthy young volunteers were studied by concurrent videofluoroscopy and hypopharyngeal manometry during swallowing of 5- and 10-mL barium boluses. The anteroposterior UES diameter, as well as the anterior hyoid bone and laryngeal excursion, was significantly smaller in the elderly compared to the young (p < .05) for 5-mL barium boluses, but not for 10-mL boluses. The lateral diameter of UES opening was similar between groups for all boluses. The IBP for 5- and 10-mL swallows in the elderly was significantly higher than that in the young (p < .05). We conclude that anteroposterior deglutitive UES opening and hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage anterior excursion are reduced in the elderly. These changes are associated with increased IBP, suggesting a higher pharyngeal outflow resistance in the elderly compared to the young.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Functional outcomes after open cricopharyngeal myotomy (CPM) for Zenker's diverticulum (ZD) and cricopharyngeal dysfunction without diverticulum (CPD) have not been uniformly measured by videofluorographic swallow study (VFSS). Here we characterize preoperative VFSS findings in these groups and evaluate the effect of CPM on swallowing via postoperative VFSS. METHODS: We performed a retrospective review of paired preoperative and postoperative VFSS results from 50 patients (36 with ZD and 14 with CPD) over 6 years. Semiquantitative scales were used to assess 1) degree of stasis in the pharyngeal recesses; 2) degree of narrowing at the pharyngoesophageal sphincter (PES); 3) aspiration; and 4) diverticular size. Findings were compared between the groups and across subjects. RESULTS: Pharyngeal stasis was more severe in subjects with CPD than in subjects with ZD, both before and after CPM (p = .02 and p = .0002, respectively). The CPM improved PES narrowing in both groups (p = .03; p = .06) and reduced diverticular size in the ZD group (p < .001), but it did not significantly reduce the stasis severity or the proportion of patients with aspiration. CONCLUSIONS: According to VFSS, CPM opens up the PES and decreases diverticular size. More severe stasis in CPD suggests that diffuse pharyngeal weakness may play a role in this disease, and may partially explain the variable post-CPM outcomes that have been observed in CPD.  相似文献   

The various pull-through techniques used to measure pressure and length of the upper esophageal sphincter have not been studied in depth. Because of the importance of obtaining further information about these techniques, a group of 25 dogs was submitted to upper esophageal sphincter pressure and length measurements by three different pull-through techniques (two of the continuous type and one of the station type), each with three replications per animal, to determine possible differences among techniques. A single introduction provided reliable results, with no sequential effect of the measurements or of any one technique on resting pressure. However, each technique yielded different sphincter lengths, higher values being obtained when the continuous techniques were used.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: Although the cricopharyngeus muscle is a ring-like structure, unilateral cricopharyngeal dysfunction can produce significant dysphagia. This entity has not been well described in the literature. The aims of the study were to identify the characteristic findings on videofluoroscopic swallow studies in patients with dysphagia secondary to unilateral cricopharyngeal dysfunction, to note the associated vagal nerve injury, and to evaluate patient outcomes following ipsilateral cricopharyngeal myotomy. STUDY DESIGN : Retrospective clinical investigation. METHODS: The clinic charts, electromyographic tests, videostroboscopic examinations, and videofluoroscopic swallow studies were reviewed from a series of patients who presented to our institution from 1993 to 2001 with dysphagia and findings on videofluoroscopic swallow studies suggestive of unilateral cricopharyngeal dysfunction on posterior-anterior view. In patients treated with ipsilateral cricopharyngeal myotomy, postoperative findings on swallow studies and patient outcomes were also reviewed. RESULTS: Eighteen patients demonstrated findings characteristic of unilateral cricopharyngeal muscle dysfunction on videofluoroscopic swallow study. The common feature was a unilateral shelf-like barrier at the cricopharyngeus on the posterior-anterior view with pooling of liquid bolus in the ipsilateral pyriform sinus and episodic shunting to the contralateral side. Eight patients did not have evidence of cricopharyngeal dysfunction (ie, cricopharyngeal bar) on lateral films. Of the 18 patients, 14 had histories consistent with vagal injury secondary to trauma (n = 2), neoplastic involvement (n = 7), iatrogenic injury (n = 2), or central nervous system disease (n = 3). Results of videostroboscopic examinations demonstrated vocal fold motion impairment in 14 patients, and electromyographic test results confirmed unilateral vagal injuries in those who underwent electromyographic testing (n = 6). In the remaining 4 of 18 patients, videostroboscopic examinations demonstrated normal vocal fold abduction but impaired lengthening with a posterior glottic gap, and electromyographic test results (n = 4) indicated unilateral superior laryngeal nerve involvement. Of the 15 patients treated with ipsilateral cricopharyngeal myotomy, 1 patient required postoperative esophageal dilations for an esophageal stricture distal to the cricopharyngeus, whereas the remaining 14 patients had functional resolution of their dysphagia. CONCLUSION: In patients presenting with dysphagia and evidence of unilateral vagal injury, careful assessment of posterior-anterior view on videofluoroscopic swallow study should be included to evaluate for unilateral cricopharyngeal dysfunction.  相似文献   

咽喉反流性疾病(laryngopharyngeal reflux disease,LPRD)是指一组因胃内容物异常反流至食管上括约肌以上的咽喉部而引起的一系列临床症候群.人体具有多个抗反流相关屏障,包括下食管括约肌、膈肌脚、膈食管韧带等构成的高压带,食管体部的蠕动和酸廓清能力,上食管括约肌,咽喉部黏膜的自然抵抗力等.上食管括约肌在咽喉反流中发挥着屏障作用,然而上食管括约肌功能障碍是否是导致咽喉反流的原因至今还未明确.本文就国内外的一些相关研究进行讨论.  相似文献   

目的:探讨下咽、颈段食管癌根治术患者喉功能保留与发声重建的手术方法。方法:对16例下咽、颈段食管癌患者手术切除肿瘤后,实施保留全喉及部分喉切除喉功能重建;全喉切除后Blom-Singer 1期、2期发声重建术,同时下咽及颈段食管缺损分别采用胃-咽吻合、前臂游离皮瓣、胸大肌肌皮瓣、胸三角皮瓣、胸锁乳突肌肌皮瓣,颈前肌皮瓣、喉气管粘膜瓣等方法进行整复。保留全喉8例,保留部分喉喉重建3例,全喉切除后行Blom-Singer发声重建1期4例,2期1例。结果:16例中除1例术后14d心脏病变发死亡外,均恢复了吞咽功能,13例恢复发声功能,6例恢复了全喉功能,2例恢复了部分喉功能(不能拔管)。5例行Blom-Singer发声重建者,均发声成功。结论:依据患者病变部位、肿瘤分期、身体状况、年龄等因素,切除肿瘤后采用不同的手术方法行喉功能保留及发声重建,可提高患者术后生存质量。  相似文献   



Due to the rising number of elderly patients and advances in endoscopic devices, early laryngeal and pharyngeal cancers are increasingly found in elderly patients. In these cases, minimally invasive endoscopic larygo-pharyngeal surgery (ELPS) may be indicated. However, the safety and efficacy of ELPS in elderly populations has not been established. The purpose of this study was to investigate the safety, outcomes and feasibility of ELPS in very elderly patients.


Between February 2010 and April 2016, 29 pharyngeal cancerous or pre-cancerous lesions in 19 patients aged 75 years or older were treated with ELPS. Twenty-six resections were performed in total, and the patients’ clinical courses were reviewed.


Sixteen patients had multiple comorbidities and moderate to severe comorbidities were observed in 17 patients. The average surgical time and hospitalization period was 54.3 min and 18.8 days, respectively. On average, oral intake began 4.4 days after the procedure, and all patients eventually received nourishment by mouth; no percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy dependency was observed. Complications included post-operative bleeding and aspiration pneumonia in two cases each, and all complications were safely managed. The 3-year overall survival rate was 90.2% and the 3-year disease-specific survival rate was 100%.


ELPS was safely performed in elderly patients, suggesting that it is a feasible treatment option for pharyngeal lesions in very elderly patients.  相似文献   

目的 观察阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)患者上气道骨骼肌损伤超微结构改变特点.方法 以2010年10月至2011年10月大连医科大学附属第一医院耳鼻咽喉科收治并行手术治疗的16例OSAHS中、重度患者为研究对象,行扁桃体切除术的慢性扁桃体炎患者10例为对照组.两组患者体质量指数(BMI)均>25 kg/m2,差异无统计学意义.取两组患者上气道骨骼肌组织制作超薄切片,在透射电镜下观察两组骨骼肌超微结构改变,并将其与睡眠呼吸暂停低通气指数(AHI)、最低动脉血氧饱和度(LSaO2)进行相关性分析.结果 OSAHS组患者AHI平均((x)±s,下同)为(53.6±4.6)次/h,LSaO2为0.754±0.023,对照组AHI为(2.3±1.1)次/h,LSaO2为0.968±0.014,差异有统计学意义(t=8.84,t=6.90,P值均<0.01).电镜下见OSAHS组上气道骨骼肌纤维排列紊乱,在严重的线粒体水肿及空泡化改变基础上发现细胞内脂肪小体即脂肪变.对照组肌原纤维排列整齐,Z线结构清晰,可见线粒体水肿,但未见脂肪小体.以形态计数法统计电镜放大30 000倍时每个视野下脂肪小体含量,发现16例OSAHS组患者平均每个视野脂肪小体含量为(16.1±1.2)%.脂肪小体含量与AHI呈正相关(r2 =0.761,P<0.01),与BMI、LSaO2未见相关关系(P值均>0.05).结论 骨骼肌脂肪变可能是OSAHS患者由于缺氧、振动引起上气道骨骼肌损伤的特征性改变.  相似文献   

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