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颈动脉支架内血栓形成是颈动脉支架置入术后的严重并发症,可导致患者严重瘫痪甚至死亡。然而迄今为止,针对颈动脉支架内血栓形成,仍没有统一的治疗方式。虽然有很多病例报道了颈动脉支架内血栓形成的处理方法,但是仍缺少随机双盲试验或大型临床试验来证实其可靠性、安全性。在临床上,与手术操作相关的颈动脉支架内血栓形成,是颈动脉支架内血栓形成的最主要原因。除此之外,抗血小板治疗不充分或停止抗血小板治疗、高凝状态、抗血小板药物抵抗也可导致颈动脉支架内血栓形成。目前,抗血小板及抗凝治疗、溶栓治疗、颈动脉内膜剥脱术及颈动脉支架术、机械取栓或血栓抽吸治疗等均有报道,无论何种治疗方式,使患者快速获得血管再通是颈动脉支架内血栓形成治疗的关键。  相似文献   

经血管内溶栓并支架成形术治疗侧窦血栓形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察静脉窦内溶栓并支架成形术治疗侧窦血栓形成的效果。方法对21例诊断明确的侧窦血栓形成患者施行经静脉窦内留置微导管连续尿激酶溶栓治疗,并辅以肝素钠全身抗凝治疗,其中9例溶栓效果欠佳者采用静脉窦内自膨式支架(Wallstent或Smart)成形术。结果经静脉窦内直接溶栓及窦内支架成形术治疗后,21例中静脉窦完全再通者11例,部分再通9例,1例未通。其中8例静脉侧支循环明显改善,建立以海绵窦代偿性引流、椎静脉丛引流以及头皮静脉代偿引流等3种方式。手术后所有患者颅内压均降至≤200mmH2O(2kPa),8例于手术后7d内再次出现不同程度颅内压水平升高,经持续肝素钠抗凝治疗后恢复至正常值水平。随访3个月~6年,20例患者症状持续缓解,未复发。结论静脉窦内持续尿激酶溶栓并支架成形术治疗侧窦血栓形成、促进静脉窦血液回流、降低颅内压安全可靠,手术后继续应用抗凝药物可以维持长期疗效。  相似文献   

颅内静脉窦狭窄及血栓形成的血管内治疗   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨经血管内途径治疗颅内静脉窦狭窄及血栓形成的疗效和安全性。方法:对9例(8例颅内静脉窦血栓形成,1例静脉窦狭窄)患者进行了包括经静脉接触性溶栓、机械性破栓、经颈动脉溶栓多途径联合血管内治疗及支架置入术。病人均有颅内静脉窦血栓形成的危险因素。术后积极治疗原发病,抗凝治疗6个月。术后随访1~6个月,平均4个月。结果:1例患者施行静脉窦狭窄支架置入术;8例患者接受了经静脉途径溶栓治疗,其中5例患者同时接受机械性血栓开通吸栓治疗,所有8例患者同时接受经颈动脉途径团注肝素治疗,尿激酶使用总量800000~2900000U,每例患者平均每天剂量低于1000000U。出院时,所有患者的狭窄或闭塞静脉窦均获得再通,临床症状改善,颅内压恢复。结论:血管内治疗是颅内静脉窦狭窄及血栓的安全、有效治疗手段。  相似文献   

目的:近年研究表明,炎症反应在动脉粥样硬化及其并发症的发生、发展中起着重要作用。观察冠状动脉支架置入后支架内血栓形成患者牙周状况和龈沟液中前列腺素E2、肿瘤坏死因子α、白细胞介素1,13水平变化。 方法:选择2002-02/2008-05在辽宁医学院第一临床学院心内科行冠状动脉内支架置入后行冠状动脉造影复查的患者315例,其中出现支架内血栓形成的患者47例。比较冠状动脉支架置入后支架血栓形成患者与支架置入后正常患者的牙周状况,应用酶联免疫法测定龈沟液及血清中前列腺素E2、肿瘤坏死因子α、白细胞介素1,13水平。 结果:支架内血栓形成患者牙周病的发病率显著高于支架正常的患者(41.7%,7.9%, P < 0.01)。支架内血栓形成患者血清中前列腺素E2、肿瘤坏死因子α水平显著高于支架正常患者(P < 0.01),白细胞介素1,13水平与支架正常患者差异无显著性意义(P > 0.05)。支架内血栓形成患者龈沟液中前列腺素E2、肿瘤坏死因子α及白细胞介素1水平显著高于支架正常患者(P < 0.01),白细胞介素13水平低于支架正常患者(P < 0.01)。 结论:牙周炎患者发生支架内血栓形成的概率明显高于未患牙周炎的患者,因此应加强冠状动脉内支架置入患者口腔疾病的防治。  相似文献   

1病例简介患者,男性,45岁,主因“突发左侧肢体无力2.5 h”于2005年9月23日10时30分在我院急诊就诊。患者于入院前2.5 h无明显诱因突发左肢无力,逐渐加重,不能持物、行走,无言语不清,无头痛、头晕,无饮水呛咳,无视物旋转及视物成双。我院急诊查体:双侧血压125/75mm Hg。意识清,言语欠流利,额纹对称,左侧中枢性面瘫。左侧上肢肌  相似文献   

患者 男性,55岁,因"不能言语、右侧肢体乏力4 h"于2007年8月24日入院.既往有高血压、嗜烟史.体格检查:神志清楚,重度运动性失语,右侧鼻唇沟变浅,伸舌右偏,右上肢肌力2级,远端3级,右下肢肌力2~3级.  相似文献   

动脉内接触性溶栓治疗急性缺血性脑卒中   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨急性缺血性脑卒中动脉内接触性溶栓治疗的安全性和有效性。方法对178例急性缺血性脑卒中病人在起病后2~24h进行尿激酶超选择性动脉内接触性溶栓,尿激酶用量50~130万U(平均85万U)。结果颈内动脉系统血管闭塞117例,椎-基底动脉系统闭塞30例,脑血管造影未见明显异常31例。闭塞的颈内动脉再通14例,大脑中动脉再通29例,大脑中动脉分支再通30例,椎-基底动脉系统再通20例。11例因血管狭窄明显,溶栓后给予球囊扩张、支架置入术。临床症状完全恢复正常或明显好转108例,并发脑出血6例,消化道出血15例。结论超选动脉内接触性溶栓可使血栓局部迅速达到较高的血药浓度,疗效好,见效快,用药总量小,并发症少。  相似文献   

目的探讨溶栓后即刻置入支架的方法治疗急性椎基底动脉系统卒中溶栓术后血管重新闭塞的有效性和安全性。方法回顾性分析北京宣武医院2003年7月-2004年12月采用动脉内溶栓加支架置入治疗的7例脑卒中患者的临床资料,采用尿激酶超选择动脉溶栓,溶栓后对血管狭窄行支架成形术。结果7例溶栓后均再通。基底动脉尾段狭窄1例,主干狭窄4例,头段狭窄2例.动脉狭窄率平均为85%.即刻置入冠脉支架。置入支架后造影显示血管形态良好.残留狭窄率小于20%。术后复查点片状脑出血2例。术后症状好转或消失6例,围手术期死亡1例。结论超选择动脉溶栓联合支架治疗能够防止血管再闭塞及卒中复发,改善病人预后。  相似文献   

多发性脑内静脉窦血栓形成的溶栓治疗(附2例报道)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
脑内静脉窦血栓形成 (CVST)的传统治疗方法多为脱水降颅压、抗感染 ,扩容及对症处理 ,致残率及死亡率均较高。我们最近收治 2例患者采用尿激酶静脉溶栓治疗 ,取得了较好的疗效 ,现报道如下 :1 病 例例 1,男性 ,41岁 ,头痛 1月入院。患者于 2月前曾有不明原因发热史 ,未系统治疗。 1个月前逐渐出现头痛 ,视物模糊 ,伴恶心 ,呕吐 ,非喷射性。 1周前行头颅CT扫描 ,怀疑“蛛网膜下腔出血” ,给予 2 0 %甘露醇静滴 ,症状未缓解。病程中无抽搐及意识障碍。查体 :BP 15 / 10kPa ,神清、语利 ,项强 3指 ,双眼球突出 ,双眼底视乳头边界…  相似文献   

目的 评价重组组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(r-TPA)超选择动脉内溶栓和血管内支架成形术治疗急性脑梗死的临床疗效.方法 回顾性分析45例急性脑梗死病人的临床资料,其中颈内动脉闭塞16例,大脑中动脉闭塞25例,椎-基底动脉闭塞4例.将微导管超选择送至血管闭塞部位,注入r-TPA行动脉内溶栓.其中血管明显狭窄7例,溶栓后采用支架血管内成形术.结果 溶栓后完全再通31例,部分再通14例.治疗前欧洲卒中评分(European stroke scale,ESS)为(55.50±13.25),治疗后7dESS评分为(90.85±15.36),两者有显著性差异(P<0.01).7例血管明显狭窄者,支架置入术后血管残余狭窄<16%.结论 r-TPA早期超选择动脉内接触性溶栓,是治疗急性脑梗死的有效方法之一.对合并严重动脉狭窄的病人,动脉内溶栓结合血管内支架成形术安全可行.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis involves structural change to the intima and media of medium- and large-sized arteries. Although an atherosclerotic plaque may remain clinically silent, it is prone to disruption, leading to local platelet activation and aggregation. Therefore, the major complication of atherosclerosis is thrombosis, with local occlusion or distal embolism - a generalized disease process known as atherothrombosis. The three main clinical manifestations of atherothrombosis are coronary heart disease (myocardial infarction and angina), peripheral arterial disease and cerebral ischaemia. Atherothrombosis is a leading cause of mortality, and stroke is the leading cause of disability in adults, the second most important cause of dementia and the third most common cause of death in Western countries. Ischaemic stroke accounts for 80% of strokes and atherothrombosis accounts for approximately 20% of all strokes. Criteria for atherothrombotic stroke are evidence of a 50% (or greater) stenosis of a cervical artery and exclusion of other potential causes. The incidence of cerebrovascular events is 2,900 per million inhabitants per year, consisting of 500 transient ischaemic attacks and 2,400 strokes, of which 75% are first-ever stroke. The prevalence of stroke in the same population is 12,000, of which 800 patients (7%) per year have recurrences. The risk of ipsilateral stroke is 5% per year and the risk of a cardiac event is higher at 7%. Besides optimal management of risk factors for atherothrombosis and carotid surgery, antiplatelet therapy is the cornerstone of vascular prevention. In secondary prevention, antiplatelet agents are effective in reducing the risk of further ischaemic events in patients with atherothrombosis. Clopidogrel, a newly licensed ADP receptor antagonist, is the only antiplatelet agent to have demonstrated its superiority versus aspirin for the reduction of major ischaemic events (myocardial infarction, ischaemic stroke, vascular death) in patients whose initial manifestation of atherothrombosis was one of the three main clinical manifestations of the disease (recent ischaemic stroke, myocardial infarction, established peripheral arterial disease).  相似文献   

The authors report a syndrome of regional, symptomatic cerebral hyperperfusion, and edema mimicking infarction in a 54-year-old woman following coiling of a ruptured right carotid bifurcation aneurysm and stenting of the right middle cerebral artery. The patient presented with a Hunt and Hess grade III subarachnoid hemorrhage 7 days after developing thunderclap headache. She underwent successful coiling under general anesthesia of the 1.6 × 1.5 × 1.6 cm aneurysm, but immediately after the coil was placed occlusion of the proximal M1 segment was developed. This occlusion was stented after ~5-min delay, and flow restored without angiographic evidence of distal emboli. Following the procedure, she was extubated and noted to have left hemiparesis, neglect, and mutism without a CT correlate. Cerebral infarction was suspected, but urgent repeat angiography demonstrated patent cerebral vasculature. On the following day, symptoms persisted, and non-contrast head CT now showed cerebral edema localized to the right middle cerebral artery territory mimicking subacute infarction. CT perfusion imaging and angiography showed a widely patent MCA circulation, and suggested a regional hyperperfusion syndrome. The blood pressure was incrementally lowered, with rapid and sustained neurological improvement. Hyperperfusion events following aneurysm repair and related circumstances are reviewed.  相似文献   

Stenting is a useful alternative treatment modality in carotid artery stenosis patients who are too high-risk to undergo carotid endarterectomy (CEA). We report a case of contralateral cerebral infarction after stenting for extracranial carotid stenosis. A 78-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with left-sided weakness. Based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and conventional angiography, she was diagnosed with an acute watershed infarct of the right hemisphere secondary to severe carotid stenosis. Stenting was performed for treatment of the right carotid artery stenosis after a one-week cerebral angiogram was completed. Thirty minutes after stent placement, the patient exhibited a generalized seizure. Four hours later, brain MRI revealed left hemispheric cerebral infarction. Complex aorta-like arch elongation, tortuosity, calcification, and acute angulation at the origin of the supra-aortic arteries may increase the risk of procedural complications. In our case, we suggest that difficult carotid artery catheterization, with aggressive maneuvering during stenting, likely injured the tortuous, atherosclerotic aortic arch, and led to infarction of the contralateral cerebral hemisphere by thromboemboli formed on the wall of the atherosclerotic aorta.  相似文献   

Flow‐diverter stents are the new promising tools in the treatment of intracranial aneurysms allowing progressive aneurysm occlusion. Here, we report a case where high‐resolution magnetic resonance imaging showed thrombus at fundus of the aneurysm sac, indicating a progressive intraaneurysmal thrombosis after flow‐diverter placement.  相似文献   

Cardiac emboli are a feared complication for patients with left ventricular assist devices (LVAD). Septic emboli are rare but carry a poor prognosis in the setting of large artery occlusion. We report the case of a 24‐year‐old woman who presents with a left internal carotid artery terminus occlusion secondary to a septic emboli from a LVAD. The patient was not a candidate for intravenous thrombolytics due to an elevated international normalized ratio, and thus was taken for intra‐arterial treatment. Initial treatment with mechanical thrombectomy and balloon angioplasty was not successful; thus, a balloon‐mounted coronary stent was placed to achieve successful recanalization. Fragments of thrombus on the mechanical thrombectomy device revealed gram‐positive bacilli on gram stain. Patients with large artery occlusion due to a septic embolus can be successfully treated with endovascular therapies in select patients.  相似文献   

目的 观察研究雷帕霉素洗脱支架(rapamycin-eluting stent,RES)与金属裸支架(bare-metal stent, BMS)治疗症状性颅内动脉粥样硬化性狭窄(symptomatic intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis,ICAS)的临床疗效。   相似文献   



Sudden major cerebral artery occlusion often resists recanalization with currently available techniques or can results in massive symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH) after thrombolytic therapy. The purpose of this study was to examine mechanical recanalization with a retrievable self-expanding stent and balloon in acute intracranial artery occlusions.


Twenty-eight consecutive patients with acute intracranial artery occlusions were treated with a Solitaire retrievable stent. Balloon angioplasty was added if successful recanalization was not achieved after stent retrieval. The angiographic outcome was assessed by Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction (TICI) and the clinical outcomes were assessed by the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and the modified Rankin Scale (mRS).


At baseline, mean age was 69.4 years and mean initial NIHSS score was 12.5. A recanalization to TICI 2 or 3 was achieved in 24 patients (85%) after stent retrieval. Successful recanalization was achieved after additional balloon angioplasty in 4 patients. At 90-day follow-up, 24 patients (85%) had a NIHSS improvement of ≥4 and 17 patients (60%) had a good outcome (mRS ≤2). Although there was sICH, there was one death associated with the procedure.


Mechanical thromboembolectomy with a retrievable stent followed by additional balloon angioplasty is a safe and effective first-line therapy for acute intracranial artery occlusions especially in case of unsuccessful recanalization after stent thrombectomy.  相似文献   

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