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Global contamination with organochlorine compounds (OCs) has posed developmental and reproductive problems in wildlife worldwide. However, little is known about the impact of OCs or other pollutants on amphibians, despite mounting concerns about amphibian population declines and developmental deformities in the wild. Wildlife populations may be affected critically by sublethal impacts of anthropogenic disturbances, yet little research has focused on such effects in amphibians. In the current study, northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) tadpoles were chronically exposed to a polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congener, 77-TCB, and effects on behavior, morphology, competitive performance, and corticosterone content were determined. R. pipiens activity levels and feeding rates were decreased by 77-TCB exposure, but morphology of mouthparts and body proportions were unaffected. 77-TCB enhanced growth and altered competitive interactions between R. pipiens and wood frog (Rana sylvatica) tadpoles. R. pipiens tadpoles exposed to 77-TCB showed decreased whole-body corticosterone content compared to controls both before and after injection with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). All of the factors examined in the current study play critical roles in tadpole development, growth, survivorship, and eventual reproductive success, suggesting negative population-level consequences for amphibians in PCB-contaminated habitats.  相似文献   

Intensive row crop agriculture (IRCA) for corn and soybean production is predominant in eastern and central North America. IRCA relies heavily on pesticide and nutrient inputs to maximize production under conventional systems. In 2003-2005, we assessed the occurrence of a suite of potential endocrine effects in amphibians inhabiting farm ponds and agricultural drains in IRCA areas of southwestern Ontario. Effects were compared to amphibians from two agricultural reference sites as well as four non-agricultural reference sites. Pesticide and nutrient concentrations were also determined in water samples from those sites. Atrazine and metolachlor were detected in most samples, exceeding 1 microg L(-1) at some sites. Blood samples were taken from northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) and green frogs (Rana clamitans) for analysis of circulating sex steroids and vitellogenin-like protein (Vtg-lp), a biomarker of exposure to environmental estrogens. Gonads were histologically examined for evidence of abnormalities. Some evidence of exposure to endocrine disrupting compounds was apparent from the data. The occurrence of testicular ovarian follicles (TOFS) in male R. pipiens was significantly higher (42%; p<0.05) at agricultural sites, particularly those in Chatham county compared to frogs from reference sites (7%). There was no difference in circulating sex steroid levels between frogs from agricultural and reference sites and sex steroid levels did not correlate with pesticide concentrations in the environment. No differences were detected in the gonadosomatic indices or stage of spermatogenesis between frogs from agricultural and non-agricultural regions (p>0.05). Plasma Vtg-lp was detected in only one male R. pipiens from an agricultural site. Neither gonad size, gonad maturity nor sex steroid levels differed between normal males and those with testicular oocytes. Although the proportion of testicular oocytes did not correlate directly with atrazine concentrations, it did correlate with a mixture of pesticides and nutrients, particularly atrazine and nitrate, while the number of pesticides detected at each site was also important.  相似文献   

Tricaine (MS-222) is used commonly for sedation, immobilization, and anesthesia of poikilothermic animals. The anesthetic efficacy of different concentrations of MS-222 was compared to benzocaine and pentobarbital on the physiological changes, heart rate and ECG (electrocardiogram) parameters in the leopard frog, Rana pipiens. Loss of righting reflex (RR), loss of pain response (NR = nociceptor response) and recovery time were measured. Heart rate and ECG parameters were also tested before and during anesthesia. The time to loss of RR and NR decreased while recovery time markedly increased with the increasing concentration of MS-222. Benzocaine at 200 mg/l induced a rapid anesthesia, but all frogs needed resuscitation. Pentobarbital at 300 mg/l induced a slow anesthesia, however, all of the frogs also needed resuscitation. All anesthetics at the mentioned concentrations decreased heart rate significantly as well as altered the ECG parameters. All anesthetics prolonged the Q-T interval, and MS-222 at 800 mg/l and benzocaine at 200 mg/l were the most effective anesthetic concentrations in increasing the Q-T interval. Frogs anesthetized by benzocaine and pentobarbital and high concentrations of MS-222 required resuscitation due to hypoxia. Pentobarbital and benzocaine seem to be very effective compounds, but their safety margins are narrow because of ventilatory failure. Therefore, MS-222 at a concentration of 200 mg/l or less is highly recommended for leopard frogs because prolonged recovery, high mortality rate and significant ECG changes are observed with higher concentrations of MS-222.  相似文献   

We developed an inductance-based valvometry technique as a detection system to measure the valve daily activity in freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea in response to waterborne arsenic. Our findings reveal that C. fluminea experiences a valve opening in the absence of arsenic predominantly in the morning hours (03:00–08:00) with a mean daily opening/closing period of 21.32 (95% CI: 20.58–22.05) h. Amplification of daily activity occurred in the presence of arsenic. Behavioral toxicity assays revealed arsenic detection thresholds of 0.60 (95% CI: 0.53–0.66) mg l−1 and 0.35 (95% CI: 0.30–0.40) mg l−1 for response times of 60 and 300 min, respectively. The proposed valve daily activity model was linked with response time-specific Hill dose-response functions to predict valve opening/closing behavior in response to arsenic. The predictive capabilities were verified satisfactory with the measurements. Our results implicate a biomonitoring system by valve daily activity in C. fluminea to identify safe water uses in areas with elevated arsenic.  相似文献   

Groundwater contamination with arsenic is a major global health concern. The organophosphorus insecticide malathion has gained significance as an environmental pollutant due to its widespread use in agriculture, grain storage, ectoparasite control and public health management. The deleterious effects produced by arsenic or malathion alone are documented, but very little is known about the consequences of their coexposure. The aim of the current study was to examine the effects of repeated simultaneous exposure to arsenic and malathion on drug-biotransforming enzymes in the liver of broiler chickens. One-month-old broiler chickens were exposed daily to arsenic (50 ppm)-supplemented drinking water, malathion (500 ppm)-mixed diet or in a similar fashion coexposed to these agents for 28 days. At the term, changes in body weight, organ weights, and levels of hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP), cytochrome b5, microsomal and cytosolic proteins; aminopyrine N-demethylase (ANDM), aniline P-hydroxylase (APH), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) were assessed. Arsenic, malathion or their coexposure decreased the body weight gain and liver weight. Brain weight (relative) was increased with arsenic or malathion, but not with the coexposure. Treatment with arsenic decreased the CYP and cytochrome b5 contents by 39 and 36%, than with malathion by 54 and 22% and the coexposure by 45 and 28%, respectively. The ANDM activity was decreased with arsenic (44%), malathion (23%) and the coexposure (32%). Arsenic (23%) and the coexposure (37%), but not malathion (14%), reduced the APH activity. The activities of hepatic microsomal and cytosolic GST were increased with all the three treatments [Arsenic (microsomal: 88% cytosolic: 113%), malathion (microsomal: 137%, cytosolic: 94%) and coexposure (microsomal: 140%, cytosolic: 148%)]. These treatments did not significantly affect the hepatic UGT activity, but reduced the hepatic microsomal (arsenic: 28%, malathion: 34% and coexposure: 43%) and cytosolic (17–19%) protein contents. The effects of coexposure on the activities of various phase I and phase II drug-biotransforming enzymes were almost similar to that of arsenic or malathion. This study provides evidence that repeated coexposure to arsenic and malathion may influence the extent of drug metabolism in chickens.  相似文献   

A total of 2,402 cases of arsenic-related skin lesions (as of 2002) in a few villages of China’s Southwest Guizhou Autonomous Prefecture represent a unique case of endemic arseniasis related with indoor combustion of high arsenic coal. A significant difference of skin lesion prevalence was observed between two clans of different ethnicities (Hmong and Han) in one of the hyperendemic villages in this prefecture. This study was focused on a possible involvement of GST T1 and M1 polymorphisms in risk modulation of skin lesions and in the body burden of As in this unique case of As exposure. GST T1 and M1 polymorphisms were genotyped by an allele-specific PCR-based procedure. Total As contents in hair and urine samples as well as environmental samples of the homes of the two ethnic clans were analyzed. No significant deviations in the population frequencies of GST T1 and M1 0/0 genotypes or their combination were recorded between diagnosed skin lesion patients and asymptomatic individuals in both clans. Significantly higher As contents in hair and urine were observed in GSTM1 0/0 carriers, not in GSTT1 0/0 carriers. After stratified by ethnicity and gender, a statistically significant association of the GSTM1 0/0 genotype and higher As content in hair was only confirmed in the subgroups of ethnic Han clan members and all male villagers, not in ethnic Hmong clan members or in females. GST T1 and M1 homozygous deletions were not associated with an increased susceptibility to skin lesions in long-term exposure to indoor combustion of high As coal. The polymorphic status at the locus of GSTM1 might modulate individual’s body burden of total As in some Chinese ethnic groups.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the excretion of As(III) and As(V) in the urine of mice exposed to a toxic concentration of As(III) (250 mg/1) in drinking water. After the exposures of 2, 6, and 8 days, the mice were given i.m. a solution of 74As(III) labeled sodium arsenite in a dose of 1.3 mg As(III)/kg b.w. and an activity of 3 Ci/l ml. After the sacrifice of the animal, the urine was drawn off directly from the bladder. The urine samples were subjected to separation of As(III) from As(V) by using a paper radiochromatography technique.The results showed that unexposed control mice excreted one-half of the administered As(III) in the form of As(V). Mice exposed to arsenic in drinking water exceted already, after 2 days of exposure, four-fifths of the applied As(III) in the form of As(V), after 4 days of exposure the proportion of As(V) was more than 95%, and after 8 days of exposure only traces of As(III) were present.The authors discussed the possibility of participation of the biotransformation of As(III) to As(V) on arsenic tolerance.
Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit behandelt die Ausscheidung von As(III) und As(V) im Urin von Mäusen, die einer toxischen Konzentration von As(III) im Trinkwasser (250 mg/1) ausgesetzt waren. Nach der Exposition von 2, 6 und 8 Tagen erhielten die Mäuse eine i.m. Injektion von 74As-markiertem Natriumarsenit (3 Ci/ml) in einer Dosis von 1,3 mg As(III)/kg Körpergewicht. Nach Tötung der Tiere wurde der Urin direkt der Blase entnommen. In den Urinproben wurden As(III) und As(V) unter Verwendung der Radio-Papierchromatographie aufgetrennt.Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß nicht exponierte Kontrollmäuse die Hälfte des am Ende der Expositionszeit gegebenen As(III) als As(V) ausscheiden. Mäuse, die Arsen im Trinkwasser erhielten, scheiden bereits nach 2 Tagen Exposition 4/5 des injizierten As(III) als As(V) aus. Nach 4 Tagen Exposition lagen mehr als 95% als As(V) vor, und nach 8 Tagen waren lediglich Spuren von As(III) vorhanden.Din Autoren diskutieren die Möglichkeit, daß die Biotransformation von As(III) zu As(V) zur Arsentoleranz beiträgt.

Contamination of aquatic environments by arsenic is a serious worldwide problem. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the response of a freshwater clam (Corbicula fluminea) to arsenic (As III) exposure and infer its potential as a biological indicator of contamination. Metallothioneins (MTs) were used as indicators of metalloid toxicity in combination with an histological and histochemical evaluation. After a period of acclimatization in the laboratory, 50 C. fluminea (0.4 g +/- 0.1) were exposed to different nominal concentrations of arsenic (100, 300, 500, and 1000 microg L(-1)) for 7 days. The concentration of total As III in the water and in the tissues of the organisms was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry, and MTs were quantified through differential pulse polarography. Results suggest that the organisms exposed to the concentrations of 300 and 1000 microg As L(-1) accumulated the highest levels of As III in the tissues (17 +/- 9 and 15 +/- 3 microg g(-1) distilled water, respectively), which was confirmed through histochemical analysis. An apparent induction of MTs was also observed in the organisms exposed to As III, suggesting that C. fluminea possesses some capacity for arsenic regulation. The results suggest that the induction of MTs may be of high interest as a biomarker for arsenic contamination in aquatic environments, and confirms the potential of C. fluminea as a biological indicator.  相似文献   

Inorganic arsenic (iAs) is a well-established carcinogen and human exposure has been associated with a variety of cancers including those of skin, lung, and bladder. High expression of transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) has associated with local relapses in early stages of urinary bladder cancer. iAs exposures are at least in part determined by the rate of formation and composition of iAs metabolites (MAs(III), MAs(V), DMAs(III), DMAs(V)). This study examines the relationship between TGF-alpha concentration in exfoliated bladder urothelial cells (BUC) separated from urine and urinary arsenic species in 72 resident women (18-51 years old) from areas exposed to different concentrations of iAs in drinking water (2-378 ppb) in central Mexico. Urinary arsenic species, including trivalent methylated metabolites were measured by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry method. The concentration of TGF-alpha in BUC was measured using an ELISA assay. Results show a statistically significant positive correlation between TGF-alpha concentration in BUC and each of the six arsenic species present in urine. The multivariate linear regression analyses show that the increment of TGF-alpha levels in BUC was importantly associated with the presence of arsenic species after adjusting by age, and presence of urinary infection. People from areas with high arsenic exposure had a significantly higher TGF-alpha concentration in BUC than people from areas of low arsenic exposure (128.8 vs. 64.4 pg/mg protein; p<0.05). Notably, exfoliated cells isolated from individuals with skin lesions contained significantly greater amount of TGF-alpha than cells from individuals without skin lesions: 157.7 vs. 64.9 pg/mg protein (p=0.003). These results suggest that TGF-alpha in exfoliated BUC may serve as a susceptibility marker of adverse health effects on epithelial tissue in arsenic-endemic areas.  相似文献   

目的 对临沂引种松果菊不同部位砷(As)、硒(Se)含量进行测定.方法 以松果菊的根、茎、叶、花为原料,采用干式灰化和微波消解处理样品,顺序注射氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法(AFS)测定消解后松果菊不同部位砷和硒的含量.比较样品不同部位砷和硒含量的不同.结果 砷和硒在松果菊根中含量最高,其次,在叶、花和茎中含有的砷和硒含量相差不大,但在花中的含量还是稍高于其茎中的含量,松果菊各部位中砷的含量均高于硒的含量.结论 原子荧光光谱法快速简便,所得结果令人满意.  相似文献   

Zebrafish were fed chironomid larvae (8% wet weight daily ration) for 7 days, followed by 3 days of gut clearance in a static-renewal system. Regardless of whether the chironomids had been loaded with Cd via a waterborne exposure or sediment exposure, they had similar subcellular distributions of Cd, with the largest areas of storage being metal rich granules (MRG) > organelles (ORG) > enzymes (ENZ) except that sediment-exposed chironomids had significantly more Cd in the metallothionein-like protein (MTLP) fraction, and significantly less Cd in the cellular debris (CD) fraction. When zebrafish fed sediment-exposed chironomids (153 ± 11 μg Cd/g dry weight) were compared directly to zebrafish fed waterborne exposed chironomids (288 ± 12 μg Cd/g dry weight), identical whole-body Cd levels were observed, despite the difference in the concentration in the food source. Thus trophic transfer efficiency (TTE) of Cd was significantly greater from sediment-exposed chironomids (2.0 ± 0.5%) than from waterborne-exposed chironomids (0.7 ± 0.2%). Subsequent tests with waterborne exposed chironomids loaded to comparable Cd concentrations, as well as with Cd-spiked manufactured pellets, demonstrated that TTEs were concentration-independent. In all treatments, zebrafish exhibited similar subcellular storage of Cd, with the greatest uptake occurring in the ORG fraction followed by the ENZ fraction. However, neither trophically available metal (TAM) nor metabolically available fractions (MAF) were good predictors for the TTEs found in this study. Tissue Cd concentrations were highest in the kidney and gut tissue, then liver, but lower in the gill, and carcass. Overall, the gut and carcass contributed ≥71% to total body burdens on a mass-weighted basis. This study presents evidence that Cd may be acquired by fish from natural diets at levels of environmental relevance for contaminated sites, and that the exposure route of the prey influences the TTE.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to elucidate the seasonal and spatial regularity of the properties of metallothioneins (MTs) from the liver and kidney of the frog Rana ridibunda in rural (R) and urban (U) sites in Western Ukraine. This allowed examination of their possibility use in biomonitoring of environmental quality. The positive correlation for Zn and negative correlation for Cu were reflected between their content in the liver and MTs. The content of MTs was higher in summer compared to other seasons and also at the U site compare to the R site. MTs had been comprised of two chromatographic forms (MT-1 and MT-2/MT-2a), with lesser and variable MT-2/2a in frogs from the U site, particularly in the kidney. MTs accumulated about 75% of Cd in the liver. In summary, the ability MTs to elevate content as a stress response, together with the sensitivity of MT-2, may be explored to understand the health status of the frog in each season, reflecting the higher overall anthropogenic impact at the U site.  相似文献   

Acetochlor is a commonly used herbicide in agricultural environments, which can accelerate T3-induced metamorphosis in amphibians. However, effects of acetochlor on the thyroid system in fish are still unclear at environmentally relevant concentrations. In this study, expression profiles of thyroid hormone receptor alpha (trα), deiodinase (d1 and d2), malic enzyme (me), and sodium iodide symporter (nis) genes were determined in larval and adult rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus) after exposure to different levels of acetochlor (20, 200, and 2000 ng/l) for 21 days, respectively. Furthermore, plasma thyroid hormones (THs) levels in adults were evaluated simultaneously. The results showed that d1, d2, me, and nis mRNA levels were significantly down-regulated in the larvae. Similar expression changes of these genes in female brains were found. However, in adult livers, these gene expressions had no significantly effects, except the trα mRNA level significantly up-regulated. These results indicated that exposure to acetochlor could result in tissue-specific alternative expression of TH-related genes in adults. Moreover, the expression of d2 and me showed a positive correlation with plasma T4 levels in female brains. Therefore, larval development and adult brain of rare minnow could be affected by acetochlor at environmentally relevant concentrations.  相似文献   

Arsenic toxicity has been related to its interference with one carbon metabolism, where a high demand of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) for arsenic methylation as well as a failure of its regeneration would compromise the availability of methyl groups for diverse cellular functions. Since exposed animals show disturbances of methylated products such as methylated arginines, myelin and axon membranes, this work investigates whether alterations of SAM, choline and phosphatidylcholine (PC) in the brain of arsenic exposed rats are associated with myelin alterations and myelin basic protein (MBP) immunoreactivity. Also these metabolites, morphologic and biochemical markers of methyl group alterations were analyzed in the liver, the main site of arsenic methylation. In adult, life-long arsenic exposed rats through drinking water (3 ppm), no changes of SAM, choline and PC concentrations where found in the brain, but SAM and PC were severely decreased in liver accompanied by a significant increase of choline. These results suggest that choline plays an important role as methyl donor in arsenic exposure, which could underlie hepatic affections observed when arsenic exposure is combined with other environmental factors. Also, important myelin and nerve fiber alterations, accompanied by a 75% decrease of MBP immunoreactivity were not associated with a SAM deficit in the brain.  相似文献   

Chronic exposure to arsenic, a potent carcinogen and toxicant, via drinking water is a worldwide public health problem. Because little is known about early-life effects of arsenic on immunity, we evaluated the impact of in utero exposure on infant immune parameters and morbidity in a pilot study. Pregnant women were enrolled at 6–10 weeks of gestation in Matlab, a rural area of Bangladesh, extensively affected by arsenic contamination of tubewell water. Women (n = 140) delivering at local clinics were included in the study. Anthropometry and morbidity data of the pregnant women and their children, as well as infant thymic size by sonography were collected. Maternal urine and breast milk were collected for immune marker and arsenic assessment. Maternal urinary arsenic during pregnancy showed significant negative correlation with interleukin-7 (IL-7) and lactoferrin (Ltf) in breast milk and child thymic index (TI). Urinary arsenic was also positively associated with fever and diarrhea during pregnancy and acute respiratory infections (ARI) in the infants. The effect of arsenic exposure on ARI was only evident in male children. The findings suggest that in utero arsenic exposure impaired child thymic development and enhanced morbidity, probably via immunosuppression. The effect seemed to be partially gender dependent. Arsenic exposure also affected breast milk content of trophic factors and maternal morbidity.  相似文献   

Amphibians secrete small antimicrobial polypeptides from their skin that have been explored as alternatives to conventional antibiotics. In this study, mass spectrometry was used to identify and characterise protein secretions from the skin of a Chinese frog, Rana chensinensis. The skin of this kind of frog has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries as a remedy against inflammation. A novel antimicrobial peptide was identified and the characteristics of this peptide were analysed using far-ultraviolet circular dichroism. When dissolved in aqueous solution, the peptide displayed a high level of random coil structure, in contrast to a more ordered α-helical structure when dissolved in 50% trifluoroethanol. Functional studies showed that this peptide has potent antimicrobial activity both against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and has extremely low haemolytic activity to human red blood cells. Taken together, these studies suggest that this novel peptide can be further developed as an antimicrobial agent.  相似文献   

Trinitrotoluene, as a compound of conventional explosive, may cause inhibitory effect on terrestrial plants. When Lactuca sativa was exposed to different concentrations of trinitrotoluene (32–1000 mg/kg), photosynthetic process was investigated by using rapid chlorophyll fluorescence kinetic and pulse modulated fluorometry. The decrease of chlorophyll a variable fluorescence was seen to be caused by the deactivation of photosystem II reaction centers. We found for rapid variable fluorescence to be a useful indicator to evaluate the inhibitory effect of trinitrotoluene on photosystem II primary photochemistry and electron transport. The fluorescence parameters, related to the reduction state of photosystem II and to non-photochemical dissipation of light energy, showed a strong relation between the inhibitory effect of photosystem II activity and concentration of trinitrotoluene. The change of photosynthetic fluorescence parameters induced by trinitrotoluene was a reliable indication of the plant physiological state. We proposed for the reduction state of photosystem II and the non-photochemical energy dissipation to be a useful tool in bioassay toxicity testing of trinitrotoluene polluted soil.  相似文献   

目的 通过考察乌梢蛇Zaocys dhumnades(Cantor)中铅(Pb)和砷(As)的生物可给性,并探索靶器官毒性剂量(TTD)法在评估中药中重金属联合暴露风险中的应用,为限量标准的制定提供参考。方法 通过胃-肠两步模拟消化(in vitro PBET)联合电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)法对乌梢蛇中Pb和As的生物可给性进行考察,根据其生物可给性计算其日暴露量。采用危害指数(HI)法对于Pb和As联合暴露产生的健康风险进行初步筛查;进一步针对不同毒理学终点,采用TTD法对Pb和As的累积风险进行更加精确的评估。结果 8批乌梢蛇中Pb和As的合格率为100%。HI法的初步评估结果表明,所有批次乌梢蛇中Pb和As的HI值均<1。TTD法评估结果表明,作用终点心血管系统、神经系统、肾脏、血液和睾丸,所有批次乌梢蛇的HI值均<1,健康风险可接受。结论 基于生物可给性,探索乌梢蛇中Pb和As的累积风险评估方法,为中药外源性有害残留物风险评估的方法开发提供新的思路,为制定更加科学的限量标准提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

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