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罗桂华 《中国卫生事业管理》2012,29(2):154-157
目的:通过调查了解西安市流动人口卫生服务需求、利用现况,探寻影响流动人口卫生服务利用的因素;方法:采取整群抽样的方法从西安市随机抽取5个工厂,对999名流动人口的个人基本情况、卫生服务需求和利用进行调查;调查资料采用Epidata3.0软件建立数据库,运用SPSS11.5软件对数据进行描述性分析、卡方检验、秩和检验和多因素非条件logistic回归分析。结果:流动人口文化程度以初中为主,平均年龄为(23.9±5.8)岁,居住条件差,收入不高;流动人口两周患病率、两周就诊率分别为18.22%、11.11%,患病后选择的就诊机构主要为私人诊所和基层卫生机构;年住院率为3.40%,住院机构主要是基层医院和区(县)医院;流动人口卫生服务利用主要受年龄和婚姻状况等因素的影响。 相似文献
从医疗卫生服务的需求、供给和利用三个方面出发,基于医疗服务利用行为模型,分析探讨了2015年北京流动人口健康及卫生服务利用情况。结果显示,流动人口慢性病患病率、患病频率相对较低;流动人口对公共卫生服务供给针对性、广泛性、有效性和总体评价较低;从服务的便捷性和多样性来看,公共卫生服务的供给还需要进一步完善;在医疗卫生服务的主动利用方面,没有参加任何医疗保险的受访者依然占较大比例,定期体检比例较低,在被动利用方面,无论是门诊还是住院服务利用都处于较低水平。家庭总收入、医疗保险在一定程度上影响了患者对医疗机构的选择。最终从供给侧与利用的角度提出相应健康促进策略。 相似文献
We estimate the impact of extra health insurance coverage beyond a National Health System on the demand for several health services. Traditionally, the literature has tried to deal with the endogeneity of the private (extra) insurance decision by finding instrumental variables. Since a priori instrumental variables are hard to find we take a different approach. We focus on the most common health insurance plan in Portugal, ADSE, which is given to all civil servants and their dependents. We argue that this insurance is exogenous, i.e., not correlated with the beneficiaries' health status. This identifying assumption allows us to estimate the impact of having ADSE coverage on the demand for three different health services using a matching estimator technique. The health services used are number of visits, number of blood and urine tests, and the probability of visiting a dentist. Results show large positive effects of ADSE coverage for number of visits and tests among the young (18-30 years old) but only the latter is statistically significantly different from zero. The effects represent 21.8% and 30% of the average number of visits and tests for the young. On the contrary, we find no evidence of moral hazard on the probability of visiting a dentist. 相似文献
目的了解惠州市流动人群的性及生育健康态度,评价该人群的生育健康需求。方法以匿名问卷调查方式收集资料进行统计分析。结果70.8%(944/1 333)的男性,67.5%(900/1 333)的女性在工作单位从未接受过生育健康教育,26.0%~28.0%的人偶尔接受过生育健康教育,3.0%(40/1 333)男性与4.0%(53/1 333)女性经常接受生育健康教育。女性性观念较男性相对保守和谨慎一些,女性较男性在性行为中有较强的自我保护意识,二者比较,差异有显著性(P<0.001)。结论提出积极可行的干预建议,可提高流动人群的自我保健意识,促进该人群的生育健康。 相似文献
1 000名老年人卫生服务需求及社区卫生服务意向研究 总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33
目的 为了了解老年人的卫生需求,更好地开展社区卫生服务。方法 采用整群随机抽样并进行入户调查的方法,对1 000 名60 岁及以上老年人进行了调查。结果 老年人的2 周患病率为467-0 ‰;患有慢性病者占64-8 % ,其中35-7 % 的患有2 种或2 种以上慢性病;残疾率占9-5 % ,85 岁以上者残疾率达37-9 % ,10-1 % 的人的生活活动能力失能;23-8 % 的对卫生服务最为迫切;62-8 % 的老人愿意到社区接受卫生服务,因经济困难应住院而未住院占58-3 % 。结论 社区卫生服务应尽快建立并完善,尤其应针对目前老年人的需求和经济状况,开展一些老年人需要的且能接受的社区卫生服务 相似文献
目的 了解广州市8个城区和深圳市6个城区流动人口生殖健康服务利用现状。方法 采用匿名问卷的方式对广州和深圳二市14个区的4365名15~45岁流动人口的生殖健康服务利用相关问题进行横断面调查。结果 获取有效问卷4332份。流动人口平均年龄28.81岁,以30岁以下人群居多;文化程度以初中文化为主(50.55%),总体上未婚流动人口文化程度高于已婚流动人口(P<0.05);二市外来人口的来源地主要以广东本省和湖南省为主;52.8%的流动人口得到计划生育机构提供的生殖健康知识服务;对免费提供避孕知识的场所已婚人群知晓率为67.4%,未婚人群为34.2%(P<0.05);对免费提供避孕药具服务场所已婚人群知晓率为65.2%,未婚人群为31.7%(P<0.05);对免费提供生殖健康检查场所已婚人群知晓率为68.0%,未婚人群为29.7%(P<0.05);女性流动人口中有60.3%得到过计划生育服务机构或计划生育部门组织的免费生殖健康检查,2.1%得到收费生殖健康检查,37.9%从未得到过检查;5.8%的人得到五项生殖健康检查服务,94.2%的人仅得到部分项目服务。结论 流动人口对生殖健康服务利用不高,提示各级机构要进一步加强对生殖健康知识宣传的覆盖面和服务项目的落实。 相似文献
本文结合药物制度研究与汉语言分析方法,从字义和产品内涵角度分析假药的定义,并结合我国现行法律制度对假药界定条款进行法条解析.本文研究认为“假”和“药”分别具有不同的内涵,目前从法律角度定义的假药概念是不完善的.建议应在现有假药定义基础上进行完善,同时结合字义内涵和立法目的对假药进行分类,并提出法条修改建议,为《药品管理法》的修订提供参考,以期合理完善假药定义,促进医药政策与产业健康发展. 相似文献
目的:了解西安市城市老年人卫生服务需要状况及影响因素。方法:利用第四次陕西省国家卫生服务调查数据,调查采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法,随机抽取了西安市的9个区县,共抽取了1260户,3979名居民,其中西安市城区60岁及以上老年人户数404户,569人。结果:西安市城区老年人两周患病率为25.48%,慢性病患病率为48.33%,高于陕西省一般人群的两周患病率(13.4%)慢性病患病率(14.51%);影响西安市老年人卫生服务需要的因素主要有文化程度,性别,收入和年龄。结论:西安市城区老年人卫生服务需要处于较高水平,相关政府部门应提出应加快发展针对老年人的社区卫生服务,完善医疗保健制度,更好地为居民提供公平、合理、有效的卫生服务。 相似文献
Buor D 《The International journal of health planning and management》2003,18(4):293-311
Although the distance factor has been identified as key in the utilization of health services in rural areas of developing countries, it has been analysed without recourse to related factors of travel time and transport cost. Also, the influence of distance on vulnerable groups in utilization has not been an object of survey by researchers. This paper addresses the impact of distance on utilization, and how distance compares with travel time and transport cost that are related to it in the utilization of health services in the Ahafo-Ano South (rural) district in Ghana. The study, a cross-sectional survey, also identifies the position of distance among other important factors of utilization. A sample of 400, drawn through systematic random technique, was used for the survey. Data were analysed using the regression model and some graphic techniques. The main instruments used in data collection were formal (face-by-face) interview and a questionnaire. The survey finds that distance is the most important factor that influences the utilization of health services in the Ahafo-Ano South district. Other key factors are income, service cost and education. The effect of travel time on utilization reflects that of distance and utilization. Recommendations to reduce distance coverage, improve formal education and reduce poverty have been made. 相似文献
目的 预测2020~2025年我国社区卫生服务发展情况,为我国社区卫生服务规划及实施状况提供评价和预估,为相关卫生部门制定策略提供科学依据.方法 应用灰色GM(1,1)模型对我国社区卫生服务相关数据进行建模并预测2020~2025年的数据.结果 2020~2025年我国社区卫生服务中心诊疗人次将逐年上升至9.04亿人次... 相似文献
[目的] 探讨青少年发育过程中的自感生理健康问题及对卫生服务的需求。[方法] 对上海市嘉定区1 555名10~18岁青少年和1 482名家长进行有关学生自感生理卫生状况以及卫生服务需求的调查。[结果] 1年内经常遇到的身体问题自我报告率为77.8%;青春发育期性征改变的困惑发生率为51.7%;有生殖系统疾病症状的自感发生率为16.9%;青春发育时相自我评价明显过早或过迟的发生率为5.3%;学生面对这些生殖健康问题时积极求助率不高。[结论] 青少年的保健服务需求是多方面的,不同特征群体的需求也存在很大不同。医疗保健机构应提供及时有效的青少年保健服务,并在实践中不断完善。 相似文献
目的了解广州市流动人口的卫生服务需求以及利用情况,分析有关影响因素。方法采用横断面问卷调查的研究方法,2007年10-12月在广州市流动人口较集中的白云区,采取便利抽样方法,抽取了1400名非广州户籍外来务工人员进行调查,调查内容包括人口一般情况、患病和就医情况、医疗保障水平、卫生服务的利用情况等25个问题。结果该次调查共回收有效问卷1317份,有效应答率为94.1%。1317名调查对象中,30~39岁年龄段者占63.1%,初中及以下学历占64.5%,家庭月收入在2000元以下者占67.4%;其两周患病率为22.6%,以呼吸道疾病为主。家庭月收入(OR=2.932)、就医费用支付方式(OR=0.646)、自觉健康状况(OR=0.303)、是否就诊(OR=0.652)与两周患病率有关;其就诊率为41.6%,文化程度(OR=1.535)、两周患病率(OR=0.590)、医生服务态度(OR=1.382)与就诊率有关。结论广州市流动人口的卫生服务现状尚不理想,应加强对流动人口的卫生服务。 相似文献
Abstract Purpose: Rural individuals utilize specialty mental health services (eg, psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, and social workers) at lower rates than their urban counterparts. This study explores whether cognitive appraisals (ie, individual perceptions of need for services, outcome expectancies, and value of a positive therapeutic outcome) of help‐seeking for depression symptoms are related to the utilization of specialty mental health services in a rural sample. Methods: Demographic and environmental characteristics, cultural barriers, cognitive appraisals, and depression symptoms were assessed in one model predicting specialty mental health service utilization (MHSU) in a rural sample. Three hypotheses were proposed: (1) a higher number of environmental barriers (eg, lack of insurance or transportation) would predict lower specialty mental health service utilization; (2) an increase in cultural barriers (stigma, stoicism, and lack of anonymity) would predict lower specialty mental health utilization; and (3) higher cognitive appraisals of mental health services would predict specialty mental health care utilization beyond the predictive capacities of psychiatric symptoms, demographic variables, environmental barriers, and cultural barriers. Findings: Current depression symptoms significantly predicted lifetime specialty mental health service utilization. Hypotheses 1 and 2 were not supported: more environmental barriers predicted higher levels of specialty MHSU while cultural barriers did not predict specialty mental health service utilization. Hypothesis 3 was supported: cognitive appraisals significantly predicted specialty mental health service utilization. Conclusions: It will be important to target perceptions and attitudes about mental health services to reduce disparities in specialty MHSU for the rural population. 相似文献
医疗保健制度对卫生服务需求行为影响的比较研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文从择医、择药及住院费用意识三个方面,就公费和劳保两个组医改前后的卫生服务需求进行分析,揭示了医疗保障制度对职工卫生服务需求的影响。 相似文献
The model discussed in this article divides the population into eight groups: people in good health, in maternal/infant situations, with an acute illness, with stable chronic conditions, with a serious but stable disability, with failing health near death, with advanced organ system failure, and with long-term frailty. Each group has its own definitions of optimal health and its own priorities among services. Interpreting these population-focused priorities in the context of the Institute of Medicine's six goals for quality yields a framework that could shape planning for resources, care arrangements, and service delivery, thus ensuring that each person's health needs can be met effectively and efficiently. Since this framework would guide each population segment across the institute's "Quality Chasm," it is called the "Bridges to Health" model. 相似文献
Adam Wagstaff 《Health economics》1993,2(2):189-198
Previous tests of Grossman's model of the demand for health have been based on Grossman's own empirical formulation. This paper argues that this formulation fails to capture the dynamic character of the model. It proposes an alternative formulation, which appears to be more consistent with Grossman's theoretical model and which may also explain the apparent rejections of the model by the data in the author's earlier empirical work. The paper also presents some empirical results obtained using the new formulation, which are, on the whole, consistent with the predictions of Grossman's theoretical model. 相似文献
艾旭峰 ' target='_blank'> 李秋莎 ' target='_blank'> 王婉晨 ' target='_blank'> 宋佳 ' target='_blank'> 范成鑫 ' target='_blank'> 丰志强 ' target='_blank'> 尹文强 ' target='_blank'> 马东平 ' target='_blank'> 《现代预防医学》2022,(17):3170-3175
目的 了解我国流动老年人口健康状况以及住院服务利用现状,分析影响流动老年人口住院服务利用的因素,为改善流动老年人口健康状况提供建议。方法 使用2018年全国流动人口动态监测调查数据,以Anderson模型为理论框架,采用多因素logistic回归模型进行实证分析,利用SPSS 22.0软件进行统计分析。结果 在5 834名流动老年人中,最近一年接受过住院服务的老年人占比29.95% 。单因素分析结果显示,不同性别、亲生子女数、家庭医生签约情况、健康教育的流动老年人对于住院服务利用的选择不同,差异具有统计学意义(值分别为48.943,29.110,9.213,7.066,P值均 < 0.05 ); 多因素logistic回归结果显示,亲生子女数越少,住院服务利用越高。此外性别( OR = 0.687,95% CI:0.582~0.804 )、家庭医生签约( OR = 2.168,95% CI:1.428~3.820 )、健康教育( OR = 1.943,95% CI:1.811~2.075 )是流动老年人住院服务利用的影响因素。结论 流动老年人口健康不平等问题尚存,家庭资源对健康具有重要影响,社会应重视家庭医生签约服务和个性化健康教育的落实对住院服务与医疗服务利用产生的积极意义。 相似文献
Singapore's regional health systems—a data‐driven perspective on frequent admitters and cross utilization of healthcare services in three systems 下载免费PDF全文
Nakul Saxena Alex Xiaobin You Zhecheng Zhu Yan Sun Pradeep Paul George Kiok Liang Teow Phui‐Nah Chong Joe Sim John Eu Li Wong Benjamin Ong Hee Jug Foo Eugene Fidelis Soh Linus Tham Bee Hoon Heng Philip Choo 《The International journal of health planning and management》2017,32(1):36-49