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陈幼新  雷磊 《广东牙病防治》2012,20(12):646-648
目的研究悬臂梁片段弓联合封闭式导萌在上颌埋伏阻生前牙矫治中的效果。方法对8例9颗上颌埋伏阻生前牙使用封闭式导萌,悬臂梁片段弓配合固定矫治器进行正畸牵引。结果 8例患者9颗上颌埋伏阻生前牙均1次开窗并牵引成功,矫治后牙周附着良好,牙髓活力正常,无松动,无明显牙根吸收。结论悬臂梁片段弓联合封闭式导萌矫治上颌埋伏阻生前牙操作简便,疗效肯定,是一种较好的埋伏阻生牙矫治方法。  相似文献   

目的    探讨龈下残根正畸牵引后桩冠修复可行性。方法    2007—2009年中国医科大学口腔医学院修复门诊转诊至正畸科的严重牙体缺损病例12例(12颗牙),其龈下残根(牙根长度足够)经完善的根管治疗后先行纤维桩树脂桩核修复,在树脂核上黏接正畸托槽,使托槽尽量靠近龈方,在残根近远中4~6颗牙(每侧2~3颗牙)上黏接托槽,将一段长度适中的镍钛弓丝结扎固定在托槽上,利用弓丝的弹性形变复位达到牵引残根的作用。按桩冠要求制备基牙,修整桩核,制备烤瓷冠,使修复后的烤瓷冠边缘与根面缺损区边缘完全密合,完成修复。 结果    修复2年后桩冠修复体仍然固位稳定,根冠边缘密合,无松动、叩痛,牙龈无明显增生、炎症,牙周组织健康。X线检查根尖周围组织正常,无根尖周阴影,根尖周牙周膜连续,无骨质吸收,无牙槽骨吸收,牙根无复发回缩。 结论    龈下残根经正畸牵引后行桩冠修复是可行的。  相似文献   

目的:观察上颌埋伏阻生的倒置弯曲中切牙正畸牵引治疗的效果.方法:选择48例、52颗无萌出能力的上颌埋伏阻生倒置弯曲中切牙,分别经螺旋CT定位、拓展间隙后,行手术联合正畸牵引治疗,观察治疗后的萌出状况、破龈时间、牙髓活力等,以成功、有效和失败评判疗效.结果:本组48例、52颗埋伏中切牙中,成功36颗,占69.23%;有效15颗,占28.85%;失败1颗,占1.9%.牙髓活力检测均正常;未见牙根吸收和黏连.结论:对替牙期儿童的上颌埋伏阻生倒置弯曲中切牙,选择合适的适应证、通过螺旋CT精确定位、恰当的间隙拓展以及活动牵引矫治器的合理应用,是治疗成功的关键.  相似文献   

目的 探讨预置支点在矫治上颌水平阻生尖牙的作用.方法 水平埋伏阻生上颌尖牙5例,均位于邻牙根方.用直丝弓矫治器进行间隙预备,外科开窗暴露埋伏尖牙的牙冠,将预置支点置于牙颈部,进行正畸牵引,曲面断层片观察邻牙牙根吸收情况.结果 水平阻生尖牙以预置支点为转动中心而移动至正常位置,牙髓和牙周情况良好,邻牙牙根无吸收现象.结论 预置支点水平阻生上颌尖牙的转动中心,对正畸临床治疗有指导意义.  相似文献   

年轻恒牙挫入性损伤是预后最差的牙外伤类型之一,常导致牙齿缺失,影响患儿的美观及健康.治疗方案通常包括观察再萌出、正畸牵引复位和外科复位3种;临床上应根据患牙的牙根发育情况及挫入程度,参考患儿及家长意愿,选择单独或结合使用上述3种治疗方案进行治疗.治疗后的主要并发症包括牙髓坏死、牙根吸收、牙槽骨边缘性吸收、根管闭塞等.尽...  相似文献   

目的:观察上颌埋伏阻生前牙应用固定正畸方法进行矫治的临床疗效,探讨埋伏阻生前牙有效的治疗方法。方法:对49例58颗上颌前牙埋伏阻生病例,应用固定正畸进行矫治,结合牙槽外科开窗术,对埋伏牙进行牵引。其中20颗进行开拓间隙使之自然萌出,38颗进行开窗封闭式牵引导萌矫治。结果:55颗阻生牙矫治后牙髓活力正常、未见埋伏牙及邻牙牙根吸收、牙周组织正常。开窗封闭式牵引导萌有3颗牙治疗失败,总体成功率94.8%。结论:应用固定正畸技术开拓间隙或结合牙槽外科开窗术导萌埋伏阻生牙,可有效保存上颌埋伏阻生前牙。  相似文献   

目的 探讨上颌埋伏前牙正畸治疗的时机.方法 对17例20颗萌出道异常或牙根弯曲的上颌埋伏前牙摄片定位、拓展间隙后,在牙根未发育完成前进行闭合式牵引,治疗后测量埋伏牙和对侧同名牙牙根的相对长度,并采用PES(the pink esthetic score)指数对牵引后的埋伏牙进行牙龈软组织美学评价.结果 20颗埋伏前牙均牵引成功,牵引后中切牙、侧切牙和尖牙的牙根平均长度分别为(18.00±2.79) mm、(15.75±1.06) mm和(21.88±2.32) mm,略短于对侧同名牙[中切牙(20.25±1.56) mm、侧切牙(18.00±1.41) mm、尖牙(23.5±2.58) mm],牙龈软组织美学评分平均为10.65±2.68.结论 对某些萌出方向异常或牙根弯曲的埋伏牙在牙根未发育完成前进行闭合式开窗和正畸牵引可获得较好的治疗效果.  相似文献   

目的:探讨闭合式开窗术配合正畸牵引在骨内阻生埋伏牙导萌中的应用效果。方法:对需要进行导萌的22例23颗完全骨内埋伏牙进行闭合式开窗术,粘接正畸附件,并对没有自主萌出倾向的埋伏牙进行牵引治疗。结果:20例患者21颗埋伏牙成功达到正常咬合位置,牙周健康,牙髓活力正常,无邻牙损伤,1例放弃治疗后再次开窗取出牵引装置,1例因与邻牙牙根关系密切牵引未成功而拔除埋伏牙。结论:闭合式开窗术配合正畸牵引是一种较好的埋伏牙导萌方法,成功率高,容易获得较好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

目的:观察平面导板、预成镍钛摇椅弓、多用途唇弓三种方法压低下切牙对牙根尖吸收的影响。方法:102例经过直丝弓矫治的青少年非拔牙矫治深覆胎病例,分别用平面导板、预成镍钛摇椅弓、多用途唇弓三种方法压低下切牙纠正深覆殆,并在全颌曲面断层片上观察矫治前后的牙根尖吸收情况。结果:采用三种方法矫治前后的统计结果P〈0.01,矫治三种方法之间比较P〈0.01,说明三种压低下切牙的方法均会造成或加重牙根的吸收,不同的方法引起牙根吸收的程度有差异。结论:不同方法压低下切牙会引起不同程度的牙根吸收。使用平面导板压低下切牙比使用摇椅弓和多用唇弓会引起更明显的牙根吸收。  相似文献   

年轻恒牙脱出性损伤后牙髓预后及相关因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 评估年轻恒牙脱出性损伤后牙髓组织的预后,分析可能影响预后的相关因素.方法 对2000年1月至2006年12月于北京大学口腔医学院·口腔医院儿童口腔科就诊且资料完整、观察期≥6个月的157例(238颗牙)年轻恒牙外伤病历进行回顾性研究,记录患者性别及年龄、外伤类型、外伤牙位、牙根发育情况、外伤后就诊时间、是否接受急诊处理以及牙髓组织预后类型.应用Logistic回归模型分析与牙髓预后相关的因素.结果 符合纳入标准的外伤病历共157份,外伤牙238颗,其中38颗(16.0%)出现牙髓坏死,5颗(2.1%)出现髓腔钙化,牙髓存活195颗(81.9%).挫入移位牙髓坏死发生率最高(66.7%).牙根发育情况和外伤类型与牙髓组织预后具有显著相关性(P<0.05).结论 牙齿脱出性损伤中,挫人移位最易发生牙髓坏死.牙根发育情况和外伤类型与脱出性损伤牙齿的牙髓预后具有相关性.  相似文献   

The effect of orthodontic extrusion on traumatically intruded teeth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The management of traumatically intruded permanent incisors is controversial. Some authors suggest a decreased incidence of ankylosis in cases treated with orthodontic extrusion. The purpose of this study was to examine two common management techniques for traumatic intrusion, orthodontic extrusion, and observation for re-eruption. The four first premolars of three shepherd dogs were traumatically intruded with a mallet while a holding device was used to prevent tooth fracture. Five to 7 days following the injury, orthodontic force was applied unilaterally while the contralateral tooth served as the untreated control. To facilitate serial periapical radiography, x-ray jigs were fabricated for each animal and tantalum implants were placed in the bone distal to the permanent canine and first and second premolars. Observations included radiographic measurement of tooth movement, clinical estimates of tooth mobility, and radiographic and histologic assessment of root resorption, ankylosis, and periapical pathosis. The amount of traumatic intrusion varied from less than 0.5 to 4.1 mm. Following 11 to 13 weeks of force activation, 10 of 12 traumatized teeth showed clinical, radiographic, and histologic evidence of ankylosis irrespective of orthodontic treatment. Whereas the ankylosed teeth did not move with orthodontic forces, the teeth used for force application were orthodontically intruded 1.7 to 6.5 mm. When the injury to the tooth was severe, orthodontic extrusion had little effect on repositioning of the injured tooth but resulted in undesirable movement of the anchorage teeth. When the injury was less severe, orthodontic forces facilitated repositioning of the affected tooth.  相似文献   

Treatment of traumatically intruded teeth is based largely on empirical clinical experience rather than on scientific data. The aim of this qualitative meta-analysis was to provide an evidence base to evaluate the orthodontic repositioning approach. In a MEDLINE search of the literature in English, 14 reported patients involving 22 teeth were found to have been treated by this modality. Additionally, 3 new patients, involving 9 intruded teeth and presented herein, were combined to form a total study sample of 17 subjects (7 girls, 10 boys, aged 8.9 +/- 1.2 years). Orthodontic extrusive forces were applied in the immediate posttrauma period (up to 3 months), with a variety of orthodontic appliances. Repositioning was achieved for 90.3% of the affected teeth but failed in 9.7% because of inflammatory resorption (2 teeth) or a misdiagnosis of root fracture (1 tooth). Early complications included loss of pulp vitality and external root resorption. All intruded teeth with closed root apices lost their vitality regardless of the degree of intrusion, whereas among those with incomplete apices, 45.5% that had been moderately intruded remained vital. External resorption was encountered in 54.8% of the teeth. Loss of marginal bone support was rarely encountered. Late complications included inflammatory root resorption in teeth with closed apices, in which endodontic treatment was not initially performed, and obliteration of the pulp tissue in teeth that remained vital. The results show that this method is superior to other treatment alternatives.  相似文献   

The optimal treatment for intruded permanent teeth has not yet been determined. The ideal treatment option is the one with the lowest probability of developing complications such as external root resorption and marginal bone loss. Each case should be considered individually, bearing in mind the severity of the intrusion, the stage of root development, and tooth mobility. Management of an intruded permanent tooth may consist of: (1) observation for spontaneous eruption; (2) surgical crown uncovering; (3) orthodontic extrusion (with or without prior luxation of the intruded tooth); (4) and partial surgical extrusion, immediately followed by orthodontic extrusion and surgical repositioning. The purpose of this article was to review the treatment options for intruded immature permanent incisors, and to present a new modality of an elective internal strengthening of the immature root weakened by external root resorption. A case of an intrusive luxation injury in a 7 1/2-year-old child and the resulting complications utilizing this technique is described. This is the first known report in the pediatric dentistry literature of performing an elective (preventive) internal strengthening of an immature root weakened by severe external inflammatory resorption. The child was followed for 5 years with an excellent clinical outcome. This technique should be considered for treatment of immature permanent teeth with thin cervical root dentin and external or internal root resorption due to trauma or caries.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Intrusive luxation is one of the most severe types of dental trauma. The occurrence of pulp necrosis in intruded teeth with open apices is 100%. The risk of development of inflammatory or replacement root resorptions is high. Thus, endodontic intervention is required soon after the occurrence of trauma, in an attempt to prevent or delay the appearance of such lesions. On the other hand, the access to the root canal is difficult, as the crown is intruded. A multidisciplinary approach comprising Surgery, Orthodontics and Endodontics is required to allow exposure of the crown, orthodontic extrusion and onset of endodontic therapy. The patient GCSA, aged 15 years, attended the community project 'Lugar de dente é na boca' ('teeth should be in the mouth') of the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil, 1 week after complete intrusion of the right maxillary central incisor. Radiographic examination revealed that the incisal edge of this tooth was at the level of the crown-root interface of the adjacent teeth. After surgical exposure of the crown, pulp sensitivity was evaluated and was found to be negative. After onset of endodontic therapy, the patient was referred for orthodontic extrusion of the intruded tooth. Successive changes of root canal dressing were performed and the root canal was definitely obturated at 3 years and 6 months after onset of treatment. The present paper reports on a case of severe intrusive luxation, discusses the different treatments recommended for repositioning of traumatically intruded teeth, and questions the ideal period of maintenance of calcium hydroxide dressing in the root canal, in an attempt to prevent the occurrence of root resorption and repair any existing resorption.  相似文献   

Various combinations of orthodontic force, luxation, and observation are applied to 12 teeth traumatically intruded in 3 large dogs. All showed root resorption to some degree. Early orthodontic repositioning, with luxation if immobile, produced the best recovery.  相似文献   

When selecting treatment for traumatically intruded teeth, various factors should be evaluated including the degree of intrusion, pulp vitality, patient's age and maturity of the tooth. Treatment options consist of surgical repositioning, orthodontic extrusion and spontaneous re‐eruption. This study describes a case of a 22‐year‐old male with traumatically intruded maxillary canine and first premolar that was treated comprehensively by an orthodontist, endodontist and prosthodontist two months after injury.  相似文献   

目的:分析乳牙外伤挫入后保留患牙的预后及影响因素.方法:回顾2018年3月-2019年10月间因乳牙挫入性移位就诊于上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院儿童口腔科的病例,根据纳入和排除标准,选择采用保留挫入牙且病史完整可回溯的26例36颗乳牙的病历资料,回顾再萌出情况及牙髓预后,分析其与患儿年龄及挫入程度的相关性.采用S...  相似文献   

Treatment of a traumatically intruded maxillary incisor with an immature apex remains controversial. Treatment options include observation, surgical repositioning, or orthodontic forced eruption. Likewise, the ideal timing of surgical removal of a mesiodens is highly controversial: immediate versus delayed intervention. The complications associated with untreated supernumerary teeth include: overretention of primary teeth, delayed eruption of permanent incisors, rotations, impaction, diastema, pulp necrosis and root resorption. Less common sequelae include enlarged follicular sacs, cystic degeneration and nasal eruption. This paper describes another risk factor associated with delayed removal of a mesiodens previously not mentioned in the dental literature, namely potential complications arising from a traumatic injury, in particular intrusion, of the maxillary permanent incisors.  相似文献   

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