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胎母输血综合征(fetomaternal hemorrhage,FMH)是指一定量胎儿血液通过破损的胎盘绒毛间隙进入母体血液循环,引起胎儿不同程度的失血以及母亲溶血性输血反应的临床征候群。该病是一种少见的产科疾病,是胎儿非免疫  相似文献   

胎母输血综合征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胎母输血综合征(FMH)是一种少见的产科并发症,大部分病例原因不明。FMH临床表现为胎动减少、正弦曲线样胎心监护、胎儿水肿等。严重病例胎死宫内。在母体血循环检测到胎儿红细胞可以诊断FMH。早期发现,通过连续宫内输血可使该综合征得到有效治疗。仍需探索更好的检测方法帮助早期诊断。  相似文献   

胎母输血综合征(FMH)是一种少见的产科并发症,大部分病例原因不明.FMH临床表现为胎动减少、正弦曲线样胎心监护、胎儿水肿等.严重病例胎死宫内.在母体血循环检测到胎儿红细胞可以诊断FMH.早期发现,通过连续宫内输血可使该综合征得到有效治疗.仍需探索更好的检测方法帮助早期诊断.  相似文献   

<正>1病例简介患者,女,26岁,G_2P_1,因"停经36+2周,胎监异常3天"于2016年9月11日收入院。孕期外院建卡定期产检,自诉产检无特殊(未见产检报告),既往史无特殊。母亲血型为B型Rh(+)。自诉入院3天前外院胎监反复异常,自觉胎动较前无变化。入院半天前外院胎监NST无反应型,遂就诊于我院,复查胎监NST无反应型。超声检查:胎儿先露头,双顶径  相似文献   

目的:探讨胎母输血综合征(FMH)的病因、临床特征和诊断治疗。方法:回顾分析8例FMH产妇及新生儿的临床资料,包括病因、临床表现、实验室检查、胎儿监护图形、新生儿临床表现、实验室检查、胎盘病理、治疗及转归。结果:(1)8例FMH患者中明确病因者2例,其中1例重度子痫前期,1例绒毛膜癌;6例病因不明。(2)6例患者主诉胎动减少,1例血压高,1例羊水过少。8例胎儿监护均异常,其中4例正弦或类正弦曲线,4例无反应型及晚期减速型。3例羊水粪染。8例母血AFP均升高。2例B超提示胎儿生长受限。(3)胎盘病理示,2例绒毛膜炎;4例绒毛水肿,胎盘局灶纤维素样坏死,胎盘绒毛局部梗死;1例绒毛膜癌;1例未送病理。(4)8例新生儿中,7例重度贫血,l例中度贫血;6例新生儿经输血治疗,良好转归,2例放弃抢救。结论:重视胎盘绒毛受损的高危因素。综合手段有助于FMH的产前诊断;及时筛查FMH病例,必要时行宫内输血,有助于改善围产儿预后。  相似文献   

多普勒超声技术用于诊治5例母胎间输血所致胎儿贫血   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨多普勒超声技术用于诊治母胎间输血(FMH) 所致胎儿贫血的临床应用价值.方法 2002-08-2005-05暨南大学附属第一医院收治5例由孕妇主诉胎动减少或消失、怀疑FMH的病例, 孕周29~35周, 立即记录其胎心监护(CTG)图形, 分别在脐带穿刺或输血前后记录大脑中动脉收缩期血流峰值(MCA-PSV)和脐静脉最大血流速(UVmax)及大脑中动脉和脐动脉血流阻力指数(PI), 胎儿血红蛋白(FHb) 和红细胞容积(HCT)也由脐带穿刺或输血前后获得.结果 所有病例CTG图形均表现为正弦曲线图形,所有病例MCA-PSV和 UVmax均明显升高,而FHb、HCT则降低,但PI正常.5例中例4为抢救胎儿生命进行了即刻宫内输血.FMH通过Kleihauer Test最后诊断.5例均即刻终止妊娠,胎儿预后均较好.结论 多普勒超声测量MCA-PSV、UVmax是及时诊治FMH所致急性胎儿贫血的最重要方法.  相似文献   

目的探讨胎母输血综合征(fetomaternal hemorrhage,FMH)的病因、临床特征、诊断及治疗,以降低其引起的围生儿并发症的发生率及死亡率。方法收集2007年1月至2012年6月北京海淀区妇幼保健院诊治的27例大量胎母输血综合征病例,采用红细胞酸洗脱试验法(Kleihauer-Betke test,KB试验)检测母血中胎儿红细胞并计算胎儿出血量,并对胎母输血综合征孕妇及新生儿的临床资料进行分析。结果胎母输血综合征的发生率为0.39‰(27/69497),多数(74.07%,20/27)病因不明确,产前确诊率(14.81%,4/27)低;胎母输血综合征最常见的临床表现为胎动减少或消失(70.37%,19/27),其次为胎心监护异常(62.96%,17/27)、胎儿窘迫(55.56%,15/27)、胎儿生长受限(7.41%,2/27)、胎儿水肿(3.70%,1/27);新生儿均表现为不同程度的贫血(100%),其中新生儿轻度贫血2例,中度贫血5例,重度贫血14例,极重度贫血6例,最低者血红蛋白仅20g/L;根据公式计算胎儿失血量为80~313ml,占胎儿循环血量的(50.54±19.67)%。在27例患者中,17例(62.96%)母血甲胎蛋白增高;17例(62.96%)新生儿接受小量多次输血治疗;25例(92.59%)好转出院,2例(7.41%)死亡。结论胎母输血综合征是一种少见的产科并发症,大部分病例原因不明;临床表现有胎动减少、正弦曲线样胎心监护及胎儿水肿"三联征";母体血循环检测到有核红细胞可以诊断胎母输血综合征,早期诊断,尽早处理,可降低围生儿死亡率和发病率。  相似文献   

目的:总结胎母输血综合征(FMH)的临床特征和诊治心得.方法:回顾分析2016年3月至2020年2月济南市妇幼保健院诊断的8例大量FMH病例的临床诊治过程和新生儿结局等临床资料,包括孕期胎动情况、胎心电子监护、终止妊娠指征、产后不同时期母血中甲胎蛋白水平,以及新生儿出生后Apgar评分和血红蛋白等.结果:FMH缺乏特异...  相似文献   

胎-母输血综合征对围产儿的影响--附2例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胎-母输血综合征对围产儿的影响——附2例报告丁新黄醒华胎-母输血综合征,即胎儿血液由胎盘的绒毛间隙进入母体血循环,引起胎儿不同程度的失血及母体溶血性输血反应的一组症候群。大量胎-母输血可导致胎儿贫血、休克、死胎、死产;新生儿贫血、休克、死亡。我院在近...  相似文献   

目的:对胎母输血综合征(FMH)孕妇的临床特点进行早期识别并积极处理,改善围产期母儿结局。方法:对2019年1月1日至2021年12月31日湖南师范大学附属长沙市妇幼保健院收治的6例FMH病例的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:6例FMH孕妇最早出现的临床表现是不同程度的胎动减少及胎心监护改变。6例孕妇均行剖宫产分娩,新生儿均为重度-极重度贫血,给予输血抗休克治疗后,1例患儿因重度肺透明膜病、重度呼吸窘迫综合征家属放弃抢救,余5例患儿均救治成功。随访至2022年1月底,存活儿生长发育均在正常范围。结论:FMH起病隐匿,如不及时处理将危及胎儿,孕晚期出现胎动减少需高度重视,提高对异常及不典型胎心监护的判读水平,早期识别FMH并积极救治,最大程度改善围产儿结局。  相似文献   

We present a case of a nulliparous woman who underwent oxytocin contraction test because of abnormal cardiotocograph. She delivered a severely anemic neonate due to severe fetomaternal hemorrhage. Fetal ultrasonography and Doppler studies of the umbilical arteries may not be helpful, while its worthy to perform flow cytometry for detection of fetal cells in maternal circulation when there is strong clinical suspicion. Management of massive fetomaternal hemorrhage requires immediate delivery by Caesarian section if the gestational age is suitable. Alternatively, for very premature fetuses could be used serial fetal intravascular transfusions if there are the necessary facilities and experienced personnel.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quantification of fetomaternal hemorrhage by the manual and automated microscopic analysis of Kleihauer-Betke stained slides and by flow cytometry. STUDY DESIGN: Blood smears were stained and evaluated manually according to the Kleihauer-Betke test. The same slides were used for automated microscopy. In addition, blood flow cytometry was performed by anti-hemaglobin F immunostaining. RESULTS: Fetomaternal hemorrhage >0.1% was detected in 4 patients by manual and automated Kleihauer-Betke test and by blood flow cytometry. Fetomaternal hemorrhage was absent according to all 3 methods in 13 patients; fetomaternal hemorrhage<0.1% was detected in 27 patients by either manual or automated Kleihauer-Betke test or both. Moderate agreement was observed between the manual and automated Kleihauer-Betke test (weighted kappa, 0.56; 95% CI, 0.33-0.78). Agreement between the manual Kleihauer-Betke test and blood flow cytometry was fair (weighted kappa, 0.40; 95% CI, 0.15-0.66). CONCLUSION: Automated microscopic detection of fetal blood cells in clinical samples provides accurate quantification that is comparable to the manual Kleihauer-Betke test in both small and large fetomaternal hemorrhage. Blood flow cytometry is capable only of quantifying fetomaternal hemorrhage of >0.1%.  相似文献   

In a survey of 75 patients at 6-11 weeks gestation, fetomaternal hemorrhage (FMH) was detected by significant rises (greater than 2 S.D.) in maternal alphafetoprotein (AFP) levels in 57% of patients, while increased fetal cells were detected by the Kleihauer test in 24% of patients. With increasing gestation, FMH was detected more readily by both tests; however, in evaluating FMH at less than 10 weeks gestation. AFP was found to be a more sensitive and reliable marker than the Kleihauer test. We suggest that there is a gray zone for the Kleihauer test in early gestation, when erythroblasts containing embryonic hemoglobins are gradually replaced in the fetal circulation by erythrocytes containing fetal hemoglobin.  相似文献   

双绒毛膜双羊膜囊双胎妊娠一胎胎母输血综合征一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胎母输血(fetomaternal hemorrhage,FMH)综合征是指因某种原因胎儿血液通过绒毛间隙进入母体血液循环,引起胎儿贫血或母体溶血性输血反应的一组症候群。FMH缺乏特异性临床表现,易漏诊,围产儿死亡率高。可通过超声测量胎儿大脑中动脉血流收缩期峰值速率及Kleihauer-Betke试验评估胎儿贫血程度及失血量,处理方法包括宫内输血及终止妊娠。胎母输血量>20 ml/kg与胎儿/新生儿的并发症发病率或死亡率有关。FMH在双胎妊娠中的发病罕见报道。本例患者为双绒毛膜双羊膜囊双胎妊娠,其中一胎出现FMH表现,胎死宫内,另一胎儿在严密监测下期待至足月分娩,结局良好。  相似文献   

We report a case of a neonate who was diagnosed as having congenital leukemia after presenting with an intracranial hemorrhage. The chief symptom was early-onset jaundice due to the hemorrhage. The intracranial hemorrhage and post-hemorrhage hydrocephalus advanced. In addition, the leukemia worsened leading to death at 14 days old. The possibility of leukemia, although rare, should be considered as a cause of intracranial hemorrhage in term babies.  相似文献   

A case is described in which amniocentesis caused placental injury, abruptic placenta, and fetal hemorrhage which caused fetal distress. This was primarily manifested by reduction of fetal movements and later by fetal heart rate deceleration. Emergency cesarean section was performed of monitoring the fetus after amniocentesis by assessment of fetal movements is stressed.  相似文献   

Objective.?Determine whether infants exposed to chronic maternal methadone with abnormal intrapartum fetal heart rate (FHR) patterns are more likely to require treatment for neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS).

Study design.?Intrapartum FHR tracings analyzed in 104 pregnancies at ≥34 weeks gestation for FHR variability, accelerations, and decelerations. FHR patterns compared between neonates based on treatment with methadone for NAS. Secondary analysis included relation between maternal methadone dose and intrapartum FHR patterns, initiation of methadone, age at methadone initiation, and total neonatal methadone dose. Study powered to detect 30% increase in NAS incidence in neonates with abnormal FHR tracings.

Results.?Seventy-six (73%) of 104 neonates required methadone treatment for NAS. Neonates who required methadone had higher average baseline FHR (131 vs. 126 bpm; p?<?0.04) in active labor and less likely to have FHR tracings without accelerations (1.7% vs. 20.3%; p?=?0.007) in latent labor. No significant associations between neonate's need for methadone and intrapartum FHR variability or FHR decelerations. No association between maternal methadone dose (range 30–280?mg) and treatment for NAS.

Conclusion.?The need for an infant to require methadone treatment for NAS was not reliably predicted by the intrapartum FHR patterns or the maternal methadone dose.  相似文献   

急性胎儿窘迫是分娩期常见的产科并发症,可以导致围产儿不良结局。围产期使用可靠的胎儿监护手段,早期识别急性胎儿窘迫,及时针对病因进行有效处理,并且决策最优终止妊娠的时机及方式,以期改善新生儿预后并减少远期并发症。  相似文献   

Purpose: To determine the sonographic criteria for diagnosis of fetal intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), using both gray scale ultrasound, and tomographic ultrasound imaging (TUI).

Materials and methods: A prospective multicenter study, recruiting patients at risk of fetal ICH over four years. All cases with fetal ICH had serial ultrasound assessments, including TUI, fetal and postnatal MRIs.

Results: Twenty-one patients were diagnosed with fetal ICH, two cases had extracerebral (subdural) hemorrhage, 16 cases had intracerebral (intraventricular) hemorrhage and three cases had combined hemorrhage. The mean gestational age at which they were diagnosed was 29.8?±?5.2 weeks. Seventy-six percent of cases had no identifiable risk factors. IUGR was associated with 57.9% of cases. Using grey scale ultrasound, we demonstrated clear cut sonographic criteria for diagnosis of fetal ICH. TUI enabled us to detect some midline cerebral lesions not detected by grey scale 2D ultrasound alone. Fetal and postnatal MRI confirmed those findings.

Conclusion: Ultrasonography can be used in the detection, classification and monitoring the progression of various types of ICH. TUI is an additional diagnostic tool that might help to detect the exact size, and extent of those lesions. Fetal MRI is not superior, but might aid in the diagnosis.  相似文献   

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